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核桃高接换优 ,将大大加快核桃优种化的进程 ,但是核桃高接因伤流等因素影响 ,成活率不稳定。2 0 0 0年我县高接换优 315 0株 ,通过实施提高核桃高接成活率技术 ,接穗成活率达到 87% ,株成活率达到92 4 % ,取得了较好效果。1 接穗的采集与贮藏 采集接穗在晚秋落叶前后 ,接穗选择生长正常 ,发育充实 ,髓心小 ,芽体饱满 ,粗度在 1 0~ 1 5cm的健壮当年生枝条 ,采下的接穗剪成 5 0cm长一段 ,两端封蜡 ,捆成 10 0根一捆 ,用塑料布包扎保湿 ,贮藏于阴凉潮湿的地窖中 ,环境温度保持在 0~ 5℃ ,春季气温升高后 ,埋于湿沙中用冰块降温 ,或用… 相似文献
通过几年的实践与研究 ,系统地总结了影响核桃高接换优成活率的诸多因素及相应的技术措施 ,现简介如下 ,供参考。1 接穗质量1 .1 接穗的充实度 春梢充实健壮 ,木质化程度好 ,髓心小 ,营养水平高 ,秋梢则生长不充实 ,木质化程度差 ,髓心大 ,营养水平低。同一枝条不同枝段嫁接成活率以中段 (89% )最高、基段 (84% )次之 (虽充实但芽子不饱满 )、梢部 (3 6% )最低 ,核桃高接应选优良品种母树上发育充实的 1年生春梢中下段为接穗。1 .2 接穗的粗度 试验表明 ,接穗粗度与成活率关系密切 ,粗度以 1 .5~ 1 .8cm最好 ,成活率为 83 %~ 95 % ;… 相似文献
提高核桃高接换优成活率的技术措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
核桃低产幼树高接换优,是提高核桃产量和品质的有效途径。与其他果树比较,核桃嫁接的难度较大,必须采取一系列科学有效的技术措施,才能确保嫁接成活率。笔者通过多年的试验研究,认为影响核桃高接成活率的因素虽然很多,但只要掌握其主导因素,并采取相应的关键措施,就可以实现满意的成活率。 相似文献
2004~2006年进行了核桃高接换头嫁接试验。结果表明:在不放水、不填土保湿、不套袋的前提下,劈接成活率78%~88%,贴芽接成活率85%~95%。 相似文献
以扶芳藤为材料,通过浸泡5min不同浓度(浓度分别为:0mg/L、500mg/L、1000mg/L、1500mg/L、2000mg/L)的萘乙酸溶液处理,研究对扶芳藤硬枝扦插生根成活率的影响。结果表明:浸泡不同浓度萘乙酸处理的扶芳藤硬枝扦插成活率均为100%,但平均根量和平均根长有明显不同。萘乙酸浓度在1500mg/L的处理下,扶芳藤硬枝扦插的平均根量最多,为15根;平均根长最长,为1.4cm;萘乙酸浓度在2000mg/L的处理时次之,平均根量是14根,平均根长是1.2cm,皮部生根类型的根系最多,因此萘乙酸对扶芳藤硬枝扦插生根具有明显的促进作用。 相似文献
柿树含单宁多,易使切面氧化形成黑色的隔离层,阻碍愈伤组织形成,影响成活,较其他果树嫁接成活率低。我们通过10年的硬枝嫁接试验,使柿树枝接育苗成活率和优苗率达到90%以上。硬枝嫁接具有接穗枝条易取、嫁接速度快、一次性嫁接一次性出圃定植、易管理、可避免秋季芽接引起冻芽等优点。其关键技术如下: 相似文献
苹果栽培面积趋于饱和 ,高接换优是优化品种结构、加速品种更新的主要手段。结合本人多年嫁接实践总结以下经验 ,供栽培者参考。1 嫁接时期 春季高接应在 3月中旬至 4月中旬进行 ,过早温度低 ,形成层活动弱 ,接口不易愈合。要求砧、穗形成层活动大体一致 ,即接穗处于被迫休眠 相似文献
试验设5个处理,采用春采和冬储两种采穗方式,用自制高分子.激素水凝胶生根膜和ABT1号生根粉100mg/kg溶液对银杏硬枝插穗进行处理。试验结果表明银杏春采插穗涂自制高分子.激素水凝胶生根膜露地与地膜覆盖扦插育苗生根成活率无显著差异,较冬储插穗浸ABT生根粉100mg/kg溶液露地、地膜覆盖扦插可显著提高插穗生根成活率。 相似文献
核桃嫁接是繁殖优质核桃苗木的主要途径之一。我地多年来一直通过春季枝接的方法进行良种繁育,由于枝接受接穗量大、成活率较低、不易操作等因素的 相似文献
Optimum conditions for rooting hardwood cuttings of several plum rootstocks have been determined with respect to season of cutting collection, the thickness of shoot and the part of the shoot used as the cutting, the concentration of rooting hormone applied to the base of the cutting and the basal temperature in the rooting medium.Rooting occurred most readily during autumn and again in late winter and spring. Cuttings made from “thin” shoots generally rooted more readily than those from “thick” ones but the position along the shoot from which the cutting was made was usually unimportant.Some clones, including Myrobalan B and St. Julien A, responded to increasing concentrations of 4(indolyl-3) butyric acid (IBA) to an optimum at 5,000 p.p.m. and to increasing bottom heat to about 20° C. Others, including Brompton and Pershore, were relatively unresponsive to both of these factors under the conditions of these experiments. 相似文献
<正>核桃市场的激烈竞争,为核桃的发展带来许多新的机遇。近些年,灵宝市及周边地区核桃生产发展很快。在种植面积不断扩大的同时,也开始注意应用优新品种和科学管理。在摸清早实核桃生长发育规律的基 相似文献
SUMMARYRooting of leafless winter hardwood cuttings of the plum rootstock Prunus insititia ‘Pixy’ increased as the location from which the shoots were taken from within specially grown stockplants decreased in height above ground, associated with a parallel reduction in shoot thickness. However, the actual height of the least-ready-rooting crown cuttings had no effect on rooting, suggesting that relative rather than absolute position is important. Rooting was unaffected by bark-ringing and trunk incision distal to the shoot position, suggesting that such treatments did not interfere with a basipetally translocated root promotor which might have accounted for improved rooting of cuttings in the lower parts of the hedge. The rooting of crown cuttings above a bark ring was reduced considerably compared with that of cuttings from normal bushes, and this was associated with increased thickness of shoots distal to the ring. Delaying pruning in spring until after growth had started resulted in thinner crown shoots compared with those from plants pruned normally while dormant, and the rooting of these thinner crown shoots was much higher than that of the normal crown cuttings. It was shown by covariance analysis that shoot thickness accounted for part of the rooting response but could not account for the total effect due to shoot position within the bush, ringing, or time of pruning. Competence to root appears to develop independently in individual shoots, modified by a shoot thickness factor which favours the subordinate shoots induced in the shoot hierarchy of severely pruned hedges. 相似文献