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准两优608在浙江常山作"一季+再生"栽培,2季总产达15.72 t/hm2,2季净收入19 335元/hm2。总结了其"一季+再生"种植表现及高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

超级稻准两优608产量高、米质优、抗性强,特别是再生能力极强,适合作一季加再生栽培。根据双峰县栽培实践,介绍了其一季加再生高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

两优8106是安徽荃银高科种业股份有限公司选育的晚熟、优质、高产杂交中籼稻新品种,2012年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定。该品种优质、高产、稳产、适应性好,适宜在江西、湖南、浙江、湖北和安徽长江以南的一季稻种植。从介绍品种选育出发,论述了抗倒高产杂交中籼稻新品种两优8106特征特性,并阐述了其高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

主要针对宁夏灌区春(冬)小麦收获后,充分利用当地的光、热、土地等资源夏播复种大豆,既解决了粮食作物一季有余,两季不足的矛盾,又增加了大豆产量和农民收入,本文提出了适宜宁夏灌区夏播复种大豆的高产栽培关键技术。  相似文献   

2009年在双峰县实施了超级杂交稻"一季加再生亩产过吨粮"高产攻关示范项目,采取统一布局、选用高产良种、适时早播、早插、早管、测土配方施肥、间歇好气灌溉、统一病虫防控、适留高桩、护秆保芽等技术措施,实现了Y两优1号一季加再生单产15.06t/hm2,达到了预期目标。  相似文献   

通过分析衡阳地区近年来杂交中稻连遭高温危害和一季杂交晚稻屡获高产等典型事例,认为丘陵地区将杂交中稻改为一季杂交晚稻可以有效避开高温干燥天气对抽穗结实的不利影响,确保水稻生产安全。其高产栽培关键措施是:选用高产组合,配套以先进栽培技术争足穗、大穗,提高结实率和粒重。  相似文献   

再生稻品种筛选的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了筛选出高产、优质、抗逆性好、再生力强的再生稻品种,2016年以两优389、C两优396、两优66、C两优343和天优华占为材料,在湖南长沙进行适宜再生稻品种筛选试验。结果表明,两优389作中稻蓄留再生,头季8月10日收割,再生季9月12日齐穗;头季抗高温能力强,再生季耐低温能力好,头季和再生季结实率80%以上,两季总产达12.95 t/hm~2;头季和再生季米质均比较好,特别是再生季米质达到国标2级。说明两优389是一个适合作中稻蓄留再生的杂交稻组合。  相似文献   

隆两优534属籼型两系杂交水稻品种,适宜在长江上游作一季中稻种植。通过该品种在眉山示范种植,展示该品种在眉山及周边成都地区的适应性和高产性,总结了其在眉山的种植表现以及高产栽培技术。  相似文献   

Y两优087在灵川县的种植表现及高产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Y两优087在灵川县作一季中稻种植,表现出分蘖力强、茎秆粗壮、穗大粒多、结实率高、高产量、米质较优等特点.介绍了Y两优087高产栽培技术.  相似文献   

开发稻田油菜与早、晚双季杂交水稻连作(简称油-双杂)是我省组织协作攻关和扩大应用的重点推广项目,要求三季亩产吨粮和百公斤油菜籽,产值达千元。经过连续两年的研究和开发应用,已有不少高产稻区将这种新型的耕作制列为加快粮油生产发展、建设吨粮区(县)的重要战略措施之一。 一、开发“油-双杂”新型三熟制的潜力 称“油-双杂”为新型的水田三熟制,是因为三季作物在品种(组合)上有突破,在配套技术上有创新,并形成了高产栽培模式,体现出高产、高值、高效益,它不仅在湖北省有着广泛的发展前景,而且在长江中下游主要双季稻产区具有一定的实用…  相似文献   

【目的】气候变化对农业生产的影响日趋明显。分析未来气候变化所产生的影响,模拟调整作物耕作和栽培措施,为有效减轻未来气候变化带来的负效应提供参考。【方法】根据联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会第5次工作报告中未来可能的温室气体排放情况,以BCC_CSM模式模拟未来的气候变化情景,选取RCP4.5和RCP8.5两种典型浓度路径情景,与作物模型CERES-Rice耦合,筛选出了未来气候变化条件下福建省各稻区可能的最佳品种和播期,并研究分析了品种更替和播期调整后的水稻单产、稳产性以及全省水稻总产的变化。【结果】在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,闽东南双季稻区早稻的模拟产量较未作适应性调整分别增加1.6%和1.9%,晚稻的模拟产量依次增加13.5%和9.8%;闽西北双季稻区早稻的模拟产量依次提高1.4%和1.0%,晚稻的模拟产量依次提高11.5%和7.9%;闽西北山地单季稻区一季稻的模拟产量分别增加14.1%和13.7%。在综合考虑两种适应性措施后,福建省各稻区总产也较当前明显提高,在RCP4.5和RCP8.5两种情景下,分别提高9.3%和10.5%。【结论】未来气候变化对福建省水稻产量有不利影响,可采取一定的适应性措施缓解负效应。  相似文献   

农作物秸秆是一种价格低廉的可再生资源,燃料化是其资源化利用的重要途径。以农作物经济产量为依据,对我国各类农作物秸秆的产量和可收集利用量进行估算,进而评估其生物转化甲烷和燃料乙醇的潜力。2014年我国农作物秸秆产量达72 836.9万t,其中可收集利用量达60 986.1万t。玉米秸秆、水稻秸秆和小麦秸秆为前三大秸秆资源。河南省、黑龙江省和山东省的秸秆资源是最为丰富。以热值估算,仅玉米秸秆、水稻秸秆和小麦秸秆三大秸秆可折合标准煤量20 177.5万t。基于微生物发酵工艺估算,我国主要农作物秸秆可生产甲烷1 286.8亿m3,或可生产燃料乙醇1 823.5亿升。我国农作物秸秆的可收集利用量巨大,以其为原料生产生物燃料具有广泛的开发前景。  相似文献   

稻田年内水旱轮作的后效应研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
 在麦-稻-稻和麦-玉米-稻两种种植方式6年定位试验的基础上,对稻田年内水旱轮作的后效应进行了研究。结果表明:年内水旱轮作能显著地提高后作晚稻和大麦产量,但后效持续时间不长,到第三季后作物早稻增产已不明显。生产上两种种植方式以隔年轮换为好。增产的主要原因是年内水旱轮作改善土壤通透性,能增加土壤有效氮、磷、钾含量和提高根系活力,促进了作物生长和养分吸收,从而增加晚稻有效穗、结实率和实粒数,增加大麦有效穗和千粒重。试验也表明,增施肥料会降低轮作效果。  相似文献   

Rice and wheat are the principal calorie sources for over a billion people in South Asia, although each crop is particularly sensitive to the climatic and agronomic management conditions under which they are grown. Season-long heat stress can reduce photosynthesis and accelerate senescence; if extreme heat stress is experienced during flowering, both rice and wheat may also experience decreased pollen viability and stigma deposition, leading to increased grain sterility. Where farmers are unable to implement within-season management adaptations, significant deviations from expected climatic conditions would affect crop growth, yield, and therefore have important implications for food security. The influence of climatic conditions on crop growth have been widely studied in growth chamber, greenhouse, and research station trials, although empirical evidence of the link between climatic variability and yield risk in farmers’ fields is comparatively scarce. Using data from 240 farm households, this paper responds to this gap and isolates the effects of agronomic management from climatic variability on rice and wheat yield risks in eight of Pakistan’s twelve agroecological zones. Using Just and Pope production functions, we tested for the effects of crop management practices and climatic conditions on yield and yield variability for each crop. Our results highlight important risks to farmers’ ability to obtain reliable yield levels for both crops. Despite variability in input use and crop management, we found evidence for the negative effect of both season-long and terminal heat stress, measured as the cumulative number of days during which crop growth occurred above critical thresholds, though wheat was considerably more sensitive than rice. Comparing variation in observed climatic parameters in the year of study to medium-term patterns, rice, and wheat yields were both negatively affected, indicative of production risk and of farmers’ limited capacity for within-season adaptation. Our findings suggest the importance of reviewing existing climate change adaptation policies that aim to increase cereal farmers’ resilience in Pakistan, and more broadly in South Asia. Potential agronomic and extension strategies are proposed for further investigation.  相似文献   

Under global warming, influences of heat stress and flooding on rice production are becoming critical in Japan, but it is still under discussion whether future climate change is beneficial or harmful for Japanese rice production. This study aims to evaluate the impacts of long-term climate change on rice total factor productivity (TFP) by a panel data analysis. We estimate a regression model to link rice TFP to climate factors via yield, quality, and flood influence by using crop models, and then project future TFP levels from the results of the high-resolution model for interdisciplinary research on climate (MIROC). The results demonstrate that climate change has a positive effect in the northern regions, such as Hokkaido and Tohoku, but it decreases rice TFP in other regions, especially in the western regions, after the 2050s. Furthermore, climate change increases fluctuations in rice TFP of the western regions. To overcome negative impacts, a forward shift in the rice transplanting time is effective. Second, the potential impacts of climate factors, shown by the elasticity values of rice TFP, are 0.18 (via yield), 0.09 (via quality), and ?0.03 (via flood influence), but these climate impacts are weaker than socio-economic factors, such as economies of scale and research and development capital stocks. Third, regional gaps in rice TFP are enlarged over time because of different impacts of climate factors as well as socio-economic factors. Such fact-findings can be used to reconsider agricultural policy.  相似文献   

Although Cambodia might have achieved self-sufficiency and an exported surplus in rice production,its rice-based farming systems are widely associated with low productivity,low farmer income and rural poverty.The study is based on a questionnaire village survey in 14 communes containing 97 villages of Kampong Chhnang Province from March to June,2011.It analyzes the prevailing rice-based cropping systems and evaluates options for their improvement.Differences in cropping systems depend on the distance from the Tonle Sap water bodies.At distances greater than 10 km,transplanted wet-season rice cropping system with low productivity of about 1.6 t/hm 2 prevails.This deficiency can be primarily attributed to soils with high coarse sand fractions and low pH (< 4.0),use of ’late’ cultivars,and exclusive use of self-propagated seeds.To improve this cropping system,commercial ’medium’ cultivars help prevent crop failure by shortening the cultivation period by one month and complementation of wet-season rice with non-rice crops should be expanded.Areas adjacent (≤ 1 km) to the water bodies become inundated for up to seven months between July until January of each year.In this area,soils contain more fine sand,silt and clay,and their pH is higher (> 4.0).Farmers predominantly cultivate dry-season recession rice between January and April.Seventy-nine percent of the area is sown directly and harvested by combines.Adoption ratio of commercial rice seeds is 59% and yields average 3.2 t/hm 2.Introduction of the second dry-season rice between April and July may double annual yields in this rice cropping system.Besides upgrading other cultivation technologies,using seeds from commercial sources will improve yield and rice quality.Along with rice,farmers grow non-rice crops at different intensities ranging from single annual crops to intensive sequences at low yields.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the risks and opportunities posed by climate change to potato growers in South Africa and to evaluate adaptation measures in the form of changes in planting time growers could adopt to optimise land and water use efficiencies in potato, using a climate model of past, present-day and future climate over southern Africa and the LINTUL crop growth model. This was done for distinct agro-ecosystems in South Africa: the southern Mediterranean area where potato still is grown year round with a doubling of the number of hot days between 1960 and 2050, the Eastern Free State with summer crops only and Limpopo with currently autumn, winter and spring crops where the number of hot days increases sevenfold and in future the crop will mainly be grown in winter. A benefit here will be a drastic reduction of frost days from 0.9 days per winter to 0. Potato crops in the agro-ecosystems will benefit considerably from increased CO2 levels such as increased tuber yield and reduced water use by the crop, if planting is shifted to appropriate times of the year. When the crop is grown in hot periods, however, these benefits are counteracted by an increased incidence of heat stress and increased evapotranspiration, leading in some instances to considerably lower yields and water use efficiencies. Therefore year-round total production at the Sandveld stabilizes at around 140 Mg?ha?1 (yield reduction in summer and yield increase in winter), increases by about 30% in the Free State and stays at about 95 t?ha?1 at Limpopo where yield increase due to CO2 is annulled by a shorter growing season. When the crop is grown in a cool period, there is an additional benefit of a reduced incidence of cold stress and a more rapid canopy development in the early stages of crop growth. In all three areas, potato growers are likely to respond to climate change by advancing planting. In Limpopo, a major benefit of climate change is a reduction in the risk of frost damage in winter. The relevance of these findings for potato grown in agro-ecosystems elsewhere in the world is discussed.  相似文献   


Under global warming, influences of heat stress and flooding on rice production are becoming critical in Japan, but it is still under discussion whether future climate change is beneficial or harmful for Japanese rice production. This study aims to evaluate the impacts of long-term climate change on rice total factor productivity (TFP) by a panel data analysis. We estimate a regression model to link rice TFP to climate factors via yield, quality, and flood influence by using crop models, and then project future TFP levels from the results of the high-resolution model for interdisciplinary research on climate (MIROC). The results demonstrate that climate change has a positive effect in the northern regions, such as Hokkaido and Tohoku, but it decreases rice TFP in other regions, especially in the western regions, after the 2050s. Furthermore, climate change increases fluctuations in rice TFP of the western regions. To overcome negative impacts, a forward shift in the rice transplanting time is effective. Second, the potential impacts of climate factors, shown by the elasticity values of rice TFP, are 0.18 (via yield), 0.09 (via quality), and −0.03 (via flood influence), but these climate impacts are weaker than socio-economic factors, such as economies of scale and research and development capital stocks. Third, regional gaps in rice TFP are enlarged over time because of different impacts of climate factors as well as socio-economic factors. Such fact-findings can be used to reconsider agricultural policy.


Crop management plays an important role in the transition from a deepwater rice to a flooded rice production system but information about optimum management strategies are currently lacking. The goal of this study was to determine the effect of planting date and variety on flooded rice production in the deepwater area of Thailand. Two experiments were conducted at the Bang Taen His Majesty Private Development Project in 2009 and 2010 to represent conditions prior to flooding (early rainy season) and after flooding (dry season). The early rainy season crop covered the period from May to October 2009, while the dry season crop covered the period from November 2009 to April 2010. The experimental design was a split plot with four main plots and three sub plots replicated four times. The treatments for the main plot were various planting dates, while the treatments for the sub plots were rice varieties. The dates of the critical developmental phases of rice were recorded and biomass was sampled during the growing period. The collected data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and treatment means were compared to identify the appropriate plating date and the best variety for the area. The highest average yield was obtained for variety PSL2 across transplanting dates from June 19 to July 23, with an average yield of 3898 kg ha−1. The dry season crop showed that both biomass and yield were affected by the interaction between planting date and variety. The highest yield was obtained for variety PTT1 transplanted on November 9. The research showed that the variety PSL2 is the most suitable variety for early rainy season production with a transplanting date ranging from June 19 to July 23, while the variety PTT1 planted on November 9 was the best management practice for the dry season crop. However, a high yielding flooded rice variety that has a short growth duration is still needed for this area.  相似文献   

Climate change will have significant impacts on the rain-fed rice production ecosystem, and particularly on the ecosystem’s hydrology and water resources. Under rain-fed lowland conditions, substantial variations among fields in grain yield are commonly observed, but a method that can account for field-scale yield variability to produce regional-scale yield estimates is lacking, thereby limiting our ability to predict future rice production under changing climate and variable water resources. In this study, we developed a model for estimating regional yields of rain-fed lowland rice in Northeast Thailand, by combining a simple crop model with a crop calendar model. The crop model incorporates the effects of two important resources (water and nitrogen) on crop growth. The biomass accumulation is driven by water use, whereas the nitrogen supply determines canopy development and thereby constrains crop water use. Accounting for the wide range of planting dates and the strong photoperiod-sensitive characteristics of rice varieties through the calendar model is an essential component in determining regional yield estimates. The present model does not account for the effects of mid-season drought or flooding, but was nonetheless able to explain the spatial and temporal yield variations at the province level for the past 25 years. Thus, it can be used as a prototype for simulating regional yields of rain-fed lowland rice.  相似文献   

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