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The medical records of 110 dogs treated for primary hyperparathyroidism were reviewed. Dogs were treated via parathyroidectomy (n=47), percutaneous ultrasound-guided ethanol ablation (n=15), or percutaneous ultrasound-guided heat ablation (n=48). Forty-five of 48 (94%) parathyroidectomies resulted in control of hypercalcemia for a median of 561 days. Thirteen of 18 (72%) ethanol ablation procedures resulted in control of hypercalcemia for a median of 540 days. Forty-four of 49 (90%) heat-ablation treatments resulted in control of hypercalcemia for a median of 581 days.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional (2D) echocardiography is the cornerstone of noninvasive evaluation of the cardiac patient, and often involves estimating left atrial (LA) size. However, 2D echocardiographic methods of estimating LA size have been inadequately described, and most reference intervals are based on M-mode echocardiographic measurements. We determined reference intervals for 4 different 2D echocardiographic methods of estimating LA size in adult (> or =9-month-old) dogs without cardiovascular disease. Thirty-six dogs, placed in right lateral recumbency, were examined by 2D echocardiography. The left atrium was measured at specific time points in the cardiac cycle. Measurement methods were LA diameter in short axis, LA diameter in long axis, LA circumference in short axis, and LA cross-sectional area in short axis. Comparisons of these LA dimensions to appropriate aortic dimensions provided body weight-independent estimates of LA size. We found strong associations of LA dimensions with body weight (r2 = .76-.88). Comparable body weight-independent 2D echocardiographic estimates of LA size in short axis exceeded historical M-mode reference intervals. These data provide echocardiographers with reference intervals for 2D echocardiographic estimates of LA size in adult dogs.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic portosystemic shunt attenuation was successfully performed in two dogs. Aberrant vessels were noted on visual examination of the abdominal vasculature. Cellophane bands were placed around the vessel laparoscopically for attenuation. The dogs had minimal postoperative morbidity, and there was biochemical evidence of adequate shunt ligation at follow-up examination.  相似文献   

Autologous vascular patch grafts developed from the internal rectus sheath were implanted onto the bilateral common iliac vein and jugular vein of 4 experimental beagle dogs. During the development and implanting of the grafts no technical difficulties or perioperative complications were encountered. The follow-up lasted 6 months and 3 months in the case of the common iliac vein grafts and the jugular grafts, respectively. In the postoperative period, the morphological and functional characteristics of the implanted venous sections were examined by Doppler ultrasonography and CT angiography. Normal patency was detected, and none of these check-ups showed obturation or stenosis. The histological survey showed no mesothelial cell layer, but the insides of the grafts showed total restructuring and were covered by a normal endothelial layer. No difference could be detected between samples harvested 3 and 6 months after implanting. The immunohistochemical examinations using anti-claudin-5 and anti-CD31 antibodies confirmed the preliminary results of the histological examinations that the luminal surfaces of the implanted grafts developed a differentiated monolayer endothelium which was free of degenerative and inflammatory signs. The control examinations show the suitability of the internal rectus sheath as a venous wall donor.  相似文献   

Malignant histiocytosis in four dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical and pathologic features of 4 dogs with malignant histiocytosis were evaluated. The most common clinical signs were weight loss, lethargy, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and anemia. Neoplastic histiocytic infiltrates most commonly were found in the spleen, bone marrow, liver, or lymph nodes. Malignant histiocytosis was considered as a differential diagnosis for anemic dogs with lymphadenopathy and/or hepatosplenomegaly.  相似文献   



Various physiotherapeutic evaluation methods are used to assess the functionality of dogs with stifle problems. Neither validity nor sensitivity of these methods has been investigated. This study aimed to determine the most valid and sensitive physiotherapeutic evaluation methods for assessing functional capacity in hind limbs of dogs with stifle problems and to serve as a basis for developing an indexed test for these dogs. A group of 43 dogs with unilateral surgically treated cranial cruciate ligament deficiency and osteoarthritic findings was used to test different physiotherapeutic evaluation methods. Twenty-one healthy dogs served as the control group and were used to determine normal variation in static weight bearing and range of motion.The protocol consisted of 14 different evaluation methods: visual evaluation of lameness, visual evaluation of diagonal movement, visual evaluation of functional active range of motion and difference in thrust of hind limbs via functional tests (sit-to-move and lie-to-move), movement in stairs, evaluation of hind limb muscle atrophy, manual evaluation of hind limb static weight bearing, quantitative measurement of static weight bearing of hind limbs with bathroom scales, and passive range of motion of hind limb stifle (flexion and extension) and tarsal (flexion and extension) joints using a universal goniometer. The results were compared with those from an orthopaedic examination, force plate analysis, radiographic evaluation, and a conclusive assessment. Congruity of the methods was assessed with a combination of three statistical approaches (Fisher’s exact test and two differently calculated proportions of agreeing observations), and the components were ranked from best to worst. Sensitivities of all of the physiotherapeutic evaluation methods against each standard were calculated.


Evaluation of asymmetry in a sitting and lying position, assessment of muscle atrophy, manual and measured static weight bearing, and measurement of stifle passive range of motion were the most valid and sensitive physiotherapeutic evaluation methods.


Ranking of the various physiotherapeutic evaluation methods was accomplished. Several of these methods can be considered valid and sensitive when examining the functionality of dogs with stifle problems.  相似文献   



To compare airway management during induction of anaesthesia, spontaneous ventilation (SV) and controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV), using an endotracheal tube (ETT), laryngeal mask (LM), rabbit-specific supraglottic airway device (v-gel) or facemask (FM).

Study design

Prospective randomized crossover experiment.


Ten New Zealand White rabbits.


After premedication, rabbits were randomly allocated to four groups: 1) ETT; 2) LM; 3) v-gel or 4) FM. The required dose of propofol, duration and number of attempts to place an airway device and leakage during SV and CMV at different peak inspiratory pressures (6, 10, 12, 14 and 16 cmH2O) were recorded. Computed tomography (CT) of the head, neck and abdomen were performed before and after CMV.


Significantly less propofol and time [2.0 ± 0.5 mg kg?1, 82 ± 34 seconds, p < 0.001] were needed to place the FM compared to the three other groups [v-gel 5.1 ± 2.1 mg kg?1, 302 ± 124 seconds; LM 4.8 ± 1.2 mg kg?1, 275 ± 89 seconds; ETT 5.5 ± 1.4 mg kg?1, 315 ± 147 seconds]. A leak > 25% of the tidal volume occurred at the lowest pressure in FM [median (range), 6 (6–8) cmH2O], which was significantly lower than with v-gel [16 (6–no leak at 16) cmH2O], LM [>16 (6–no leak at 16)] or ETT [>16 (no leak at 16) cmH2O] (p < 0.001). On CT images, the height and width of the larynx were significantly smaller with v-gel in comparison to FM and LM (p = 0.004). A significant increase in the amount of gas in the stomach (p = 0.007), but not gastric volume, was detected in FM and LM.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

The v-gel is a practical alternative to LM and ETT for airway management and CMV, but can compress the larynx. The FM is easily placed, but significant leakage occurs during CMV.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the endotracheal tube cuff pressure achieved by four different inflation methods. Study design Prospective clinical study. Animals Eighty client owned dogs. Methods After anaesthesia induction, endotracheal intubation was performed using plastic or silicone tubes. A clinician unaware of tube type inflated the cuff by simple digital palpation (method A), thereafter the cuff was deflated and inflated again by a second clinician who tried to reproduce a previously learned cuff pressure of between 19 and 24 mmHg (method B). During method C the cuff was inflated to the minimum occlusive volume at an airway pressure of 20 cm H2O, and in method D the cuff was incrementally deflated until an audible air leak could be heard from the oral cavity at an airway pressure of 25 cm H2O. For all the methods, an operator recorded the actual cuff pressure obtained using a manometer. Heart rate, respiratory rate and mean arterial pressure were monitored throughout the procedure. Results The mean inflation pressure for plastic tubes was 56 ± 28 mmHg for method A, 20 ± 9 mmHg for method B, 35 ± 32 mmHg for method C and 46 ± 39 mmHg for method D. Pressures using silicone tubes were significantly higher than for plastic tubes, the mean registered pressures being 79 ± 39, 33 ± 16, 77 ± 50 and 92 ± 56 mmHg for methods A, B, C and D. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance None of the methods evaluated in this study can be considered effective for inflating the endotracheal tube cuff to within the optimal range when using silicone tubes. Direct measurement of the cuff pressure with a manometer is therefore recommended.  相似文献   

Cutaneous hybrid cysts were recognized in 4 dogs. The lesions were solitary, asymptomatic, and occurred over the head, neck, proximal thigh, and lumbar region. These cysts were not accompanied by other disease processes, and did not recur following surgical excision. Histologically, the hybrid cyst is characterized by epidermal differentiation in its upper portion, and trichilemmal differentiation in its lower portion.  相似文献   

This paper describes the history, clinical signs and diagnosis of cereal ear foreign bodies in four dogs. Presternal tracheotomy was required for removal of the foreign bodies in three out of the four cases and the technique is described.  相似文献   

Four dogs were examined because of vomiting of 7 to 48 hours' duration. Gas-distended segments of intestine were identified radiographically in all dogs, but the affected portion of the intestinal tract could not always be identified as the colon. Volvulus of the colon was diagnosed during surgery in all 4 dogs. Gastrocolopexy was performed following derotation of the colon in 3 of the dogs. In 1 dog, a colectomy and an ileorectal anastomosis were performed. All 4 dogs survived. Volvulus of the colon should be considered as a cause of vomiting of short duration in dogs for which there is radiographic evidence of intestinal dilatation.  相似文献   

Spontaneous regression of primary malignant bone tumors is rare but has been reported in the human literature. To the authors' knowledge, spontaneous regression of primary bone tumors in dogs or cats has not been reported. Osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most common primary bone tumor in humans, and it has been reported that the incidence of OSA is 40 to 50 times greater in dogs than humans. In this report, high-grade OSA was diagnosed in biopsy specimens obtained from 4 dogs that subsequently underwent spontaneous regression without tumor-specific treatment. Osteosarcoma in dogs has characteristics similar to that of OSA in humans.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare 4 techniques for determination of total protein concentrations in peritoneal and pleural effusions from dogs. SAMPLE POPULATION: 23 peritoneal and 12 pleural fluid samples from 35 dogs with various abnormalities. PROCEDURE: Samples were collected into tubes containing EDTA, centrifuged, and stored at -20 C until total protein concentrations were assessed. Protein concentration in each sample was determined by use of urine test strips, refractometry, and Bradford and biuret techniques. Accuracy of each method was determined, using dilutions of human control sera. RESULTS: There was good correlation among results of all quantitative procedures. Results of the biuret technique were more accurate than results of the Bradford assay. Refractometry underestimated protein concentration in samples with < 20 g of protein/L. Results of urine test strips correctly classified effusion samples into 2 groups on the basis of total protein concentrations less than or greater than 20 g/L. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of any of these 4 techniques can be used to rapidly and efficiently differentiate peritoneal and pleural fluid from dogs into transudates and exudates on the basis of total protein concentration less than or greater than 20 g/L, respectively.  相似文献   


It has long been established that antibodies to the major anaerobic infections in sheep are transferred to the suckled lamb in the colostrum or first milk. Effective absorption of such antibodies from the gastro-intestinal tract takes place during the first fifteen hours of life; hence, in order to acquire protection the lamb must have suckled during this period. The degree of protection available in the colostrum will depend on the success of the immunization procedures in the ewe.  相似文献   

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