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大棚草莓白粉病及其防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大棚栽培草莓在象山县已有十余年历史 ,常年种植面积约 333 3hm2 ,由于连年种植 ,草莓白粉病逐年加重 ,已成为常发性病害。草莓发生白粉病后 ,一般减收 2 0 %~ 30 % ,重的达 50 %以上 ,甚至绝收 ,严重影响草莓的产量和品质。我们从 1997年开始对该病的发生规律及综合防治技术进行了调查研究 ,引进新的三唑类杀菌剂进行试用 ,积累了一些经验 ,初步总结如下。1 发病特点与消长规律草莓白粉病的病原为Sphaerothecaaphanis(Wallr)Braun ,称羽衣草单囊壳菌 ,属子囊菌亚门真菌。该病为低温高湿型病害 ,发生频率…  相似文献   

近年来莱西市保护地草莓面积不断扩大 ,已成为农民致富增收的重要产业 ,但草莓白粉病是草莓生产的重要病害 ,缺乏理想的防治方法 ,每年给草莓生产者造成很大损失 ,为解决这一难题 ,寻找防治此病的有效方法 ,于1999年开始在莱西市部分乡镇进行了为期2年防治研究和探索 ,取得较好效果 ,现总结如下 :1发病症状及规律1.1发病症状白粉病广泛发生于草莓的保护地栽培中 ,主要危害叶、果实、果梗 ,叶柄和葡匐茎上很少发生 ,发病初期叶背面局部出现薄霜似的白色粉状物 ,以后迅速扩展到全株 ,随着病势的发展加重 ,叶向上卷曲、呈汤匙状 ;花蕾…  相似文献   

保护地草莓白粉病的防治药剂筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南信阳保护地草莓白粉病为害较重,并已出现抗药性问题。为探寻安全、有效的防治药剂,对75%肟菌.戊唑醇WG、50%醚菌酯WG、10%苯醚甲环唑WG、25%三唑酮WP、75%百菌清WP进行了药效筛选试验。结果表明,75%肟菌.戊唑醇WG 3 000倍液、50%醚菌酯WG 3 000倍液的防效较好,均在80%以上,与其他药剂的防效差异显著,且对草莓安全、无害,可以在信阳地区作为防治草莓白粉病的药剂推广应用。  相似文献   

叶宗国  刘火明 《江西植保》2001,24(2):59-59,53
近年来 ,随着农业种植业结构的调整 ,九江市庐山区塑料大棚种植草莓面积不断扩大 ,而大棚草莓白粉病普遍发生 ,蔓延迅速 ,为害严重。 2 0 0 1年 4月份在莲花镇调查 ,,一般大棚病株率为 46 .5 % ,病果率 42 .0 % ,重病大棚病株率和病果率高达 85 %和 90 %以上。该病还有逐年加重的趋势。为此我们对此进行了调查、试验和研究。1 发病症状该病主要侵染植株叶片 ,叶柄、花、果实。发病初期 ,叶背面零星长出薄薄的白色菌丝层 ,随着病情加重 ,白色菌丝层增厚 ,整个叶片被白粉状霉层所覆盖 ,叶缘向上卷曲变形 ,叶质变脆 ,叶柄上也覆盖着白粉状霜层…  相似文献   

草莓白粉病(Sphaerotheca aphanis)是草莓生产中的主要病害。自1997年以来,草莓白粉病在山东省胶东地区发生为害逐渐加重,特别是保护地草莓白粉病,发生严重时,病叶率在45%以上,病果率在50%以上,严重影响草莓的产量、品质和效益。为此,笔者对草莓白粉病的发生特点及防治技术进行了调查研究。  相似文献   

为探究几种杀菌剂对草莓白粉病的防治效果,本文选取醚菌酯等5种杀菌剂开展了防治草莓白粉病的田间药效试验,结果表明:42.4%唑醚· 氟酰胺悬浮剂20mL/667m2、30%醚菌酯可湿性粉剂40g/667m2、4%四氟醚唑水乳剂80mL/667m2、43%氟菌· 肟菌酯悬浮剂15mL/667m2、30mL/667m2防治草...  相似文献   

大棚草莓反季节种植,低温高湿环境极有利于草莓白粉病发生。科学的防治措施是选用抗病品种,及时清除病株、病残体,有条件则采取轮作、滴灌,合理施肥和用药。  相似文献   

温室草莓白粉病主要危害叶片,也浸染叶梗、花、花梗和果实。严重时叶片向上卷曲,病斑变红褐色。果实浸染后果面上覆盖一层白色粉状物。防治方法:选用10%世高水分  相似文献   

昌群凤 《植物医生》2006,19(6):19-20
宝应县安宜镇10多年来推广了大棚栽培草莓的反季节种植模式,常年种植面积6.7hm^2,200个钢架大棚。从种植情况来看,草莓反季节栽培的效益是显著的.667m^2产草莓2500kg,纯效益达8000元。由于连年种植。草莓白粉病逐年加重,已成为常发性病害。草莓发生白粉病后.一般减收20%-30%,重的达50%以上,甚至绝收,严重影响草莓的产量和品质,因此自粉病的防治工作一直是农民头痛的一大难题。从2002年开始笔者对该病的发生规律及综合防治技术进行了调查和探讨研究。现分析总结如下:  相似文献   

以4个生产上主栽草莓品种为试材,采用曲利苯兰透明染色法,系统研究了草莓白粉病菌在不同抗性草莓品种上侵染过程的组织学特征。结果表明,草莓白粉病菌的侵染过程可分为:分生孢子萌发、附着胞形成、侵入寄主产生吸器、菌丝扩展和分生孢子链产生。而草莓不同品种对白粉菌的抗性表现在附着胞产生后的各侵染阶段,随品种抗病性增强,病菌侵入率降低,吸器数目减少,菌丝扩展缓慢,分生孢子数目减少。  相似文献   

《EPPO Bulletin》2002,32(2):245-255

大黄酚对黄瓜白粉病菌的抑制作用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 采用子叶喷雾法分别测定了大黄酚(chrysophanol)对黄瓜白粉病菌(Sphaerotheca fuliginea)的保护和治疗生物活性。结果表明,大黄酚能有效降低黄瓜白粉病的病情指数,其保护和治疗作用的EC50分别为0.23μg/mL和25.88μg/mL,对照药剂50%硫磺悬浮剂保护作用的EC50为59.75μg/mL,10%苯咪甲环唑可湿性水分散粒剂治疗作用的EC50为13.55μg/mL。在此基础上,利用2.4μg/mL大黄酚溶液处理黄瓜子叶24h后接种白粉病菌,在不同时段对病组织进行透明染色观察白粉病菌的变化情况。结果发现,大黄酚可有效降低黄瓜白粉病菌分生孢子的萌发率和萌发芽管个数,并能抑制菌丝的生长以及降低新生分生孢子的个数。接菌后24h,清水对照萌发率为66.6%,而大黄酚处理后的孢子不萌发;接菌后48h,对照菌丝的平均长度为414.7μm,大黄酚处理的菌丝平均长度为40.1μm;接菌后144h,对照的新生分生孢子串最多为8个孢子,大部分为6-7个,而大黄酚处理后的新生分生孢子串孢子个数最多为2个,大部分为1个。接菌7d后对照的病情指数为72.2,大黄酚处理组的病情指数仅为2.1,其保护作用防治效果达到97.1%,远高于50%硫磺悬浮剂65.4%的防效。  相似文献   

Persistence of resistance to fungicides in Sphaerotheca fuliginea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Isolates ofSphaerotheca fuliginea collected in 1981–1983 in cucumber glasshouses in the Netherlands were tested for their sensitivity to benzimidazole fungicides, dimethirimol, dinocap and pyrazophos.Resistance to dinocap was not observed, although this fungicide has been used for over 30 years. Resistance to benzimidazole fungicides and dimethirimol has been persistent since these fungicides were withdrawn for control of cucumber powdery mildew more than 10 years ago. Although pyrazophos has only been used incidentally after 1977, the level of resistance has not decreased.Factors possibly involved in the persistence of resistance and implications for disease control in practice are discussed.Samenvatting De gevoeligheid voor twee benzimidazool-fungiciden en dimethirimol, dinocap en pyrazofos werd getoetst vanSphaerotheca fuliginea isolaten die in 1981–1983 verzameld waren in komkommerkassen in Nederland. Resistentie tegen dinocap werd niet waargenomen, ofschoon dit fungicide al meer dan 30 jaar wordt gebruikt.De resistentie tegen benzimidazool-fungiciden en dimethirimol, die meer dan 10 jaar geleden werden teruggetrokken voor de bestrijding vanS. fuliginea, was persistent. Hoewel pyrazofos slechts incidenteel gebruikt is sinds 1977, is het resistentieniveau niet teruggelopen. Factoren die mogelijk betrokken zijn bij de persistentie van resistentie en de gevolgen voor de ziektebestrijding worden besproken.  相似文献   

白粉病(Sphaerotheca cucurbitae)是农作物上重要病害之一,主要危害葫芦科、茄科、豆科、禾本科等作物。抑霉菌素是我们发现的一种新农用抗真菌抗生素,具有高效、安全的特点。本文报道抑霉菌素对长瓜和黄瓜白粉病的田间防治效果。  相似文献   

Samenvatting In proefvelden van een instituut voor gewasbescherming te Heraklion op Kreta, waar fungiciden op hun werking tegen komkommermeeldauw worden getoetst, bleek de werking van ditalimfos na toepassing in twee proeven reeds verminderd te zijn. Het optreden van resistentie werd bevestigd in proeven in een klimaatkamer. Voor drie isolaten uit de proefvelden was de ED50 van het middel ongeveer 19 maal zo hoog als die voor zes willekeurige isolaten uit praktijkpercelen.De detalimfos-resistente isolaten waren wel gevoelig voor fenarimol en pyrazophos.In proefvelden, die niet met het fungicide werden behandeld, bleken de resistente isolaten zich temidden van gevoelige isolaten te handhaven gedurende tenminste negen maanden.  相似文献   

以盆栽苦瓜苗接种白粉病为试材,室内测定粉唑醇和三唑酮的毒力。结果表明:粉唑醇的EC趴EC90分别为23.7851mg/L、110.8963mg/L,三唑酮的EC50、EC90分别为41.1813mg/L、290.9136mg ai/L,说明粉唑醇对苦瓜白粉病的活性好于三唑酮。田间药效试验结果证明:在苦瓜白粉病发生初期,用粉唑醇12.5%悬浮剂有效剂量83.75mg/L~125.0mg/L,连续喷药3次,使用间隔期10~15d,防效达到66.00%~83.44%,是目前防治苦瓜白粉病较理想的杀菌剂。  相似文献   

The nature of resistance of Sphaerotheca fuliginea Poll. race 1 was investigated in leaves of susceptible, moderately resistant and resistant genotypes of Cucumis melo . For this purpose three different tests were carried out. The first one was designed to assess whether resistance was caused by pre- or post-infectional mechanisms, and the other two tests were focused to determine if any differences were present in the progression ratio of the disease, measured as the delaying time in conidiophore and conidia formation, among the different cultivars which were tested. The results showed that in the resistant controls ('PMR5' and 'PI 124111'), the resistant reaction was probably due to pre-infectional mechanisms, or at least very near to the moment of infection, while in the moderately resistant and resistant Spanish local cultivars it was clearly due to post-infectional mechanisms characterized by an important delay in the growth and development of the fungus when compared with the susceptible cultivars. Suggestions are made for the development of more successful breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The effects of powdery mildew (caused by Sphaerotheca fuliginea )on muskmelon seedlings and the efficacy of seed treatment with systemic fungicides were examined under controlled environmental conditions. The fresh weight of seedlings infected with powdery mildew was substantially less than that of uninoculated seedlings 5 weeks after inoculation, and the inoculated seedlings shrivelled 1 week later. The fungicides fenarimol and triadimenol applied to the seeds did not affect germination and suppressed powdery mildew effectively when applied at a rate equivalent to 8 g fungicide product per kg seed. Under conditions moderately conducive to the pathogen, fenarimol markedly reduced disease severity and its effect when applied as a seed treatment was as effective as foliar treatment. When conditions were highly conducive to the pathogen, seed treatment with fenarimol was not effective. Development of powdery mildew and efficacy of the seed treatments were related to soil type: disease developed earlier and more intensely on seedlings grown in sandy soil than those in organic medium, and seed treatment had a more pronounced effect on seedlings grown in sandy soil. The results indicate that fungicidal treatment of muskmelon seeds may offer an adequate means of reducing powdery mildew infections on seedlings.  相似文献   

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