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本研究旨在探明植株结构复杂性如何影响活动性较弱的捕食性昆虫对植株上防卫性较强的猎物的搜索和捕食行为.以蠋蝽Arna chinensis及其猎物斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura幼虫为捕食者-猎物模式,设置盆栽大豆Glycine max植株结构复杂性2个处理:1株/盆,2株/盆,接4头斜纹夜蛾4龄幼虫:在某一盆植...  相似文献   

生物防治在害虫治理中的作用日益凸显,捕食性天敌对害虫猎物的捕食作用作为生物防治的主要组成部分,其捕食效果评价不可或缺。定性或定量评价捕食性天敌的控害作用是生物防治研究的一项重要内容。传统的捕食性定量方法研究大都局限于室内开展,与田间昆虫天敌的实际捕食量有所出入。昆虫分子生物学技术的发展为昆虫定量评价提供了支持,本文全面总结了农业生产科学研究中常用的捕食性昆虫定量评价方法,详细阐述了这些评价方法的原理、方法及应用实例,并进一步提出在未来的研究中应该扬长避短,根据试验对象的生物习性、试验条件的影响因素、试验目的的要求,将不同方法结合起来发挥各自优点,使捕食者捕食猎物的定量评价结果更能接近田间发生的实际情况。这些方法和技术将有助于更好地发挥自然天敌的控害作用,有效开展害虫生态调控,进一步推动生物防治相关方法的创新与应用。  相似文献   

在稻田节肢动物群落中,与水稻无直接营养关系的中性昆虫,如摇蚊、蚊、蝇、弹尾虫等,构成了捕食者猎物的重要组分。系统分析显示,中性昆虫在水稻生长前期为主要的猎物,其丰盛度的比例可高达90%以上(富阳早稻)。相应地,结网类蜘蛛由于可以大量取食中性昆虫猎物,其个体数量占捕食性天敌的50%以上,优势种有食虫沟瘤蛛(富阳和句容稻区)、锥腹肖蛸(郑州稻区)等。在一定条件下,结网类捕食者与中性昆虫相对丰盛度的季节动态呈正相关。从农田生态系统的整体性考虑,中性昆虫的生态学意义有必要进一步深入研究  相似文献   

一种估计捕食作用系数的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南留柱 《昆虫天敌》1992,14(4):177-179
关于天敌对猎物选择捕食作用的表述和测度,前人曾提出过不少方法或公式。例如Murdoch(1969)以如下形式定义了捕食者对猎物的选择:Na_1/Na_2=C_1N_1/N_2其中 C_1为选择参数,Na_1和 Na_2 为捕食者捕食两种不同猎物的数量,N_1和 N_2为两种不同猎物的数量。C_1>1说明捕食者选择的是 N_1;C_1<1说明选择的是 N_2;C_1=1说明对两种猎物的喜好程度一致。他还提出了 C_1的三种估计方法。此公式虽能表明捕食者对两种猎物的选择,但不能直接估计选择系数,尚需进一步变换和演算。  相似文献   

杀虫剂对蛾类昆虫生殖行为影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了近年来国内外关于杀虫剂对蛾类昆虫求偶、性信息素合成及释放、定向行为、交配和产卵等生殖行为影响的研究进展。经杀虫剂处理后,许多雌蛾的求偶行为受到抑制、性信息素含量降低,雄蛾对性信息素的反应和交配成功率下降,但药剂对产卵量和卵孵化率没有明显影响。而部分药剂可增强雄蛾对性信息素的反应,刺激雌蛾信息素含量异常增高和使活性组的比例发生漂移。  相似文献   

根据在浙江富阳、江苏句容和河南郑州,对三种不同生态类型稻区节肢动物群落的系统调查,明确了捕食性天敌与其猎物在种类和数量上的相互作用以及季节动态方式。用经过原点的直线回归分析,捕食者的种类是猎物的1.525倍。从数量上看,猎物多于捕食者,二者平均比率约为1:4。捕食者与猎物之间具有跟随现象,但一般滞后7~14天。优势种捕食者如黑肩绿盲蝽、狼蛛、微蛛及食虫沟瘤蛛对以白背飞虱、褐飞虱(富阳、句容)、黑尾叶蝉、灰飞虱(郑州)为主的害虫种群具有显著的控制效应,应注意保护利用。  相似文献   

为进一步提升蠋蝽室内繁育和田间应用技术,本研究以桑蚕蛹、柞蚕蛹为猎物,评价了单一和混合猎物饲养蠋蝽对其生长发育、繁殖和捕食能力的影响。研究发现:猎物并不影响蠋蝽若虫的发育历期,各处理下蠋蝽发育历期平均在26 d;但显著影响蠋蝽的产卵前期,混合猎物饲养的蠋蝽产卵前期为10.3 d,分别是桑蚕蛹猎物的1.54倍、柞蚕蛹猎物的1.34倍。同时,猎物显著影响蠋蝽的体型、繁殖、寿命和耐饥饿时间,混合猎物饲养的蠋蝽体型比单一猎物增加5%~9%、产卵量增加13%~38%、寿命延长2~7 d、捕食量提高15%~20%、耐饥饿时间延长20%~60%。  相似文献   

在种群动态研究中,猎物——捕食者系统是种群自然控制的主要部分。鉴于数学模型较能方便而又准确地刻划猎物、捕食者数量变动的状况,因此,引入数学模型便成为研究该系统的有效途径。本文以 Holling 圆盘方程为背景,较为详尽地介绍了捕食者捕食过程与排队过程之间的相似特征,并导出用于分析猎物——捕食者系统的排队模型。  相似文献   

广东南岭国家自然保护区大东山捕食性昆虫及其食性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文报道了广东省国家自然保护区大东山捕食性昆虫(含蜘蛛)的种类与食性。全文主要内容分为两部分:捕食性昆虫各类和捕食性昆虫食性分析。食性分析包括捕食性昆虫栖息习性和各目捕食性昆虫的捕食能力。  相似文献   

天敌昆虫的保护利用,是害虫综合治理中的一项主要内容,而进行保护利用,首先就需要明确那些是可供保护利用的对象。本文拟步就捕食性天敌昆虫所包括的目、科,作一简介,此点在一些有关文献资料中,早有记载,但常只局限于某一部分,沿少比较完整的概括.现按分类序列,分述如下。1.直翅目本目合斯科有少数种类为捕食性,应加保护利用,如猎益、盾合。2.螳螂目本目各种多为捕食性,这在从事农林业工作的人,几均知道,不另详述。3.半翅目本目从总体来说,以植食为主,但有些科几全捕食,有些科则有部分或少数种类为捕食。如猎错、姬错…  相似文献   

Plants use trichomes as a morphological defense against attacks from herbivores. The literature was reviewed to test the hypothesis that trichome‐bearing (pubescent) plants do not cause more harm than good to predators. Forty seven records on interactions between plant trichomes and predatory insects were found. Overall, the records reveal that trichomes have more harmful than beneficial effects on predators. Fortunately, most harmful effects are sublethal; they usually affect movement, development, oviposition and predation potential. In worst cases, sticky exudates from glandular trichomes entrap predators. The hooked tips on non‐glandular trichomes impale predators. Entrapped and impaled predators often die from desiccation or starvation. Plant cultivars with high (rather than low) trichome density cause the most harm, and trichomes on tomato and some beans often cause more harm than good to predatory beetles, true bugs and lacewings. Whether these harmful effects have a net negative effect on plant fitness is poorly known and ripe for study. When developing and testing cultivars with increased trichome‐based resistance to herbivory, the question as to whether these technologies are compatible with the functional role of those predators (single or combined species) capable of suppressing herbivore populations should be considered. Published 2014. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA  相似文献   

Relatively few field studies have been conducted to evaluate hazards to wildlife from rodenticide use. In the USA, field studies have been conducted on both acute and chronic compounds, including zinc phosphide, strychnine, 1080 (sodium monofluoroacetate), and the anticoagulants diphacinone and brodifacoum. Techniques employed in these studies have included carcass counts, direct counts, indirect counts, nest site monitoring, radiotelemetry, habitat and diet evaluation, necropsy, and residue analysis. Although zinc phosphide generally is not secondarily hazardous, it can pose primary hazards, especially to seed-eating and gallinaceous birds and waterfowl. Strychnine can pose primary hazards, such as to seed-eating birds; secondary poisoning may be minimal unless predators consume stomach or cheek-pouch contents of poisoned prey. 1080 can result in primary poisoning, but it especially can pose a secondary hazard to mammalian predators; the risk to raptors is minimal. Anticoagulants are toxic both primarily and secondarily; they can pose a substantial hazard to raptors. Gallinaceous birds, however, are quite resistant to them. Hazards associated with any one rodenticide may vary significantly depending upon use pattern (e.g. commensal vs field). Environmental concerns over rodenticide hazards to wildlife are increasing greatly and will affect future registrations.  相似文献   

从棉铃虫卵量、天敌和棉花产量3者之间的关系入手,研究了第三代棉铃虫的防治指标.结果为在卵高峰期调查百株卵量和天敌单位数,当百株卵量减去22倍天敌单位数,其值≥8时,即达到防治指标,需要采取措施进行防治.  相似文献   

Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) occur in all temperate agroecosystems, and have been implicated as predators of many pests, including aphids, lepidopterous larvae, and slugs. Most are polyphagous, and some are primarily spermophagous. The species assemblage present in any particular crop is determined by multiple factors, but usually comprises a limited number of abundantly active species, which may be common to many crop types. Abiotic soil factors, especially soil type and moisture status are important in determining the species present. Crop type affects the carabid assemblage indirectly through cultivation practices and microclimatic changes. Any soil cultivation affects the carabid assemblage, but studies comparing ploughing with reduced tillage have shown varying results, according to local conditions. Pesticides, especially insecticides have a localised and short-term effect, as many carabids rapidly re-invade sprayed crops. The long-term effect of pesticide usage at a landscape scale is, however, more difficult to predict, and may have contributed to the observed decline in carabid diversity in the wider countryside. Whilst fertiliser application is generally beneficial to carabids, comparisons of conventional and organic farming systems suggest that localised short-term variations in species abundances are more important than the overall farming system used. Non-crop habitats are very important to Carabidae, as many use adjacent hedges and field margins for shelter, breeding or dispersal. But other features such as roads may act as barriers to dispersal. It is concluded that further measures need to be taken if Carabidae are to realise their potential in integrated pest management systems.  相似文献   

微塑料作为一种新兴污染物,其污染已成为全球广泛关注的热点环境问题。特别是农田土壤中微塑料污染对食物链和陆生生态系统构成了潜在威胁,微塑料及其与其他污染物的混合作用对蚯蚓造成了一系列不利影响,包括体重减轻、运动能力下降、生存率降低和免疫力减弱等。此外,微塑料与污染物的混合暴露干扰了蚯蚓的肠道微生物平衡,引发其细胞水平上的氧化应激和DNA损伤。该文从研究对象、试验设计、微塑料及混合污染物的类型和浓度等方面综述了关于微塑料及混合污染物对蚯蚓生长和生理影响的研究进展。同时,提出了未来研究需进一步标准化研究方法以增强结果的可比性,加强田间条件下对微塑料污染的系统评估,关注微塑料对蚯蚓的长期影响,以期为环境保护和土壤污染治理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

种植转Bt基因作物已经成为当前及未来农业的发展趋势。转Bt基因作物可以有效控制棉铃虫(〖WTBX〗Helicoverpa armigera〖WTBZ〗)、玉米螟(〖WTBX〗Ostrinia furnacalis〖WTBZ〗)等多种靶标害虫。但研究表明Bt作物的种植会改变害虫演化地位,并且Bt毒素可能沿着食物链传递,而对天敌构成潜在的威胁。基于Bt作物对植物—害虫—天敌食物链上各个营养级的影响研究,本文重点分析了Bt毒素对天敌种群结构及生物学的影响。  相似文献   

The ovipositional response ofHelicoverpa armigera (Hübner) to different cotton varieties and species was studied under caged conditions. Maximum oviposition (51.6 eggs/female) was recorded on LH 900, a variety ofGossypium hirsutum, and minimum oviposition (3.0 eggs/female) on G 27, a variety ofG. arboreum. Oviposition, in general, was low (3 to 6.5 eggs/female) onarboreum cottons as compared withhirsutum. Of the number of factors found to affect the oviposition ofH. armigera, the trichome length on the upper surface of the leaf, rather than the density, was positively correlated (r = 0.687*). Among different months in the cropping season, oviposition was maximum (552.7) during April. Oviposition was higher on leaves than on other plant parts.  相似文献   

R. Collier  S. Finch 《EPPO Bulletin》2009,39(2):121-127
Carrot fly (Psila rosae) is a serious pest of umbelliferous crops such as carrot, parsnip, celery and parsley. Carrot fly has been studied in the UK for more than 60 years. Whilst some of these studies have been focused on insecticides, others have demonstrated the potential for non‐insecticidal methods of control that might contribute to an integrated pest management strategy. These include rotation and spatial separation of susceptible crops; carrot varieties with partial resistance to carrot fly; and crop management strategies to avoid oviposition or the development of severe damage. This paper outlines some of the approaches that have been taken and indicates how these are, or might be, used in practice.  相似文献   

Foot-hold trapping is an important tool used in pest management programs in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and in North America. Research on humane trapping methods including the addition of sedatives (Tranquilizer Trap Device) and toxins (Lethal Trap Device) to foot-hold traps to improve the welfare of trapped pest animals is important. Lethal Trap Devices (LTD) are being tested in Australia to determine if deploying a toxin with a foot-hold trap is effective at delivering a lethal dose of toxin to trapped predators. This study aimed to test whether fitting an LTD to two different foot-hold jaw traps (Victor Soft catch #3 and Bridger #5) would affect the jaw closure time and as such affect capture rates. We found that two spring Victor Soft catch traps were faster (20.91, SD 0.72 ms) than four spring Bridger #5 traps (26.79, SD 0.48 ms) even when fitted with a Lethal Trap Device. Fitting a Lethal Trap Device to either of these trap models did not affect closure time and as such would not have any effect on capture efficacy.  相似文献   

Diagnostic tests for grapevine viruses subjected to phytosanitary rules involve a heavy workload for plant protection services and laboratories. Propagation schemes enable nurseries, where mother plants (MPs) are cultivated, to be linked to batches of certified plants (CPs). This approach entails post‐production checks of MPs once infection occurs in CPs. However, this traceability system is not tight and follow ups are demanding. This study assessed radio frequency identification (RFID) tagging of plants in terms of its ability to reduce laboratory workloads for nursery health checks. RFID‐tagged plants (RFID‐CPs) were produced from individually tagged MPs (RFID‐MPs) or row‐tagged MPs (RFID‐ROW, a less expensive approach). In a 10‐year case study, the health status of CPs and RFID‐CPs were assessed and the occurrence of infections then led to health checks in MPs, RFID‐MPs or RFID‐ROWs. Laboratory workloads were evaluated by considering two sampling methods (single or pool sampling). Using single sampling, the workload was reduced by 93–98% in RFID‐ROW or RFID‐MP checks compared to the conventional approach. Considerable reductions in workload due to the tagging system (93–96%) were also observed using pool sampling. Traceability of CPs and MPs using RFID reduces laboratory workloads, and supports emergency measures that can be taken to stop any unsafe sales of plants after a virus outbreak.  相似文献   

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