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Functional mapping of the human visual cortex by magnetic resonance imaging   总被引:98,自引:0,他引:98  
Knowledge of regional cerebral hemodynamics has widespread application for both physiological research and clinical assessment because of the well-established interrelation between physiological function, energy metabolism, and localized blood supply. A magnetic resonance technique was developed for quantitative imaging of cerebral hemodynamics, allowing for measurement of regional cerebral blood volume during resting and activated cognitive states. This technique was used to generate the first functional magnetic resonance maps of human task activation, by using a visual stimulus paradigm. During photic stimulation, localized increases in blood volume (32 +/- 10 percent, n = 7 subjects) were detected in the primary visual cortex. Center-of-mass coordinates and linear extents of brain activation within the plane of the calcarine fissure are reported.  相似文献   

The ability to group stimuli into meaningful categories is a fundamental cognitive process. To explore its neural basis, we trained monkeys to categorize computer-generated stimuli as "cats" and "dogs." A morphing system was used to systematically vary stimulus shape and precisely define the category boundary. Neural activity in the lateral prefrontal cortex reflected the category of visual stimuli, even when a monkey was retrained with the stimuli assigned to new categories.  相似文献   

Deriving the quantity of items is an abstract form of categorization. To explore it, monkeys were trained to judge whether successive visual displays contained the same quantity of items. Many neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex were tuned for quantity irrespective of the exact physical appearance of the displays. Their tuning curves formed overlapping filters, which may explain why behavioral discrimination improves with increasing numerical distance and why discrimination of two quantities with equal numerical distance worsens as their numerical size increases. A mechanism that extracts the quantity of visual field items could contribute to general numerical ability.  相似文献   

Functional organization of the second cortical visual area in primates   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The functional organization of the second cortical visual area was examined with three different anatomical markers: 2-[14C]deoxy-D-glucose, cytochrome oxidase, and various myelin stains. All three markers revealed strips running throughout the area, parallel to the cortical surface. The boundaries of these strips provide an anatomical criterion for defining the borders of this extrastriate region. Further, the demonstration of these strips allows a functional and anatomical analysis of modules in the area, just as the recent demonstration of spots in the primary visual cortex has allowed an analysis of modules there. The strips differ structurally and functionally from interstrip regions and these differences are similar to those seen between the spots and the interspot regions in the primary visual cortex. In the macaque the strips and spots differ with regard to binocular organization.  相似文献   

Interferometric near-field optical microscopy achieving a resolution of 10 angstroms is demonstrated. The scattered electric field variation caused by a vibrating probe tip in close proximity to a sample surface is measured by encoding it as a modulation in the optical phase of one arm of an interferometer. Unlike in regular near-field optical microscopes, where the contrast results from a weak source (or aperture) dipole interacting with the polarizability of the sample, the present form of imaging relies on a fundamentally different contrast mechanism: sensing the dipole-dipole coupling of two externally driven dipoles (the tip and sample dipoles) as their spacing is modulated.  相似文献   

The cerebellum has many properties that make it a useful model for investigating neural development. Purkinje cells, the major output neurons of the cerebellar cortex, have drawn special attention because of the availability of biochemical markers and mutants that affect their development. The spatial expression of L7, a protein specific for Purkinje cells, and L7 beta Gal, a gene expressed in transgenic mice that was constructed from the L7 promoter and the marker beta-galactosidase, delineated bands of Purkinje cells that increased in number during early postnatal development. Expression of the transgene in adult reeler mutant mice, which show inverted cortical lamination, and in primary culture showed that the initial expression of L7 is intrinsic to Purkinje cells and does not depend on extracellular signals. This may reflect an underlying developmental map in cerebellum.  相似文献   

A sudden touch on one hand can improve vision near that hand, revealing crossmodal links in spatial attention. It is often assumed that such links involve only multimodal neural structures, but unimodal brain areas may also be affected. We tested the effect of simultaneous visuo-tactile stimulation on the activity of the human visual cortex. Tactile stimulation enhanced activity in the visual cortex, but only when it was on the same side as a visual target. Analysis of effective connectivity between brain areas suggests that touch influences unimodal visual cortex via back-projections from multimodal parietal areas. This provides a neural explanation for crossmodal links in spatial attention.  相似文献   

Cerebral auditory areas were delineated in the awake, passively listening, rhesus monkey by comparing the rates of glucose utilization in an intact hemisphere and in an acoustically isolated contralateral hemisphere of the same animal. The auditory system defined in this way occupied large portions of cerebral tissue, an extent probably second only to that of the visual system. Cortically, the activated areas included the entire superior temporal gyrus and large portions of the parietal, prefrontal, and limbic lobes. Several auditory areas overlapped with previously identified visual areas, suggesting that the auditory system, like the visual system, contains separate pathways for processing stimulus quality, location, and motion.  相似文献   

Mapping the spatial arrangement of chemical functional groups and their interactions is of significant importance to problems ranging from lubrication and adhesion to recognition in biological systems. A force microscope has been used to measure the adhesive and friction forces between molecularly modified probe tips and organic monolayers terminating in a lithographically defined pattern of distinct functional groups. The adhesive interactions between simple CH(3)/CH(3), CH(3)/COOH, and COOH/COOH functional groups correlate directly with friction images of sample surfaces patterned with these groups. Thus, by monitoring the friction between a specifically functionalized tip and sample, one can produce friction images that display predictable contrast and correspond to the spatial distribution of functional groups on the sample surface. Applications of this chemically sensitive imaging technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Monocular deprivation normally alters ocular dominance in the visual cortex only during a postnatal critical period (20 to 32 days postnatal in mice). We find that mutations in the Nogo-66 receptor (NgR) affect cessation of ocular dominance plasticity. In NgR-/- mice, plasticity during the critical period is normal, but it continues abnormally such that ocular dominance at 45 or 120 days postnatal is subject to the same plasticity as at juvenile ages. Thus, physiological NgR signaling from myelin-derived Nogo, MAG, and OMgp consolidates the neural circuitry established during experience-dependent plasticity. After pathological trauma, similar NgR signaling limits functional recovery and axonal regeneration.  相似文献   

Bidirectional signaling between neocortex and limbic cortex has been hypothesized to contribute to the retrieval of long-term memory. We tested this hypothesis by comparing the time courses of perceptual and memory-retrieval signals in two neighboring areas in temporal cortex, area TE (TE) and perirhinal cortex (PRh), while monkeys were performing a visual pair-association task. Perceptual signal reached TE before PRh, confirming its forward propagation. In contrast, memory-retrieval signal appeared earlier in PRh, and TE neurons were then gradually recruited to represent the sought target. A reasonable interpretation of this finding is that the rich backward fiber projections from PRh to TE may underlie the activation of TE neurons that represent a visual object retrieved from long-term memory.  相似文献   

Until now, continental shelf environments have been monitored with highly localized line-transect methods from slow-moving research vessels. These methods significantly undersample fish populations in time and space, leaving an incomplete and ambiguous record of abundance and behavior. We show that fish populations in continental shelf environments can be instantaneously imaged over thousands of square kilometers and continuously monitored by a remote sensing technique in which the ocean acts as an acoustic waveguide. The technique has revealed the instantaneous horizontal structural characteristics and volatile short-term behavior of very large fish shoals, containing tens of millions of fish and stretching for many kilometers.  相似文献   

The crystal structures and enzymic properties of two mutant dihydrofolate reductases (Escherichia coli) were studied in order to clarify the functional role of an invariant carboxylic acid (aspartic acid at position 27) at the substrate binding site. One mutation, constructed by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, replaces Asp27 with asparagine; the other is a primary-site revertant to Ser27. The only structural perturbations involve two internally bound water molecules. Both mutants have low but readily measurable activity, which increases rapidly with decreasing pH. The mutant enzymes were also characterized with respect to relative folate: dihydrofolate activities and kinetic deuterium isotope effects. It is concluded that Asp27 participates in protonation of the substrate but not in electrostatic stabilization of a positively charged, protonated transition state.  相似文献   

Recent advances in far-field fluorescence microscopy have led to substantial improvements in image resolution, achieving a near-molecular resolution of 20 to 30 nanometers in the two lateral dimensions. Three-dimensional (3D) nanoscale-resolution imaging, however, remains a challenge. We demonstrated 3D stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) by using optical astigmatism to determine both axial and lateral positions of individual fluorophores with nanometer accuracy. Iterative, stochastic activation of photoswitchable probes enables high-precision 3D localization of each probe, and thus the construction of a 3D image, without scanning the sample. Using this approach, we achieved an image resolution of 20 to 30 nanometers in the lateral dimensions and 50 to 60 nanometers in the axial dimension. This development allowed us to resolve the 3D morphology of nanoscopic cellular structures.  相似文献   

The mammalian eye is a remarkable optical device, but its design is not perfect. The blood vessels that supply the inner retina are located in front of the photoreceptor layer, blocking access to light. Their shadows create a pattern of blindness in the field of vision that corresponds precisely to the location of the largest vessels in the eye. We show here that in squirrel monkeys, focal deprivation by blood vessels leads to rewiring of the eye's geniculocortical projections, imprinting an image of the retinal vascular tree onto the primary visual cortex. This process illustrates vividly that local imbalances in neuronal activity can influence column formation during normal development.  相似文献   

The mammalian visual cortex is organized into columns. Here, we examine cortical influences upon developing visual afferents in the cat by altering intrinsic gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-mediated inhibition with benzodiazepines. Local enhancement by agonist (diazepam) infusion did not perturb visual responsiveness, but did widen column spacing. An inverse agonist (DMCM) produced the opposite effect. Thus, intracortical inhibitory circuits shape the geometry of incoming thalamic arbors, suggesting that cortical columnar architecture depends on neuronal activity.  相似文献   

FUSTER JM 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1961,133(3469):2011-2012
The frequency of action potentials of about one-third of the neurons sampled in the striate cortex of awake rabbits was clearly modified by mild stimulation of the reticular core of the brain stem. Reticular stimulation often brought about enhancement of firing in units activated by light, while it usually had the contrary effect upon light-inhibited units.  相似文献   

Multiple sensitive periods in the development of the primate visual system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Early in life, abnormal visual experience may disrupt the developmental processes required for the maturation and maintenance of normal visual function. The effects of retinal image deprivation (monocular form deprivation) on four psychophysical functions were investigated in rhesus monkeys to determine if the sensitive period is of the same duration for all types of visual information processing. The basic spectral sensitivity functions of rods and cones have relatively short sensitive periods of development (3 and 6 months) when compared to more complex functions such as monocular spatial vision or resolution (25 months) and binocular vision (greater than 25 months). Therefore, there are multiple, partially overlapping sensitive periods of development and the sensitive period for each specific visual function is probably different.  相似文献   

Paths of information flow through visual cortex.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The main route of information flow in the cerebral cortex is from the middle layers of cortex to upper and lower layers. However, upper layers of the cat primary visual cortex can be directly driven by inputs from secondary visual cortex when activity in middle layers is disrupted. Upper-layer activity can be driven either by middle layers or by direct corticocortical inputs. One consequence of this result is that areas of cortex thought to be carrying out low-order analysis may be able to extract considerable information from higher order areas.  相似文献   

Synapses develop concurrently and at identical rates in different layers of the visual, somatosensory, motor, and prefrontal areas of the primate cerebral cortex. This isochronic course of synaptogenesis in anatomically and functionally diverse regions indicates that the entire cerebral cortex develops as a whole and that the establishment of cell-to-cell communication in this structure may be orchestrated by a single genetic or humoral signal. This is in contrast to the traditional view of hierarchical development of the cortical regions and provides new insight into the maturation of cortical functions.  相似文献   

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