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Because feed is the major cost to pork production, management practices and breeding strategies are aimed at optimizing feed intake. Knowledge about the shape of feed intake and feeding behavior curves may be of interest for optimization of lean meat production. This study investigated trends based on daily measurements of feeding behavior in 200 Duroc barrows, originating from 5 sires and 200 dams, during growth. Daily values were examined between 88 and 188 d of age. Furthermore, phenotypic correlations between feeding length and feeding rate, and feeding frequency, feed intake, residual feed intake, growth rate, and rate of fat deposition were investigated for a period between 95 and 175 d of age. No differences were observed between sires for parameter estimates of a curvilinear function fitted to data on feeding length as a function of age, but the effect of sire was significant (P < 0.01) for values at individual ages up to 132 d of age. Feeding rate (feed ingested for each minute spent eating) increased in a linear fashion with age (average R(2) = 0.80) and differently so for different sires (P < 0.05 for the intercept and P < 0.01 for the regression coefficient). Because the increase in BW is linear over this time period (average R(2) = 0.99), the results suggest that feeding rate increased with increased BW and is related to the physical capacity for feed intake. Results indicate that pigs that ate faster also ate more (r = 0.29, P < 0.001), grew faster (r = 0.40, P < 0.001), and grew fatter (r = 0.28, P < 0.001), but had no greater or lower residual feed intake (r = -0.01). The linear regression slope of feeding rate on age seemed inherent to the individual and was correlated with feed intake but not with residual feed intake. Feeding length may be selected for in order to regulate absolute feed intake at different stages of growth. 相似文献
Lambs (29 +/- 2.5 kg) were fed three diets at various intakes to determine whether diet composition or level of intake was reflected in changes in diet digestibility or ruminal fluid characteristics. In Exp. 1, a 90% concentrated, pelleted diet or a whole shelled corn diet with a pelleted protein supplement was fed at three levels of intake: ad libitum and 92.5 and 85% of ad libitum (n = 15). Exp. 2 compared the 90% concentrate diet with diets in which the energy density was diluted to 55 or 72.5% concentrate by including alfalfa hay as a possible method of restricting energy intake (n = 6). Lambs were adapted to diets for 13 d; feces were collected for 6 d and ruminal fluid was collected 0, 3, and 6 h after feeding on the day following fecal collection. Restricting intake in Exp. 1 did not affect DM digestibility or digestibility of CP or starch. Digestibility of ADF was increased (P less than .10) by restricting intake. Ruminal fluid pH, ammonia concentration and VFA concentrations were affected little by either restricted intake level. Digestibility of DM was 4% higher (P less than .001) and starch 5% higher (P less than .001) for the whole shelled corn diet than for the pelleted, high-concentrate diet. Ruminal pH of lambs fed the whole shelled corn diet was higher and fluctuated less than the ruminal pH of lambs fed the high-concentrate, pelleted diet. In Exp. 2, diet digestibility was reduced (P less than .01) and ruminal pH was increased (P less than .002) by addition of hay. Restricted feeding of lambs did not seem to increase diet digestibility or alter ruminal conditions. 相似文献
Background: Feeding behavior study is important for animal husbandry and production. However, few studies were conducted on the feeding behavior and their relationship with feeding efficiency in Pekin ducks. In order to investigate the feeding behavior and their relationship with feed efficiency and other economic traits in Pekin ducks, we selected 358 male Pekin ducks and recorded feeding information between 3 to 6 wk of age using automatic electronic feeders, and compared the feeding behavior under different residual feed intake(RFI) levels.Results: We observed that total feed time, daily feed intake and feed intake per meal had strong positive correlations with feed efficiency traits; moreover, strong correlation between feed intake per meal and body weight was found(R=0.32, 0.36). Daily feeding rate meal and meal duration had weak correlations with feed efficiency(R=0.14~0.15). The phenotypic correlation of between-meal pauses, with feed efficiency was not observed. When daily changes were analyzed, high RFI ducks had the highest feed consumption over all times, and obvious differences in daily visits were found among different RFI level animals during the middle period; these differences were magnified with age, but there was no difference in daily meal number. Moreover, our data indicate that high RFI birds mainly take their meals at the edge of the population enclosure, where they are more susceptible to environmental interference.Conclusions: Overal, this study suggests that the general feeding behaviors can be accurately measured using automatic electronic feeders and certain feeding behaviors in Pekin ducks are associated with improved feed efficiency. 相似文献
This study was conducted to investigate relationships between mitochondrial respiratory chain complex activities, feed efficiency, and carcass traits in sheep. A group of Ghezel male lambs sired by a single ram were randomly allotted to individual pens. The lambs were fed ad libitum with a fattening diet containing 30% roughage (corn silage and alfalfa hay) and 70% concentrate for 70 d to individually phenotype each lamb for feed conversion ratio (FCR), adjusted FCR (aFCR), and residual feed intake (RFI). The lambs were then humanely killed and the liver, abdominal fat, pelvic fat, cardiac fat, warm carcass weight, and cold carcass weight, as well as the cross-sectional area of the LM and the fat depth over the 12th rib, were determined. A portion of LM was obtained to determine mitochondrial protein and respiratory chain complex activities (complexes I to V). Statistical analysis was carried out based on lambs exhibiting high and low RFI (n = 8), FCR (n = 8), or aFCR (n = 8) phenotypes. The lambs exhibiting the high-RFI phenotype consumed 110 g more feed daily (P < 0.05) than did the phenotype exhibiting low RFI, with no difference in ADG. Conversely, there was no difference in feed intake between the low- or high-FCR groups, but sheep exhibiting the low-FCR phenotype gained 70 g more (P < 0.05) per day compared with those exhibiting the high-FCR phenotype. It was determined that all 5 respiratory chain complex activities were greater (P < 0.05) in sheep exhibiting the low-RFI phenotype compared with those exhibiting the high-RFI phenotype, with significant (P < 0.001) negative correlation coefficients between RFI and respiratory chain complex activity. When efficiency was assessed using FCR, only activities of respiratory chain complexes III, IV, and V were less (P < 0.05) in the low-FCR phenotype compared with the high-FCR phenotype, and there were no differences (P > 0.1) in respiratory chain complex activities between groups when FCR was adjusted for metabolic BW (aFCR). There were no differences (P > 0.1) in carcass traits among any of the feed efficiency phenotypes. The results suggest that the inclusion of respiratory chain complex activities in breeding programs may be helpful in selecting for sheep exhibiting the low-RFI phenotype. 相似文献
Abdelfattah Z.M. Salem Ahmed E. Kholif Misael Olivares Mona M.Y. Elghandour Miguel Mellado Javier Arece 《Tropical animal health and production》2014,46(1):213-219
An experiment was completed to determine the effect of Salix babylonica (SB) extract supplementation to the diet of growing lambs. Eighteen Katahdin × Pelibuey male lambs (14?±?2 kg live body weight) were divided randomly in individual cages into three groups and fed three diets varying in SB: a control group was fed on total mixed ration (TMR) without SB (SB0), an SB25 group was fed on TMR plus SB extract at 25 mL/lamb/day, and an SB50 group was fed on TMR plus SB extract at 50 mL/lamb/day on dry matter intake (DMI), average daily gain (ADG), feed efficiency, and in vitro gas production (GP) in lambs fed on TMR. In vitro GP of the TMR fed to lambs was recorded at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation with 0, 0.6, 1.2, and 1.8 mL extract per gram of DM. Addition of SB extract at low and high doses improved the DMI of lambs by 59.9 and 33.2 %, respectively. Relative to the control, low and high extract doses achieved greater lamb ADG during the experimental period. The asymptotic GP increased (P?<?0.05) with increasing dose of SB extract without affecting the rate of GP or the initial delay before GP begins. Linear increases for in vitro GP with advancing time with different SB extract doses were observed. It is suggested that the use of S. babylonica extract with the rate of 25 mL/lamb/day is beneficial to young lamb’s performance growth and thus can be safely used as a feed additive in diets without any negative effects on animal health. 相似文献
Estimates of genetic parameters and selection strategies to improve the economic efficiency of postweaning growth in lambs 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The objectives of this study were to estimate (co)variance components for growth and feed efficiency measures, and to compare selection strategies to improve economic efficiency of gain. Variance components for pre- and postweaning growth, body weight, and measures of feed efficiency were estimated from data collected on 1,047 Targhee lambs over 7 yr. Approximately 21 d after weaning, lambs were group-fed for 4 wk, with ad libitum access to a diet of 37% whole barley grain and 63% pelleted alfalfa hay. Lambs were then individually fed for 6 wk. Lambs were then returned to group feeding for another 4-wk period. The mean feed conversion ratio (gain/intake) for the individual feeding period was 0.11. Mean postweaning ADG for the total 14-wk feeding period was 0.26 kg. (Co)variance components were estimated from single- and two-trait animal models using REML. The selection strategies compared included direct selection, index selection, and restricted index selection. Estimates of (co)variances derived from single- and two-trait models were similar, except for mid-test body weight. Preweaning growth had a low heritability estimate (0.03 +/- 0.04) compared with postweaning growth measures (0.25 to 0.39), but all measures of growth were highly correlated (r2 > 0.98). Heritability estimates of measures of gain efficiency were variable (total feed intake = 0.39; feed conversion ratio = 0.26; residual feed intake = 0.26). Total feed intake was strongly correlated genetically with feed conversion ratio (0.79) and residual feed intake (0.77). The estimate of genetic correlation between feed conversion ratio and residual feed intake was low (0.23). Comparison of selection strategies showed the superiority of index selection (ADG, total feed, body weight) for economic improvement compared with other strategies. Economic response to direct selection for ADG was at least twice that for direct selection for feed conversion ratio or against total feed intake, and that for restricted indices (selecting against residual feed, while holding body weight and/or gain constant). Selection for ADG may be a practical approach for indirectly improving efficiency of gain in lambs. 相似文献
Crowley JJ Evans RD Mc Hugh N Pabiou T Kenny DA McGee M Crews DH Berry DP 《Journal of animal science》2011,89(11):3382-3393
Interest in selection for improved feed efficiency is increasing, but before any steps are taken toward selecting for feed efficiency, correlations with other economically important traits must first be quantified. The objective of this study was to quantify the genetic associations between feed efficiency measured during performance testing and linear type traits, BW, live animal value, and carcass traits recorded in commercial herds. Feed efficiency data were available on 2,605 bulls from 1 performance test station. There were between 10,384 and 93,442 performance records on type traits, BW, animal value, or carcass traits from 17,225 commercial herds. (Co)variance components were estimated using linear mixed animal models. Genetic correlations between the muscular type traits in commercial animals and feed conversion ratio (-0.33 to -0.25), residual feed intake (RFI; -0.33 to -0.22), and residual BW gain (RG; 0.24 to 0.27) suggest that selection for improved feed efficiency should increase muscling. This is further evidenced by the genetic correlations between carcass conformation of commercial animals and feed conversion ratio (-0.46), RFI (-0.37), and residual BW gain (0.35) measured in performance-tested animals. Furthermore, the genetic correlations between RFI and both ultrasonic fat depth and carcass fat score (0.39 and 0.33, respectively) indicated that selection for improved RFI will result in leaner animals. It can be concluded from the genetic correlations estimated in this study that selection for feed efficiency will have no unfavorable effects on the performance traits measured in this study and will actually lead to an improvement in performance for some traits, such as muscularity, animal price, and carcass conformation. Conversely, this suggests that genetic selection for traits such as carcass quality, muscling traits, and animal value might also be indirectly selecting for more efficient animals. 相似文献
The effect of grain species, processing and time of feeding on the efficiency of feed utilization and microbial protein synthesis in sheep 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A. Horadagoda W.J. Fulkerson I. Barchia R.C. Dobos K.S. Nandra 《Livestock Science》2008,114(1):117-126
This study investigated the effect of cereal grain species (sorghum, wheat, oats and barley), extent of processing (cracked barley, finely ground barley, and wet whole barley) and time of feeding (barley grain mixed with ryegrass hay or fed 2 h before hay was fed), on whole tract dry matter digestibility (WTDMD), and microbial protein synthesis (MPS), as a supplement to ryegrass hay when fed to rumen-cannulated sheep.Expected dry matter digestibility (EDMD) in mixtures of cereal grain and ryegrass hay was calculated by interpolation between in vitro dry matter digestibility (DMD) of each grain and the ryegrass hay. These were compared with measured actual WTDMD to detect positive or negative associative effects. Among grain species, the percentage difference in digestibility between actual WTDMD and EDMD was negative at − 6.6% units for wheat but positive at + 2.3%, + 4.3% and + 5.7% units for sorghum, oats, cracked or finely ground barley, respectively.As expected, the supplementation of sheep fed ryegrass hay with different sources of carbohydrates increased urinary allantoin output (as an indicator of MPS) when compared to sheep fed ryegrass hay alone. The concentration of urinary allantoin was significantly higher in sheep supplemented with sorghum (1916 mg/sheep/day) than wheat, oats or cracked barley ([mean ± S.E.M.] 1451 ± 24 mg/sheep/day) grain. There was a significantly higher urinary allantoin concentration in sheep fed cracked barley compared to finely ground barley or wet whole barley (1479 vs. 1095 vs. 1031 mg/sheep/day, respectively). There was no significant (P > 0.05) difference in urinary allantoin output, expressed as output/kg DM intake, when cracked barley was mixed and fed with the hay or fed 2 h before hay. However, in terms of total output of allantoin this was significantly higher (P < 0.05) (1479 vs. 1209 mg/sheep/day).In sacco degradability characteristics of organic matter and nitrogen for sorghum, oats, wheat, barley at different levels of processing and for ryegrass hay were also measured in the rumen of cannulated sheep.Among grain species, wheat had the highest effective organic matter degradability in the rumen (78.1%) while sorghum had the lowest. The effective degradability of protein of finely ground barley in the rumen was found to be higher than cracked barley or wet whole barley.Wheat grain, being highly degradable in the rumen, had a negative effect on WTDMD. In contrast, sorghum grain, being more slowly degradable in the rumen, would be expected to provide a substantially increased supply of energy to microbes over time in the rumen for MPS.Both cracked barley and finely ground barley also had a positive associative effect on WTDMD when fed with ryegrass increasing it by 5.7% units. The MPS was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in sheep fed cracked barley compared to finely ground barley or wet whole barley. This supports the hypothesis that slowly degrading carbohydrate sources synchronise more closely with available N from degradation of forage in the rumen. 相似文献
Lovatto PA Sauvant D Noblet J Dubois S van Milgen J 《Journal of animal science》2006,84(12):3329-3336
An experiment was carried out to evaluate the metabolic utilization of energy in crossbred barrows during feed restriction and subsequent refeeding. Ten pigs, initially weighing 52 kg, were used in 5 blocks of 2 littermates each. A 7-d adaptation period (P1) was used in which pigs were offered feed at 2.60 MJ of ME.kg of BW(-0.60).d(-1). This adaptation period was followed by a 7-d period (P2), in which 1 pig of each block continued to receive feed at the same level of feeding, whereas for its littermate a 40% reduction in feed intake was imposed (i.e., 1.55 MJ of ME.kg of BW(-0.60).d(-1)). During the subsequent 7-d period (P3), both pigs were offered feed at 2.60 MJ of ME.kg of BW(-0.60).d(-1). After P3, pigs were fasted for 1 d. Heat production (HP) was measured for all pigs during the last 3 d of P1 and on all days for P2 and P3. Heat production was measured using an open-circuit respiration chamber. Energy and N balances were determined for P1, P2, and P3. The HP was partitioned into HP due to physical activity, the short-term thermic effect of feeding, and resting HP. Feed restriction during P2 decreased (P < 0.01) total HP, resting HP, short-term thermic effect of feeding, and retained energy, whereas HP due to physical activity was not affected by feed restriction (P = 0.50). Likewise, fecal and urinary N loss, protein gain, lipid gain, and ADG were reduced during feed restriction (P < 0.01). There were no differences in components of HP and metabolic utilization of energy between the 2 groups during P1 and P3. Nevertheless, urinary N loss was decreased (P < 0.05) and ADG increased (P < 0.01) during P3 for pigs that were restricted in P2. Compensatory growth after a period of feed restriction does not seem to be related to a change in the metabolic utilization of energy for gain but more likely is due to gain in water and gut contents. 相似文献
Jiriaei Fatemeh Kazemi-Bonchenari Mehdi Moradi Mohammad Hossein Mirmohammadi Davood 《Tropical animal health and production》2020,52(2):829-837
Tropical Animal Health and Production - The effects of feeding corn steep liquor (CSL; 420 g/kg crude protein, DM basis) along with different cereal grains on performance, digestibility,... 相似文献
K. A. BOSH D. POWELL J. S. NEIBERGS B. SHELTON W. ZENT 《Equine veterinary journal》2009,41(9):889-894
Reason for performing study: There have been no studies reporting the impact of reproductive efficiency and mare financial value on economic returns. Objective: To explore the economic consequences of differences in reproductive efficiency over time in the Thoroughbred mare. Methods: Complete production records for 1176 mares were obtained. Production history and drift in foaling date were calculated. Multiple logistic regression was used to identify factors influencing the probability of producing a registered foal in 2005. The ‘net present value’ and ‘internal rate of return’ were calculated for economic scenarios involving different initial mare financial values, levels of reproductive efficiency, and durations of investment. Results: Among mares that did not produce a foal every year (63%), the mean time before failing to produce a registered foal was 3.4 years. The majority of mares drifted later in their foaling dates in subsequent foaling seasons. Increasing mare age, foaling after 1st April, needing to be mated multiple times during the season, and producing a lower number of foals in continuous sequence during previous years decreased the probability of producing a registered foal. Over a 7 year investment period, live foals must be produced in all but one year to yield a positive financial return. Profitability was highest among mares of greatest financial value. Conclusions: Mares are long‐term investments due to the extended period before there is a return on the investment. Improving our understanding of mare, stallion and management factors that affect the likelihood of producing a live foal are critical to ensuring a positive financial return. Additional work is needed to test the robustness of the study's conclusions when the cost and revenue assumptions are varied. Potential relevance: This information can assist in assessing mare profitability and developing management strategies to maximise profitability. 相似文献
饲料水分活度及其对霉菌生长和产毒的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
水分可能是控制微生物对食品破坏的单独的最重要因素(Chirife J,Buera M D,1996)。同样,水分是霉菌在饲料上生长繁殖的必要条件,无论是饲料原料,还是配合饲料,或者是浓缩饲料,都含有一定量的水分。存在于饲料中的水分有游离水和结合水之分,微生物能够利用的是游离水。一般来说, 相似文献
饲喂代乳粉对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究饲喂代乳粉和母羊哺乳对羔羊生长性能和体组织参数的影响。选取18只日龄和体重相近、健康的杂交F1羔羊,随机分成试验组和对照组,每组9只。试验组饲喂代乳粉,对照组随母羊哺乳,饲养时间为90d。称取20、90日龄空腹体重,并于90日龄时每组随机选取4只屠宰,称量胴体、各胃室、小肠各段、内脏器官鲜重。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验组羔羊平均日增重提高18.61%(P0.05);宰前活体重、胴体重分别提高22.28%、32.44%(P0.05),屠宰率提高6.67%(P0.05);复胃总重增加13.25%(P0.05),其中瘤胃鲜重增加25.92%(P0.05),皱胃鲜重提高6.74%(P0.05),网胃和瓣胃鲜重则有降低的趋势;回肠鲜重和长度分别增长75.28%(P0.05)和35.50%(P0.05);肺、肾脏、肝脏和脾脏鲜重提高22.29%、30.10%、28.86%和38.22%(P0.05)。结论:饲喂代乳粉后可提高羔羊生长性能,但对屠宰率无显著影响,可促进其瘤胃的发育,并影响部分内脏器官发育。 相似文献
Residual feed intake (RFI) is a measure of feed efficiency defined as the difference between observed and predicted feed intake based on average requirements for growth and maintenance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of selection for decreased RFI on feeding behavior traits and to estimate their relationships with RFI. Three data sets from the 4th and 5th generations of a selection experiment with a line selected for reduced RFI (LRFI) and a randomly selected control line (CTRL) were analyzed. Lines were mixed in pens of 16 and evaluated for feeding behavior traits obtained from a single-space electronic feeder over a growing period of ~3 mo before ~115 kg. The following traits were evaluated as averages over the entire test period and over the first and second half of the test period: number of visits per day and hour; occupation time per day, visit, and hour; feed intake (FI) per day, visit, and hour; and FI rate per visit. Models used included fixed effects of line and feeder, covariates of on-test age and FI per day, and random effects of pen, on-test group, sire, and litter. Repeated measures models were used to analyze feeding patterns during the day. The LRFI pigs had significantly less FI per day than CTRL pigs for all 3 data sets. With adjustment for FI per day, line differences of all traits were in the same direction for all 3 data sets but differed in significance and size. Feed intake per visit and hour and visits per day and hour did not differ between lines, but the trend was for LRFI pigs to have fewer visits, in particular during peak eating times. The LRFI pigs had a greater feeding rate and less occupation time per day, visit, and hour than CTRL pigs, but this was not significant for all data sets. Correlations of RFI with FI per day and visit and visits per day were positive. Average daily gain was positively correlated with FI per day and visit and occupation time per visit but negatively correlated with visits per day. Feed intake per day was positively correlated with backfat. In conclusion, feed efficiency may be affected by FI behavior because selection for decreased RFI has resulted in pigs that spend less time eating and eat faster. 相似文献
Four hundred seventy-four ewe lambs (5 to 6 mo of age) were assigned within breed to two postweaning feed treatments; 1 = alfalfa pellets ad libitum and 2 = alfalfa pellets plus 20% barley or wheat ad libitum. Ten days prior to the start of breeding, approximately one-half of the ewe lambs within each feed treatment were treated with a single injection of 2.5 mg of estradiol valerate and 1.5 mg of norgestomet and implanted with 3 mg of norgestomet for 8 d. At the start of breeding, fertile Suffolk rams were fitted with marking harnesses and penned with ewe lambs; evidence of estrus and breeding was determined on a weekly basis by visual examination for breeding marks. In the second year of the study, 7 to 13 d after recording estrous activity, all marked ewe lambs were bled; and blood was assayed for progesterone. In 1983, 60% of the ewe lambs showed estrus and 11% lambed compared with 48% exhibiting estrus and 30% lambing in 1984 (P less than .01). More (P less than .01) ewe lambs on feed treatment 1 displayed estrus, but more (P less than .05) lambed in the feed treatment 2 group. Steroid treatment resulted in more (P less than .01) ewe lambs showing estrus but fewer lambing (P less than .01). Examination of progesterone concentrations for evidence of ovulation and corpus luteum development indicated that treatment with steroids caused a large percentage of ewe lambs to exhibit estrus. However, many of these failed to develop a corpus luteum and become pregnant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献