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We studied effects of season and soil treatments (watering, acidification, liming and combinations of these treatments) on soluble carbohydrates of mycorrhizal roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Arabinose, arabitol, fructose, glucose, inositol, lactose, mannitol, pinite, quinate, raffinose, shikimate, stachyose and trehalose were identified by HPLC. Concentrations of inositol, lactose and pinite were constant throughout the year, whereas concentrations of raffinose, stachyose and trehalose were higher in winter than in summer, and concentrations of glucose, fructose and mannitol increased from February to September. Soil acidification and liming had no effect on the annual mean concentrations of fructose, glucose, lactose, pinite, raffinose and stachyose. Liming increased quinate concentrations and decreased arabitol concentrations. Annual mean concentrations of arabinose and mannitol decreased in response to soil acidification. Annual mean concentrations of inositol increased in response to irrigation. None of the soil treatments affected the mean annual concentration of trehalose.  相似文献   

The nutrient status of Norway spruce in pure and in mixed-species stands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atmospheric deposition of N and S appears to have caused nutrient imbalance in Norway spruce stands in southern Sweden. This calls for a change of forest management to procedures that promote nutrient balance. Studies have shown lower soil acidity in Norway spruce/deciduous mixed stands than in spruce monocultures, but the tree nutrient status in such mixtures has not been much investigated so far.

The nutrient status of Norway spruce foliage and top mineral soil chemistry in monocultures and in stands mixed with beech, birch, or oak was investigated through paired comparisons on 30 sites in southern Sweden (27 sites) and eastern Denmark (three sites). In total, 45 mixed stands and 34 pure stands were included in the study.

Spruce needles from mixed stands had higher concentrations and ratios to N of K, P, and Zn than needles from pure spruce stands. Among the mixed stands, the K status appeared to be positively correlated with the percentage of deciduous tree basal area. Soil samples from mixed stands had a higher Mg concentration, base saturation, and BC/Al ratio than soil samples from pure stands. The spruce needle nutrient status was comparable in pure stands on fertile sites and in mixed stands on poor sites. We did not detect any differences in spruce tree growth between pure and mixed stands.

This paper discusses possible reasons for a positive effect on the tree nutrient status in mixed-species stands and the possibility of using mixed-species stands as a forest management procedure to avoid nutrient imbalance.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of soil compaction on Norway spruce seedlings in terms of the size and theoretical volume flow rate of the tracheids. The results show that soil pressure limits growth in the diameter of the lumens of tracheids in all parts of seedlings studied. The tracheids of the roots with primary xylem had larger lumens than those of the roots and shoots with secondary xylem in both unloaded and loaded seedlings. This corresponds to the higher cumulative theoretical volume flow rate of the tracheids from roots with primary xylem than those from roots and shoots with secondary xylem. Although the volume flow rate of tracheids, according to the Hagen-Poiseuille law, was directly proportional to the quadratic power of the capillary diameter (tracheid lumen), the cumulative curve of the theoretical hydraulic volume flow rate was higher or relatively comparable in loaded seedlings. An explanation for these findings is that there were higher gradients of water potential values in roots and leaves in loaded seedlings because the lengths of the conductive pathways were 27% shorter than in unloaded seedlings. We hypothesise that trees have adapted to different stresses by shortening their conductive pathways to maintain a transpiration rate similar to that of non-stressed trees. These results concerning the impact of soil compaction on tracheid diameter and volume flow rate improve our understanding of the growth and functioning of different conifer organs and the mechanisms underlying the efficiency of water transport through the root xylem to the shoot.  相似文献   

Conifer needles exposed to ambient air pollutants were observed by a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Predominant changes on needles were the breakdown and the aggregation of wax structures on stomatal chambers. However, the mode of destruction in stomatal wax structures was dependent on the pollutants. Ginkgo biloba seemed to be resistant to air pollutants despite higher amounts of sulfur in the foliage.  相似文献   

Litterfall was investigated in three even-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies), sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands on a nutrient poor-soil in Southern Denmark. Dry weights and N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, Na, Al, and Fe concentrations and fluxes were examined in litterfall fractions. Foliage litter amounted to 90% of total litterfall. The tree stands showed a similar mean annual litterfall. In the spruce stands, annual litterfall was correlated negatively with the current year increment and positively with the previous year increment. Annual litterfall in beech was constant during the 6 study years whereas Norway spruce and sitka spruce showed large fluctuations between years caused by drought, spruce aphid infestations and probably sea salt stress. Norway spruce responded with a long lasting elevated needle loss. Sitka spruce responded to infestations with premature needle loss during short periods. The presence of a large syrphid (Coccinellidae) population was important in regulating aphid (Elatobium abietinum) population density. The between-year variation in element concentrations of litterfall was small whereas variations during the year were large. Interspecific levels were recognized: Norway spruce>beech>sitka spruce. High concentrations in Norway spruce were ascribed to a combination of drought, sea salt stress and elevated transpiration. In sitka spruce, aphid infestations reduced the litterfall N content. Sitka spruce showed the smallest amount of base cation fluxes with litterfall. In contrast, spruce and beech exhibited even litterfall element fluxes. Litterfall studies revealed reduced vitality in the non-native spruce stands and underlined the perception of a healthy stand of native beech.  相似文献   

Cross-sectional area growth and height growth of Fraser fir and red spruce trees growing in Virginia and North Carolina were analyzed to identify possible long-term growth trends. Cross-sectional area growth provided no evidence of growth decline. The individual discs were classified according to parameter estimates of the growth trend equation. The predominant pattern of growth was a steady increase followed by fluctuation about a horizontal line. Other cross-sections exhibited a steady increase throughout the series. The only discs that represent declining growth patterns were from trees in subordinate crown position or which had previous top damage. No unexplained growth decline was present in any disc. The results regarding height growth were uncertain. A slight decline in height growth was present although we suggest that this observation was due to problems with the data or the model used to fit height growth. These findings contradict other studies suggesting that a recent growth decline has occurred in red spruce in the southern Appalachians.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize possible connections between above- and below-ground parameters and the decline of Norway spruce trees in the Jeseníky Mountains of the Czech Republic – an area affected both by long-term air pollution and subjected to liming. A part of this study was dedicated to soil analysis, which showed considerable changes in the soil environment and highlighted particularly high concentrations of magnesium and calcium, exceeding optimal limits by as much as 8 and 13 times, respectively. Our results suggest that the decline of evaluated trees is primarily connected to root system development, as we found no differences between evaluated above-ground parameters for either healthy or declining trees. Tree decline related directly to low numbers of skeletal roots, root origin and higher maximal angles between skeletal roots. Declining trees had on average five skeletal roots with maximal angles between them of 173o, indicating poor mechanical stability. Regardless of tree vitality, 93% of all examined root systems were restricted to upper humus horizons with an average rooting depth of 10.2?cm. All evaluated trees showed severe root deformation into tangle, which suggests crucial influence of artificial planting on the architectural development of root systems.  相似文献   

Northern forests are currently experiencing increasing mean temperatures, especially during autumn and spring. Consequently, alterations in carbon sequestration, leaf biochemical quality and freezing tolerance (FT) are likely to occur. The interactive effects of elevated temperature and ozone (O(3)), the most harmful phytotoxic air pollutant, on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings were studied by analysing phenology, metabolite concentrations in the needles, FT and gas exchange. Sampling was performed in September and May. The seedlings were exposed to a year-round elevated temperature (+1.3 °C), and to 1.4× ambient O(3) concentration during the growing season in the field. Elevated temperature increased the concentrations of amino acids, organic acids of the citric acid cycle and some carbohydrates, and reduced the concentrations of phenolic compounds, some organic acids of the shikimic acid pathway, sucrose, cyclitols and steroids, depending on the timing of the sampling. Although growth onset occurred earlier at elevated temperature, the temperature of 50% lethality (LT(50)) was similar in the treatments. Photosynthesis and the ratio of photosynthesis to dark respiration were reduced by elevated temperature. Elevated concentrations of O(3) reduced the total concentration of soluble sugars, and tended to reduce LT(50) of the needles in September. These results show that alterations in needle chemical quality can be expected at elevated temperatures, but the seedlings' sensitivity to autumn and spring frosts is not altered. Elevated O(3) has the potential to disturb cold hardening of Norway spruce seedlings in autumn, and to alter the water balance of the seedling through changes in stomatal conductance (g(s)), while elevated temperature is likely to reduce g(s) and consequently reduce the O(3)-flux inside the leaves.  相似文献   

Phillips N  Bergh J  Oren R  Linder S 《Tree physiology》2001,21(12-13):851-860
We investigated effects of nutrition and soil water availability on sap flux density, transpiration per unit leaf area (EL), and canopy stomatal conductance (GS) of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. (Karst.)) in northern Sweden during the 1996 growing season. Our objectives were to determine (1) if artificially imposed drought (65% rain diversion) reduces soil water sufficiently to cause physiological limitations to whole-tree and plot-scale water transport, and (2) whether increased capacity for water transport resulting from fertilization-induced increases in leaf (> 3-fold) and sapwood areas (> 2.3-fold) deplete soil water sufficiently to cause a negative feedback on GS and EL. We monitored soil water content (theta) and soil water potential (PsiS) in control (C), drought (D), fertilized (F) and irrigated + fertilized (IL) treatment plots, along with site meteorological conditions. Ten trees per plot were monitored for sap flow. Although there were significant treatment differences in mean daily EL (C > D > F; P < 0.01) and GS (C > D > F; P < 0.05), variation in absolute magnitudes was small. Therefore, transpiration differences on a unit ground area basis (EC) were nearly proportional to leaf area differences. Precipitation was well distributed throughout the study period and so PsiS remained high, except during short dry periods in Plot F when it declined rapidly. Thus, although soil water was not limiting to GS, EL or EC when precipitation was uniformly distributed throughout the growing season, we cannot conclude that water availability would not limit GS in fertilized stands if the seasonal distribution of precipitation were altered.  相似文献   

This study analyses the trade-off between bioenergy production and soil conservation through thinning operations in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) plantations in Denmark. Thinning operations were evaluated under different regimes and intensities for a complete rotation period of sixty years and for different site qualities (site-classes I–VI). Applying a dynamic forest growth modeling tool, evolution of forest structure was predicted to observe the potentials for biomass production and inevitable soil degradation. Results showed thinning from below, with a higher utilization (maintenance of a minimum basal area of 25 mha?1) could produce more bioenergy. However, these operations require simultaneous severe forest soil degradation. Therefore, the optimum thinning for bioenergy production under preservation constraints was thinning from above with a lower intensity (maintenance of a minimum basal area of 45 m2 ha?1). The ratio of bioenergy win (kWh) to soil-loss (mha?1) was calculated for this regime varying between 74,894 kWh m?3 in a high quality site (site-class I) and 6,516 kWh m?3 in a low quality site (site-class VI) with an average of 44,282 kWh m?3. However, this could not always preserve the highest amount of growing stock essential for natural dynamics of forest ecosystem with an exception of the low quality sites (site-class VI). Thus, when aiming at bioenergy production through thinning operations, trade-offs with soil conservation and growing stock preservation should be regarded to prevent environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Soil temperature is proposed to affect the photosynthetic rate and carbon allocation in boreal trees through sink limitation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature on CO(2) exchange, biomass partitioning and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi of boreal tree species. We measured carbon allocation, above- and below-ground CO(2) exchange and the species composition of associated ECM fungi in the rhizosphere of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies K.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) seedlings grown in soil maintained at 7-12, 12-15 and 16-22 °C. We found increased root biomass and photosynthetic rate at higher soil temperatures, but simultaneously with photosynthesis rate, higher temperature generally increased soil respiration as well as shoot, and root and rhizosphere respiration. The net CO(2) exchange and seedling biomass did not increase significantly with increasing temperature due to a concomitant increase in carbon assimilation and respiration rates. The 2-month-long growth period in different soil temperatures did not alter the ECM fungi species composition and the below-ground carbon sink strength did not seem to be directly related to ECM biomass and species composition in any of the tree species. Ectomycorrhizal species composition and number of mycorrhiza did not explain the CO(2) exchange results at different temperatures.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of tree species on soil N dynamics in temperate forest ecosystems, total N (Nt), microbial N (Nmic), net N mineralization, net nitrification, and other soil chemical properties were comparatively examined in beech (64–68 years old) and Norway spruce (53–55 years old) on sites 1 and 2, and beech and Scots pine (45 years old) on site 3. The initial soil conditions of the two corresponding stands at each site were similar; soil types were dystric Planosol (site 1), stagnic Gleysols (site 2), and Podzols (site 3). In organic layers (LOf1, Of2, Oh), Nmic and Nmic/Nt, averaged over three sampling times (Aug., Nov., Apr.), were higher under the beech stands than under the corresponding coniferous ones. However, the Nmic in the organic layers under beech had a greater temporal variation. Incubation (10 weeks, 22 °C, samples from November) results showed that the net N mineralization rates in organic layers were relatively high with values of 8.1 to 24.8 mg N kg–1 d–1. Between the two corresponding stands, the differences in net N mineralization rates in most of the organic layers were very small. In contrast, initial net nitrification rates (0.2–17.1 mg N kg–1 day–1) were considerably lower in most of the organic layers under the conifer than under the beech. In the mineral soil (0–10 cm), Nmic values ranged from 4.1–72.7 mg kg–1, following a clear sequence: August>November>April. Nmic values under the beech stands were significantly higher than those under the corresponding coniferous stands for samples from August and April, but not from November. The net N mineralization rates were very low in all the mineral soils studied (0.05–0.33 mg N kg–1 day–1), and no significant difference appeared between the two contrasting tree species.  相似文献   

Pools of macro-nutrients in soil and vegetation were studied in an old fertilization experiment with a large previous input of N. Different doses of N, in the form of urea, had been added four times during a 20-year period. In total, between 480 and 2400 kg N ha−1 had been given. The experiment was established in a relatively productive Norway spruce stand and the expectation was that the large N input would cause an accelerated leaching of N, especially nitrate, accompanied by soil acidification and losses of several nutrients. The aim was to test for possible residual effects. Thirteen years after the last N addition, samples from the aboveground part of trees, field layer, S-layer, humus layer and mineral soil (0–10 cm) were analyzed for concentrations of most major nutrients. Nutrient pools were calculated. In the humus layer, the concentration of N increased and the C/N-ratio decreased with increasing N dose. The calculated recovery of added N in soil including ground vegetation was complete for the lowest N dose, while it was 25–50% for higher doses. The amount of N retained was unaffected by the N dose. The amount of extractable P in the upper part of the mineral soil was negatively correlated with N dose, as was also the concentration of total P in the S-layer. Neither soil pH, nor concentrations or amounts of Ca, Mg and K were affected by the previous fertilization. The calculated total soil-plant pool was only influenced by N dose in the case of P, which was 20% lower at the highest N dose compared with unfertilized conditions. Despite the large extra N input, the nutritional changes in plants and soil of the actual study site seemed surprisingly small.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for production of bioenergy has led to an interest in forest management which uses logging residue from both clear-cuttings and thinning stands. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of removal of logging residue in a thinning Norway spruce stand on (1) litter decomposition and (2) soil microbial processes in C and N cycling and the quality of soil organic matter. The study site was a 40-year-old Norway spruce stand growing on a relatively fertile site. During thinning, logging residue was either removed (whole-tree harvest) or left on the site (stem-only harvest). Different types of material in the logging residue, from main branches to needles, were weighed separately into mesh bags. The bags were placed above the moss layer in the whole-tree harvest treatment and in the logging residue layer in the stem-only harvest treatment, and decomposition was monitored for 5 years after treatment. From the humus layer, samples were taken 10 years after treatment. Harvest method affected the mass loss of the litter material very little but the C-to-N ratio of the remaining material was slightly higher in whole-tree harvest than in stem-only harvest, particularly in the needle material. In the humus layer samples, taken 10 years after treatment, the rate of C mineralization was lower in whole-tree harvest than in stem-only harvest; also the rate of net N mineralization and the amounts of C and N in the microbial biomass tended to be lower, although not statistically significantly. Removal of logging residue had no effect on pH (pHH2OpHH2O 3.9 in both treatments) or C-to-N ratio (28 in both treatments) in the humus layer. The concentrations of total water-soluble phenols and an important group of phenols, condensed tannins, were both lower in the humus layer of whole-tree harvest than in that of stem-only harvest. Concentrations of sesqui-, di- or triterpenes in the humus layer were similar in both treatments. In conclusion, 10 years after harvest, soil microbial activities and organic matter characteristics in whole-tree harvest differed from those in stem-only harvest.  相似文献   


Effects of stump harvesting on the properties of surface soil and on the density, structure and growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands were estimated in a field trial in western Finland. The experiment was established in 1977 and measured in 2010. Stems and logging residues were harvested after clear-cutting, and stumps were lifted and removed from half of the experimental area. Sixteen plots were planted with pine seedlings and 16 with spruce. The main effects of stump harvesting were improved survival of planted trees and an increase in natural regeneration. No clearly negative effects were noted in the stand development. Stump harvesting had no or minimal effects on the properties of the organic layer and those of the 0- to 10-cm mineral-soil layer. Soil properties did not differ between tree species. Pine production was higher on plots with stump removal compared to plots without soil treatment.  相似文献   

Trunk-tissue heat balance, volumetric and staining methods were used to study xylem water flow rates and pathways in mature Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) trees. The radial profile of flow velocity was confirmed to be symmetrical in spruce, i.e., maximum flow velocity was in the center of the conducting xylem and tailed with low amplitude (about 30 cm h(-1)) in the direction of the cambium and heartwood. Variability around the trunk was high. In contrast, in oak, the radial profile of flow velocity was highly asymmetrical, reaching a peak of about 45 m h(-1) in the youngest growth ring and tailing centripetally for about 10 rings, but variability around the trunk was less, under non-limiting soil water conditions, than in spruce. In spruce, the flow rate increased abruptly within seconds when the tree was severed while immersed in water, and then decreased gradually, showing significant root resistance. We conclude that water flow through an absorbing cut surface differs from the flow higher in a tree trunk because of the presence of hydraulic capacitances in the conductive pathways. The staining technique always yielded higher estimates of flow velocity than the non-destructive tree-trunk heat balance method.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide ([CO2]) and ozone ([O3]) affect primary metabolism of trees in opposite ways. We studied their potential interactions on carbohydrate concentrations and contents. Two hypotheses currently under debate were tested. (1) Stimulation of primary metabolism by prolonged exposure to elevated [CO2] does not compensate for the adverse effects of O3 on carbohydrate accumulation and biomass partitioning to the root. (2) Growth in a mixed-species planting will repress plant responses to elevated [O3] and [CO2] relative to conditions in a monoculture. To this end, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) saplings grown under conditions of intra- and interspecific competition were pre-acclimated for 1 year to ambient or elevated [CO2]. In the following 2-year phytotron study, trees were exposed to factorial combinations of ambient and elevated [O3] and [CO2]. The total carbohydrate content (sugar and starch) of spruce was greater in plants exposed to elevated [CO2] than in plants exposed to ambient [CO2]. In beech, the opposite response was observed, especially when this species was grown in combination with spruce. Overall, the data did not support Hypothesis 1, because the adverse effects of O3 were counteracted by elevated [CO2]. Support for Hypothesis 2 was species-dependent. In beech saplings, reduction of carbohydrates by elevated [O3] and stimulation by elevated [CO2] were repressed by competitive interaction with spruce. In contrast, in spruce, stimulation of carbohydrates by elevated [CO2] was similar in mono- and mixed cultures. Thus Hypothesis 2 was supported for beech but not spruce. We conclude that, in juvenile beech and spruce, a 3-year exposure to elevated [CO2] counteracts the adverse effects of O3 on carbohydrate concentrations and contents. For beech, sensitivity to elevated [CO2] and [O3] was high in monoculture but was largely repressed by interspecific competition with spruce. In contrast, the response of spruce to perturbations of atmospheric chemistry was not significantly affected by either intra- or interspecific competition.  相似文献   

Soil properties were compared in adjacent 50-year-old Norway spruce, Scots pine and silver birch stands growing on similar soils in south-west Sweden. The effects of tree species were most apparent in the humus layer and decreased with soil depth. At 20-30 cm depth in the mineral soil, species differences in soil properties were small and mostly not significant. Soil C, N, K, Ca, Mg, and Na content, pH, base saturation and fine root biomass all significantly differed between humus layers of different species. Since the climate, parent material, land use history and soil type were similar, the differences can be ascribed to tree species. Spruce stands had the largest amounts of carbon stored down to 30 cm depth in mineral soil (7.3 kg C m−2), whereas birch stands, with the lowest production, smallest amount of litterfall and lowest C:N ratio in litter and humus, had the smallest carbon pool (4.1 kg C m−2), with pine intermediate (4.9 kg C m−2). Similarly, soil nitrogen pools amounted to 349, 269, and 240 g N m−2 for spruce, pine, and birch stands, respectively. The humus layer in birch stands was thin and mixed with mineral soil, and soil pH was highest in the birch stands. Spruce had the thickest humus layer with the lowest pH.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that soil chemistry is a main constraint for the vigour of Norway spruce trees on calcareous soils is scrutinised based on data from 60 existing and new intensive study sites in the Bavarian Alps, where comprehensive information on soils, climate, foliar nutrient concentration, ground vegetation, and tree growth is available. We characterised ecological gradients of the response variables site index (SI), foliar nutrient level and needle weight by constrained ordination, identified nutrient limitations based on regression trees and modelled SI based on vegetation-based mean Ellenberg indicator values. Our study confirms the assumption that soil development and concurrent acidification are key determinants for the vitality and growth of spruce in the Bavarian Alps, which surpass the importance of climate on nutrition and growth. Pools and availability of P and N are limiting nutrition and growth of spruce in this region. We hypothesize that N-limitation persists despite considerable deposition inputs because N tends to be locked up in organic horizons with low biological activity. K and trace elements, especially Fe, can also be deficient in some cases but do not appear as major limiting factors. High foliar Mn concentrations are a reliable indicator of mature soils and favourable site conditions in the Bavarian Alps, but Mn itself is usually not limiting. P must be regarded as the most critical macronutrient in the Bavarian Alps, particularly in the face of biomass harvesting. Consequently, at sites with shallow soils forest, management should focus on sustaining or restoring humus stocks. SI of spruce can be predicted from composition of ground vegetation and Ellenberg indicator values with remarkable precision (R 2 = 0.75).  相似文献   

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