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Coenurosis is a disease of the central nervous system in sheep, caused by Coenurus cerebralis, the larval stage of Taenia multiceps, a tapeworm, which infests the small intestine of carnivores. In 80-90% of cases, the cyst is located in one cerebral hemisphere, whilst in 5-10% of cases, it is localised in the cerebellum; rarely it involves two sites in the brain of the affected animal. Listeriosis, louping-ill, sarcocystosis and polioencephalomalacia and brain abscessation should be considered when formulating a diagnosis of acute coenurosis. In all cases, it is essential to carefully examine the animal and not simply rely on results of ancillary tests (mainly of cerebrospinal fluid examination), as disorders other than coenurosis can be responsible for changes in the results of these tests. Treatment is based on surgical removal of the coenurus cyst after general anaesthesia of the animal; the approach has a very good success rate, especially after accurate localisation of the lesion. Despite that, many farmers may choose to slaughter those sheep fit for marketing for economic reasons and euthanise those in poor condition.  相似文献   

绵羊脑包虫病是由多头带绦虫(Taenia multiceps)的中绦期幼虫——脑多头蚴(Coenurus cerebralis)引起的一种严重危害羔羊的寄生虫病。脑多头蚴主要寄生于牛羊等反刍动物的脑和脊髓中,病畜出现一系列神经症状,最终导致死亡。介绍绵羊脑包虫病的病例情况、临床症状、病理剖解变化、诊断、手术治疗,分析发病原因,提出了针对脑包虫病的综合防控措施。  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out at Debre Berhan, Ethiopia, between 1996 and 1997, into the epidemiology of coenurosis in Menz and Horro breeds of sheep. A total of 37 heads from clinically sick and 183 heads from apparently healthy sheep were examined post mortem for the presence of the cystic larvae of Taenia multiceps, of which 37 and 5 heads, respectively, contained 1 to 8 coenurus cysts (diameter 0.8 to 6.5 cm). The bladder worms were located in the cerebral hemisphere in 96% of the cases (43% and 57% for left and right, respectively), 4% being in the cerebellum. Prediction of cyst locations based on the direction of circling and head deviation had a 62% success rate. A retrospective study generated from the health record book at the ILRI Debre Berhan Station in 1992–1996 (199 Horro and 174 Menz) revealed that the incidence of coenurosis ranged from 2.3% to 4.5%. There was no significant breed difference in the incidence. The age of the affected sheep ranged from 4 to 96 months, with a mean of 19.3 months, and 72% of the cases were within the range of 6 to 24 months. In a complementary survey on necropsied stray dogs, 8 out of 17 were positive for Taenia spp. Both studies confirm the endemicity of coenurosis at the ILRI Debre Berhan Research Station. Appropriate strategies for the control of coenurosis are suggested.  相似文献   

Ectoparasite infestations of sheep can result in serious animal welfare and financial losses. Many of the veterinary medicines used in their control can be harmful to humans and other species. These undesirable side-effects mean that trade-offs may be necessary and make it difficult to determine ‘the best’ control strategy. This problem is common to many animal health/welfare concerns, and must be addressed if progress is to be made under the Animal Health and Welfare Strategy for Great Britain. This paper describes an approach to such cases using a disease model to identify the financially optimal ectoparasite control strategies at the farm level for Scottish conditions in a climate of changing control restrictions. Our approach takes a wider systems perspective than is usual in cost-benefit studies of animal disease. The findings demonstrate that both flock size and ectoparasite risk are determinants of optimal control strategies. In addition the benefits of livestock biosecurity practices (isolation and treatment of incoming stock) for the control of sheep scab are demonstrated. The importance of dip products for the effective control of ectoparasites is discussed and possible implications if these become unavailable or the cost of their usage increases. Interdependence between stakeholders is highlighted, indicating a need for regional co-operation between farmers and a more integrated approach to control of some farm animal diseases.  相似文献   

We conducted a prospective observational study on clinical and subclinical mastitis in 30 commercial meat-producing sheep flocks from 2 regions of the province of Quebec, Canada. A total of 2792 ewes selected in late gestation were followed from lambing to weaning of lambs. The incidence of clinical mastitis for the total lactation period (average of 58 days) ranged among flocks from 0 to 6.6%, with a median of 1.2%. The most frequently isolated bacteria from the cases of clinical mastitis, in pure or mixed culture, were Mannheimia haemolytica (26%), Staphylococcus aureus (23%), and coagulase-negative staphylococci (17%). Incidence of clinical mastitis was higher in ewes that gave birth to 3 or more lambs and from the Estrie region, and was associated with an increase in ewe mortality, an increase in lamb mortality at the litter level, and a decrease in lamb's weaning weight for lambs born in multiple litter size or from ewes ≥4 years old.Among 354 selected ewes with clinically normal udder at the end of lactation, 28.8% had potentially pathogenic bacteria isolated from milk. The most prevalent bacteria were S. aureus (9.3%) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (9.3%). The risk of having a positive culture in at least one half was different between the two regions. Prevalence of ewes (n = 261) with California Mastitis Test (CMT) positive result in at least one half was 24.1 and 14.9% using a cut-off of ≥1+ and ≥2+, respectively. Prevalence of culture-positive udder halves was 11.7% for CMT-negative compared with 53.6% for CMT 3+ halves. CMT status was positively associated with the isolation of coagulase-negative staphylococci, M. haemolytica, S. aureus, and various Streptococcus species, but not with other isolated bacteria. Additionally, prevalence of CMT-positive halves was higher in ewes from the Estrie region, aged of ≥4 years versus 1 year, having clinical mastitis previously detected in the lactation and/or with low body condition score. Lamb weaning weight was associated with CMT status of ewes, while weaning weight was not associated with milk culture results. More research is needed to understand the dynamic of milk SCC and IMI in ewes from meat-producing flocks, its economical impact and best ways to control it.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to describe the prevalence and distribution of serum antibodies to Bluetongue virus (BTV) in a sample of 38 sheep flocks in northern areas of the North West Frontier Province of Pakistan and to identify demographic and productivity variables that are associated with BTV seropositivity. Blood samples were taken from a random sample of ewes in each flock in April 1995. The owners of the flocks were interviewed regarding some demographic, husbandry and productivity variables of the flocks on the day of blood sampling. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was conducted to test the serum samples for BTV group-specific antibodies. BTV seropositive reactions were obtained in 184 (48.4%) out of 380 tested sera, and in 89.5% (34/38) of the flocks. In the 34 seropositive flocks, the prevalences ranged from 12.5 to 100% (median = 47). A multivariable logistic analysis was carried out to study the influence of demographic and productivity variables on the BTV serological status of the sheep flocks. Abortion risk in the previous lambing season was mildly associated with the serological status of the flock (adjusted odds ratio = 1.16, P = 0.07). For the seropositive flocks, a linear multiple regression showed that distance travelled by the flock during transhumant movement was significantly associated with percent seropositivity (partial regression coefficient (± SE) = − 0.091 ± 0.045).  相似文献   

A double antibody sandwich ELISA developed by ID-DLO, Lelystad to detect Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis infection was used on 329 sheep from four pedigree Suffolk flocks in which clinical cases of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA) had occurred. At subsequent necropsy, typical CLA lesions were seen in 133 sheep, and the diagnosis was confirmed on culture. Lesions were most commonly seen in lungs (n = 46), parotid lymph nodes (n = 44), prescapular lymph nodes (n = 38) and mediastinal lymph nodes (n = 31). The sensitivity of the ELISA test for detecting culture-positive sheep was 0.88, while the specificity of the test was 0.55. The antibody ELISA detected 87.5 per cent of sheep that had CLA lesions restricted to internal organs only. It was concluded that the ELISA test has a valuable role in detecting sheep with both clinical and subclinical CLA.  相似文献   

Litter size determined ultrasonographically at 45–90 days after mating in eight groups of commercial sheep (n = 2609) treated with slow release melatonin implants immediately prior to the natural breeding season showed a 19% treatment effect averaged over the eight groups, from 148% to 167% (P < 0.01) compared with controls (n = 2499). Control groups had a litter size ranging from 124% to 194% thereby representing most commercial production systems in the UK sheep industry. This is the first large scale study of slow release melatonin implants in commercial UK flocks to demonstrate a significant positive effect on litter size when used before the natural breeding season. The data indicate that increased productivity and profitability could be achieved while maintaining desirable purebred characteristics.  相似文献   

The aim of this survey was to investigate the year-round epidemiological patterns of Oestrus ovis ELISA sero-prevalence in sheep and goats kept together under the same husbandry system in an endemic area of Greece. Twenty-five adult female sheep and 25 adult female goats, coming from a large mixed flock, were randomly selected, eartaged and monthly blood sampled during 1 year period (November 1998-October 1999). Serological prevalence in sheep was 100% all around the year. Mean intensities of specific O. ovis antibodies follow a seasonal evolution with higher mean titers between March and July than in winter. In contrast, the serological prevalences in goats were low specially in winter months (from October to January). No significant difference were noticed in goats antibody levels during the year period. The possible reasons of this difference of O. ovis sero-prevalence between sheep and goats are discussed.  相似文献   

In 2008, ovine footrot was detected in Norway for the first time since 1948. By December 2012 it had spread to 99 flocks, all in the county of Rogaland in the south west of Norway, and 42% of which were located in the municipality of Rennesøy in Rogaland. The aim of this study was to investigate risk factors for contracting severe footrot in flocks of sheep. A flock was considered positive for severe footrot based on positive virulence test or by clinical signs in addition to a positive PCR test.  相似文献   


Factors influencing rate of barren ewes, number of lambs born per pregnant ewe, and autumn live weight of the lambs were studied in 627 Norwegian sheep flocks based on herd level data from the Norwegian Sheep Recording System and a mailed questionnaire to the sheep farmers. The following factors were significantly associated (P<0.05) with rate of barren ewes: breed, herd average lambing date, type of production/age of farmer, routines for treatments for parasites, and housing type. Number of lambs born per pregnant ewe was significantly associated with rate of barren ewes, herd average lambing date, breed, percentage grass silage of total roughage, and no separation of gimmers during the housing period. Corrected autumn live weight of the lambs was significantly associated with breed, flock size, lambs born per pregnant ewe, no separation of gimmers during the housing period, and type of summer pasture.  相似文献   

Scrapie first was detected in indigenous sheep in Norway in 1981, and from 1995 to 1997 an increase in the number of flocks with scrapie cases was recorded. These flocks were mainly in one geographical region. A study to identify risk factors for scrapie was conducted. The study had three frequency-matched controls selected for every case within the same Veterinary District. A questionnaire was submitted to 176 sheep flocks (42 had been scrapie flocks). The data obtained by the questionnaire were linked to data collected from governmental and industry registers. After imputing missing data using single random imputation, the statistical analysis was performed using multivariable conditional logistic regression.

Purchase of female sheep from scrapie flocks, sharing of rams, or sharing of pastures between different flocks were the risk factors associated with the occurrence of scrapie. Of factors potentially sustaining and promoting the infection in the flock, number of winter-fed sheep, number of buildings for housing sheep, rams and ewes shared room during mating period and increase in the flock size were associated with scrapie. We interpret these findings to show that factors involving transfer of sheep between flocks or direct contact between sheep of different flocks are important for the spread of scrapie. Management factors are important for the development of scrapie. However, it was not possible to discriminate between the different management factors in this study at the flock level. Also, factors indicating awareness and interest of the farmer (as well as willingness to contact a veterinarian for diseased sheep) were related to the detection of scrapie in the flock.  相似文献   

The incidence of seroconversion to visna/maedi virus (VMV) infection and its relationship with management and sheep building structure was investigated in 15 dairy sheep flocks in Spain during 3–7 years. Incidence rates were 0.09 per sheep-year at risk in semi-intensive Latxa flocks and 0.44 per sheep-year at risk in intensive Assaf flocks and was greatest for the one year old Assaf replacement flock. Separate multivariable models developed for replacement and adult flocks indicated that in both cases seroconversion was strongly associated to direct contact exposure to infected sheep and to being born to a seropositive dam. The latter effect was independent of the mode of rearing preweaning and the risk of seroconversion was similar for sheep fed colostrum and milk from a seropositive or a seronegative dam. These results are further evidence of the efficiency of horizontal VMV transmission by close contact between sheep and also suggest a inheritable component of susceptibility and resistance to infection. In contrast, indirect aerogenous contact with seropositive sheep was not associated with seroconversion as evidenced in replacement sheep housed in separate pens in the same building as adult infected sheep for one year. Consequently, VMV may not be efficiently airborne over short distances and this is important for control of infection. Moreover, there was no relationship between seroconversion and shed open areas. The latter could be related to having examined few flocks in which high infection prevalence dominated the transmission process while ventilation, may depend on a variety of unrecorded factors whose relationship to infection needs to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Using p125/p80 antibody and antigen-ELISA tests, age-specific seroprevalence and presence of persistently infected (PI) sheep were investigated in six commercial latxa dairy-flocks, housed for variable periods. The flocks all had a recent history of Border disease (BD). Every flock included seropositive sheep and seven 0.5-3-year-old PI sheep were detected in two of four flocks tested. Age-specific antibody patterns differed according to the presence or absence of PI sheep in the flock. In flocks free of PI sheep, seroprevalence was 6-13% in 1-year-old sheep and 42-93% in older sheep. In contrast, seroprevalence was 67-99% in sheep raised with PI sheep for at least 1 year and 29-33% in replacement 0.5-0.6-year-old sheep (including a PI sheep) indicating that Border disease virus (BDV) transmission in Basque dairy-flocks can be relatively slow. Moderate seroprevalence in young replacement sheep should not discourage further testing to detect PI sheep, and our results highlight the risk of failing to achieve "natural vaccination" prior to pregnancy by mixing PI sheep with BDV-unexposed ewes.  相似文献   

Subclinical mastitis was induced by inoculating one mammary gland in dairy ewes (n=8) with a Staphylococcus simulans isolate; control ewes (n=4) were included. The milk yield of inoculated glands decreased (P<0.001), the California Mastitis Test (CMT) score increased and the organism could be recovered from the inoculated glands. With time, there was significantly increased frequency of "hindering sucking" (P=0.016) and "head up posture" (P<0.001) in the control ewes. Infected ewes had a significantly increased frequency of "vocalisation" (P=0.013) compared to controls. There was a significant difference in the frequency of "sucking attempt" and "successful suck" (P<0.05) behaviours between lambs of the two groups. Lambs of the challenged ewes also showed significantly increased frequency and duration of these behaviours towards the uninoculated glands of their dams, rather than to the challenged glands (P<0.05); no such difference was evident for the lambs of control ewes. It was concluded that subclinical mastitis alters the sucking behaviour of both ewes and lambs.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Local breeds are recognized as an important element for the maintenance of various and specific farming systems. Challenges for local breeds’...  相似文献   

Data from industry sources detailing variable costs in 2003 revealed that the average farmer keeping 1000 lowland ewes in the United Kingdom spent 3500 UK pounds annually on veterinary fees and medicines. Despite such expenditure, psoroptic mange and cutaneous myiasis are common in the UK, resistance to one or more anthelmintic group is not only common but increasing in frequency and distribution, and abortion outbreaks caused by Toxoplasma gondii and Chlamydophila abortus are frequently reported by veterinary laboratories. Welfare concerns also arise from farmers' intransigence towards tail docking and castration in lambs (mutilations), reported market forces necessitating long distance road transportation to slaughter plants, and an unwillingness to employ veterinary surgeons for obstetrical problems. The spread of sheep scab in the UK over the past decade illustrates the failure of flock owners to effect rudimentary biosecurity and disease control measures. A first step towards improving the health and welfare of sheep would be the immediate implementation of basic good husbandry practices, including ectoparasiticide treatment for sheep scab eradication, prophylaxis for cutaneous myiasis in selected lambs, and appropriate vaccination strategies for clostridial diseases and certain abortion agents. There would also be money from within current farm expenditure to provide veterinary attention for obstetrical problems affecting up to 2% of ewes per annum. Planned use of ecto- and endoparasiticides is urgently needed to maintain the efficacy of these unique drugs.  相似文献   

试验结果表明:在相同的自然条件下,波杂(波德代羊×甘南山谷型藏羊)F1羔羊和陶杂(无角陶塞特羊×甘南山谷型藏羊)F1羔羊在初生重、0~180日龄平均日增重,公羔分别为4.65 kg、124.67 g/d和4.57 kg1、21.39 g/d;母羔分别为4.36 kg1、12.11 g/d和4.19 kg1、16.67 g/d,均显著高于甘南山谷型藏羊的相应指标,差异极显著。1、3、6月龄体重、体高、体长、胸围均高于甘南山谷型藏羊,差异极显著;管围、尻宽差异不显著体型指数优于甘南山谷型藏羊,接近肉用羊体型。  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii, the etiological agent of Q fever, is a globally distributed zoonotic disease. The disease was reported serologically in different animal species and humans in Egypt but the genetic information about circulating Coxiella strains is limited. The present study aimed to genetically characterize Coxiella positive samples, identified in abortive sheep, based on a 17-loci Multiple Locus Variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) panel and Multispacer Sequence Typing (MST). Four MLVA types were found among six examined samples. While all three samples examined by MST were identified as novel sequence type (ST) closely related to human heart valve isolates from France, Saudi Arabia, USA and United Kingdom. This study provides the first genetic information about circulating Coxiella strains in Egypt and improves epidemiological data of Q fever in the country.  相似文献   

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