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In acid soils in the Eastern Plains of Colombia, forage grasses planted on land prepared before the previous dry season produced 40–50% more dry matter than when land was prepared immediately before planting. Virtually no NO3 accumulated in surface (0–10 cm) soil from three native undisturbed savanna sites. Where land was ploughed before the dry season, NO3 levels increased gradually after a 2–3 month lag, and dropped at the beginning of the rains. In samples incubated for 4 weeks, more NO3 accumulated in the wet than the dry season. A similar 2–3-month lag occurred when land was ploughed after the dry season. NH4+ levels were higher in ploughed than savanna soils, and rose in all soils at the beginning of the rains. More NO3 and NH4+ accumulated on incubation in pots than in soil cores. Forage grasses inhibited NO3 accumulation in the soil, relative to plant-free plots, and legumes stimulated it. N fertilization overcame this inhibition except in the case of Brachiaria humidicola .  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of especially frequent nitrogen (N) additions (from 1959 to 1986, totalling 860 kg N ha−1) and liming (in 1958 and 1980, totalling 6000 kg CaCO3 ha−1) on CH4 uptake by a boreal forest soil were studied in a stand of Norway spruce. Except for a forested reference plot, the stand was clear-cut in January 1993 and the following year one-half of each clear-cut plot was prepared by mounding. Fluxes of CH4 were measured with static chambers in the autumn before clear-cutting and during the following four summers. The average CH4 uptake during 1993–96 in the forested reference plot was 82 μg CH4 m−2 h−1(ranging from 10 to 147 units). In the first summer after clear-cutting, the cleared plot showed 42% lower CH4 uptake rate than the forested reference plot, but thereafter the difference became less pronounced. The short-term decrease in CH4 consumption after clear-cutting was associated with increases in soil NH4+ and NO3concentrations. Mounding tended at first to stimulate CH4 uptake but later to inhibit it. Neither liming nor N-fertilization had significant effects on CH4 consumption. Our results suggest that over the long term, in N-limited upland boreal forest soils, N addition does not decrease CH4 uptake by the soil.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight organic acids exist widely in soils and have been implicated in many soil processes. The results in the present paper showed that the presence of organic anions led to a decrease in the adsorption of NO3. The effect of citrate was much larger than that of oxalate and malate. Among different soils, the effect for Hyper-Rhodic Ferralsol and Rhodic Ferralsol was larger than that for Haplic Acrisol, which was related to the content of iron oxides in these soils. The effect of organic anions decreased with the increases in pH value and the amount of organic anions added. The organic anions depressed the adsorption of NO3 through two mechanisms, the competition of the organic anions for adsorption sites with NO3 and the change of soil surface charge caused by the specific adsorption of organic anions.  相似文献   

Abstract. Inputs of acidity to the ground arise through two distinct routes: wet deposition which includes all acidity deposited in rain and snow and dry deposition, the direct sorption of SO2, NO2 or HNO3 gases by vegetation or soil surfaces. The acidity from dry deposition of SO2 and NO2 is created during the oxidation of deposited SO2 and NO2 to SO24 and NO3 respectively. The areas of Britain experiencing the largest wet deposition of acidity are the high rainfall areas of the west and north, in particular the west central highlands of Scotland, Galloway and Cumbria where inputs exceed 1 kp H+ ha−1 annually. Wet deposited acidity in the east coast regions of Britain is in the range 0.3–0.6 kg H+ ha−1 a−1. Monitoring data for rainfall acidity at rural sites throughout northern Britain show a decline in deposited acidity of about 50% during the last six years. Dry deposition is largest in the industrial midlands and southeast England and in the central lowlands of Scotland, where concentrations of SO2 are largest. In these regions the dry deposition of SO2 following oxidation may lead to acid inputs approaching 3 kg H+ ha−1 a−1 and greatly exceeding wet deposition.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of plant species in grassland on methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from soil, fluxes from an orchardgrass ( Dactylis glomerata L.) grassland, white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) grassland and orchardgrass/white clover mixed grassland were measured weekly from April 2001 to March 2002 using a vented closed chamber method. Related environmental parameters (soil inorganic N content, soil pH (H2O) value, soil moisture content, soil temperature, grass yield, and the number of soil microorganisms) were also regularly monitored. On an annual basis, CH4 consumption in the soil of the orchardgrass grassland, white clover grassland and orchardgrass/white clover mixed grassland was 1.8, 2.4, and 1.8 kg C ha−1 year−1, respectively. The soil bulk density of the white clover grassland was lower than that of the other grasslands. Fluxes of CH4 were positively correlated with the soil moisture content. White clover increased the CH4 consumption by improving soil aeration. Nitrogen supply to the soil by white clover did not decrease the CH4 consumption in the soil of our grasslands. On the other hand, annual N2O emissions from the orchardgrass grassland, white clover grassland, and orchardgrass/white clover mixed grassland were 0.39, 1.59, and 0.67 kg N ha−1 year−1, respectively. Fluxes of N2O were correlated with the NO3 content in soil and soil temperature. White clover increased the N2O emissions by increasing the inorganic N content derived from degrading white clover in soil in summer.  相似文献   

The origin of highly acidic (pH<4.5) barren soils in the Klamath Mountains of northern California was examined. Soil parent material was mica schist that contained an average of 2,700 mg N kg−1, which corresponds to 7.1 Mg N ha−1 contained in a 10-cm thickness of bedrock. In situ soil solutions were dominated by H+, labile-monomeric Al3+ and NO3, indicating that the barren area soils were nitrogen saturated—more mineral nitrogen available than required by biota. Leaching of excess NO3 has resulted in removal of nutrient cations and soil acidification. Nitrogen release rates from organic matter free soil ranged from 0.0163 to 0.0321 mg N kg−1 d−1. Nitrogen release rate from fresh ground rock was 0.0465 mg N kg−1 d−1. This study demonstrates that geologic nitrogen may represent a large and reactive nitrogen pool that can contribute significantly to soil acidification.  相似文献   

Gaseous N loss, through denitrification and NH3volatilization, was monitored throughout the growing season after spring application of 15N labelled urea fertilizer to peaty gley soils supporting N-deficient Sitka spruce. From the 15N data, it was calculated that only about 0.28% of applied N was lost through NH3-volatilization, almost all within the first few days after fertilizer application. Approximately 0.05% of applied N was calculated to be lost through denitrification. Denitrification decreased slowly over a 4-month period after fertilizer application. Rates of NH3-volatilization correlated with available NH4+ in the litter layer, while for the early part of the study when N-losses were highest, denitrification rates correlated with available NO3 in the litter layer. Observations of gaseous N-loss are also discussed in relation to data from lysimetry, changes in soil pH, and the soil moisture regime.  相似文献   

Methane fluxes on agricultural and forested boreal organic soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. Annual methane fluxes from an organic soil in eastern Finland, originally drained and planted with birch ( Betula pendula ) and then later cultivated, were studied for two years using a chamber technique. The agricultural soils growing grass or barley or without vegetation, generally acted as sinks for CH4. Surprisingly, the agricultural soils emitted CH4 during a warm dry summer. The CH4 oxidation capacity and CH4 uptake rate of the forested site was three times that of agricultural soils. Also, the forest soil better retained its capacity to take up CH4 during a dry summer. Despite periods of CH4 emission, the agricultural soils were annual sinks for CH4, with uptake rate of CH4-C varying from 0.1 to 3.7 kg ha−1 yr−1. The forested soil had a methane uptake rate of 3.9 kg CH4-C ha−1 yr−1. All the soils acted as sinks for CH4 during winter, which contributed up to half of the annual CH4 uptake. The capacity of soils to transport gases did not explain the larger CH4 uptake rate in the forest soil. At the same gas filled porosity, the forest soil had a much larger CH4 uptake rate than the agricultural soil. Neither the soil acidity (pH 4.5 and 6.0) nor high ammonium content appeared to limit CH4 uptake. The results suggest that CH4 oxidation in agricultural organic soil is more sensitive to soil drying than CH4 oxidation in forested organic soil.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of repeated application (once every 2 d) of a fertilizer solution with different ratios of NH4+ - and NO3-N on N2O emission from soil. After the excess fertilizer solution was drained from soil, the water content of soil was adjusted to 50% of the maximum water-holding capacity by suction at 6 × 103 Pa. Repeated application of NH4+- rich fertilizer solution stimulated nitrification in soil more than NO3-rich fertilizer. Although the evolution of N2O through nitrifier denitrification tended to increase with the repeated addition of a fertilizer solution rich in NH4+ rather than in NO3, the contribution of nitrifier denitrification remained at levels of 20 to 36% of the total emission regardless of the inorganic N composition. The total emission of N2O also tended to increase with the application of NH4+- rather than NO3-rich fertilizer. It was suggested that the coupled process of nitrification and denitrification at micro-aerobic sites became important when fertilizer rich in NH4+ was applied to soil under relatively aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Soil properties may affect the decomposition of added organic materials and inorganic nitrogen (N) production in agricultural soils. Three soils, Potu (Pu), Sankengtzu (Sk) and Erhlin (Eh) soils, mixed with sewage sludge compost (SSC) at application rates of 0 (control), 25, 75 and 150 Mg ha−1 were selected from Taiwan for incubation for 112 days. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of SSC application rates on the carbon decomposition rate, N transformation and pH changes in three soils with different initial soil pH values (4.8–7.7). The results indicated that the highest peaks of the CO2 evolution rate occurred after 3 days of incubation, for all treatments. The Pu soil (pH 4.8) had a relatively low rate of CO2 evolution, total amounts of CO2 evolution and percentage of added organic C loss, all of which resulted from inhibition of microbial activity under low pH. For the Pu and Sk soils, the concentration of NH4+-N reached its peak after 7–14 days of incubation, which indicated that ammonification might have occurred in the two soils with low initial pH values. NO3-N rapidly accumulated in the first 7 days of incubation in the Eh soil (pH 7.7). The direction and extent of the soil pH changes were influenced by the N in the SSC and the initial soil pH. Ammonification of organic N in the SSC caused the soil pH to increase, whereas nitrification of mineralized N caused the soil pH to decline. Consequently, the initial soil pH greatly affected the rate of carbon decomposition, ammonification and nitrification of SSC.  相似文献   

Coniferous forest soils often consume less of the greenhouse gas methane (CH4) than deciduous forest soils. The reasons for this phenomenon have not been resolved. It might be caused by differences in the diffusive flux of CH4 through the organic layer, pH or different concentrations of potentially inhibitory compounds. Soil samples were investigated from three adjacent European beech ( Fagus sylvatica ) and Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) stands in Germany. Maximal CH4 oxidation velocities (Vmax(app)) and Michaelis Menten constants (KM(app)), retrieved from intact soil cores at constant CH4 concentrations, temperature and matric potential, were twice as great in beech as in spruce soils. Also atmospheric CH4 oxidation rates measured in homogenized soil samples displayed the same trend. Greatest atmospheric CH4 oxidation rates were detected in the Oa horizon or in the upper 5 cm of the mineral soil. In contrast to the beech soils, the Oa horizon of the spruce soils consumed no CH4. A differential effect due to divergent diffusive flux through the litter layer was not found. pH and ammonium concentration were similar in samples from both forest soil types. Ethylene accumulation in all soils was negligible under oxic conditions. These collective results suggest that the different atmospheric CH4 uptake by beech and spruce soils is caused by different CH4 oxidizing capacities of methanotrophic communities in the Oa horizon and top mineral soil.  相似文献   

Fluxes of the greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) from histosolic soils (which account for approximately 10% of Swedish agricultural soils) supporting grassley and barley production in Sweden were measured over 3 years using static chambers. Emissions varied both over area and time. Methane was both produced and oxidized in the soil: fluxes were small, with an average emission of 0.12 g CH4 m−2 year−1 at the grassley site and net uptake of −0.01 g CH4 m−2 year−1 at the barley field. Methane emission was related to soil water, with more emission when wet. Nitrous oxide emissions varied, with peaks of emission after soil cultivation, ploughing and harrowing. On average, the grassley and barley field had emissions of 0.20 and 1.51 g N2O m−2 year−1, respectively. We found no correlation between N2O and soil factors, but the greatest N2O emission was associated with the driest areas, with < 60% average water-filled pore space. We suggest that the best management option to mitigate emissions is to keep the soil moderately wet with permanent grass production, which restricts N2O emissions whilst minimizing those of CH4.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas emissions from farmed organic soils: a review   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Abstract. The large boreal peatland ecosystems sequester carbon and nitrogen from the atmosphere due to a low oxygen pressure in waterlogged peat. Consequently they are sinks for CO2 and strong emitters of CH4. Drainage and cultivation of peatlands allows oxygen to enter the soil, which initiates decomposition of the stored organic material, and in turn CO2 and N2O emissions increase while CH4 emissions decrease. Compared to undrained peat, draining of organic soils for agricultural purposes increases the emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O) by roughly 1t CO2 equivalents/ha per year. Although farmed organic soils in most European countries represent a minor part of the total agricultural area, these soils contribute significantly to national greenhouse gas budgets. Consequently, farmed organic soils are potential targets for policy makers in search of socially acceptable and economically cost-efficient measures to mitigate climate gas emissions from agriculture. Despite a scarcity of knowledge about greenhouse gas emissions from these soils, this paper addresses the emissions and possible control of the three greenhouse gases by different managements of organic soils. More precise information is needed regarding the present trace gas fluxes from these soils, as well as predictions of future emissions under alternative management regimes, before any definite policies can be devised.  相似文献   

Abstract. Grassland is a major source of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) emissions in the UK, resulting from high rates of fertilizer application. We studied the effects of substituting mineral fertilizer by organic manures and a slow-release fertilizer in silage grass production on greenhouse gas emissions and soil mineral N content in a three-year field experiment. The organic manures investigated were sewage sludge pellets and composted sewage sludge (dry materials), and digested sewage sludge and cattle slurry (liquid materials). The organic manures produced N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) consistently from time of application up to harvest. However, they mitigated N2O emissions by around 90% when aggregate emissions of 15.7 kg N ha−1 from NPK fertilizer were caused by a flux of up to 4.9 kg N ha−1 d−1 during the first 4 days after heavy rainfall subsequent to the NPK fertilizer application. CH4 was emitted only for 2 or 3 days after application of the liquid manures. CH4 and CO2 fluxes were not significantly mitigated. Composting and dried pellets were useful methods of conserving nutrients in organic wastes, enabling slow and sustained release of nitrogen. NPK slow-release fertilizer also maintained grass yields and was the most effective substitute for the conventional NPK fertilizer for mitigation of N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

A method for the analysis of NO3-N in a 2 m KCL soil extract, using ion chromatography, is discussed. It involves the treatment of the KCl extract with Ag+-activated cation exchange resin to remove excess Cl, followed by analysis using a Dionex ion chromatograph. The results of NO3-N in soil extracts agreed closely with those obtained by steam distillation. The method was linear up to 20 mg N dm–3 with a detection limit of 0.1 mg Ndm–3. Quantitative recovery of NO3-N added to soil extracts over the linear range were observed.
Standard deviations of samples containing 2.57 and 15.11 mgN dm–3 were found to be 0.06 and 0.11 respectively.  相似文献   

Burial of wheat straw in ditches and incorporation of wheat straw are the two main ways of returning wheat straw prior to rice cultivation in China. To examine the effect of burying wheat straw in ditches on CH4 emissions from rice cultivation, a field experiment was conducted at Yixing, Jiangsu, China in 2004. CH4 flux was measured using a closed-chamber technique in three treatments (CK, no wheat straw application; WI, evenly incorporating 3.75 t ha−1 wheat straw into the 0.1 m topsoil; WD, burying 3.75 t ha−1 wheat straw in 0.14-m deep by 0.25-m wide ditches). Seasonal CH4 emissions ranged from 49.7 to 218.4 kg CH4 ha−1. The application of wheat straw in these two ways significantly increased CH4 emissions by 4.0-fold and 4.4-fold, respectively ( P  < 0.05). Although CH4 flux from the non-ditch area in the WD treatment was as low as that in the CK treatment, it was counter-balanced by extremely high CH4 flux from the ditch, which was approximately 6.0-fold as much as that from WI, leading to comparability between treatments WI and WD in total CH4 emissions ( P  > 0.05). No significant difference was observed between the three treatments in grain yield ( P  > 0.05). The results indicated that burial of wheat straw in ditches is not a way to reduce CH4 emission from rice cultivation.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to optimize the management of the N-fertilizer inputs with drip fertigation on sandy-silt soil under apple tree orchard cultivation, we observed in situ: (i) the N and water soil transfers, (ii) the N levels in all leaves, fruits and annual shoots, and (iii) the root distribution. Then we used a mechanistic one-dimensional model (WAVE, Vanclooster et al. , 1994) to quantify the annual parameters of the water and nitrogen balance on a daily basis. The horizontal heterogeneity along the row of the tree-soil-dripper system has been treated with two adjacent compartments: one under the dripper and receiving fertigation and the other outside this zone. N transfers in the tree make it impossible to estimate directly N uptake by roots over time.
The simulated N losses were due to equal amounts of N leaching below 0.9 m deep (9 g N tree−1year−1 and denitrification (7 g N tree−1year−1. The simulated losses of gaseous N were localized predominantly in the compartment under the dripper and showed a higher rate of leaching during the period of N input when the wet conditions and the high NO3 concentrations were favourable to denitrification. The N-leaching at 0.9 m depth was greatest outside the growing season and was caused by the extension of the N-inputs after the harvest date. This practice, based on the objective to store nitrogen before the period of dormancy does not seem to be justified.  相似文献   

Impacts of land management on fluxes of trace greenhouse gases   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Abstract. Land use change and land management practices affect the net emissions of the trace gases methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), as well as carbon sources and sinks. Changes in CH4 and N2O emissions can substantially alter the overall greenhouse gas balance of a system. Drainage of peatlands for agriculture or forestry generally increases N2O emission as well as that of CO2, but also decreases CH4 emission. Intermittent drainage or late flooding of rice paddies can greatly diminish the seasonal emission of CH4 compared with continuous flooding. Changes in N2O emissions following land use change from forest or grassland to agriculture vary between climatic zones, and the net impact varies with time. In many soils, the increase in carbon sequestration by adopting no-till systems may be largely negated by associated increases in N2O emission. The promotion of carbon credits for the no-till system before we have better quantification of its net greenhouse gas balance is naïve. Applying nitrogen fertilizers to forests could increase the forest carbon sink, but may be accompanied by a net increase in N2O; conversely, adding lime to acid forest soils can decrease the N2O emission.  相似文献   

Release of potassium from some benchmark soils of India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Release of potassium from 15 surface samples of benchmark Alluvial, Red and Black soils of India to 0.01 M solutions of BaCl2, CaCl2, NH4Cl and NaCl was studied in soils either untreated or pretreated with 5 × 10−3 M KCl. In the untreated soils, the efficacy of the extractants declined in the sequence: BaCl2 > NH4Cl > CaCl2 > NaCl. Cumulative K-release was greatest from Black soils, followed by Red and Alluvial soils. From soils pretreated with 5 * 10−3 M KCl, more K was released than retained, and more 'native' K was released than that from untreated soils. Increase in the release of 'native' K decreased in the sequence: Red > Alluvial > Black soils. The amounts of surface and internal K, desorption rate constants and parabolic diffusion constants were calculated from K release to the various electrolytes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) leaching from animal production systems in the northeast USA is a major non-point source of pollution in the Chesapeake Bay. We conducted a study to measure NO3-N leaching from dairy slurry applied to orchardgrass ( Dactylis glomerata L., cv. Pennlate) using large drainage lysimeters to measure the direct impact of four rates of slurry (urine and faeces) N application (0, 168, 336, 672 kg N ha−1 yr−1) on NO3-N leaching on three soil types. We then used experimentally-based relationships developed earlier between stocking density and NO3-N leaching loss and leachate NO3-N concentration to estimate the added impact of animal grazing. Nitrate N leaching losses from only dairy slurry applied at the 0, 158, 336, and 672 kg N ha−1 yr−1 rates were 5.85, 8.26, 8.83, and 12.1 kg N ha−1 yr−1, respectively with corresponding NO3-N concentrations of 1.60, 2.30, 2.46, and 3.48 mg l−1. These NO3-N concentrations met the 10 mg l−1 US EPA drinking water standard. However, when a scenario was constructed to include the effect of NO3-N leaching caused by animal grazing, the NO3-N drinking water standard was calculated to be exceeded.  相似文献   

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