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At the Institute of Animal Nutrition of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) in Braunschweig a feeding trial with 30 first lactating cows (German Holstein) was realised in 2004 for a complete lactation. All animals received a diet based on maize- and grass-silage ad libitum at the rate of 60:40 (DM-base) and concentrate depending on their milk yield.The animals were fed with energy and protein as recommended (GfE 2001) and were kept in loose housing. After calving they were split randomly into two feeding groups with 15 animals each. Group 1 was fed a concentrate according to the recommendations of the GfE (2001), whereas group 2 was offered the same concentrate with roughly the double amount of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, beta-carotene and vitamins A and E. To study the influence of the different concentrates on the serum concentrations of minerals and vitamins, blood, feed and milk samples were regularly taken and analysed in the course of lactation. Significantly higher blood concentrations were detected for phosphorus, zinc and vitamin E in group 2, but therefore a direct influence of the feeding on the blood concentrations was detected only for zinc and vitamin E. Over the whole lactation the average milk yield of group 1 was 2.6 kg/day higher and the average milk fat content was reduced about 0.6 percent points compared to group 2.  相似文献   

A field study of calves in their first grazing season tested the efficacy of four long-acting devices--a morantel sustained-release bolus, a levamisole sustained-release bolus, an oxfendazole interval bolus, and an albendazole interval bolus--against Dictyocaulus viviparus. The pasture had been previously contaminated by four calves orally inoculated with infective lungworm larvae. The calves were grazed together with four bolus-treated groups, each comprising four calves. Lungworm infection became patent in the experimentally inoculated calves between 22 and 26 days. Infection in the bolus-treated groups became patent after 54 days. The morantel bolus group excreted the most larvae, followed by the albendazole bolus group, and the levamisole bolus group. The oxfendazole bolus group excreted by far the least larvae. Eosinophil curves and ELISA titres showed that treated groups had essentially the same course of infection. The heavy infection to which the treated calves were exposed produced complete immunity in all groups. Challenge infection of 10,000 larvae at housing did not change any of the test parameters. Post-mortem examination showed only one positive calf with few worms. We concluded that when pastures are heavily infested with lungworm larvae, all boluses prevent severe clinical signs and allow build up of solid immunity, although none completely prevent excretion of larvae.  相似文献   

Intraruminal selenium soluble-glass boluses were administered by balling gun to 65 of 125 crossbred beef cows (Shorthorn X Charolais) during the last trimester of pregnancy. Elevated (P less than .01) whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) concentrations were observed monthly for the next 10 mo following initiation of treatment, reaching the maximum magnitude (263 vs 41) at the fourth month. Monthly milk samples showed elevated selenium concentrations (P less than .01, April through August; P less than .05 through September). Intraruminal, selenium soluble-glass bolus administration to gestating cows was highly effective in raising the selenium status of their progeny. Although the control calves were in low-selenium status, no acute cases of nutritional muscular dystrophy were observed during this experiment.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of rumen boluses containing 6800 mg iodine, 1000 mg selenium and 1000 mg cobalt given to dry dairy cows on the efficiency of colostral immunoglobulin G (IgG) absorption in calves. Thirteen cows received the bolus approximately 58 days before calving. A further 12 cows received no bolus and were used as controls. The cows were housed as one group. Calves were prevented from suckling for the first 24 h of life, and were given three feeds of a fixed quantity of colostrum. At 24 h, the average plasma concentrations of IgG in the calves were 15.5 and 13.4 g/L for the control and bolus groups, respectively; these were not significantly different (P = 0.212). Bolus treatment was associated with higher levels of free and total tri‐iodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) in the dams (all P < 0.001), although it had no effect on thyroid hormone levels in the calves. There were nevertheless positive and negative relationships between the efficiency with which colostral IgG was absorbed at 24 h and, respectively, total T3 at 24 h (P < 0.05) and total T4 at 1 h of age (P < 0.05). The underlying basis for these relationships remains to be established.  相似文献   

Using methylene blue boli, injected via an intracardiac catheter, the blood supply to the brain in two one- to 10-day-old calves and three adult sheep was studied during and after severance of the common carotid arteries and jugular veins. Passage of dye through cerebral vessels could not be observed in the exposed cerebrum of sheep after bilateral severance of major blood vessels. When vessels were severed on one side only, the passage of dye was noted for at least 53 seconds. In calves, after bilateral severance, sequential boli of dye could be detected passing through the cerebral vessels for more than 100 seconds. These results provide an explanation and support for the belief that there are major differences in the onset of insensibility between sheep and calves subsequent to severance of the common carotid arteries and jugular veins. The differences in blood supply to the brain which were demonstrated could be accounted for by differences in the blood supply to the brain by the vertebral artery in sheep and cattle. The effects of slaughter on the blood supply to the eye are discussed as a possible explanation of the disparity between results of studies in this general field which have used retinal responses in their investigations and those which have not.  相似文献   

In the department for calves being fed with fluid feed of a specialised enterprise for calf rearing the daily intake of fluid feed (skim milk improved with milk substitute), concentrated feed and hay of a total of 341 female animals and the daily intake of energy and protein was calculated thereof. The average consumption of nutrients of the 206 healthy calves was compared with some international and national norms for the demand of nutrients. The comparison with some international values of demand and the results of the partial correlation analysis between energy and protein intake and live weight increase showed that the applied nutrition regime (particularly the kind of fluid feed) has resulted in an excessive supply of the calves with proteins and an insufficient supply with energy. This could not be realised from the GDR nutrients norm for the raising of calves published in 1976. Based on theoretical considerations and some recent findings of the science of nutrition we derived values of the protein and energy demand of our own. Subsequently an attempt is made to assess the supply with nutrients for sick calves.  相似文献   

正提高饲料中微量元素的生物利率可生产出更健康的动物,获得更好的生产效益。微量元素在动物体内履行着重要的生理功能,如在新陈代谢中发挥着复杂的功能,并且它们的缺乏可导致动物机体生理功能的紊乱,这就是为什么它们需要通过饲料向动物提供的原因。虽然微量元素在保持家畜最佳的健康状况和生产性能上具有重要的作用,然而添加微量元素所产生益处的重要性往往被人们低估。  相似文献   

常量元素需要量比较大,缺乏时的症状比较典型,临床上容易鉴别和判定;而微量元素需要量相对较少,缺乏时的症状往往比较复杂,有时很少出现典型症状,这就需要根据临床表现和微量元素的作用特点进行仔细的鉴别,才能得出比较可靠的结论.  相似文献   

为了探索奶牛日粮中矿物质营养成分含量.采朋火焰原子吸收光谱法对湖南某奶牛场青、粗(干稻草)配合饲料及水中Ag、Cd、Co、Cr、Mo、Pb进行测定(其中Co、Cr、Mo是动物必需元素,Cd、Ph是有毒有害元素),结果显示:与饲料中允许量的国家标准进行对比.Co的含量正常.Mo、Cr的含量偏低.Cd的含量超标,Pb在水中的含量超标.  相似文献   

旨在研究饲粮中不同微量元素添加量对黄羽肉鸡生长性能及组织微量元素沉积的影响。选用1 800只黄羽肉鸡随机分成4组,每组6个重复,每个重复75只。其中:第1组为大生产使用微量元素添加量,第2组为目前研究推荐的微量元素添加量,第3组为科宝公司推荐微量元素添加量,第4组为哈伯德公司推荐的微量元素添加量。结果:在第1组(大生产)的基础上下调铜、铁、锰、锌的添加量(第2、3、4组)对肉鸡生长性能和组织微量元素沉积无显著影响(P>0.05)。结果提示黄羽肉鸡饲料中铁、锌的适宜添加量低于《鸡饲养标准》的推荐量。  相似文献   

Two trials with finishing pigs (PIC line 355 x Camborough 22) were conducted to evaluate the effects of vitamin and trace mineral (VTM) supplement deletions on performance, carcass quality, and tissue nutrient levels. Trial 1, a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments involving three VTM supplement regimens and two stress regimens, was conducted for 12 wk with 252 pigs (mixed sex). Average initial weight of pigs was 54 kg. The VTM regimens consisted of control (adequate level of VTM throughout trial), VTM deleted for the final 6 wk, and VTM deleted for entire 12 wk of the trial. The stress regimens consisted of leaving half the treatments in their original location or moving the other half of the treatments to a new pen location every 3 wk. There were three replications (pens) per treatment with 14 pigs per pen (0.80 m2). Diets were medicated with bacitracin methylene disalicylate. Overall, there were no treatment differences (P > 0.05) for ADG, ADFI, gain:feed ratio, longissimus muscle area, or last-rib backfat. However, there was a greater than 75% decrease (P < 0.001) in vitamin E content of longissimus muscle from deleting VTM for 6 or 12 wk. Trial 2, a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments involving three VTM regimens and two genders, was conducted for 12 wk with 306 pigs. Average initial weight of pigs was 58 kg. The VTM regimens were identical to those used in Trial 1. Each treatment consisted of three gender replications of 17 pigs per pen (0.66 m2), and all diets were unmedicated. Overall, pigs fed diets without VTM for 12 wk had lower (P < 0.06) ADG than those fed the control diets. Vitamin E content of the ham muscle was reduced by greater than 50% (P < 0.001) when pigs were fed diets without VTM for 6 or 12 wk compared with those fed the control diet. Concentrations of copper in ham muscle were reduced (P < 0.05) in pigs fed diets without VTM. These data suggest that deleting VTM during the finishing stage markedly lowers the vitamin E content of pork muscle.  相似文献   

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