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猪丹毒是由猪丹毒杆菌引起的一种急性、高热性的人畜共患病。本文通过介绍一例猪丹毒的发病过程、主要症状和病变、诊断及治疗效果,为猪丹毒病诊断、治疗提供依据。  相似文献   

猪丹毒病的诊断与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪丹毒是由猪丹毒杆菌引起的一种急性、热性传染病.介绍了猪丹毒病的流行特点、临床症状、病理变化及防治措施,以供参考.  相似文献   

夏季是猪丹毒病的高发季节,因此加强猪丹毒的诊断与治疗工作显得尤为重要,本文对猪丹毒的实验室诊断以及药敏试验进行阐述,以便于让大家更加了解猪丹毒的诊治过程。猪丹毒是由猪丹杆菌引起的急性、热性传染病,是对养猪业危害很大的传染病。本试验选取某猪场3~6月龄发病猪,来研究猪丹毒的实验室诊断方法及敏感药物。  相似文献   

猪丹毒是由猪丹毒杆菌引起一种急性、热性传染病,俗称"打火印"。猪丹毒杆菌又称丹毒丝菌,为细长的革兰氏阳性小杆菌。,对养猪业危害颇大。在屠宰场检疫时董某拉了四头猪丹毒病猪,我们进行了相应的处理,为了控制本病的发生及流行,现就猪丹毒的诊治情况简要介绍如下。  相似文献   

调查我国鱼类及水生动物猪丹毒杆菌的带菌情况及其血清型,以探索水生动物带有猪丹毒杆菌对公共卫生和猪丹毒病的流行关系。为人类健康与防制猪丹毒的发生提供依据。我们从1980年起采集海鱼、淡水鱼、虾、蟹、龟、鳖等22种水生动物样品534份,分离出猪丹毒杆菌373株。参照Wood博士  相似文献   

猪丹毒是由猪丹毒杆菌引起的急性、热性传染病,是人兽共患传染病。不同类型的猪丹毒体现出不同的临床症状,其中急性型主要以败血症症状、高热等特点为主,亚急性型则主要是在皮肤上出现紫红色疹状,慢性型则主要以纤维性关节炎、疣状心内膜炎等症状为主,猪丹毒是威胁猪只的重要传染病,感染最急性型猪丹毒可达到85%的死亡率,严重影响养殖户的经济效益,因此猪丹毒的临床诊断及防治具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

猪丹毒是由猪丹毒杆菌引发的一种急性热性传染病,以地方性流行为主,严重威胁养猪业的健康发展。本文梳理了当前猪丹毒的流行病学特点和现状,分析了因病猪和带毒猪传染、血清型多且毒力差异明显、对免疫工作缺乏重视等导致该病发生的主要原因,并针对猪丹毒的诊断及防治措施进行了讨论,以期为养殖群体优化管理方式、做好猪丹毒防控提供参考。  相似文献   

猪丹毒是猪丹毒杆菌引起的一种急性热性传染病,患猪主要发病特征为高热,出现败血症,皮肤有疹块及出现慢性心内膜炎、多发性非化脓性关节炎等。猪丹毒杆菌是一种革兰氏阳性菌,单在、成对或成丛排列,其对盐腌及干燥环境、日光照射的抵抗力较强。圈舍肮脏、潮湿,饮水被污染,猪只发生应激,突然更换日粮,消毒不严等原因都可诱发猪丹毒。  相似文献   

猪丹毒病的发生严重影响养猪的效益。本文通过对猪丹毒的病因、发病状况、流行特点和临床诊断等进行详尽分析,阐述了对猪丹毒的诊断及预防措施,以期对养猪生产有指导作用。  相似文献   

笔者针对近几年麻栗坡县麻栗镇猪丹毒发病数有所增加的实际情况及自己多年实践经验,分析了麻栗镇猪丹毒的流行特点,阐述了引起麻栗镇猪丹毒发生的主要原因,提出领导要重视,将猪丹毒的预防与其它重大动物传染病相提并论,恢复猪丹毒的主要防疫地位的建议。  相似文献   

[目的]为查清湖南湘潭市3个猪场疫情发生的原因。[方法]开展了流行病学调查和临床诊断、病理解剖、实验室检测。[结果]本次疫情共有3个养殖场的32头猪发病,其中育肥猪、架子猪、仔猪分别发病3头、26头、3头,发病率分别为:37.5%、8.67%、11.5%;死亡4头,其中架子猪3头、仔猪1头,死亡率分别是:1.0%、仔猪3.85%。[结论]最终确诊这3个场/户的猪只发生了猪丹毒疫情,并提出了综合性防治措施。  相似文献   

张文通  魏凤  李峰  沈志强 《猪业科学》2020,37(7):100-101
文章介绍了5种商品化猪丹毒疫苗的种类、毒株组成、抗原含量及相应免疫程序,为了解各种类型的猪丹毒商品化疫苗提供参考。  相似文献   

疫病一直是生猪养殖中影响猪群健康的重要因素,受到疾病影响的猪群会给养殖户带来巨大的经济损失,严重阻碍养殖业的发展。该文将简要概述猪丹毒和猪肺疫的病理状况,分析猪丹毒和猪肺疫混合感染的发病特征和临床症状,并研究综合诊治猪丹毒和猪肺疫混合感染的方法,降低猪丹毒和猪肺疫混合感染对生猪养殖的影响。  相似文献   

In order to prove the effects of mass application of oral erysipelas vaccine via drinking water, in a farrow-to-finish production unit in Croatia, the growing-finishing animals were divided into 3 groups and treated as follows:--Group 1 (n=199) was vaccinated intramuscularly against swine erysipelas at 1 week and 3 weeks after arrival in the growing-finishing facility with a swine erysipelas bacterin.--Group 2 (n=199) were vaccinated at the same time with an avirulent culture of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae oral vaccine through drinking water.--Group 3 (n=200) was not vaccinated. Animals with clinical signs of swine erysipelas, chronic progressive arthritis at slaughter, mortality, average daily weight gain during the growing-finishing phase were evaluated. None of the pigs in the groups 1 and 2 showed clinical signs typical for acute swine erysipelas. Twenty-four of the pigs (12 %) in group 3 had pyrexia and skin lesions typical for swine erysipelas. Fifteen pigs in group 1, 13 pigs in group 2, and 63 pigs in group 3 had chronic progressive arthritis (group 1 and 2 vs. group 3: P < 0.01). No significant differences in mortality were recorded between the groups. Group 1 and 2 had higher (P < 0.05) average daily weight gains compared with the group 3.  相似文献   

田华  李顺荣  冯强 《中国动物保健》2010,12(12):15-17,21
通过建立生物发酵床,利用垫料中有益菌群的占位、生物热消毒、杀菌抑菌原理,配套疾病综合控制措施,对比观察了育肥猪的疾病发生情况。结果表明:发酵床条件下育肥猪的发病率降低了10.07%;因病死亡率降低1.65%;头均防治费降低5.60元,降低了52.8%;场内原有的猪瘟、猪丹毒、猪肺疫、仔猪副伤寒、传染性鼻炎、关节炎的发病得到了有效控制;胃肠炎、蛔虫、疥癣及感冒等的发病率也出现大幅度下降趋势,分别降低8.5%、12.1%、10.6%和3.8%,;生物发酵床改善了猪舍环境,增强了猪的体况,提高了免疫效果,保障了猪群的健康。  相似文献   

Six strains of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae were isolated from farmed wild boars with acute septicemic erysipelas during the period from 1983 to 1998 in Japan. All isolates belonged to serovar 1a or 2 (predominant serovars in swine). The 50 per cent lethal dose values of those isolates ranged from 10(1.3)to 10(6.2)colony forming units in mice. In swine, all isolates were virulent, capable of inducing localized or generalized urticarial lesions after intradermal inoculation. All of the isolates were resistant to oxytetracycline and/or dihydrostreptomycin. These observations suggest that E. rhusiopathiae strains isolated from wild boars may have aetiological significance in swine erysipelas.  相似文献   

为研究猪丹毒杆菌C43005株的菌种特性,制备了一批猪丹毒杆菌C43005株并对菌种的真空度、剩余水分、形态、培养特性、生化特性、血清学特性、毒力、免疫原性等参数进行检定,重点对该菌种的毒力进行重复试验并对影响毒力的因素进行分析。结果表明,菌种的真空度、剩余水分、形态、培养特性、生化特性、血清学特性、免疫原性均符合《中华人民共和国兽用生物制品规程》二〇〇〇版相关质量标准的规定,毒力试验结果明显受培养基质量和动物个体差异的影响。本研究可以为猪丹毒杆菌C43005株的制备和检定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Swine were vaccinated with adsorbate bacterin made from Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae of serotype 2 and were subsequently allotted to 4 exposure groups, each of which was exposed to 1 of the strains of E rhusiopathiae of serotypes 1, 2, 9, or 10. Mice were vaccinated with the same bacterin and were subsequently allotted to 60 exposure groups which were exposed to 60 strains of E rhusiopathiae, comprising 10 strains each of serotypes 1, 2, 4, 9, 10, and 11. Response to challenge of immunity in swine was determined by the presence of clinical signs of acute generalized erysipelas; response in mice was determined by the quantal (live-dead) method. Vaccinated swine were as susceptible to the strain of serotype 10 as were nonvaccinated control swine, whereas vaccinated swine were immune and control swine were susceptible to the strains of serotypes 1 and 2. The strain of serotype 9 was not sufficiently virulent to induce acute generalized erysipelas, even in control swine. Arthritis was not prevented by vaccination, but its frequency and severity were less in vaccinated swine exposed to strains of serotype 1 or 2 than in those exposed to strains of serotype 9 or 10. Vaccinated mice were significantly (P less than 0.05) more susceptible to the strains of serotype 10 than to those of any other serotype tested.  相似文献   

Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae is the causative agent of swine erysipelas, and it causes great economic losses in Japan and worldwide. In meat inspection, it is very important to distinguish E. rhusiopathiae from other bacteria showing similar clinical signs of disease or similar bacterial characteristics. To distinguish E. rhusiopathiae from Erysipelothrix tonsillarum, 2 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems were combined. The primer sets ERY-1F and ERY-2R were designed to amplify 2210 base pairs (bp) of nucleotide sequence specific for E. rhusiopathiae chromosomal DNA, and the primer sets MO101 and ERS-1R were designed to amplify 719 bp of nucleotide sequence including a highly conserved region of genus Erysipelothrix 16S rRNA. Two fragments were amplified when E. rhusiopathiae was used as the PCR template using the primer sets, whereas a single fragment was amplified when E. tonsillarum was used as the template. No fragments were amplified when nucleic acid from other bacteria that cause clinical signs similar to swine erysipelas were used as the template. Moreover, 5 specimens collected from postinspected swine carcasses were diagnosed as E. rhusiopathiae using the PCR described in this study, in agreement with results of microbiological tests for the genus Erysipelothrix, whereas negative samples were negative both in conventional bacterial tests and by PCR. The detection limit of multiplex PCR ranged from 10(2) to 10(4) colony forming units per reaction tube for positive samples. These results suggest that this method is useful for screening of swine erysipelas in meat inspection centers.  相似文献   


AIMS: To modify and validate an existing swine erysipelas ELISA for use with poultry serum and to assess the safety of a swine erysipelas vaccine for use in New Zealand layer birds.

METHODS: An existing swine erysipelas ELISA was modified for use in domestic poultry and was validated using sera from birds injected with either 2 mL of a commercially available killed swine erysipelas vaccine (low-dose; n=12 birds), 4 mL of vaccine (high-dose; n=11 birds), or 2 mL saline (control; n=11 birds) on Day 0 and again on Day 21. Blood samples were collected on Days 0, 21, 42, and 63, and safety of the vaccine for use in layer birds was determined by assessing cloacal temperature and injection site reactions in birds at 0, 4, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h post-vaccination.

RESULTS: The ELISA that was developed had a diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of 93% and 98%, respectively, after being optimised for a positive cut-off at an optical density (OD) ≥1.50 read at 450-nm wavelength. OD readings were higher on Days 21, 42, and 63 than Day 0 in both the low-dose and high-dose groups (p<0.05), and differed amongst the three groups on Days 21, 42, and 63 (p<0.05), suggesting that vaccination using either dose induced detectable levels of antibody, even after a single dose. In addition, the high-dose protocol induced higher levels of antibody production than the low-dose protocol. No local or systemic reactions to the vaccine were observed and cloacal temperatures remained in the normal biological range after vaccination.

CONCLUSIONS: The ELISA that was developed had satisfactory diagnostic performance characteristics and the vaccine appeared to be safe for use in layer birds. However, the study design did not permit an assessment of the vaccine's efficacy to protect birds from clinical erysipelas.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A diagnostic ELISA has been developed for determining the exposure of layer birds to E. rhusiopathiae. The test will be useful for monitoring flock-level erysipelas, response to vaccination, and in epidemiological studies designed to identify risk factors for exposure to the disease.  相似文献   

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