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Multi‐systemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (MEED) is a relatively uncommon disease characterised by eosinophilic infiltration of more than one organ system, with the skin and gastrointestinal tract most commonly affected. This case report describes a gelding that presented for weight loss, increased respiratory rate and effort and chronic intermittent epistaxis. During post mortem examination diffuse eosinophilic granulomatous lesions were identified in the lung and liver, leading to a diagnosis of MEED. Veno‐occlusive pulmonary remodelling was also discovered, believed to be the cause of the chronic epistaxis and a result of the pulmonary fibrosis and eosinophilic granulomas.  相似文献   

Intervertebral disk disease is common in humans and dogs but is rarely reported in horses. In this case report, we describe an 11-year-old American Saddlebred gelding with a 2-month history of pain and progressive neurological abnormalities (ataxia, conscious proprioceptive deficits involving all four limbs, toe dragging, and restricted neck flexion) while being worked as a Saddleseat show horse. Radiographs of the cervical spine showed a loss of the intervertebral disk space at C6–C7. At necropsy, nearly complete loss of the intervertebral disk at C6–C7 was seen, with marked eburnation and subchondral sclerosis of the adjacent vertebral endplates that were confirmed by histopathology. Many of the marrow spaces of the affected vertebral bodies were filled with cartilage and others contained variable amounts of fibrous connective tissue (myelofibrosis). To our knowledge, these pathological lesions are rarely reported in the literature and appear to represent a chronic, end-stage phase of cervical vertebral stenosis.  相似文献   

A review of reported cases of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) of horses for which no etiology was identified included cases of granulomatous enteritis (GE), multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (MEED), lymphocytic-plasmacytic enterocolitis (LPE), and idiopathic eosinophilic enterocolitis (EC). The terms EC and MEED were both used to describe a disease in horses characterized by infiltration of intestine and extraintestinal tissues with eosinophils. We use EC to describe IBD characterized by only intestinal infiltration by eosinophils. Horses with GE, MEED, or LPE are usually examined because of weight loss and depression, but horses with EC are usually examined because of signs of abdominal pain. Typically, horses with IBD have low concentrations of serumal proteins, especially albumin, and fail to adequately absorb glucose or xylose. Antemortem diagnosis of IBD can only be made by histologic examination of affected intestine. In some cases, antemortem diagnosis is made from histologic examination of rectal mucosa obtained by biopsy. Suspected causes of IBD in the horse include abnormal immune response to bacterial, viral, parasitic, or dietary antigens. Most horses with IBD do not survive, but horses with EC are more likely than those with LPE, MEED, or GE to respond to treatment. Successful treatments of horses with IBD include resection of grossly affected intestine and administration of corticosteroids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to discuss orbital disease in horses and how it pertains to the unique anatomy as well as the clinical presentation, diagnostics and aetiologies of orbital disease in this species.  相似文献   

A generalized, chronic, progressive, exfoliative dermatitis in five horses is described. Histologically, the lesion is characterized by a superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis which is eosinophil-rich with a marked lymphocytic and plasmacytic component, accompanied by marked acanthosis and hyperkeratosis. More severe cases progress to a lichenoid pattern with the same cellular composition with focal eosinophilic spongiosis and eosinophilic subcorneal pustules. Clinically, the disease is associated with chronic, severe weight loss and is fulminating. The skin lesions are accompanied by lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic infiltrates and formation of eosinophilic granulomas in other epithelial organs, most noticeably the pancreas, in which a chronic, fibrosing pancreatitis develops. Other epithelial organs involved to various degrees are salivary glands, the gastrointestinal system, including the oral cavity and esophagus, biliary epithelium and bronchial epithelium. The etiology of this disease is unknown.  相似文献   

Conidiobolus coronatus is one of the most commonly identified upper respiratory fungal pathogens in horses. This article includes a review of clinical signs, diagnostics, treatment and outcomes in previously reported cases of equine conidiobolomycosis, as well as six additional cases seen at our hospital. Each of the six horses presented with a complaint of serosanguinous or haemorrhagic nasal discharge and conidiobolomycosis was confirmed by histopathology and fungal culture. Five horses recovered after administration of antifungal drugs alone (n = 4) or in combination with extensive nasal septum resection (n = 1). Surgical treatment alone was ineffective. One horse was euthanised without treatment because of the extent of the disease.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old Quarter Horse gelding was presented to the Kansas State Veterinary Health Center for acute onset of diffuse, nonpruritic, generalised and coalescing urticaria. A single dose of dexamethasone resulted in resolution of the urticaria within 24 h; however, 48 h after discharge, he presented with mild colic. The patient was febrile and thoracic ultrasound was abnormal, evidenced by bilateral pleural echogenic irregularities, mild pulmonary consolidation and slight unilateral pleural effusion. Thoracic radiographs also revealed caudoventral soft tissue opacity in the same region of the ultrasonographic abnormalities. Transtracheal wash was performed and broad spectrum antimicrobials initiated. Poor clinical response to therapy and marked peripheral eosinophilia resulted in the necessity for bronchoalveolar lavage, which revealed a predominance of pulmonary eosinophils. A diagnosis of acute idiopathic eosinophilic pneumonia was made. Treatment included a tapering dose of dexamethasone over 4 weeks. Due to incomplete disease resolution, the patient was moved to an alternate environment which resulted in disease resolution.  相似文献   

Mammary gland problems occur incidentally in horses and one of the rarer conditions is botryomycosis (bacterial pseudomycosis, bacterial granuloma, staphylococcal pseudomycetoma). This article includes a short review of equine mammary gland problems inappropriate lactation, mastitis and neoplasia and botryomycosis, and additionally 2 clinical cases of botryomycosis of the udder resulting from Staphyloccocus aureus infection will be discussed. Both cases involved nonpregnant, nonlactating mares referred for chronic mammary inflammation with draining abcessation. In both mares, botryomycosis caused by S. aureus was confirmed by histopathology and a bacterial culture. Both mares recovered fully after surgical hemimastectomy under general anaesthesia.  相似文献   

A fatal case of eosinophilic and granulomatous meningoencephalitis caused by the free-living panagrolaimid nematode Halicephalobus gingivalis is reported in a 10-year-old Welsh gelding in the United Kingdom. Clinical examination first revealed behavioural abnormalities which rapidly progressed to severe ataxia, reduced mentation status and cranial nerve signs. Despite symptomatic treatment no amelioration of neurological signs was achieved and the horse was subjected to euthanasia. A complete post mortem examination revealed eosinophilic and granulomatous meningoencephalitis mainly affecting the cerebellum and brain stem with intralesional adult nematodes, larvae and eggs. There was also eosinophilic meningitis of the cervical spinal cord. The intralesional nematodes were morphologically consistent with the panagrolaimid nematode H. gingivalis. Although infection by this facultative neurotropic parasite is extremely rare, it needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis of central nervous signs in horses and, in particular, other equine helminthic infection of the central nervous system. This fatal case is unusual since lesions were locally very extensive and the nematodes did not colonise haematogenously to other organs as seen often in equine halicephalobosis. As the taxonomy of H. gingivalis has changed and some recent reports in the literature still refer to this species as Micronema deletrix or Halicephalobus deletrix, we here provide a short update of the species and some insights on the order Tylenchida, which contains free-living nematodes with parasitic tendencies.  相似文献   

The following article discusses the clinical appearance, diagnosis and therapeutic options for ocular neoplasia in the horse based on anatomic location.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Idiopathic focal eosinophilic enteritis (IFEE) and diffuse eosinophilic enteritis (DEE) are primary eosinophilic intestinal conditions without a known cause that are associated with an increasing number of surgical colic cases. Histology may be helpful in defining disease aetiology and pathogenesis. OBJECTIVES: To characterise further the inflammatory infiltrate in equine IFEE and to compare the condition with DEE. METHODS: Twenty-three IFEE cases and 5 DEE cases were examined by light microscopy including immunohistology to identify infiltrating leucocytes. Inflammatory infiltrates in mucosa and submucosa were characterised in IFEE lesions (Group 1), the intestine distant from the lesions in IFEE (Group 2) and DEE (Group 3). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: IFEE lesions represented an accumulation of leucocytes in submucosa and muscularis, with dominance of eosinophils and macrophages and smaller numbers of lymphocytes, plasma cells and neutrophils. T cells represented the dominant lymphocytes. The mucosa overlying the lesion and both mucosa and submucosa in IFEE nonlesion sites and in DEE exhibited a similar composition, with different prevalence of various cell types. Macrophages were significantly more prevalent in the mucosal and submucosal infiltrates in IFEE nonlesion sites than in DEE, and lymphocytes significantly more prevalent in the mucosa in DEE than in IFEE nonlesion sites. The findings confirm IFEE as a primary eosinophilic intestinal disorder and indicate that IFEE represents a focally exacerbated inflammatory reaction in horses with DEE, possibly due to functional changes in the macrophage and T cell components, with subsequent excessive recruitment of both eosinophils and macrophages.  相似文献   

This review discusses the applications of acupuncture (AP) and its eastern medical philosophy in equine health, and the main techniques used to stimulate acupoints in equine practice. These methods include dry needling, electroacupuncture (EA), moxibustion, laser therapy, haemopuncture, aquapuncture, pharmacopuncture, acupressure and gold implants.  相似文献   

A sound knowledge of dental and periodontal anatomy provides the basis for an accurate diagnosis of dental abnormalities. It must be remembered that dental and periodontal anatomy, especially in the horse, undergoes continuous morphological changes throughout life. From birth to age about 6 years the deciduous and later the permanent teeth emerge in turn through the oral mucosa. Even the permanent dentition is subjected to continuous, dynamic, morphological changes due to massive occlusal wear and the compensatory tooth eruption that is necessary in herbivores. Consequently, it is not surprising that the normal equine oral anatomy of structures shows a wide range of variations. The purpose of this tutorial article is to review and summarise the current knowledge of equine dental and periodontal anatomy, paying special attention to age related morphological changes.  相似文献   

Complications associated with castration occur commonly and, although the majority are mild and resolve easily, potentially life‐threatening complications can occur. The preoperative identification of risk factors for these complications can help the veterinarian to take the appropriate measures to reduce these risks. However, even with proper surgical technique, complications can occur. Therefore prompt recognition and initiation of appropriate therapy are essential to prevent further morbidity, death or lawsuits.  相似文献   

马梨形虫病是由马驽巴贝斯虫和马泰勒虫寄生于马属动物的红细胞内所引起的一类血液原虫病,呈全球性分布,尤其在新疆发病率更高,处于逐年上升趋势,对区域性马产业的发展影响极大。为了解2018年新疆昭苏养马区域马梨形虫的感染情况,随机采集昭苏县18个乡镇的马全血及血清各858份,采用PCR和间接ELISA分别进行检测,对两种方法检测的18个地区、不同年龄阶段的马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染情况进行统计学分析。结果显示,PCR检测马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的阳性率分别为12.12%、13.87%和2.80%;间接ELISA检测马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的抗体阳性率分别为15.50%、10.14%和2.56%;不同年龄阶段筛查结果显示,在6岁以下的马匹感染马驽巴贝斯虫、马泰勒虫及混合感染的阳性率较高,并且不同地区的不同年龄阶段马匹的马梨形虫感染率存在不同程度的差异。此次获得的昭苏县马梨形虫感染情况的一线数据,可为当地养马区域马梨形虫病的综合防控提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The objective of this review is to introduce equine clinicians to the rapidly evolving field of clinical genomics with a vision of improving the health and welfare of the domestic horse. For 15 years a consortium of veterinary geneticists and clinicians has worked together under the umbrella of The Horse Genome Project. This group, encompassing 22 laboratories in 12 countries, has made rapid progress, developing several iterations of linkage, physical and comparative gene maps of the horse with increasing levels of detail. In early 2006, the research was greatly facilitated when the US National Human Genome Research Institute of the National Institutes of Health added the horse to the list of mammalian species scheduled for whole genome sequencing. The genome of the domestic horse has now been sequenced and is available to researchers worldwide in publicly accessible databases. This achievement creates the potential for transformative change within the horse industry, particularly in the fields of internal medicine, sports medicine and reproduction. The genome sequence has enabled the development of new genome‐wide tools and resources for studying inherited diseases of the horse. To date, researchers have identified 11 mutations causing 10 clinical syndromes in the horse. Testing is commercially available for all but one of these diseases. Future research will probably identify the genetic bases for other equine diseases, produce new diagnostic tests and generate novel therapeutics for some of these conditions. This will enable equine clinicians to play a critical role in ensuring the thoughtful and appropriate application of this knowledge as they assist clients with breeding and clinical decision‐making.  相似文献   

Although the strangles disease of Streptococcus equi was discovered many decades ago in 1,251 by Jordanus Ruffus, it has still remained a major frequently diagnosed infection in horses all over the world. The S. equi subspecies pathogen is known to be often resistant to antibiotic treatment, and it makes the antibiotics inefficient; hence, this review was conducted to study how the disease can be managed. The age-long sign of this infection is the oozing of pus through the mucous and skin membranes. Affected horses lose appetite, develop fever, and become depressed, which result in them losing weight and becoming lethargic, reducing their physical activity especially when they are being raised for athletic and sport purposes. This article reviews various solutions proffered by several researchers about the healthy performance impacts of S. equi in equine.  相似文献   

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