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The need to increase forage production for the growing livestock population in the Mediterranean region necessitates the evaluation of various promising forage species with respect to maximum herbage yield, optimum time for harvest and seed yield. Seven forage legumes, woolly pod vetch ( Vicia villosa subsp. dasycarpa accession 683), narbon vetch (V. narbonensis accession 67), common vetch ( V. sativa selections 2541, 2037, 2020), common chickling ( Lathyrus sativus selection 439) and ochrus chickling ( L. ochrus selection 104) were compared over two years with contrasting rainfall. In both years the entries were sown in November and their primary growths sampled periodically during growth. For each sample, phenology, total dry matter, leaf area index (LAI) and, at maturity, total dry matter, seed yield and harvest index, were recorded.
In both seasons, narbon vetch attained the highest dry matter and seed yields, and there was very limited variability in the maximum dry matter yield of the other entries. In general, the maximum dry matter occurred at 20–50 % podding in woolly pod vetch, 100 % podding in common vetch selection 2541 (local), narbon vetch and common chickling and at maturity in common vetch selection 2037, selection 2020 and ochrus chickling.
Throughout the vegetative to early flowering stages, woolly pod vetch had the highest dry matter yield and LAI. Possible uses of each species as animal feed are discussed.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted over the period 1995–96 in a warm-temperate environment in Nepal to investigate the effect of cutting frequency on forage yields of three temperate legume species, grown during the winter season, and the residual treatment effects on a subsequent upland rice crop. The three species, Persian clover ( Trifolium resupinatum ), white clover ( Trifolium repens ) and vetch ( Vicia benghalensis ), proved to be well adapted to the winter growing conditions and produced cumulative forage yields between 6.8 t DM ha−1 (vetch) and 9.2 t DM ha−1 (Persian clover). Vetch grew vigorously throughout the winter months and provided reasonable forage yields between December and February, whereas the clovers provided green fodder up to July. These species may therefore make a substantial contribution to alleviating the severe shortage of quality feed during the winter months. Grain yields of the subsequent rice crop ranged from 3.6 to 7.3 t ha−1. Rice yields were greatly affected by the previous legume species and forage management practices. In general, the removal of legume forage greatly reduced the residual effect, and farmers will have to seek a compromise between maximizing green fodder production and the immediate beneficial residual effect of the legume crop on rice yield.  相似文献   

为探明毛果胡卢巴、劲直黄芪、天蓝苜蓿、镰荚棘豆和窄叶野豌豆5种野生豆科牧草种子萌发的适宜温度以提高其萌发率,研究了0/10℃ 、5/15℃ 、10/20℃ 、15/25℃ 、20/30℃ 、25/35℃ 、30/40℃等7种发芽温度对西藏5种野生豆科牧草种子萌发的影响.结果表明,5种野生豆科牧草种子在0/10℃条件下均无萌发;发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数等指标随昼夜温度的升高呈先上升后下降趋势;毛果胡卢巴、劲直黄芪、天蓝苜蓿、镰荚棘豆和窄叶野豌豆牧草在适宜温度范围内种子萌发时滞最短,依次为2,2,2,3,4d;毛果胡卢巴和镰荚棘豆种子萌发最适温度为15/25℃,发芽率分别高达95%和812.5%;劲直黄芪、天蓝苜蓿、窄叶野豌豆种子萌发最适温度为20/30℃,发芽率依次为85%、912.5%和65%.  相似文献   

Twenty-five genotypes of forage peas (Pisum sativum L.) were evaluated under rainfed conditions for two years at four locations in Syria and one in Lebanon. Since local climatic variation is significant, each location in each year was treated as a separate environment, to give ten environments. Genotype-environment interactions (GXE) were analysed using linear regression techniques. There was considerable variation in herbage and seed yields within both genotypes and environments. Genotype-environment interactions were present for both herbage and seed yields; a large proportion of these interactions was accounted for by the linear regression. Although the non-linear component was also significant, its magnitude was smaller than that of the linear component. The highest and most stable herbage yields were obtained from accessions 46/61, 135/175, 3211/323, 99/103 and 88/335. The highest and most stable seed yields were produced by accessions 4/166, 2428/240, 424/242 and 88/335. Accession 88/335 from Germany, F.R. was the only genotype to combine high herbage and seed yields with wide adaptation and stability and could thus be considered the most widely adapted genotype. Other stable genotypes were identified as suitable for poor environments. Yield of the locally collected genotype, though often high, was found to be unstable. The importance of genotype-environment interactions in future breeding strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

庞冰  方宝华 《中国农学通报》2011,27(30):126-130
为进一步挖掘饲料专用早稻产量潜力,提高其糙米蛋白质含量,通过总结专用稻栽培技术,选取了湖南省五类土壤,研究饲料专用早稻的产量和稻米品质变化。结果表明,五类土壤种植的饲料专用早稻产量以黄泥(6358.5 kg/hm2)为最高,其次为灰黄泥(6295.5 kg/hm2),产量表现为黄泥 > 灰黄泥 > 红黄泥 > 紫潮泥 > 中性紫泥;黄泥、灰黄泥、红黄泥比紫潮泥、中性紫泥的饲料稻全生育期缩短1天;灰黄泥具有较高的糙米率和蛋白质含量,糙米率为80.1%,蛋白质含量为12.2%。综合分析,饲料专用稻的产量、生育期和米质特点,认为最适宜种植饲用稻的土壤为灰黄泥,其次是黄泥和红黄泥。  相似文献   

不同施肥量和施肥方式对苎麻产量和饲用品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究不同施肥量和不同施肥方式对饲用苎麻(Boehmeria nivea L.Gaud)产量和饲用品质的影响,采用2种复合肥施肥方式与2种尿素追肥方式,结合复合肥和尿素的不同施肥量,共设置8个施肥处理。结果表明:农艺性状方面,表现最好的为复合肥一次性基施(0.054 kg/m2)与尿素每收割一次追肥一次(0.006 kg/m2),其分株数42.00株/蔸、叶茎比2.04、干鲜比0.15;饲用产量方面,表现最好的是复合肥一次性基施(0.108 kg/m2)与尿素每收割一次追肥一次(0.0135 kg/m2),其产量鲜重达17.07 kg/m2,明显优于其他处理;饲用品质方面,复合肥一次性基施(0.108 kg/m2)与尿素每收割一次追肥一次(0.0135 kg/m2)、复合肥分2次施(0.054 kg/m2)与尿素每收割一次追肥一次(0.0135 kg/m2)、复合肥一次性基施(0.054 kg/m2)与尿素每收割一次追肥一次(0.006 kg/m2)3个处理的粗蛋白含量显著优于其他处理。本研究为提高饲用苎麻栽培管理技术提供了参考。  相似文献   

不同刈割茬次与刈割时期对大麦饲草产量与品质的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
大麦(Hordeum valgue L.)是一优质能量饲料作物,刈割是牧草管理的一种常规方式。为了研究刈割对大麦作为青(贮)饲的影响,以4份不同生态区具代表性的大麦新品种(系)为对象,分析了不同刈割茬次与刈割时期对大麦饲草产量与品质的影响。结果表明,所有品种第1茬饲草产量与品质均高于第2茬,重复刈割导致产草量不同程度下降,其中‘盐丰1号’降幅最小(13.0%),表现出较强的耐刈性。再次刈割,所有品种干鲜比、粗灰分含量增加,粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量下降,粗纤维、钙、磷含量变化因品种而异。分蘖期刈割大麦,营养物质含量高于灌浆期刈割,适口性好,可直接用作青饲料,且有利于植株再生。因此,2次刈割可于分蘖期开始,选用耐刈性好的大麦品种,分蘖期刈割大麦可直接用作青饲,灌浆期刈割可作为青贮饲料。  相似文献   

为探讨绿汁发酵液和山梨酸对“大力士”饲用甜高粱青贮饲料品质的影响。试验设对照组、绿汁发酵液组、山梨酸组及绿汁发酵液+山梨酸组,常温下贮存60天后开窖取样,测定其发酵品质与化学成分。结果显示:添加绿汁发酵液、山梨酸及绿汁发酵液+山梨均可显著降低“大力士”饲用甜高粱青贮饲料的pH值、氨态氮含量和气体损失率(P<0.05),提高乳酸含量、水溶性碳水化合物含量和干物质回收率(P<0.05)。表明添加绿汁发酵液、山梨酸及绿汁发酵液+山梨酸均可显著改善“大力士”饲用甜高粱的青贮品质。  相似文献   

为了降低板栗空苞率和提高板栗果实品质,寻求合适的喷施生长调节剂的方法。以‘遵玉’为试材,于不同时期对板栗喷施不同的生长调节剂,探究生长调节剂对板栗结实情况和果实品质的影响。结果表明:盛花始期喷施SA可显著提高板栗实蓬率、每苞中板栗的个数和可溶性糖、淀粉和蛋白质含量,其中以0.2 nmol/L效果最佳,相比于对照组分别提高了15.50%、79.64%、19.20%、11.20%和6.09%;板栗幼胚发育前喷施0.01 mg/L BR可显著提高板栗实蓬率、可溶性糖和蛋白质含量,分别提高了14.16%、26.37%和5.69%,而喷施0.001 mg/L BR可显著提高板栗实蓬率和每苞中板栗的个数,分别提高了19.42%和125.56%,其中每苞坚果个数增幅高达125.56%,可显著提高板栗产量。因此,建议于板栗盛花始期喷施0.2 nmol/L SA,于幼胚发育前喷施0.001 mg/L BR或0.01 mg/L BR,以提高板栗产量和品质。  相似文献   

对比施氮量对饲草产量、品质的影响,为内蒙古农牧交错地区燕麦饲草增产提质提供理论依据。在旱作条件下对2个燕麦品种‘蒙燕1号’和‘8202’分别设低氮(30 kg/hm2)、中氮(90 kg/hm2)和高氮 (150 kg/hm2)3处理,比较其产量和品质。结果表明:施氮量显著影响2个燕麦品种饲草产量,‘蒙燕1号’在高氮处理下鲜、干产分别较其他处理增加8.42%~10.73%、9.30%~13.38%,显著高于低氮处理(P<0.05),且分别较‘8202’高氮处理下增产17.58%、19.28%。2品种粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量随施氮量的增加而提高。‘8202’粗蛋白含量在高氮处理下较其他处理提高4.24%~14.14%,较高氮处理下‘蒙燕1号’提高29.85%;‘8202’高氮处理下粗脂肪产量较其他处理提高0.44%~6.43%,较‘蒙燕1号’提高6.94%,2品种粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量在高氮、中氮处理下差异不显著,却与低氮处理差异显著(P<0.05)。施氮后品种间草产量和品质有差异,若以草产量为目标,应选‘蒙燕1号’,施高氮,可获鲜草40891 kg/hm2,可获干草7801 kg/hm2;若以品质为目标,应选‘8202’,施中氮,整株粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量分别可达17.66%,2.88%,可获粗蛋白1080 kg/hm2,粗脂肪166 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

为了研究施锌肥对旱作马铃薯全生育期植株锌素的吸收、积累与分配规律,及块茎形成期主要营养品质的影响,进行了施锌(Zn)与不施锌(CK,对照)2个处理的盆栽试验。结果表明,施用锌肥能增加马铃薯不同器官的锌浓度,在生育期进行2次喷施锌肥后,叶片中锌浓度Zn处理比CK处理分别高出27.94,43.89 mg/kg,收获后块茎中的锌浓度Zn处理比CK处理高出28.70%;全生育期马铃薯各器官中锌积累量Zn处理CK处理,出苗后66 d时叶片中锌素积累达最大值,Zn处理为1.469 mg/株,CK处理为0.328 mg/株,Zn处理比CK处理多3倍。全株和块茎的锌素积累量和最大积累速率Zn处理比CK处理分别高63.62%,48.43%,51.58%,55.26%;在整个生育期马铃薯茎和根的锌素积累比例Zn处理CK处理,施锌肥增加了锌素在茎和根中的分配比例,降低了在块茎中的分配比例;随块茎生长期的推进马铃薯块茎的VC、游离氨基酸及淀粉含量均呈抛物线型变化,在块茎膨大后期和淀粉积累期达到最大值,而还原糖含量则出现持续下降的趋势。成熟期末期测定结果表明,Zn处理块茎中VC、游离氨基酸、淀粉含量分别比CK处理高16.19%,22.11%,16.28%,而Zn处理块茎中还原糖含量比CK处理低22.72%。  相似文献   

根据市场对苜蓿产品需求急剧增加的情况,通过分析紫花苜蓿的品种选择,整地、栽培技术规范,播种、包膜处理和贮运等生产、加工、转化全过程,论述合理应用农业新技术和农机新装备,以及其经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。  相似文献   

Two seed lots of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) cultivar 'Makibashiro' classified as high and poor quality seed lots, based on the speed of germination (T50), were used to examine the influence of seed quality on field establishment and forage yield. Field emergence rate was estimated approximately three weeks after sowing and found that plots sown with high quality seeds (Lot 1) had 452 seedlings m-2 compared with 392 seedlings in the plots sown with low quality seed lot (Lot 2), but the difference was not significant. However, plant density in autumn (November, 1993), 3 months after sowing, was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the plots of the Lot 1 seed than that from the Lot 2 seed. The percentage of clover plants surviving over the winter from Lot 1 plots was 55% compared with 39% from the Lot 2 plots, but the difference was not significant. Total forage yield in Lot 1 plots harvested in July and monthly intervals to October, was significantly increased by 44% (P < 0.05) over that of Lot 2 plots, but this greater forage yield in high seed quality seed lot plots was produced early in the season. The results strongly imply that the primary advantage to be gained from high quality seed is an improved field establishment, which led to increased yield of clover. In Lot 1 plots, the percentage of weed dry matter in all the four harvests remained below 1% of die seasonal dry matter production, whereas in Lot 2 plots die percentage of weed dry matter ranged from 3.3–16.9%.  相似文献   

Two studies were carried out to evaluate the effect of different agronomic solutions on the quanti-qualitative yield of maize-soybean intercropping for silage production.
In the first year the research compared the use of two hybrids of the cereal ( Lorena and Luana ) as control and in association wirh soybean varieties of different maturity group [ Futura (I) and King (II)]. In the following growing season the two sowing densities of the soybean (20 vs 40 p/m2) were analyzed.
In both trials the intercropping gave a production similar to that obtained from the cereals control while its protein content was significantly higher.
The maturity group of soybean did not modify yield and chemical composition of the intercropping. This could have been arisen from the unfavourable climatic conditions of the first growing season. In the same trial it appeared the possibility of altering the intercropping yield and composition by choosing the maize hybrid.
The suitable water availability for the cereal recorded in the second study, increased the maize yield reducing the difference in composition between pure crop and mixed forage.
The sowing density of the soybean did not affect the productive response of the intercropping.
Maize-soybean intercropping did not show any detrimental effect during ensiling and ensiling losses were similar to those of the maize silage.  相似文献   

为了提高饲料大麦的用途,在保山市开展10个大麦品种饲草产量和品质研究,以期筛选出适宜种植的优良大麦饲草品种.结果 表明:'保大麦25号'、'保大麦20号'、'保大麦12号'产量表现突出,均比参试品种平均鲜草产量增产,鲜草产量分别为40.15、38.18、38.1 t/hm2;粗蛋白含量较高,分别为10.7%、9.56%...  相似文献   

在大田条件下,比较了不同留茬高度和刈割时株高对墨西哥玉米(Euchlaena mexicana)产量和饲用营养品质的影响,采用概略养分分析法评价其饲用价值。结果表明,留茬30 cm处理的总鲜草产量为14.1 kg·m-2,总干草产量为1.90 kg·m-2,显著高于留茬20 cm和留茬10 cm处理;其粗蛋白(CP)和粗纤维(CF)含量较高,粗灰分(CA)和无氮浸出物(NFE)含量较低。株高130 cm时刈割与对照处理(株高95 cm)的产量差异不显著,但其CP、NFE含量较低,CA和CF含量较高;株高60 cm刈割处理的CP、NFE含量高,CA和CF含量低,但产量显著低于对照处理。综合分析5项饲用营养成分和总能量(GE)产量,留茬高度30 cm、株高95 cm时刈割可实现墨西哥玉米生产的高产优质。  相似文献   

臭氧处理对不同成熟度金丝小枣贮藏品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以白熟期和脆熟期的山东金丝小枣为试材,采用微孔膜包装,在预冷24 h期间连续用0.5 m L/m3浓度的臭氧处理,并在-1~0℃条件下贮藏72 d期间以同浓度每周定期进行臭氧处理5 h,以相同成熟度的空白处理为对照,研究臭氧对不同成熟度金丝小枣果实贮藏品质的影响。结果表明,0.5 m L/m3浓度的臭氧能够有效抑制金丝小枣可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量的下降,抑制酒化及水分含量的流失,保持果实硬度,减少腐烂,显著提高金丝小枣的贮藏保鲜效果。  相似文献   

刈割方式对皖北地区大麦饲用品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在皖北地区对不同刈割方式下大中88-91大麦饲用品质及再生草产量进行研究.结果表明,大中88-91大麦的饲用品质与其刈割方式关系密切:刈割后尿素的最佳追肥水平为75kg/hm~2;刈割后最适留茬高度为5cm;根据对蛋白质库、糖库的测定,首次刈割最适时期在3月下旬.  相似文献   

Cultivated 4× clones, 2× germplasm and their respective S; progeny were utilized in this study. Dry matter yield and forage quality data (in vitro dry matter disappearance, cell wall constituents, total nitrogen) were obtained on composited vegetative plant material harvested during four successive 4-week growth periods in the greenhouse. There was no detectable average inbreeding effect for any of the traits. The group mean of the diploids was significantly lower for in vitro dry matter disappearance than the tetraploid group mean. However, two out of six diploid 51 families exceeded the highest tetraploid family for this trait. The diploids had significantly higher cell wall constituents than tetraploids except for acid detergent lignin. There was more variation for any trait at the diploid level than at the tetraploid level among S1 families as well as within families. Dry matter yield and total nitrogen were significantly correlated in diploids and in tetraploids. However, little variation was detected lot total nitrogen at either ploidy level. The results suggest that selection for improved quality in progeny from interploidy crosses may be more efficient by first selecting at the diploid level followed by scaling to the tetraploid level, rather than selection at the tetraploid level after hybridization.  相似文献   

播期对紫花苜蓿草产量、生长发育及越冬率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究不同播种时间对紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)草产量、生长发育及越冬率的影响,以紫花苜蓿品种‘公农1号’为试验材料,于2013—2014年在在吉林省中东部地区进行田间试验。结果表明,随着播期的延后,出苗所用的时间及各生长性状呈下降趋势,越冬率及翌年草产量以5月9日、5月24日处理最高,8月9日处理最低。其中,5月24日播种的紫花苜蓿的越冬率达98.95%。结果显示,早播促进植株单株的生长,但由于越冬率较低,影响翌年的总产量。综合2年试验结果可以认为吉林省中东部地区紫花苜蓿最佳播期在5月份,最晚也应在7月9日前。  相似文献   

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