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In an attempt to establish an ideal method for mass production of Calicophoron microbothrium metacercariae, a study was carried out to compare the shedding capacities of Bulinus tropicus naturally and experimentally infected with C. microbothrium. A total of 906 F1 B. tropicus between 4 and 5 weeks old were each experimentally infected with two C. microbothrium miracidia and monitored for 12 weeks. The infected snails were fed on dried lettuce and fish flakes and were kept in 1 l plastic aquaria housed in a snail room where temperature, light and humidity were controlled. Seventy-four percent of the experimentally infected snails died during the prepatent period and of the remaining, only 13.2% developed patent infection, while 12.5% were refractory. Snail growth rate was poor and the average shedding rate was 20 cercariae per snail per day. Compared to the experimentally infected snails, 2200 adult B. tropicus, collected from the field and naturally infected with C. microbothrium, yielded high numbers of metacercariae. Eighty-four percent of the snails died within 7 weeks of the study with peak mortality occurring from the 2nd to the 4th week of infection and coinciding with an overall decrease in the number of cercariae shed.  相似文献   

Paramphistome infections are very common in ruminants and may induce clinical signs, but little is known about effective treatments. In this study, the efficacy of oxyclozanide against Calicophoron daubneyi was studied in goats and its activity tested against immature stages (10 days post-infection) at a dose of 22.5mg/kg bodyweight (BW) and against adult stages using two doses (15 and 22.5mg/kg BW). There was a reduction (82%) in the number of immature worms (compared to controls) but the result was not statistically significant. When tested against adult stages, however, oxyclozanide reduced the worm burdens by 95.6% and 95.9% at doses of 15 and 22.5mg/kg BW, respectively, with no significant difference between the two doses. The experiment demonstrated that oxyclozanide is highly effective in reducing the number of adult paramphistomes in goats.  相似文献   

The 22,23-dihydro derivative (ivermectin) of the major B1 components of the avermectins was evaluated, by oral and parenteral routes, for anthelmintic activity in cattle experimentally infected with 7 gastro-intestinal nematode species and lungworm. Treatment at three dosage levels was administered when the parasites were in the L4 developmental stage or when adult. The dosage expected to remove 95% of the nematodes (ED95) by each route of administration against the various developmental stages of each species of parasite was calculated by methods of linear regression to choose dose levels to be used in subsequent developmental field trials. Parenterally, efficacy against L4 stages of Haemonchus placei, Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis, Cooperia oncophora, C. punctata, Oesophagostomum radiatum and Dictyocaulus viviparus exceeded 99% with treatment at 0.2 mg ivermectin/kg. Parenteral treatment of the adult parasites resulted in at least 98% reduction of worm burdens, except ? 90% for T. colubriformis, with 0.2 mg/kg. Oral treatment of L4 stages of development with 0.2 mg/kg resulted in at least a 95% reduction in worm burdens of each of the 8 species of parasite. Oral treatment of the adult worms with 0.1 mg ivermectin/kg produced at least a 98% decrease in each parasite species, except for T. colubriformis (90% reduction) for which dose-response calculations suggest 95% efficacy with oral treatment at 0.2 mg/kg.  相似文献   

Excretion of Mycobacterium bovis by experimentally infected cattle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Three groups, each of five calves, four to seven months old, were inoculated intranasally with different numbers of Mycobacterium bovis. Infection was established readily in the calves which received an inoculum containing either 10(6) or 10(4) colony forming units (cfu). After every infection there was a lag period during which the organisms could not be isolated from specimens of nasal mucus. All the animals excreted M bovis and the time of commencement, quantity and duration of excretion appeared to be related to the inoculation dose. Excretion continued for many weeks, and for two calves excretion became intermittent over many months. All the calves which were given inocula of 92 cfu failed to develop the disease and no immunological responses were detected; however, M bovis was isolated from nasal secretions from one of these animals 100 days after inoculation.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the ability of the antimicrobials tulathromycin (Draxxin) and ceftiofur crystalline free acid sterile suspension (Excede) to clear the spirochete Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis (L. hardjo-bovis) from experimentally infected cattle. Treatment with tulathromycin resulted in clearance of L. hardjo-bovis organisms from the urine and kidney tissue of all animals (9 of 9), and treatment with ceftiofur crystalline free acid resulted in clearance of the organisms from the urine of 8 of 10 heifers and the kidney tissue of all 10 animals. In contrast, 10 of 10 placebo-treated cattle had L. hardjo-bovis organisms in their urine and 8 of 10 had the organisms in kidney tissue.  相似文献   

Calves 1-2 months old were experimentally infected with eggs of Taenia saginata and clinical and haematological deviations, development and distribution of cysticerci and pathological changes were recorded. The calves infected with 5,000, 10,000 or 50,000 eggs showed an increase in pulse and respiratory rates. The animals that received 50,000 eggs had significantly increased pulse (p < 0.05) and respiratory rates (p < 0.005). The symptoms were more severe in young, 30-day-old calves infected with 50,000 eggs. Haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit values and red blood cell count decreased, but white blood cell count increased slightly. Lymphocytes and eosinophils also increased up to 88% and 14% (p < 0.05), respectively. Most of the cysticerci were not fully formed 1 month post-infection, but at 2 months the cysts were fully mature and at 4 months, some cysts had degenerated. There was no uniform pattern of distribution of cysticerci in the body of infected calves, but the most commonly affected sites were masseter and heart muscles, followed by diaphragm, tongue and other skeletal muscles. The maximum concentration of 8-14 cysticerci per 10 g of tissue was recorded in masseter muscles and heart. The affected parts revealed tissue reactions that included pressure atrophy, necrosis and fibrosis. Microscopically, the lesions comprised infiltration with lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils and macrophages, fibrosis, necrosis and calcification. The tissue reaction was severe in calves infected with 50,000 eggs. The severity of clinical signs, haematological and pathological changes depended mostly on the age of the animals and dose of infection.  相似文献   

Summary Virulent rinderpest virus was detected by immunoperoxidase staining of microtitre bovine kidney cell cultures within 24 to 48 hours of inoculation with prescapular lymph node and spleen homogenates from experimentally infected steers. Rinderpest virus specific cytopathic effects were evident from 48 hours in microtitre plates and from 72 hours in rolled tube cultures. Nasal and ocular secretions collected from cattle naturally infected with rinderpest and inoculated into bovine kidney cell cultures did not readily yield cytopathic virus in both tubes and microtitre plates, but immunoperoxidase staining of microtitre cultures on the fourth day of inoculation detected replication of virus in cultures inoculated with ocular and nasal secretions from seven of 17 cattle tested.
Resumen Se detectó el virus virulente de mediante la tinción con inmunoperoxidasa de cultivos de células de ri?ón bovino en bandejas de microtitulación, después de la inoculación de estos con suspensiones homogenizadas de ganglios linfáticos preescapulares y de bazo provenientes de novillos infectados experimentalmente. El efecto citopático del virus de la peste bovina fue evidente desde las 48 horas en bandejas de microtitulación y desde las 72 horas en tubos de cultivo giratorios. Secreciones oculares y nasales colectadas de ganado infectado en forma natural con la peste bovina e inoculadas en cultivos de células de ri?ón bovino, no mostraron efecto citopático fácilmente en tubos giratorios o bandejas de microtitulación, pero la tinción de las bandejas con inmunoperoxidasa reveló replicación del virus a partir del cuarto día de inoculación con secreciones oculares y nasales en siete de los 17 animales examinados.

Résumé Un virus bovipestique virulent a été décelé par le test de coloration à l'immunoperoxydase de cellules rénales bovines en culture dans des plaques de microtitrage et infectées 48 heures plus t?t avec des homogénats de ganglions lymphatiques et de rate provenant de bouvillons infectés expérimentalement. Les effets cytopathogènes du virus étaient évidents au bout de 48 h dans les plaques de microtitrage et 72 h dans les tubes en rollers. Les sécrétions nasales et oculaires prélevées sur du bétail infecté naturellement par la peste bovine et inoculées sur des cellules rénales bovines n'ont pas toujours montré d'effet cythopathogène aussi bien dans les tubes que dans les plaques de microtitrage. Cependant, la coloration à la peroxydase au jour 4 après l'inoculation a permis de déceler la présence de virus dans 7 cas sur 17.

Five of a group of six calves were inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis. Two more uninoculated calves were introduced to the group 84 days later. All the inoculated calves were subsequently shown to be excreting M bovis in nasal mucus. The uninoculated calf in the initial group of six became infected and subsequently excreted M bovis. The two uninoculated calves which were introduced later did not become infected. It was concluded that contact with nasal mucus from the infected cattle resulted in infection of the uninoculated calf and that the density of accommodation of animals excreting M bovis was an important factor in transmission of the disease.  相似文献   

Calves infected with a sporozoite suspension of the Ikeda strain of Theileria sergenti were examined in attempts to detect the schizont stage. A suspension equivalent to the contents of 70-200 ticks was inoculated subcutaneously into 10 splenectomized calves. Schizonts and micromerozoites were found in the prescapular lymph nodes of 5 calves about 8 days after the sporozoite inoculation. Schizonts detected at the time of nuclear division had large and diffuse nuclei, and many of the schizonts were very large and extracellular in lymph node smears. The schizonts were also detected by the direct fluorescent antibody staining.  相似文献   

The preferential sites of infection of Cysticercus bovis were evaluated in the skeletal muscle and entrails of 25 cattle that were experimentally infected with Taenia saginata (2 × 104 eggs). Two other animals were not inoculated (control). Ninety days after inoculation, all the cattle were euthanized. The carcasses were deboned and dissected into 26 anatomical sections (masseter muscles, brain, tongue, esophagus, heart, diaphragm, lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, top sirloin butt, bottom sirloin butt, outside round, top (inside) round, transversus abdominus, top sirloin cap, strip loin, full tenderloin, eye of round, knuckle, shoulder clod, foreshank, shank, chuck, back ribs, and tail muscles). The dissected tissues were sliced into 5 mm sections. From the 25 cattle, 9258 C. bovis (cysticerci) were recovered; 75.02% (6946) of these were recovered from skeletal muscles and 24.98% (2312) from the entrails. A high parasitism level was found in the shoulder clod (12.55%), heart (11.02%), liver (9.48%), masseter muscles (8.51%), chuck (8.25%), strip loin and full tenderloin (7.26%), knuckle (6.63%), and back ribs (5.53%), totaling 69.23% (5738) of all of the detected cysticerci. On the other hand, there was a low C. bovis parasitism level in the brain, spleen, tail muscles, kidneys, esophagus, and diaphragm, representing just 3.9% of the total number of cysticerci. Given these results, we conclude that specific skeletal musculature regions, such as the shoulder blade, chuck, strip loin and full tenderloin, knuckle, back ribs and top round, which are not officially examined in many countries, are effective sites to efficiently screen C. bovis infection. To date, these regions have not been considered as preferential sites of C. bovis infection. Based on our work, however, these regions deserve greater attention from health inspectors because they contained a greater number of Cysticercus than the other regions of carcasses that are parasitized by T. saginata larvae.  相似文献   

A 'dipstick' immunoassay for bovine cysticercosis, using an antigen isolated from Taenia hydatigena cyst fluid, was evaluated in cattle experimentally infected with Taenia saginata. The assay correctly identified six out of seven infected cattle, including an animal in which only 12 living cysticerci were found. Cattle became seropositive as early as 3 weeks post-infection. A false-negative reaction was found for one very lightly infected animal, from which only four living cysticerci were recovered at necropsy. The assay was also used to detect circulating antibodies in experimentally infected cattle before and after therapeutic treatment with anthelminthics. The results suggest that praziquantel-treated animals gradually revert to being seronegative after the cysticerci are killed.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the effective dose of an experimental fasciolicide called compound alpha or 5-chloro-2-methylthio-6-(1-napthyloxy)1H-benzimidazole in experimentally and naturally infected cattle. In the first experiment, 24 fluke-free heifers were each infected with 800 metacercariae of Fasciola hepatica and re-infected on day 45 with other 600 cysts per animal. On day 75, when the animals had 4- and 10-week-old flukes respectively, they were divided into four groups (G) of six animals each according to fluke egg counts. Groups 1-3 received compound alpha at 10, 12 and 14 mg/kg/p.o., respectively. G4 remained as an untreated control. Twenty days after treatment, the animals were sacrificed for the recovery of flukes. Efficacy was assessed as a percentage of egg or fluke reduction relative to the untreated control. In the second experiment (naturally infected cattle), 24-year-old steers positive to F. hepatica eggs were blocked into four groups of five animals each. Groups 1-3 received compound alpha at 10, 12 and 14 mg/kg/p.o., respectively. Group 4 served as a non-treated control. All procedures to determine efficacy were carried out as mentioned in the first experiment. The results in the first study showed a percentage on egg reduction of 97.3, 100 and 100 and overall fluke reduction of 94.3, 100 and 100 for Groups 1-3, respectively. In the second study, the percentage of egg reduction was of 87.5, 99.1 and 100 and overall efficacy regarding fluke reduction was of 84.2, 99.6, and 100 for Groups 1-3, respectively. It is concluded that the effective dose selected for compound alpha was of 12 mg/kg/p.o. in cattle having an induced or natural F. hepatica infection.  相似文献   

Twenty-two heifers were infected intranasally with non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) between days 74 and 82 of pregnancy. All animals had developed serum antibodies against BVDV 5 weeks later. No clinical effects were seen in the heifers, and they all delivered a live calf. The newborn calves were generally small, appeared unthrifty as typical 'poor doers', and some developed secondary infections with diarrhoea and signs of respiratory disease. Eighteen of the 22 calves were born without antibodies against BVDV and were persistently infected (PI) with the virus. One was weak at birth and died the following day. Four calves were born with serum antibodies against BVDV and with no detectable virus. Three of these showed signs and/or pathological changes indicating disease in the central nervous system. Otherwise, there were no obvious clinical differences between these calves and the PI calves, nor were there any apparent significant differences in blood parameters between these groups. In general, the calves showed low gamma-globulin values and thrombocytopaenia, but moderately increased fibrinogen values and relatively normal lymphocyte numbers.  相似文献   

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