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The size of the ovary varies substantially among cattle. This variation may influence the potential of the ovary to produce follicles. In the present study, we examined whether a relationship exists between the weight of the ovary and the number of antral follicles >or=1 mm. Paired ovaries were obtained from Holstein x Japanese Black F1 heifers. Follicles were classified into three size categories (small: 1.0-<5.0 mm, medium: 5.0-<8.5 mm and large: >or=8.5 mm), and the number of follicles in each category was recorded. Large variations in the weight of ovaries and the number of follicles were observed among animals. Significant positive correlations (r>or=0.4, P<0.001) were found between the weight of intact ovaries and the number of follicles in all three categories for the ovary contralateral to CL (OCC) and in the small follicles for the ovary ipsilateral to CL (OIC). Significant positive correlations (r>0.4, P<0.0001) were also observed between the weight of ovaries devoid of CL and follicles and the number of small and medium follicles in both OIC and OCC, indicating that the correlation is not due to the increase in ovarian weight associated with the increase in follicular number. Paired ovaries contained a similar number of small and medium follicles, and significant positive correlations were observed between them (r>0.6, P<0.0001). There were significant positive correlations between the weight of OCC and the number of small and medium follicles in paired ovaries (r>0.4, P<0.0001). These results suggest that 1) the weight of an ovary reflects the potential of the ovary to produce antral follicles, and 2) a rough estimation of follicular population might be possible by using the weight of the ovary contralateral to CL in heifers.  相似文献   

A total of 179 lactations obtained on 71 multiparous sows [30 Creole (CR) and 41 Large White (LW)] between June 2001 and July 2004 were used to determine effects of breed (CR vs. LW) and season (hot vs. warm) in a tropical humid climate on performance during a 28-d lactation period. Mean daily ambient temperature was greater during the hot season than during the warm season (26.0 vs. 23.8 degrees C), and relative humidity was similar in both seasons (85% on average). For both breeds, ADFI was reduced (-700 g/d, P < 0.01), sow BW loss was greater (17 vs. 12 kg, P < 0.01), and piglet growth was reduced (197 vs. 210 g/d, P < 0.05) during the hot vs. the warm season. At farrowing, LW sows were heavier (255 vs. 186 kg, P < 0.01) and had less backfat (21 vs. 40 mm, P < 0.01) than CR sows. The growth rate of CR piglets was lower than that of LW piglets (192 vs. 215 g/d, P < 0.01). A breed x season interaction was observed (P < 0.05) for ADFI and sow BW loss. During the hot season, the reduction of ADFI was more pronounced in LW than in CR sows (-910 vs. -470 g/d). Regardless of the season, BW loss of CR sows remained constant (14.2 kg), whereas it increased during the hot season for LW sows (10 kg). The weaning-to-estrus and the weaning-to-conception intervals were not affected by breed or season and averaged 4.8 and 6.1 d, respectively. The rectal temperature was greater (0.3 degrees C) during the hot season than during the warm season and greater in LW than in CR sows (39.1 vs. 38.8 degrees C, P < 0.10). This study confirms the negative effect of hot season in a tropical humid climate on performance of lactating sows and that breed can have a significant effect on lactation performance. The results also suggest that CR sows are more heat tolerant than LW sows.  相似文献   

The effects of breed and season on performance and feeding behavior were studied during 76 lactations in multiparous Large White (LW; n = 17) and Creole (CR; n = 23) sows reared in a humid tropical climate. The experiment was conducted in Guadeloupe (French West Indies, latitude 16 degrees N, longitude 61 degrees W) between May 2002 and July 2004. Average daily ambient temperature was greater during the hot season than during the warm season (26.0 vs. 23.8 degrees C), but relative humidity was similar in both seasons (85% on average). The daily fluctuations of ambient temperature and relative humidity were similar for both seasons. At farrowing, BW was lower (187 vs. 265 kg) and backfat thickness was greater (40 vs. 22 mm) in CR than in LW sows (P < 0.01). Sows were offered feed ad libitum between the fifth and the 26th day of lactation. There was a breed x season interaction (P < 0.05) for ADFI. During the hot season the reduction of ADFI was more pronounced in LW than in CR sows (-1,100 vs. -300 g/d). Irrespective of breed and season, the daily number of meals was 9.0. The meal size and the rate of feed intake were greater in LW than in CR sows, respectively (555 g and 153 g/min vs. 390 g and 83 g/min; P < 0.01). The diurnal proportion of ADFI was greater in CR than in LW sows (0.60 vs. 0.41; P < 0.01). The reduction in ADFI in LW sows during the hot season was mainly related to a reduction in feed intake during the day rather than during the night (-1.3 vs. -0.2 kg; P < 0.01). Duration of standing was not affected by breed or season, and it averaged 120 min/day. This study confirms the negative effect of the hot season on feeding behavior of lactating sows. It also suggests a better acclimation to daily high temperatures and a greater heat tolerance in CR compared with LW sows, at least for eating behavior.  相似文献   

Effect of xylazine in heifers under thermoneutral or heat stress conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study was performed to assess the effect of xylazine HCl (0.1 mg/kg of body weight, IV) in heifers maintained at thermoneutrality (18 C, 42% humidity) or under heat stress (33 C, 63% humidity) conditions. Xylazine caused 50 and 70% decreases in serum insulin concentrations in the thermoneutral and heat-stressed heifers, respectively. Xylazine-induced hypoinsulinemia was associated with hyperglycemia. In the thermoneutral group, serum glucose concentrations increased from a basal concentration of 75 mg/dl to 150 mg/dl after 15 minutes. In the heat stress group, the serum glucose concentration increased from 65 mg/dl to 105 mg/dl. Hyperglycemia peaked at 2 hours and remained high for 6 hours after xylazine administration. Heat-stressed heifers took a longer time (107 minutes) to stand than did heifers under thermoneutral conditions (41 minutes). The time to regain sensation to pain was significantly prolonged in heat-stressed heifers. Xylazine had no effect on body temperature and respiration rate in heifers under the thermoneutral condition, whereas it markedly induced hyperthermia and suppressed respiration rate in the heat-stressed heifers. Furthermore, the pulse rate was slightly decreased in thermoneutral heifers and was markedly decreased in the heat-stressed heifers.  相似文献   



Declining fertility is a major concern for dairy farmers today. One explanation is shorter and weaker expression of oestrus in dairy cows making it difficult to determine optimal time for artificial insemination (AI). Chemical communication is of interest in the search for tools to detect oestrus or to synchronise or enhance oestrous periods. Pheromones, used in chemical communication within species, can influence reproduction in different ways. The aim here was to investigate whether oestrous cycle length, and duration and intensity of oestrous expression in dairy heifers could be manipulated through exposure to pheromones in oestrual substances from other females.


Beginning on day 16 of two consecutive control oestrous cycles, ten heifers of the Swedish Red Breed (SRB) were exposed to water. During the two following cycles the heifers were exposed to urine and vaginal mucus, obtained from cows in oestrus. Cyclicity parameters were monitored through hormone measurements, oestrus detection and ultrasonographic examination.


We found no difference in cycle length or in duration of standing oestrus between control and treatment. We did, however, find a tendency of interaction between type of exposure (control or treatment) and cycle number within type of exposure for cycle length (p = 0.068), with the length differing less between the treatment cycles. We also found a tendency of effect of type of exposure on maximal concentration (p = 0.073) and sum of concentrations (p = 0.063) of LH during the LH surge, with values being higher for the control cycles. There were also significant differences in when the different signs of oestrus occurred and in the intensity of oestrous expression. The score for oedema and hyperaemia of external genitalia was significantly higher (p = 0.004) for the control cycles and there was also a significant interaction between type of exposure and time period for restlessness (p = 0.011), with maximum score occurring earlier for treatment cycles.


No evidence of altered oestrous cycle length or duration of oestrus after exposure of females to oestrous substances from other females was found. Expression of oestrus, and maybe also LH secretion, however, seemed influenced by the exposure, with the effect of treatment being suppressive rather than enhancing.  相似文献   

Background: Integration of behavioral observations with traditional selection schemes may lead to enhanced animal well-being and more profitable forage-based cattle production systems.Brahman-influenced(BR;n = 64) and Gelbvieh × Angus(GA;n = 64) heifers consumed either toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue(E+) or one of two nontoxic endophyte-infected tall fescue(NT) cultivars during two yr.Heifers were weighed at midpoint and termination of grazing.Grazing behavior(grazing,resting in the shade,lying,or standing without grazing) was recorded(n = 13 visual observations per yr in June and July) for each pasture.During yr 2,exit velocity(EV) and serum prolactin(PRL) were determined.Results: Grazing behavior was influenced(P 0.05) by an interaction between fescue cultivar and breed type.Gelbvieh × Angus heifers assigned to E+ pastures had the lowest percentage of animals grazing and the largest percentage of animals resting in the shade.Brahman-influenced heifers had faster EV(P 0.001) than GA heifers(0.52 vs.0.74 ± 0.04 s/m,respectively).Body weight(BW) was affected(P 0.01) by an interaction of tall fescue cultivar and d,and an interaction of tall fescue cultivar and breed type.Heifers grazing NT pastures were heavier(P 0.01) than heifers grazing E+ pastures at midpoint and termination.Gelbvieh × Angus heifers grazing NT pastures were heavier(P 0.01) than GA and BR heifers grazing E+ and BR heifers grazing NT pastures.An interaction of forage cultivar and breed type occurred on serum PRL(P 0.01).Conclusion: Collectively fescue cultivar,EV,and concentrations of serum PRL were associated with grazing behavior.Heifers grazing NT pastures were observed to be grazing more than heifers assigned to E+ pastures,regardless of breed type,which may have contributed to changes in BW and average daily gain(ADG) in heifers.Integration of behavioral observations along with traditional selection schemes may lead to enhanced animal well-being and more profitable forage-based cattle production systems.  相似文献   



Integration of behavioral observations with traditional selection schemes may lead to enhanced animal well-being and more profitable forage-based cattle production systems. Brahman-influenced (BR; n = 64) and Gelbvieh × Angus (GA; n = 64) heifers consumed either toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue (E+) or one of two nontoxic endophyte-infected tall fescue (NT) cultivars during two yr. Heifers were weighed at midpoint and termination of grazing. Grazing behavior (grazing, resting in the shade, lying, or standing without grazing) was recorded (n = 13 visual observations per yr in June and July) for each pasture. During yr 2, exit velocity (EV) and serum prolactin (PRL) were determined.


Grazing behavior was influenced (P < 0.05) by an interaction between fescue cultivar and breed type. Gelbvieh × Angus heifers assigned to E+ pastures had the lowest percentage of animals grazing and the largest percentage of animals resting in the shade. Brahman-influenced heifers had faster EV (P < 0.001) than GA heifers (0.52 vs. 0.74 ± 0.04 s/m, respectively). Body weight (BW) was affected (P < 0.01) by an interaction of tall fescue cultivar and d, and an interaction of tall fescue cultivar and breed type. Heifers grazing NT pastures were heavier (P < 0.01) than heifers grazing E+ pastures at midpoint and termination. Gelbvieh × Angus heifers grazing NT pastures were heavier (P < 0.01) than GA and BR heifers grazing E+ and BR heifers grazing NT pastures. An interaction of forage cultivar and breed type occurred on serum PRL (P < 0.01).


Collectively fescue cultivar, EV, and concentrations of serum PRL were associated with grazing behavior. Heifers grazing NT pastures were observed to be grazing more than heifers assigned to E+ pastures, regardless of breed type, which may have contributed to changes in BW and average daily gain (ADG) in heifers. Integration of behavioral observations along with traditional selection schemes may lead to enhanced animal well-being and more profitable forage-based cattle production systems.  相似文献   

Postweaning growth rates from weaning to 18 mo, fall condition score, pregnancy rates, and production to 2 yr of age were evaluated in a study of Angus (A)-, Pinzgauer (P)-, Red Poll (R)-, Simmental (S)-, and Tarentaise (T)-sired females from Hereford dams. First-cross heifers from the different sire breeds did not differ (P greater than .10) in initial weight. During a 140-d feed test, S gained 98.6 kg, exceeding (P less than .05) gains of P, 92.3; A, 91.4; and R, 87.3 kg but not T, 94.1 kg. Red Poll-sired heifers weighed less at the end of the 140-d test (P less than .05) than the other crosses, which did not significantly differ from each other. No breed of sire differences were found in gain from 140 d to fall weight. Simmental-sired heifers weighed more (P less than .05) than A- and R-sired heifers at 18 mo. Breed of sire and year interacted to affect pregnancy rate of the yearling heifers when mated to Shorthorn sires for 45 d. Percentage of dystocia varied from a low of 26.3 and 28.9% for T- and A-sired heifers, respectively, to 54.4 and 60.8% for P- and S-sired heifers, respectively (P less than .05). Age of dam of heifers affected (P less than .05) weight at the different period end points but not gains after weaning. Age of dam also affected incidence of dystocia. Two-year-old heifers from young dams had more dystocia than heifers from older dams. Shorthorn-sired calves from 2-yr-old heifers with different sire breeds differed in birth weight (P less than .05) but not survival from birth to weaning, ADG from birth to weaning, weaning age, or weaning condition score. Average 200-d weight of calves from P-, S- and T-sired heifers exceeded those from A- and R-sired heifers by 10.7 kg, or 5.7%.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - A research aimed at evaluating the reproductive performance of pigs as influenced by breed, season, and parity was carried out. Reproductive performance...  相似文献   

Inadequate management practices and poor reproductive performance have been reported as fundamental factors on reducing the levels of productivity in livestock. Different pathogens have been reported in small ruminants' herds/flocks with reproductive failures. The aim of the present study was to review aspects of leptospirosis in small ruminants, mainly its impact on reproduction and consequently on productivity of the herds/flocks under tropical conditions. Leptospiral infection in goats and sheep is common in several countries, and those species can also act as carriers of leptospires. Severe disease is often associated to young animals and is frequently associated to incidental serovars. In contrast, subclinical infection is mainly characterized by reproductive problems, such as infertility, abortion, occurrence of stillbirths, and weak lambs/goat kids. Moreover, laboratorial tests are essential to achieve an accurate diagnosis of the infection. Microscopic agglutination test is the most common indirect test of leptospirosis, being used worldwide. In small ruminants, PCR consists on a recommendable method for diagnosing animals that carry leptospires. Control of leptospirosis in small ruminants involves measures such as the identification and treatment of the carriers and other sources of infection, quarantine in acquired animals, and systematic immunization with commercial vaccines containing the circulating serovars in the herd/flock. Productivity of small ruminant breeding can dramatically increase with adequate sanitary conditions and control of leptospirosis. Immunization of all the animals combined to the treatment of carriers may successfully control the infection and importantly reduce the economic reproductive hazards that are observed under tropical conditions.  相似文献   

随着畜牧业的发展,胚胎移植越来越受到人们的重视,胚胎移植工作发展很快,近些年来已经陆续有了大批量的胚胎牛、羊出生,胚胎移植技术已经成为一个成熟的技术,应用于畜牧业生产实践。1材料与方法1.1试验动物 选择具有2个以上正常情期,健康无疾病,繁殖机能正常的东北半细毛羊(4-5岁)160只和50只,分别在5-6月和9-10月2个季节进行胚胎移植对比试验,观察在非繁殖季节和繁殖季节的移植结果的比较。  相似文献   

The sulphur hexafluoride (SF(6)) gas tracer method was used to measure methane (CH(4)) production of crossbred (3/4 Holstein x Zebu) dairy heifers fed two types of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.; cultivar IAC-862480 (CC1) or cultivar IAC-873184 (CC2)) and supplemented with urea or concentrate. The study was performed at Embrapa Southeast Cattle, S?o Carlos, SP, Brazil, using a completely randomised design. Differences between treatments were significant for digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and energy. When animals were supplemented with urea differences between sugarcane cultivars did occur for NDF consumption, but not for daily methane production. This suggest that variation in chemical composition of sugarcane did not affect bovine ruminal CH(4) emissions. Concentrate inclusion in animal diet increased digestible organic matter intake, improving the nutrient intake by animals, but did not reduce CH(4) production expressed as a percentage of gross energy intake.  相似文献   

Experimental results of an individual feeding experiment with 48 Holstein-Frisian heifers were generalized with regard to live weight development and energy intake by means of the Janoschek function and the extended e-function resp. The requirement of metabolizable energy was derived from the results of energy intake on dependance on live weight and live weight gain. In comparison with the data of the NRC (1978) a requirement by 10% lower was the result. Due to adding a 10% deficiency supplement at present required under Cuban conditions of production the use of the NRC recommendations (1978) is still justified. Without the addition of the deficiency supplement the results showed good agreement with requirement data of INRA 1978.  相似文献   

The ingestion of organic and mineral materials by earthworms is a prominent functional role that has profound consequences for the decomposition and stabilization of soil organic matter. To investigate the litter consumption of the African nightcrawler earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae under different tropical conditions, we used DNA barcoding to identify specimens of E. eugeniae collected from sites across the Adamawa region in Cameroon, and studied the influence of habitat suitability (soil properties), soil moisture, litter type, and population density on litter consumption. A total of four litter consumption experiments were carried out using soils collected from refuse disposal sites, agricultural lands, and savannahs dominated by the Mexican sunflower Tithonia diversifolia. The results revealed that litter consumption significantly increased in the refuse disposal and agricultural soils as opposed to the Mexican sunflower (T. diversifolia) soil, a cow dung enriched substrate, and a sterile soil horizon from the savannah (P < 0.05). The optimum moistures for litter consumption were between 24% and 50%. Litter type did not affect the consumption rate of the earthworms (P > 0.05). We observed a general positive density-dependent consumption with litter mass loss increasing with increasing density. Our results suggest that E. eugeniae has a strong direct effect on the decomposition of plant materials than expected from previous estimations, and that litter consumption rates are determined by several habitat components and population density.  相似文献   

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