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侯秋石 《兽医导刊》2011,(Z1):177-178
在养猪生育中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后7日内为最多。死亡的主要原因:白痢、发育不良、压死和冻死。所以,初生7日内是保仔畜第一关键时期。从生后10~15d,由于母猪泌乳一般在21d左右达高峰后就逐渐下降,而仔猪生长发育却迅速上升,需乳量不断增加,如不及时喂料,以补充  相似文献   

在仔猪培育过程中,有三个关键时期,把握好这三个关键时期可极大地提高仔猪成活率。第一个关键时期是仔猪出生后7d内,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后7d内为最多,死亡的主要原因有白痢、发育不良、  相似文献   

在养猪生育中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后7d内为最多,死亡的主要原因:白痢、发育不良、压死和冻死.从生后10~25d,由于母猪泌乳一般在21d左右达高峰后就逐渐下降,而仔猪生长发育却迅速上升,需乳量不断增加,如不及时喂料,以补充母乳之不足,容易造成仔猪瘦弱得病而死亡.1 提高仔猪初生重初生体重大的仔猪成活率高,初生体重小的仔猪成活率低.  相似文献   

在养猪生产中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后1~8d内为最多,死亡的主要原因:白痢、发育不良、压死和冻死。所以,应加强1~8日龄仔猪的保温、防压护理。这是第一关键时期;出生后20d,由于母猪泌乳一般在这个时候达高峰,然后逐渐下降,而仔猪生长发育却日益旺盛,需乳量不断增加,如不及时喂料,以补充母乳之不  相似文献   

在养猪生产中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后7日龄内最多,死亡的主要原因是白痢、发育不良、压死和冻死。所以,加强初生仔猪7天内的保温、防压护理,这是第1个关键时期。生后10~25天,由于母猪泌乳一般在21天左右达高峰后就逐渐下降,而仔猪生长发育却迅速上升,需乳量不断增  相似文献   

在养猪生产中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后8日内死亡率最高,死亡的主要原因有:疾病(白痢)、发育不良、压死和冻死,这一时期是影响仔猪成活率的第一个关键时期。由于  相似文献   

在养猪生育中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后7d内为最多,死亡的主要原因:白痢、发育不良、压死和冻死。从生后10—25d,由于母猪泌乳一般在21d左右达高峰后就逐渐下降,而仔猪生长发育却迅速上升,需乳量不断增加,如不及时喂料,以补充母乳之不足,容易造成仔猪瘦弱得病而死亡。  相似文献   

在养猪生产中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后7日内为最多。死亡的主要原因是患白痢、发育不良、压死及冻死。所以,仔猪初生7天内应以保温、防压为主。  相似文献   

在养猪生产中,仔猪年龄越小,死亡率越高,尤其出生后1~8d内为最多,死亡的主要原因:白痢、发育不良、压死和冻死。所以,应加强1~8日龄仔猪的保温、防压护理。这是第一关键时期;出生后20d,由于母猪泌乳一般在这个时候达高峰,然后逐渐下降,而仔猪生长发育却日益旺盛,需乳量不断增加,如不及时喂料,  相似文献   

正在养猪生产中,如何提高仔猪成活率,增加经济收入是每个养殖户特别关心的问题。仔猪成活率低的主要原因有:死胎、弱仔、冻死、压死和仔猪黄白痢病。仔猪出生后生活环境发生了根本改变。原来在母体内环境稳定,而出生后直接与外界环境接触,此时免疫系统、消化系统等都又未发育完全,任何不利条件都可能使仔猪抵抗不住,发生疾病甚至死亡。仔猪年龄越小,  相似文献   

近年来,窝产仔数已有了显著的提高,但要确保这些仔猪存活下来对生产者是一种挑战。幸亏有了专业化的饲喂系统和精心制成的代乳品,使得每月额外有1 700头仔猪在断奶这一关键期间得以存活。  相似文献   

随着母猪窝产仔数迅速增加,猪场要死整窝仔猪全部存活下来还有一定难度,急救仓系统与精细配制的代乳料相结合,使断奶仔猪的存活率明显提高。本文介绍了代乳料近几年取得的进步、急救仓系统的设计特点及使用效果。  相似文献   

Indicators of piglet survival in an outdoor farrowing system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pre-weaning piglet mortality continues to be a major welfare and economic concern. In outdoor farrowing systems, there is a particular need to broaden breeding goals by incorporating selection for piglet survival to improve both productivity and welfare. This study aimed to identify behavioural and physiological survival indicators that are influential in outdoor systems and that could provide additional information for use when selecting for piglet survival. Data were collected from 511 piglets from Large White × Landrace × Duroc sows and Generalised Linear Mixed Models determined which indicators were most important for piglet survival in an outdoor system. With respect to prenatal mortality (surviving vs. stillborn piglets) high ponderal index (< 0.001) or body mass index (P < 0.001) in conjunction with being born earlier in the farrowing birth order (< 0.001) were the most important survival indicators. Birth weight (< 0.001) and rectal temperature 1 h after birth (= 0.032) were the most significant postnatal survival indicators. However survival indicators identified as important in indoor, conventional farrowing crates, such as landmark behaviours (latency to reach the udder, a teat and to suckle colostrum), were not influential in this system. These results highlight the importance of studying potential indicators of survival in alternative farrowing systems to the farrowing crate.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters of piglet survival traits and birth weight were estimated on the first generation data of a selection experiment aimed at improving piglet survival using a multiple trait linear and threshold model. Data on 5293 piglets for survival at birth, at day one after birth and during the entire nursing period, as well as individual birth weight and litter size, were recorded in an outdoor production system. Genetic effects of piglet survival traits and birth weight were estimated based on threshold and Gaussian models, respectively, using a Bayesian approach. The statistical model included as fixed effects selection group, parity, gender, fostering, gestation length and month of farrowing and, alternatively, an adjustment for litter size. Direct genetic effects (i.e. the piglet's genetic potential) for piglet survival and birth weight were estimated separately, whereas maternal genetic and environmental effects could only be estimated for the given data structure in a combined litter effect. Posterior means of heritabilities for direct genetic effects of survival at birth, at first day after birth and the entire nursing period, as well as birth weight, were 0.08, 0.07, 0.08 and 0.20, respectively. Genetic correlations among survival traits were in the range of 0.29 to 0.40 and indicate that these traits were mainly attributable to different genetic effects. Genetic correlations between direct effects of survival traits and birth weight ranged between 0.18 and 0.23 and were reduced when weights of stillborn piglets were omitted in the analysis or the traits were adjusted for litter size. The magnitudes of direct genetic effects of survival traits are substantially higher than estimates in the literature, which may indicate that these traits have a higher genetic influence under outdoor conditions. The use of birth weight in the multiple trait estimation provided important information for the estimation of survival traits due to its favourable genetic correlations with survival, its high heritability and its high information content as a continuously measured trait.  相似文献   

This study is based on 12708 first-parity and 7062 second-parity Yorkshire litters from Swedish nucleus herds; and on 1037 first-parity Yorkshire litters from an experimental herd. Gestation length was analysed together with litter size, piglet mortality and average piglet growth rate. A sire–dam model was used to estimate direct (litter) and maternal (sow) genetic effects. Direct heritability for gestation length was 0.3. Maternal heritability was estimated at 0.2 in nucleus data and 0.3 in experimental data. The maternal genetic correlation between gestation length and litter size was negative. The genetic correlations between gestation length and number stillborn were not consistent between the two data sets. Genetic correlations between gestation length and number dead after birth were negative. Genetic correlations between gestation length and average birth weight and piglet growth rate were positive. We conclude that gestation length is influenced by the genotype of the piglets and the genotype of the sow. Selection for prolonged gestation would probably improve piglet survival after birth and piglet growth; it might, however, result in more stillbirths.  相似文献   

In livestock, mortality in general, and mortality of the young, is societal worries and is economically relevant for farm efficiency. Genetic change is cumulative; if it exists for survival of the young and genetic merit can be estimated with sufficient accuracy, it can help alleviate the pressure of mortality. Lack of survival is a moving target; livestock production is in continuous change and labor shortage is a given. There is now ample evidence of clear genetic variance and of models able to provide genomic predictions with enough accuracy for selection response. Underlying traits such as birth weight, uniformity in birth weight, gestation length, number of teats, and farrowing duration all show genetic variation and support selection for survival or, alternatively, be selected for on their own merit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate piglet preweaning survival and its relationship with a total merit index (TMI) used for selection of Large White terminal boars for dry-cured ham production. Data on 13,924 crossbred piglets (1,347 litters), originated by 189 Large White boars and 328 Large White-derived crossbred sows, were analyzed under a frailty proportional hazards model, assuming different baseline hazard functions and including sire and nursed litter as random effects. Estimated hazard ratios (HR) indicated that sex, cross-fostering, year-month of birth, parity of the nurse sow, size of the nursed litter, and class of TMI were significant effects for piglet preweaning survival. Female piglets had less risk of dying than males (HR = 0.81), as well as cross-fostered piglets (HR = 0.60). Survival increased when piglets were nursed by sows of third (HR = 0.85), fourth (HR = 0.76), and fifth (HR = 0.79) parity in comparison with first and second parity sows. Piglets of small (HR = 3.90) or very large litters (HR >1.60) had less chance of surviving in comparison with litters of intermediate size. Class of TMI exhibited an unfavorable relationship with survival (HR = 1.20 for the TMI top class). The modal estimates of sire variance under different baseline hazard functions were 0.06, whereas the variance for the nursed litter was close to 0.7. The estimate of the nursed litter effect variance was greater than that of the sire, which shows the importance of the common environment generated by the nurse sow. Relationships between sire rankings obtained from different survival models were high. The heritability estimate in equivalent scale was low and reached a value of 0.03. Nevertheless, the exploitable genetic variation for this trait justifies the inclusion of piglet preweaning survival in the current breeding program for selection of Large White terminal boars for dry-cured ham production.  相似文献   

通过日粮营养调控改善仔猪消化环境的技术措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
仔猪胃肠道消化环境的改善途径 ,主要通过改善胃肠道微生态、有效降低pH值、激活消化酶、补充添加营养调控等途径来解决 ,以促进饲料营养物质的消化吸收。通过日粮营养和非营养调控物质措施 ,充分挖掘仔猪机体生理机制的巨大潜力 ,调动、激发和强化仔猪自身系统自我营养调控功能 ,定向控制和调节仔猪机体行为机制 ,就可以较大幅度地提高仔猪生长性能 ,有效降低仔猪腹泻率。1 改善胃肠道微生态环境1.1 应用微生物制剂 (益生素 )通过日粮中添加有益菌来抑制肠道有害菌群 ,加快有益菌群的增殖 ,形成优势的有益菌群 ,中和肠内毒素 ,达到提高…  相似文献   

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