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The carbohydrate reserve of bareroot Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings was evaluated as means of describing seedling quality and capacity to withstand stress during nursery lifting, outplanting and acclimatization at the planting site. Carbohydrate concentrations in needles were followed through four spring storage treatments and the postplanting success and growth of seedlings monitored at two sites. The reduction in total glucose concentration in needles was affected by storage time and temperature. Depletion of carbohydrate reserves decreased needle growth, reduced the number of terminal buds, disturbed leader shoot formation, and consequently reduced shoot length. The depletion of reserves below a threshold concentration of ~2 % total glucose during storage resulted in significant seedling mortality. A simple model for estimating the depletion of carbohydrate reserves based on dark respiration was evaluated as a measure of the accumulated strain during the storage. The application of carbohydrate analyses as a routine test of seedling quality in a nursery is not currently feasible because of the insensitivity and laboriousness of the method.  相似文献   

Concentrations of glucose, sucrose, soluble reducing sugars, starch and total non-structural carbohydrate were determined during propagation of cuttings from sexually mature Pinus banksiana Lamb. trees. Such cuttings rarely initiate adventitious roots whatever the method or duration of propagation. Terminals, needles, and upper and basal stem segments of cuttings were analyzed at Day 0 and every 2 days for 18 days. Comparison of the results with those of earlier studies with cuttings of P. banksiana seedlings, which root readily, indicated pronounced differences in carbohydrate concentrations and partitioning between the two types of cutting. Compared with those from seedlings, cuttings from sexually mature trees exhibited: (1) more total non-structural carbohydrate in each tissue at Day 0; (2) decreasing rather than increasing total carbohydrate (mainly starch) concentrations in each tissue during propagation; (3) different carbohydrate concentration ratios in each tissue during propagation; and (4) higher sucrose concentrations in terminals during propagation, relative to concentrations at Day 0. Cuttings from sexually mature trees also differed from cuttings of seedlings in having a much lower rate of dry matter accumulation during propagation. These findings suggest that the poor rooting ability of cuttings from sexually mature P. banksiana is not attributable to a lack of total carbohydrate, but that the rooting abilities of cuttings from seedlings and from sexually mature trees differ because of differences between the two types of cutting in rates of net photosynthesis and starch metabolism. The difference in starch metabolism becomes apparent during the first 2 days of propagation.  相似文献   

2002年12月16~19日,国家林业局植树造林司在浙江林学院举办了“造林绿化与气候变化”研讨会和培训班。这是中国政府核准《京都议定书》后国家林业局首次在行业内进行的关于森林与温室气体排放关系以及“碳基金”、“碳交易”、“碳汇”等问题的研讨交流。为此,本刊记者采访了国家林业局植树造林司司长魏殿生先生。记者:魏司长,在我国政府核准《京都议定书》后国家林业局随即就“造林绿化与气候变化”的关系举办了研讨会和培训班,请您谈谈其意义和效果。魏司长:1997年12月,在《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方第三次…  相似文献   

During the late rainy season in October 1997 we observed. over a range of >100 km, the highly synchronous emergence of flower buds in several deciduous tree species of the semi-deciduous tropical forest in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Synchronous flowering soon after the rapid decline in day length around the September equinox and in the absence of any notable climatic cues suggested flower induction by declining photoperiod. By combining field observations and the analysis of flowering herbarium collections, we established highly synchronous flowering periods with low interannual and latitudinal variation predicted for photoperiodic flower induction for more than 25 tree species and a few herbs. We describe morphogenetic changes at the shoot apex of three species during flower induction and the suppression and induction of flowering in several herbaceous species by experimental daylight extension. The combined observations provide strong, mainly indirect evidence for photoperiodic induction of flowering in many tropical tree species. At low latitudes with annual variation in day length of 1 hour, flower induction must be caused by a decline in photoperiod of 30 min or less. This is the first report of photoperiodic control of flowering in trees.  相似文献   

The root parameters of forest trees can be indicators of a changing environment. We summarize the results of root studies with regard to the effects of acidifying pollutants, especially soil acidification and aluminum toxicity, on various root parameters of Japanese forest trees under experimentally controlled conditions. All root parameters such as biomass, morphology, nutritional status, and physiology can be regarded as indicators, because, under laboratory conditions, root responses occur prior to the responses in the aboveground parts. However, considering the conditions of forest sites, the nutritional status and physiological changes are better indicators of soil acidification and Al stress than the biomass and morphological response. The currently available data suggest that the most important indicator is the Ca/Al molar ratio in roots of Japanese tree species. In order to predict and detect the initial effects of soil acidification, we postulate that the specific root response to the Ca/Al molar ratio of tree roots should be considered as a parameter for use in long-term forest monitoring sites.  相似文献   

Vegetable yield ofTelfairia occidentalis, grown at various distances (3, 4, 5 and 6 m) from a row of mango trees, remained unaffected by proximity to the tree line, until about 170 days after planting (DAP). The onset of the dry season, when water usually becomes limiting, occurred at about 170 DAP. Results support the suggestion that crops whose harvestable parts are vegetative tend to be less affected when grown in proximity to trees, but provided water is not limited.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of temperature on the carbohydrate status of parenchyma cells during winter in relation to the efflux and influx of sugars between parenchyma cells and xylem vessels in 1-year-old twigs of walnut (Juglans regia L.). The mechanism of sugar transfer between contact cells and vessels was also investigated. We obtained new insights into the possible osmotic role of sugars, particularly sucrose, in stem pressure formation and winter embolism repair. Accumulation of sucrose in the xylem sap during winter was mainly influenced by: (1) abundant conversion of starch to sucrose in the symplast at low temperatures; (2) sucrose efflux into the apoplast at low temperatures (1 degrees C); and (3) inefficient sugar uptake at low temperatures, although efficient sugar uptake occurred at 15 degrees C. We hypothesize that a diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC)-sensitive protein mediates facilitated diffusion of sucrose from parenchyma cells to xylem vessels (efflux) in walnut. We discuss the possible occurrence of active H+-sucrose symports and the coexistence of both influx and efflux processes in walnut in winter and the modulation of the relative importance of these flows by temperature.  相似文献   

Agroforestry experimentation: Separating the wood from the trees?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
ICRAF has evolved and evaluated experimental approaches to agroforestry problems which will help resercchers reach practical conclusions most cost-effectively in the shortest possible time, and with only limited resources. This has meant looking into the experimental phases needed, developing the conceptual background to research problems which involve the complex spatial/temporal features of agroforestry systems, suggesting and initiating simplified field experimental designs and/or assessment methodologies, and establishing source and reference design materials about agroforestry research for distribution.These four sets of activities are outlined and briefly discussed in relation to some of the key research issues which have emerged.Suitable methods for many areas of experimental agroforestry are rapidly being defined, although some of the more complex issues (e.g. multistrata systems, on-farm research with multipurpose trees and tree/crop mixtures) still need a focused attempt to develop appropriate research methodologies.Head, Research Development Division, ICRAF  相似文献   

We quantified cell membrane permeability(electrical conductivityEC,water soluble sugar-WSS,and amino acids-AA)and integrity(phospholipids,α-tocopherol and lipid peroxidation)along with food reserve deterioration(total proteins,total sugar,and total starch)of neem seeds collected from various mother tree age classes and stored for 65days in airtight plastic containers at ambient room temperature(35±5°C).Results show that the activities were higher in fresh seeds(EC267.56-2950.01μS/g,WSS 19.96-19.48 mg/g and AA 5.40-5.35 mg/g)and declined with increasing duration of storage period(EC153.37-195.17μS/g,WSS 3.13-4.17 mg/g and AA 4.29-4.49 mg/g after35 days and EC 144.02-161.56μS/g,WSS 2.06-2.40 mg/g and AA3.98-4.27 mg/g after 65 days of storage).Phospholipids andα-tocopherol were higher in fresh seed(0.073-0.093 OD at 710 nm and0.080-0.105 OD,respectively)and declined as storage duration increased(0.033-0.042 OD at 710 nm and 00.0010-0.0020 OD,respectively).Dead seeds showed reduced amounts of phospholipids and minimum activity ofα-tocopherol(antioxidants).The level of MDA was lower in fresh seeds(0.0066-0.0087 OD at 600-535 nm)and increased as storage duration increased(0.0248-0.0268 OD after 65 days of storage).The higher amount of MDA indicated that seeds died due to rancidity of the oil inside the seed.Neem seed cake was assessed for deterioration of food reserves(total proteins,total sugar,and total starch),concentrations of which were higher in fresh seed and declined as storage duration increased.Germination was higher in fresh seeds and after 65days,no germination was received perhaps due to deterioration of biochemicals in seeds.Patterns of seed deterioration were similar across all seed lots.  相似文献   

The identification and study of adaptively important genes in forest trees represents a formidable challenge because of their long generation spans. In annual or perennial herbs, formal genetic studies can be employed to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and/or candidate genes that underlie important traits, and the segregating populations can be transplanted into natural populations to measure the strength and direction of selection. However, the application of these methods to forest trees is difficult, because the creation of appropriate genetic material is extremely time-consuming in long-lived, woody plants, and lifetime fitness estimates are difficult or impossible to obtain. Although QTL mapping should in principle be feasible in wild intraspecific populations (as an alternative to artificial crosses), this approach is less likely to be successful in trees because LD (linkage disequilibrium) will decay quickly in large outbreeding plant populations. Within the present paper, we discuss a modified approach based on natural hybrid zones. We describe the use of wild annual sunflowers (Helianthus spp.) as a model for exploring the hybrid zone approach. Transplanted experimental hybrids allowed us to assess the adaptive value of individual chromosomal blocks in nature, and data on natural Helianthus hybrids suggest that similar approaches are possible in natural hybrid zones. Our results allowed us to test the role of hybridization in the origin of ecological divergence in wild sunflowers. In addition, they have practical implications for identifying adaptively important genes or QTLs in trees. This is exemplified by three temperate forest taxa, Populus (poplars, aspens, cottonwoods), Fraxinus (ash), and Quercus (oak). All three are diploid and important genomic tools are under development. Moreover, all three offer extensive hybrid zones whose likely age can be inferred from fossil data. Age data enables estimates of the size and frequency of chromosomal blocks in hybrids, thereby providing guidance in designing marker-based experiments. We predict that natural hybrid zones will be valuable tools for identifying the QTLs and/or candidate genes responsible for adaptive traits in forest trees.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that reserves create a hazard because pest insects are more abundant in unmanaged forest reserves than in managed forests, pheromone trapping of lps typographus was done within and outside two small old growth forest reserves (Tallet and Nyteboda) in southern Sweden. Initially, two 2 km perpendicular transects centered in the Tallet reserve did not show higher abundance of insects in the reserve in 1986 and 1987. A second hypothesis, that more predators existed in the diverse ecosystem in the reserves (giving fewer bark beetles) was tested. An important predator of bark beetles, Thanasimus formkarius, was monitored with kairomone traps inside and outside reserves, together with the prey in 1989. The catches of the prey (Ips) showed the same pattern as earlier. The predator was caught in small numbers, but in a pattern opposite to the predictions of the hypothesis of higher catches inside the reserves.  相似文献   

We compared seasonal changes in maximum diurnal trunk shrinkage (MDS) with seasonal changes in midday stem water potential (Psi(s)) over three years in plum trees grown in differing drip-irrigated regimes. In well-irrigated trees, day-to-day variations in Psi(s) and MDS were related to evaporative demand. Reference equations were obtained to predict MDS and Psi(s) values for well-irrigated trees as functions of environmental conditions. A decrease in plant water status toward the end of the growing season occurred even in the well-irrigated trees, probably reflecting a reduced volume of soil wetted by the drip irrigation system. Thus, for the prediction of Psi(s), different reference equations are required for the fruit-growth and after-harvest phenological periods. A seasonal change in the relationship between MDS and Psi(s) was observed, which compensated for the decrease in plant water status such that well-irrigated trees had similar MDS values during both the fruit-growth and after-harvest periods. The influence of tree size on the relationship between MDS and Psi(s) was also investigated. For tree trunk diameters ranging between 8 and 13 cm, MDS increased 13% for each cm of increase in trunk diameter, as a result of the thicker phloem tissues of the larger trees. This finding may allow extrapolation of Psi(s) predictions based on empirical relationships with MDS to plum trees of different sizes.  相似文献   

During spring and summer of 2016, dieback symptoms including blights of leaves, twigs, and acorns were observed on current year shoots of Quercus infectoria in the Zagros oak forests of Iran. The fungus isolated from damaged tissues was identified as Discula quercina based on both morphological characteristics and ITS sequencing. To fulfil the Koch's postulates, a representative isolate was inoculated onto shoots of Q. infectoria and Quercus libani in both laboratory and forest conditions. Responses of the two oak species to inoculation with D. quercina were examined under laboratory and forest conditions in a completely randomized experiment. Discula quercina was clearly involved in oak dieback, and Q. infectoria was more susceptible than Q. libani to damage by the pathogen. This is the first record of the occurrence and pathogenicity of the fungus Discula quercina on Quercus infectoria. The fungus is considered as an emerging pathogen on oak trees in Zagros forests in Iran. Furthermore, the pathogenicity of the Discula quercina on Q. libani under laboratory and forest conditions increases the potential importance of this pathogen in Zagros forests.  相似文献   

Within-tree variation in sap flow density (SFD) was measured in two isolated evergreen oak (Quercus ilex L.) trees growing in an oak savannah (dehesa) in southwest Spain. Sap flow was estimated by the constant heating method. Three sensors were installed in the trunk of each tree in three orientations: northeast (NE), northwest (NW) and south (S). Sap flow density was monitored continuously from May 18 to September 27, 1993. Daily values of SFD ranged between 500 and 4500 mm3 mm-2 day-1. There were significant differences in SFD between orientations; SFD was higher in the NE and NW orientations than in the S orientation. These differences were noted on both a daily and seasonal time scale, and were less pronounced on cloudy days and at the end of the drought period, when SFD was relatively low. Our results support the idea that branches of trees can be viewed as a collection of small independent plants.  相似文献   

Carefully managed tree plantations offer an opportunity for sustainable biomass production. In recent years, the responses of the Salicaceae to environmental constraints have increasingly been investigated at different levels of biological integration, giving rise to a physiological approach to the function of trees in environmental restoration and monitoring. Significant progress has been achieved by the poplar and willow community in understanding targeted characteristics of complex tree stress responses. The Fifth International Poplar Symposium brought together experts in this area, with the main objective being to improve, coordinate and communicate existing national research on the biological and environmental dimension of multifunctional poplar and willow plantations. The secondary objective was to develop a network of research scientists and extension workers to provide scientific support for subjects interested in using fast-growing poplar and willow species for tree-related environmental projects. The ultimate goal was to build up services for the multipurpose tree plantation network on local-level management in order to obtain maximized benefits from tree crops. The purpose was also to maximize the synergy between local knowledge and global-level processes that require information on multipurpose tree crop production.  相似文献   

We review approaches to predicting carbon and nitrogen allocation in forest models in terms of their underlying assumptions and their resulting strengths and limitations. Empirical and allometric methods are easily developed and computationally efficient, but lack the power of evolution-based approaches to explain and predict multifaceted effects of environmental variability and climate change. In evolution-based methods, allocation is usually determined by maximization of a fitness proxy, either in a fixed environment, which we call optimal response (OR) models, or including the feedback of an individual's strategy on its environment (game-theoretical optimization, GTO). Optimal response models can predict allocation in single trees and stands when there is significant competition only for one resource. Game-theoretical optimization can be used to account for additional dimensions of competition, e.g., when strong root competition boosts root allocation at the expense of wood production. However, we demonstrate that an OR model predicts similar allocation to a GTO model under the root-competitive conditions reported in free-air carbon dioxide enrichment (FACE) experiments. The most evolutionarily realistic approach is adaptive dynamics (AD) where the allocation strategy arises from eco-evolutionary dynamics of populations instead of a fitness proxy. We also discuss emerging entropy-based approaches that offer an alternative thermodynamic perspective on allocation, in which fitness proxies are replaced by entropy or entropy production. To help develop allocation models further, the value of wide-ranging datasets, such as FLUXNET, could be greatly enhanced by ancillary measurements of driving variables, such as water and soil nitrogen availability.  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems often receive attention and support in the literature for what is perceived as the benefits from multiple products associated with the trees that create the “forest” component of the setting. A comparison of small coffee growers’ use of fruits derived from the coffee agroforestry holding in Guatemala and Peru reveals that significant differences exist between these groups—not merely in the importance of the fruits themselves, but in the ways they are used. The overall importance of fruits from the coffee system accounts for a relatively small portion of the total value coming from the coffee area (about 10%), but the consumption and sales of the various products do generate needed income or sustenance for most farmers. The fate of fruits shows significant differences between the two countries. Whether at the farm level or on a per hectare basis, Guatemalan coffee farmers are more linked into a market economy and sell significantly more fruits than Peruvian farmers. The opposite is the case when on-farm consumption (use value) of the fruits is compared. While the potential value of these products may be quite large (from 95 to95 to 270/ha), we find that little gets consumed or sold, resulting in tremendous loss of potential benefits that could flow from these sources. Both groups lose more fruits than are sold or used, with Guatemalans foregoing more than three times the dollar value per hectare than Peruvians (151/ha vs.151/ha vs. 44/ha). Data about the economic context within which these growers and the fruits from coffee are found reveal possible reasons as to why we see the differences in use and exchange values realized in the two countries.  相似文献   

SO2 and NOx are main primary pollutants which often occur together in Europe. In three experiments small spruce trees were exposed to SO2 or to SO2 + NO2 in controlled environmental conditions. A polymeric coating (spodnam), based on a natural terpenoid compound was applied to half the trees fumigated in each experiment and the influence of this material on the sensitivity to pollutant injury was observed. Picea abies and Picea rubens (Norway and Red spruce) were more sensitive than Picea sitchensis (Sitka spruce) to acute damage from 8000 ppb SO2 experienced for 12-h periods during dormancy. A single application of 15% (ν/ν) of the polymeric coating substantially decreased the extent of acute injury in all three species. Dormant P. sitchensis fumigated with 250 ppb SO2 and SO2 + NO2 also showed less pollutant injury at the end of a 2-month fumigation when 5% (ν/ν) spodman had been applied. Exposure of coated and uncoated seedlings of P. sitchensis to 400 ppb SO2 during growth in 8-h and 16-h photoperiods confirmed the strong protective effect of a 15% (ν/ν) application. After 6 weeks in 16-h photoperiods, the coated plants grown in SO2 had larger dry weights than uncoated plants in SO2. Spodnam also caused decreases of dry weight which were greater in the 8-h daylength, indicating that growth rate was important in determining the physiological cost of having an additional coating over the foliage. Further analysis of the effects of the coating on plant growth and of its protective function against air pollutants are required to determine whether application would be beneficial in forest areas were large concentrations of gaseous air pollutants occur. The timing, concentration and degree of coverage achieved during application would influence the impact of this material; and the benefit gained would depend on the severity of pollutant damage and on the way in which spodnam effects other factors which influence growth.  相似文献   

Knots in trees: strain distribution in a naturally optimised structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Electronic speckle pattern interferometry was applied to directly measure the distribution of longitudinal, tangential, and shear strains in small boards of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) exposed to tensile load in longitudinal direction. A sample with a central intergrown knot and one with an equivalent loose knot were compared with reference samples made of clear wood with an artificial central circular or square hole, respectively. The observed measurements were compared with a finite element (FE) simulation. The FE model was based on a geometric model to quantify the local fibre orientation and a micromechanical model to estimate elastic constants of clear wood and knot tissue. Both the measurements and simulation clearly illustrate a rather homogenous strain distribution around the intergrown knot. In comparison, the natural optimisation of dispersing strain peaks is less efficient in the case of loose knots. The artificial circular and square holes in samples with parallel fibre orientation lead to high gradients in the strain field and peak values in vicinity of the disturbance.  相似文献   

Multi-functional silvopastoral systems provide a wide range of services to human society including the regulation of nutrients and water in soils and the sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Although silvopastoral systems significantly contribute to enhance aboveground carbon (C) sequestration (e.g. C accumulation in woody plant biomass), their long-term effects on soil C pools are less clear. In this study we performed soil physical fractionation analyses to quantify the C pool of different aggregate fractions across three land use types including (1) silvopastoral system with ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior L.), (2) planted woodland with ash trees, and (3) permanent grassland, which were established in 1989 at Loughgall, Northern Ireland, UK. Our results show that 26 years after the conversion of permanent grassland to either silvopastoral or woodland systems, soil C (and N) stocks (0–20 cm depth) did not significantly change between the three land use types. We found, however, that permanent grassland soils were associated with significantly higher C pools (g C kg?1 soil; P < 0.03) of the large macro-aggregate fraction (> 2 mm) whereas soil C pools of the micro-aggregate (53–250 μm) and silt and clay (< 53 μm) fractions were significantly higher in the silvopastoral and woodland systems (P < 0.05). A key finding of this study is that while tree planting on permanent grassland may not contribute to greater soil C stocks it may, in the long-term, increase the C pool of more stable (recalcitrant) soil micro-aggregate and silt and clay fractions, which could be more resilient to environmental change.  相似文献   

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