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奶牛养殖业是青海省门源县现代农业的重要组成部分,随着奶牛业的迅猛发展,奶牛胎衣不下的发生在门源县苏吉地区呈现上升趋势,为掌握该地区奶牛胎衣不下的发病情况及防治情况简述如下:  相似文献   

<正>目前,判定奶牛胎衣不下的依据主要是奶牛在生产之后的12h内没有完全的排出胎衣。临床中能够引发奶牛胎衣不下的原因很多,饲养者应该了解奶牛胎衣不下的具体原因,并且掌握有效的治疗方法开展针对性的防治,控制胎衣不下给奶牛造成的损害,确保奶牛饲养场的经济收益。  相似文献   

所谓奶牛胎衣不下是指母牛分娩后12小时内胎衣尚未排出体外,也称胎衣停滞,一般舍饲奶牛较常见. 造成奶牛贻衣不下的原因有很多种.一般认为,妊娠期和产后母牛营养不平衡是造成奶牛胎衣不下的主要原因。这是因为饲料单纯,日粮配比失衡,特别  相似文献   

奶牛的胎衣不下是影响奶牛顺利生产的重要因素,如果奶牛的胎衣没有及时排干净,就会影响下一步的产奶环节,而且还会诱发奶牛出现其他疾病,对奶牛的健康造成巨大影响。因此,在奶牛生产之后,及时的促使其排干净胎衣是非常重要的治疗过程,本文主要分析造成奶牛胎衣不下的原因,以及胎衣不下在临床中的诊治,希望能够对胎衣不下的治疗有所帮助。  相似文献   

奶牛胎衣不下是指奶牛分娩后8-12小时胎衣仍然没有完全自然排除。奶牛胎衣长时间不能完全排出造成胎衣在子宫内腐败分解,腐败分解的胎衣组织和细菌感染所产生的毒素被吸收.引起急慢性子宫内膜炎,严重的病例可引起产后败血症,常常引起产后奶牛急性死亡。胎衣不下引起子宫内膜炎是造成产后奶牛繁殖障碍的主要原因。胎衣不下的发生率为20%-50%,在炎热的夏季,产奶量高的高产牛群中发生胎衣不下的比例会更高。  相似文献   

奶牛胎衣不下是奶牛产后常见的一种疾病.发病率高达40%~50%.本病的发生,不但对奶牛产奶量带来明显的影响,而且还可造成奶牛产后发情期延长,是直接影响奶牛繁殖和经济效益的重要因素之一.本文通过手术剥离胎衣,讨论发病原因,提出预防措施,以便解决胎衣不下这一难题,提高奶牛养殖经济效益.  相似文献   

在奶牛的养殖过程中,胎衣不下是一种常见的疾病之一,一旦奶牛出现这种疾病,就会对其再孕以及产奶量造成严重的影响,为养殖户带来严重的经济损失.为了对奶牛胎衣不下进行有效的诊断与治疗,养殖户必须了解并掌握胎衣不下的病因及具体症状,对其进行明确的诊断,并根据具体不同的病情采取合理的治疗方法.本文将对奶牛胎衣不下的病因及症状进行分析,探讨不同的治疗方法,以降低奶牛胎衣不下对奶牛养殖的影响.  相似文献   

<正>奶牛的胎衣不下是指奶牛分娩12h后,胎衣不能自然排干净,通常又称为胎膜滞留。在奶牛养殖过程中,胎衣不下是常发病和多发病,夏季是多发季,可达到60%,其他季节发病几率比夏季小,不过也是很高的。胎衣不下,滞留在子宫内会发生腐败分解,会给奶牛造成很大的危险。奶牛胎衣不下会影响到母牛的再一次怀孕,如果不能正常怀孕,母牛的利用率就会下降,就会造成经济损失。本文就奶牛的胎衣不下进行详细的阐述,希望能为奶牛业的生产提供必要的技术指  相似文献   

奶牛胎衣不下又称胎衣滞留,母牛产后12h后胎衣仍未排出就认定是胎衣不下。导致奶牛胎衣不下的原因很多,主要原因包括奶牛本身胎盘结构、营养状况、个体差异、各种应激等。尽管胎衣不下是奶牛疾病中的常见病,但所导致的后果却很严重,发生过胎衣不下的牛只其代谢病、乳腺炎、子宫炎等发病率也相应地比正常的牛只高,所以在实际操作中应该准确地把握胎衣不下的诊断和防治。  相似文献   

胎衣不下在奶牛产科病中最为常见。引起奶牛胎衣不下的原因很多,其中钙缺乏导致子宫收缩无力是引起奶牛胎衣不下的主要原因之一。根据临床资料介绍,奶牛临产前注射葡萄糖酸钙可预防胎衣不下。但由于静脉注射葡萄糖酸钙操作不便,且对牛有一定刺激性,临产前应用有引起流产的风险,故此法很受限制。笔者等应用奶牛口服离子型补钙液预防奶牛胎衣不下,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

为了探讨影响奶牛胎衣不下的主要因素,笔者对新疆呼图壁种牛场产犊记录资料进行整理,通过SAS 8.1统计软件分析了产犊季节、胎次、性别、犊牛初生重等对奶牛胎衣不下的影响。结果表明,产犊季节对奶牛胎衣不下有极显著影响(P<0.01),其中春季奶牛胎衣不下的发病率达到了40.72%;胎次对奶牛胎衣不下有极显著影响(P<0.01),尤其是3胎以上的奶牛胎衣不下的发病率高于40%;犊牛性别和初生重对奶牛胎衣不下影响差异不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

The placentomes were extirpated from 16 cows after parturition induced with 750 micrograms cloprostenol or 20 mg dexamethasone on the 277th day of gravidity, on an average, from 9 cows after spontaneous parturition, and from 7 cows after hysterectomy in the eighth month of gravidity. In the cows with induced calving the foetal placenta was not expelled within 12 hours after calving in 68.7% of the cases whereas in the spontaneous parturitions this proportion was only 22.2% of cases. The placentomes obtained immediately after calf expulsion, and then after four and eight hours, were subjected to histological and histochemical examination. In the terminal crypts of the placentome in cross sections obtained from cows which expelled the placenta in time after natural and induced parturitions, the number of binuclear cells of the fetal syncytium and of cells of the dam epithelium (P less than 0.001) was found to be significantly lower than in the cases of afterbirth retention (1.2 and 3.9; 6.4 and 18.5). The cells of the cow's epithelium of the expelled placentae had a higher activity of acid phosphatase and lipids and the foetal syncytium had a higher activity of non-specific esterase. Increased alkaline phosphatase activity was characteristic of the cow's epithelium in the cases of subsequent retention of afterbirth. These findings should be taken into account in efforts for developing new methods of the induction of parturition if the undesired occurrence of afterbirth retention is to be reduced.  相似文献   

我国奶牛的普通病发病呈现逐年升高的趋势,尤其是内科病和产科病,大多数疾病呈隐性经过,因缺乏高效诊断技术这些疾病对我国奶牛业的健康发展危害较大,笔者着重分析了奶牛乳房炎、不孕症、营养代谢病、肢蹄病、胎衣不下、犊牛腹泻和真胃移位等常见疾病的发病情况、所造成的经济损失以及防治中存在的问题,并从流行病学调查、诊断技术、发病机理、防治药物、疾病监测体系、综合防控技术和奶牛标准化养殖等方面提出了奶牛普通病的防治对策。  相似文献   

广西荷斯坦奶牛胎衣不下的病因、发病规律及防制措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
奶牛胎衣不下常会引起奶牛子宫内膜炎,降低产奶量,延长产犊周期甚至引起败血症,给奶牛养殖业造成巨大的经济损失。作者针对广西奶牛胎衣不下发生原因、发病规律及综合防制措施进行调查分析,总结一些有效的预防和治疗胎衣不下的措施,旨在为南方地区奶牛业全面降低胎衣不下发病率提供参考资料。  相似文献   

郭泾利 《中国牛业科学》2011,37(4):59-60,69
为今后奶牛改良工作成果的巩固和推广提供依据,对国家奶牛良种补贴项目在泾阳实施的效果与措施进行总结.结果表明:累计使用良种冷冻精液细管23.7万支,生产改良奶牛3.15万头,且已有1.1万头的优质母牛已正式进入产奶阶段.良种补贴后代奶牛的头胎日产奶量达到27 kg左右,比同期母亲日产奶量高2 kg~3 kg;生奶平均乳...  相似文献   

The activity of aminopeptidases and cathepsins was determined in placentoma homogenates; placentomas of cows were extirpated immediately after parturition and in four and eight hours. In cows with afterbirth retention (a. r.) following induced parturition, the activity of these enzymes was always higher than in cows without a. r., no matter if after induced and spontaneous parturitions; it was at a similar or slightly higher level than in the eighth month of pregnancy. The content of total proteins in placentomas of cows with a. r. was also higher. These findings point to the insufficient ripening, or aging of placental tissue, which is related to a release of lysosomal enzymes. The enzymes are active through hydrolysis in the separation of foetal placenta from the maternal one and in the modification of proteins participating in intercellular linkages.  相似文献   

多西环素泡腾片治疗子宫内膜炎和胎衣不下临床效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨多西环素泡腾片对子宫内膜炎和胎衣不下治疗作用,对患病奶牛用多西环素泡腾片进行1~3个疗程的治疗,观察临床效果。结果显示,104例为奶牛子宫内膜炎,治疗后有效率98.77%,治愈率93.27%。126例为奶牛胎衣不下,治疗后有效率98.23%,治愈率95.24%。表明多西环素泡腾片对奶牛子宫内膜炎和胎衣不下有较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

为保证我国肉牛养殖业和奶牛养殖业的高速发展,经过多种养殖模式的对比,发现以家庭为主体集约化生产、商品化经营的家庭牧场更加适合未来畜牧业的发展趋势,我们认为肉牛和奶牛的家庭牧场式养殖已经成为我国畜牧业未来的发展方向之一。本文对我国肉牛和奶业发达国家的奶牛的家庭牧场发展现状进行了分析,并与畜牧业发达国家的家庭牧场进行对比,总结了我国家庭牧场在发展中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了未来我国家庭牧场的发展对策,以期促进我国肉牛和奶牛的家庭牧场持续健康发展。  相似文献   

温伟 《中国兽药杂志》2012,46(11):44-47
为提高耕牛胎衣不下的治愈率,对四种治疗耕牛胎衣不下方法的疗效进行了研究比对。自2008年1月至2011年12月,在九台市上河湾镇畜牧兽医站治疗耕牛胎衣不下42例,按年份分为四组,分别采用生化汤加味内服、电针加肌注缩宫素、生化汤加味内服加电针及肌注缩宫素的治疗方法。结果显示,生化汤加味组治愈率为81.82%,电针加缩宫素组70%;生化汤加味加电针组91.67%;缩宫素组55.56%。试验表明,采用生化汤加味内服配合电针治疗耕牛胎衣不下的疗效高于其他三种方法,可供临床使用。  相似文献   

Economic and reproductive consequences of retained placenta in dairy cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The financial losses due to retained placenta in Dutch dairy cattle were estimated by using two different methods of calculation. A data-set containing the birth records of 160,188 Meuse-Rhine-Yssel cows provided data on the reproductive performance of cows with and without retained placenta. The fertility of cows after retention of the placenta appeared to be affected. An economic calculation made by adding the losses due to increased calving interval, increased culling rate, loss of milk production and the costs of veterinary treatment and drugs revealed that the total loss due to retained placenta was 471 pounds per year for a 100-cow farm with an average incidence of the condition (6.6 per cent). For a 'problem' farm with a 30 per cent rate, the loss was 2139 pounds per year. A computer farm simulation model, based on a stochastic determination of events, was used to make calculations for circumstances closely resembling those on farms. A 6.6 per cent rate of retained placenta caused a small but significant decrease in net return on labour and management; however, a 30 per cent rate caused highly significant changes. The economic effects of retained placenta were similar in magnitude in herds of high or low productivity and high or low fertility. Sensitivity analysis showed that the greatest financial losses were caused by loss of milk production, followed by the number of animals suffering from complications. The financial losses in herds with an average rate of retained placenta were thus of limited economic importance and therapeutic measures alone should be adequate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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