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中国引种的柏科树种概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
自20世纪以来我国先后从国外引进柏科树种大约5属52种11变种,至今保存2属52种4变种。表现最好且在生产上有较大栽培面积的主要是柏木属、扁柏属和圆柏属的10余个种:日本扁柏和日本花柏已成为长江中下游各省(区)中高山地带的优良造林树种;墨西哥柏和绿柏已成为我国中亚热带中、低山地区的优良造林树种;铅笔柏在北亚热带和暖温带湿润地区栽培较广;欧洲刺柏和辅地柏在北方一些城市广泛用作园林树种;铅笔柏在北亚热  相似文献   

西安桧柏(Sabinachinensis cv.),别名刺柏,柏科,圆柏属,常绿乔木,属于桧柏的一个变种,因在西安选育的无性系品种,故名西安桧柏或西安刺柏。  相似文献   

<正> 日本黄叶扁柏(Chamaecyparis obtusacv.cripps)又名黄叶扁柏,系柏科扁柏属,是日本扁柏的一个变种。日本黄叶扁柏原产日本本州、四国、九州等地,适宜在亚热带海洋性气候条件下栽培。此树是矮乔木,一般高3—4米,胸径3—4.5厘米,下部小枝侧斜,树冠外侧叶呈金黄色,内侧翠绿,终年黄绿相映。常用于布置绿茵草坪、行道两边或孤植于庭园,显得俊俏挺拔、生气盎然,非常引人注目,为此而荣获“园艺珍品”的美称。  相似文献   

(接上期 )具明显气味35 .气味明显 (详细记载 )木材的特殊气味对木材识别非常有价值。例如 :北美黄杉 Pseudotsuga menziesii(松科 )与落叶松的显微结构相近 ,但通过气味 (略不愉快气味 )很容易区分开来。黄扁柏可以与其它特征十分相近的罗汉柏明显区分。其它具有特殊气味的针叶树材有 :崖柏 Thujaspp.、刺柏 Juniperus spp.、柏木属 Cupressus和扁柏属 Chamaecypari以及罗汉柏、日本柳杉、台湾杉木Cunninghamia konishii(柏科 )、日本榧树 Torreya nu-cifera(红豆杉科 )和雪松 Cedrus spp.(松科 )。要更多地了解具芳香气味的针叶树材例…  相似文献   

兰州市彩叶植物种类及应用调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彩叶植物具有丰富多彩的叶色,是园林植物造景的重要组成部分。通过对兰州市居住区绿地、公园绿地、单位附属绿地、街旁绿地及道路绿地的彩叶植物种类及应用情况进行的调查和分析,结果表明:调查范围内,兰州市选用的彩叶植物约25种,隶属于21科23属,以灌木和乔木居多,其中应用较多的植物有银杏、红叶李、金叶女贞、紫叶小檗等。根据调查结果,对兰州彩叶植物应用状况进行分析和阐述,并提出问题与建议。  相似文献   

<正>彩叶植物是指在一定的区域范围内、正常的立地条件下、整个生长期或生长期的某一阶段能够稳定呈现出鲜艳叶色,明显区别于自然绿色或灰褐色的植物。彩叶植物一般分为彩叶乔木、彩叶灌木、彩叶藤本、彩叶草本4类,也可按照彩叶观赏期的出现和持续时间分为春色叶类、秋色叶类和常色叶类3类。  相似文献   

根据野外调查,结合文献资料,对南岳衡山彩叶植物进行了调查研究,该区野生彩叶植物资源丰富,共计83科172属376种(含变种),栽培彩叶植物有54科94属145种。分析了该区彩叶植物的资源组成与分布特点,探讨了该区彩叶植物的分类,按叶片色彩的分布与观赏期可分为6类,以秋色叶植物占绝对优势,有293种,占该区彩叶植物的77.93%。按照叶片的颜色可分为7类,以黄色叶占绝对优势,有246种,占该区彩叶植物的65.43%。并对该区彩叶植物资源进行了分析评价,从中筛选出了适应当地且极具开发价值的彩叶植物63种,为该区彩叶植物的选择应用提供科学依据,同时亦对该区彩叶植物的保护利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

彩叶植物具有丰富多彩的叶色,在城市园林中能够丰富植物景观的色彩,美化环境。该文对菏泽城市园林中的彩色叶植物应用与技术进行研究分析,从彩叶植物的造景方式、色彩构图、景观层次等方面进行分析评价,总结了菏泽城区应用较多的彩色叶植物的种类,通过调查研究对彩叶植物在菏泽市园林景观中的应用情况以及出现的问题进行分析,并对菏泽市彩叶植物的应用与技术发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

天津八仙山自然保护区维管束植物分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天津八仙山自然保护区共有维管束植物413种(含16个变种),隶属于92科2、70属。其中蕨类植物10科、11属、19种(含3个变种),裸子植物2科、2属、2种;双子叶植物72科2、07属3、21种(含8个变种);单子叶植物8科5、0属7、1种(含5个变种)。种子植物有82科,分别属于9个分布类型,其中泛热带分布类型占的比例最大,占总科数的37.80%。通过对该地区科、属、种的统计表明种类最多的科为菊科、禾本科,同时也有一些少种科、单种属。种子植物259属,分别属于15个分布类型,其中北温带分布类型占绝对优势,占总属数的32.43%,表明八仙山具有典型的北温带性质。  相似文献   

几种柏科植物挥发物质及抗肿瘤活性初步研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用Alamar blue法对提取的5种柏树叶挥发油进行了抗人肺癌细胞实验,结果表明,刺柏、圆柏、龙柏、日本扁柏和绒柏5种树叶挥发油对肺癌细胞NCI-H460抑制率分别为36.93%、78.4%、73.77%、81.22%和56.53%,其中日本扁柏挥发油对肺癌细胞NCI-H460抑制活性最大。采用气-质联用法对6种柏树叶挥发油的化学成分进行了研究,刺柏、圆柏、龙柏、日本扁柏和绒柏5种柏类含有的挥发物质种类分别为32、36、48、22和27种。  相似文献   

Seiridium cardinale, the cause of cypress canker disease, was found on Juniperus foetidissima, J. excelsa, J. oxycedrus and J. phoenicea, in a number of natural juniper woodlands in Greece. The presence of infections was sporadic in most cases, with a limited number of plants affected by the pathogen. At one locality in the Prespes Lakes region of northern Greece, however, the incidence of infection was very high, especially on J. foetidissima and J. excelsa. The identity of S. cardinale was confirmed using morphological characters and comparisons of DNA sequences for the β‐tubulin gene region. The pathogenicity of S. cardinale isolates from Juniperus and Cupressus was verified in cross‐inoculation trials on both potted and field grown plants.  相似文献   

崖柏属植物的核型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了从细胞学角度探讨崖柏属植物分类与进化问题,[方法]采用根尖压片法对崖柏属5种植物进行核型研究。[结果]表明:崖柏和日本香柏的核型公式为2n=2x=22=18m(2SAT)+4sm,朝鲜崖柏、北美乔柏和北美香柏的核型公式为2n=2x=22=20m(2SAT)+2sm,5种植物的核型均属于1A类型。[结论]该属在柏科中可能处于比较进步的进化地位;通过进化趋势图分析发现,崖柏在该属中分化最晚,而朝鲜崖柏则较原始。  相似文献   

国内外无患子属种质资源研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无患子属(Sapindus L.)种质资源是无患子产业发展的基础,种质资源研究可为探讨无患子属的起源、进化、分类、资源保护与利用、良种选育、高效栽培等提供科学依据和基础。文中综述了国内外无患子属分类、分布及亲缘关系,种质资源的收集、保存与评价,种质资源多样性等方面的研究进展,得出如下结论:1)世界上无患子属树种共13种,我国分布4种1变种;2)我国多个研究团队收集、保存无患子属种质资源近1 000份,以假种皮皂苷、种子脂肪酸利用为目标,筛选评价出性状优异的9个种源、7个家系和54株优树;3)无患子种质资源在表型、假种皮皂苷、种子脂肪酸、遗传等方面多样性丰富,并受环境因子极大的影响,根据遗传多样性分析推测我国无患子起源于自然分布区中部并向四周扩散。研究认为,目前研究仍存在种质资源收集不足、缺乏对该属树种系统研究和无优良品种推出等亟待解决的问题,提出应加强无患子属分子生物学基础研究、以居群为单位加强无患子属种质资源收集和评价力度、加强良种选育和高效培育技术以及国际合作研究等建议,以期为无患子产业可持续发展提供有力支撑,促进无患子属种质资源的开发利用。  相似文献   

彩叶树种是景观建设的重要元素,杨柳科树种因适应性强、木材利用价值高而成为我国北方地区的重要造林树种,因此其彩叶树种的培育具有广阔的应用前景。文中对杨柳科彩叶树种38个种及栽培品种的彩叶性状进行了描述。杨柳科彩叶树种有黄色叶、白色叶、红色叶、紫色叶、蓝色叶、粉红色叶、复色叶等。利用杨柳科彩叶树种在我国北方地区的乡村、道路、湿地、山体、村落、农田、景区等重要节点营造彩叶景观林,可以一改过去单一的绿色景观,提升景观的彩色效果。  相似文献   

Land degradation is a serious hindrance to agricultural development in Uzbekistan, a country striving to rebuild its agricultural sector for self-sustained production. The potential of multipurpose trees for upgrading degraded land is enormous. However, knowledge is lacking about the establishment and growth characteristics of different species, the energy content of firewood and the nutritive value of fodder. This study presents such data for 10 selected local multipurpose species grown on gleyic solonchak soil. Elaeagnus angustifolia L. and Tamarix androssowii showed superior biomass growth, respectively producing up to 11.0 and 10.4 t ha−1 of utilizable aboveground dry matter (DM). E. angustifolia showed high potential for rapid establishment evidenced by root elongation of over 100 m tree−1 at the age of 3 years. T. androssowii, Prunus armeniaca L. and Populus nigra var. pyramidalis Spach exhibited the greatest fuelwood characteristics, showing calorific values in the range of 14.4 – 16.2 MJ DM kg−1. E. angustifolia and Morus alba L. demonstrated superior fodder potential given by the crude protein content of 216 and 117 g DM kg−1. Recommendations on species selection are proposed based on various species characteristics. In assessing the potential of trees for afforestation of degraded land a reliable economic analysis of these aspects must be taken into account. When considering all characteristics concurrently, a mixture of species instead of monocrop cultivation seems to provide the best solution for improving degraded land.  相似文献   

Determining the effects of decomposed leaf litter mixtures, consisting of litter from different tree species, on the properties of soil is important for evaluating nutrient cycling and interspecific relationships. In this study, leaf litter mixtures consisting of Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco combined individually with eight broadleaf plant species were ground and mixed with soil to analyze the effects of their decomposition on the quantity of soil microbes, the activities of soil enzymes, and the soil chemical properties and to determine the interactions between the different types of litter within a mixture during decomposition. In terms of soil properties as a whole, we found that when P. orientalis litter was mixed separately with litter from Amorpha fruticosa L., Caragana microphylla Lam., Betula platyphylla Suk., or Hippophae rhamnoides L., the resulting litter mixtures showed synergistic interaction effects on soil, but when P. orientalis litter was mixed with litter from Populus simonii Carr., Ulmus pumila L., Robinia pseudoacacia L., or Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. showed antagonistic interaction effects.  相似文献   

Phytophthora austrocedri is a pathogen of Austrocedrus chilensis causing “Mal del Ciprés” (cypress sickness) in Patagonia and killing Juniperus communis in Britain, along with other species in the Cupressaceae. The evident association of the pathogen with members of the Cupressaceae makes it necessary to study the susceptibility of other species related to A. chilensis to prevent the emergence of new diseases. The present study tested the pathogenicity of P. austrocedri to three native and endemic conifers in South America: Fitzroya cupressoides, Pilgerodendron uviferum and Araucaria araucana. The results showed that F. cupressoides and P. uviferum were highly susceptible to P. austrocedri. Since these are endangered tree species, the outcome of this study is crucial for governmental agencies, policymakers and stakeholders.  相似文献   

The extensive flooding by the river Rhine on May 12 1999 provided an opportunity to investigate the impact of such an extreme event in terms of damage and mortality of adult trees in floodplains. Such data is highly valuable for determining the potential impact of climate change on the zonation of tree species along rivers. We analysed an extensive dataset of the damage and mortality suffered by groups of adult trees of the following species as a consequence of this flood: the hardwoods Acer campestre L., Acer platanoides L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Carpinus betulus L., Fagus sylvatica L., Fraxinus excelsior L., Juglans nigra L., Prunus avium (L.) L., Quercus robur L., Tilia cordata Mill., Ulmus laevis Pall. and Ulmus minor Miller, and the softwoods Salix spp. L. and Populus spp. L.A logistic survivorship curve revealed that mortality of A. platanoides, A. pseudoplatanus and T. cordata increased significantly with increasing duration of flooding; C. betulus and F. excelsior showed a significant increase of damage and mortality with increasing flooding depth. There was no mortality of Salix spp. and Populus spp. in either the flooded or unflooded areas. No statistically significant relationships were found for the other tree species. Multivariate analysis revealed that flooding duration, flooding depth and flooding velocity explain 19%, 11% and 8%, respectively, of the variation in damage and mortality of trees.The survivorship curves of adult trees obtained in this study were combined with similar curves of saplings based on an earlier study and applied in an individual-tree, process-based simulation model. The simulated effects of flooding on an initial random distribution of trees species on a hypothetical floodplain resulted in a realistic zonation of tree species along the river. When extreme events were simulated, the zonation shifted upward. This demonstrates the model's usefulness in assessment and planning studies of the impacts of climate change on tree species composition in river floodplains in north-west Europe.  相似文献   

2014年对辽宁省阜新市林木种质资源进行全面普查(试点),结果表明:阜新地区现有木本植物53科、106属、320种(含主要变种),其中:裸子植物5科、10属、27种,被子植物48科、96属、293种。对普查成果按不同类别进行应用分析,指出应加大推广林木良种资源、加速推进优良乡土树种资源良种化进程、做好保护珍贵树种资源工作、严格落实古树名木资源保护、合理配置园林绿化树种,为林业部门正确制定种质资源保护管理对策提供初步技术依据。  相似文献   

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