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梨茎蜂又名梨梢茎蜂、梨茎锯蜂,俗称折梢虫、剪头虫,属膜翅目,茎蜂科。梨茎蜂在景宁县新老梨区均有发生,主要危害梨树的嫩梢,影响梨的生产。下面笔者就景宁县梨茎蜂的发生与防治情况简介如下,以供参考。  相似文献   

梨茎蜂的生物学特性及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

梨茎蜂在库尔勒地区的防治方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

梨茎蜂的危害特点与发生规律及其防治方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文阐述了梨茎蜂的危害特点、发生规律,提出了农业防治、化学防治和天敌防治有机结合的综合防治方法。  相似文献   

当梨花盛开时,成虫通过吸食花蜜补充营养,进行交尾,盛花期结束大概10天是成虫产卵盛期,也是梨树嫩梢的被害盛期,产卵盛期持续4—5天,卵产下后约10天就能孵化成幼虫,孵出的幼虫开始蛀食嫩梢,幼虫取食当年生或2年生枝条约一个月后进入休眠期。  相似文献   

梨茎蜂及其天敌生物学特性初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对梨茎蜂及其天敌梨茎蜂啮小蜂的生物学特性进行研究,分析梨茎峰啮小蜂的寄生情况,发现其寄生率在逐年提高,到2006年,寄生率已达到35.00%。  相似文献   

梨茎蜂在各果区都有分布,西北方面为害梨树是严重而普遍;因此在梨产区内抓紧梨茎蜂的防治,也是保证梨树丰产的重要环节。根据我们两年来对梨茎蜂的观察和防治经验,做以下的简单介绍,以供梨区群众的参考。一、生活习性梨茎蜂成虫羽化时期,在陕西阳,1952年为4月3日,1953年在3月30日开始羽化。羽化后第二天,即行交配产卵。每次产卵一  相似文献   

梨茎蜂是危害梨树新梢的主要害虫,近几年在山东省阳信县梨园普遍发生危害,严重发生的梨园新梢被害率高达80%以上。2008年该县试验推广梨茎蜂无公害综合防治技术,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

黄板悬挂方式对梨茎蜂成虫的诱杀效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用L16(45)正交试验法,研究了黄板悬挂高度、悬挂方向、黄板间距、距主干距离4个因素对诱杀梨茎蜂成虫效果的影响.结果表明:4个因素对诱杀梨茎蜂都有显著影响,其中悬挂方向和距主干距离对诱杀虫量的影响极显著;黄板悬挂高度1.5 m,悬挂方向为东北、西南,黄板间距10 m,距主干100 cm时诱杀效果最佳.  相似文献   

鲁北冬枣绿盲蝽发生与气候之间关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田间调查结果显示:冬枣绿盲蝽在鲁北地区一年发生5代,以第一代危害最重,高峰期在4月下旬至5月上旬;越冬卵分布以修剪后枝条的残茬为主,占被调查卵量的88.4%。降水对次年虫口数量影响很大,而对当年影响很小。干旱会显著降低次年绿盲蝽的虫口数量。  相似文献   

三代棉铃虫发生程度与气象条件关系的贝叶斯判别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三代棉铃虫的发生程度与7、8月份的雨量、温度条件密切相关,笔者采用贝叶斯判别分析原理预报了三代棉铃虫的发生程度。  相似文献   

2018—2020年以玉露香梨为材料,设置3个试验,调查梨茎蜂成虫在隰县玉露香梨上的发生动态规律和在树体空间的危害分布及与气温、降水、风向等气象因子的相关性,确定最佳防控期及防控模型.结果表明,梨茎蜂成虫发生规律为4月8日即初花期前7 d左右开始发生,4月14—24日为高峰期,4月25日结束,成虫发生树体外围新梢折断数高于内膛;成虫发生随气温变化呈倒V字型,成虫发生随降水变化从高到低依次为晴天>小雨转晴>小雨>多云,成虫发生上风向处新梢折断数高于下风向处.最佳防控期为成虫初发期至高峰期,初花期开始悬挂黄板,悬挂于树冠的外围上风向处.建立了防控模型,即每667 m2悬挂黄板的数量与成虫新梢折断数的二次回归曲线方程(Y=82.176-1.022X+0.003X2).  相似文献   

棉铃虫发生程度与降雨量关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉铃虫是鹿邑县植棉区常发性主要害虫,一年发生4~5代,危害棉花的主要是二、三、四代。棉铃虫最适生活温度为25~28℃。适宜温度下,温度越低,生长周期越长;温度越高,各代发育时间越短。由于棉铃虫受多食性的影响,它可以寄生在若干种植物上,一旦气候条件适宜,则生长发育速度加快,易导致代次增加和种群大暴发。笔者从适宜气候条件的角度研究棉铃虫大发生的原因,以期为棉铃虫的有效防治提供理论依据。  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim of the study is to investigate the factors causing the outbreak of cotton bollworm and to provide effective measures for controlling cotton bollworm. [Method] Based on the analysis of the data about insect and weather situation in Luyi County in 32 years,the meteorological prediction model was established for monitoring the quarterly or monthly occurrence trend of cotton bollworm. [Result] The cotton bollworm occurred slightly in the years with rainfalls of 3 months over 500 nm and severely in the years with rainfalls of 3 months less than 400 nm. The results of correlation analysis show that annual occurrence degrees of cotton bollworm and occurrence degrees of 4th generation of cotton bollworm are extremely negatively correlated with rainfall during June-August; the occurrence degrees of 3rd and 4th generations of cotton bollworm are also extremely negatively correlated with rainfall in July. [Conclusion] The occurrence of cotton bollworm in field is heavily influenced by rainfall in at its occurrence stage,moreover,the rainfall during June-August is the decisive factors influencing the occurrence of cotton bollworm.  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim of the study is to investigate the factors causing the outbreak of cotton boUworm and to provide effective measures for con-trolling cotton bollworm. [Method] Based on the analysis of the data about insect and weather situation in Luyi County in 32 years, the meteorological pre-diction model was established for monitoring the quarterly or monthly, occurrence trend of cotton bollworm. [Result] The cotton bnflworm oceurred slightly in the years with rainfalls of 3 months over 500 nm and severely in the years with rainfalls of 3 months less than 400 nm. The results of correlation analysis show that annual occurrence degrees of cotton bollworm and occurrence degrees of 4th generation of cotton bollworm are extremely negatively correlated with rainfall during June - August ; the occurrence degrees of 3rd and 4th generations of cotton bollworra are also extremely negatively correlated with rainfall in July. [Condusion] The occurrence of cotton bollworm in field is heavily influenced by rainfall in at its occurrence stage, moreover, the rainfall during June - August is the decisive factors influencing the occurrence of cotton bollworm.  相似文献   

[Objective] The aim of the study is to investigate the factors causing the outbreak of cotton bollworm and to provide effective measures for controlling cotton bollworm. [Method] Based on the analysis of the data about insect and weather situation in Luyi County in 32 years,the meteorological prediction model was established for monitoring the quarterly or monthly occurrence trend of cotton bollworm. [Result] The cotton bollworm occurred slightly in the years with rainfalls of 3 months over 500 nm and severely in the years with rainfalls of 3 months less than 400 nm. The results of correlation analysis show that annual occurrence degrees of cotton bollworm and occurrence degrees of 4th generation of cotton bollworm are extremely negatively correlated with rainfall during June-August; the occurrence degrees of 3rd and 4th generations of cotton bollworm are also extremely negatively correlated with rainfall in July. [Conclusion] The occurrence of cotton bollworm in field is heavily influenced by rainfall in at its occurrence stage,moreover,the rainfall during June-August is the decisive factors influencing the occurrence of cotton bollworm.  相似文献   

苹果轮纹病发生规律及条件的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1997~2000年开展了负载量、施肥水平对苹果轮纹病的影响试验,并对辽宁省苹果轮纹病发生规律及条件进行了调查研究.结果表明,枝果比过小导致负载量过大,加重轮纹病的发生,枝果比(5~6)∶1的病情指数较低,且有较高的产量和较好的质量.施肥水平比正常量增加0.5或0.75倍不但有利于减轻轮纹病的发生,而且产量显著增加.富士系、元帅系等品种为高感品种,国光、珊夏等少数品种为中度或轻度感病品种,鸡冠为抗病品种.降雨特别是7、8月降雨量大加重粗皮病发生.土壤质地较轻、容重较小、有机质和全N含量高是减轻轮纹病发生的重要条件.连续环剥或过量应用PP333加重轮纹病的发生.  相似文献   

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