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马急性盲结肠炎,又叫急性结肠炎、急性结肠炎综合症、应激后腹泻、出血水肿性结肠炎等等,是以盲肠、大结肠尤其是下行大结肠的水肿、出血和坏死为特征的一种急性、超急性、高度坏死性非传染性疾病。其临床特点包括突然起病,重剧型腹泻,进展急速的休克和短急的病程。  相似文献   

马属动物急性结肠炎是一种非传染性盲肠、结肠黏膜及其深层组织的重要剧烈的炎症,临床上多表现体温升高,呼吸加快,精神沉郁,粪便稀软伴有腥臭味。本文通过对马急性结肠炎的发病原因、发病症状、病理变化等作了分析,并提出了抗菌消炎、补充钾元素、供氧、纠正酸中毒等治疗方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

急性盲结肠炎,是马属动物的一种急性、超急性、高度致死性、非传染性疾病。多呈散发性,亦有群发的,各年龄组马属动物均可发生,但以1~10岁的青壮龄马居多。其示病性病理学改变是盲肠和大结肠、特别是下行大结肠的水肿、出血和坏死。其临床特点包括突然起病、重剧腹泻、进展急速的休克和短急的病程。本病早在1919年即有记述,当时  相似文献   

大黄止血散治疗犬急性出血性胃肠炎的临床报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The effect of acute exercise on serum homocysteine (sHCy) concentration was examined in 10 horses; five Sella Italiana and five Thoroughbreds. All horses underwent standard training before the study (show jumping for Sella Italiana horses and gallop racing for Thoroughbreds). For the study, blood samples were taken at rest, immediately after exercise, and during a recovery period (30 and 60 minutes after exercise) by external jugular venipuncture. sHCy values were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. Heart rate and blood lactate were monitored to quantify the workloads. In show jumpers, there was a significant effect of sampling time on sHCy (P < .01), which increased significantly after exercise as compared with at rest. In Thoroughbreds, no statistically significant differences were observed in sHCy over time (F(3,12) = 0.89, P = .05). The baseline values of sHcy were higher in Thoroughbreds than in show jumpers (P < .0002). We infer that physical activity causes biochemical changes that can influence the metabolic pathway of homocysteine in show jumpers, whereas the absence of a significant effect of exercise in Thoroughbreds may reflect an adaptive response of the enzymatic antioxidant defense system.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old Miniature filly was examined because of a 4-day history of abnormal posture, lethargy and weakness. On initial evaluation, the filly presented with an abnormal stiff gait in her hindlimbs associated with hindlimb ataxia and lumbar kyphosis. She showed hindlimb discomfort by weight shifting from one hindlimb to the other. A complete blood count revealed an acute inflammatory leukogram associated with hyperfibrinogenaemia. The measurement of the serum amyloid A concentration indicated anactive inflammatory process. Biochemistry and urinalysis results revealed a severe azotaemia associated with diluted urine despite clinical dehydration, consistent with acute renal failure. Medical treatment was initiated with fluid therapy and antimicrobials. The pain was managed with morphine sulphate only, to avoid further kidney damage. The filly maintained an abnormal gait during this time, became progressively more ataxic and uncomfortable, and developed colic episodes. Because the horse was unresponsive to pain management, euthanasia was elected by the client. Post-mortem examination revealed an occlusive thrombus within the abdominal aorta, firmly attached to the intima, partially recanalised and extending from the aorta 1 cm along the right renal artery. In the left and right kidneys, severe subacute neutrophilic pyelonephritis, with lymphoplasmacytic interstitial nephritis was noted. In the hindlimb muscles, multifocal myocyte necrosis and evidence of regeneration was present. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first case of acute suprarenal occlusion to be described in a horse.  相似文献   

Typhlocolitis was diagnosed in 40 aged donkeys at routine post mortem examinations subjected to euthanasia for colic‐related clinical signs at The Donkey Sanctuary. Gross pathological changes included oedema, ulceration and haemorrhage involving the caecum and ventral colon. Histopathology indicated endoparasite and bacterial associated inflammation in 20 and 11 cases, respectively. Bacterial culture in 18 cases did not yield a definite aetiological agent. Other management and stress related factors were looked at to identify obvious risk factors. This report describes the clinical, biochemical and haematological parameters and pathological changes observed in 40 donkeys diagnosed with typhlocolitis.  相似文献   

A 13-year-old Shire horse was anesthetized for an elective orthopedic procedure. During recovery from anesthesia, the occurrence of severe acute dyspnea required a second anesthetic to allow endoscopy-guided nasotracheal intubation. Endoscopic findings were decreased mobility and swelling of the arytenoids with narrowing of the laryngeal aditus. Owing to a dislodgement of the nasotracheal tube during recovery, a third anesthetic was carried out to perform emergency tracheostomy. Recovery from the third anesthetic was long and the horse developed a post-anesthetic myopathy. The clinical conditions improved during the following 48 hours, and an endoscopic examination performed before discharge revealed unremarkable laryngeal function. It was hypothesized that mechanical stimulation of the trachea during the phases of intubation and extubation caused traumatic laryngeal dysfunction, and that draft horses might require additional care during the perioperative period.  相似文献   

中国马业正处在由传统向现代转型的初级阶段,科学的饲料配方对现代马业发展具有重要意义。作者通过对马每日的营养需求和饲料配方模型要素的分析和研究,构建了基于目标规划的马饲料配方模型。该配方模型对马需要的各项营养物质,包括干物质、消化能、粗蛋白质、钙、磷等进行优化,保证马每日对营养物质的数量、质量及其相互比例的需要,同时兼顾饲料成本;作者以速度赛用马和休闲骑乘马两种类型马为例说明基于不同饲养标准的马饲料配方的设计过程,进一步验证了该饲料配方模型的有效性。本研究对马饲料配方模型的研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Chinese horse industry is in the early stage of transition from traditional horse industry to modern horse industry. Scientific feed formula is of great practical significance to the development of modern horse industry. In this paper, the horse feed formula model based on the goal programming was constructed by analyzing and researching the horse's daily nutrition demand and the component elements of feed formula model. The formula optimized the horse's various nutrients, including dry matter, digestible energy, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus, ensured that the number of nutrients, quality and the proportion of their daily needs, and took into account the cost of feed also. Two different types of horses, race horse and riding horse were used to describe the design process for horse feed formulations based on different feed standards, and the effectiveness of the feed formula model was verified at the same time. The study would provide some reference value for the study of horse feed formula model.  相似文献   

马科学研究动态和马业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马业是历史悠久的产业.分布于世界各地,世界马业的发展方向是现代马业,以赛马为代表。综述了马的遗传改良、营养研究、繁殖技术、疾病控制等方面的研究动态.对马业的发展趋势,以及马匹的调教、管理等方面作了综合的阐述。  相似文献   

紫参是较早明确用于治疗牛马疾病的药物之一。本草典籍和中兽医著作记述以及现代药理分析对我们了解紫参治疗牛马疾病的发展演变情况,以及丰富动物医学史的研究内容和今后选择临床用药提供了帮助。  相似文献   

蒙古马基因组拷贝数变异的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拷贝数变异(copy number variation,CNV)在人类和动物基因组中普遍存在,是重要的遗传变异资源.本试验利用比较基因组杂交(comparative genomic hybridization,CGH)芯片对2匹蒙古马和1匹纯血马进行全基因组CNV检测,共检测到210个CNVs,长度6 109 bp至571.87 kb,平均值为37.81 kb,中值为14.45 kb.合并重叠的CNVs,共检测到70个CNV区域(CNV region,CNVR),大小从6 151 bp至573.59 kb,平均值和中值分别为38.93和14.45 kb,总长度为6.19 Mb.经CNV基因注释和功能分析发现,大部分基因与嗅觉受体活性、嗅觉感官知觉、化学刺激的感官知觉、识别和嗅觉传导等功能相关.对5个CNVRs进行qPCR检验,83.33%的qPCR结果与CGH芯片结果一致.通过对蒙古马基因组拷贝数变异的研究,证明CNV在马基因组中普遍存在,为揭示马基因组CNV与重要生物性状的关联性及品种改良奠定了基础.  相似文献   

马程  张莉 《家畜生态学报》2021,42(2):8-13,85
动物福利是国内外学者热议的话题,也是标准化生产和畜产品质量安全的重要影响因素.动物福利体现在饲养、养殖环境、健康、行为等各个环节中.马驴作为中国重要的草食家畜,在精准扶贫和乡村振兴中发挥着重要作用.该文阐述了马驴养殖的经济价值,对中国马驴养殖福利现状和动物福利在马驴养殖中的相关影响因素进行探讨,为宣传、提升马驴养殖福利...  相似文献   

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