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桃是主要温带水果之一, 在全球范围内广泛栽培。中国桃栽培面积和产量均居世界第一位。近十年来, 随着设施农业的迅猛发展, 桃设施栽培技术在中国北方地区逐步推广。但在设施桃的生产过程中, 常存在授粉不足、座果率低下等诸多问题。本研究以设施桃主栽品种"大久保"、"早露蟠"、"瑞光5号"和"90342"为材料, 在北京市平谷区进行了不同桃品种的开花动态、花药开裂、花粉数量、花粉活力和柱头可授性等生物学特性观察, 旨在为设施桃生产的科学管理和有效授粉提供依据。结果表明: 4个桃品种的始花期顺序依次为"瑞光5号"、"早露蟠"、"大久保"和"90342", 最早和最晚相差8 d; 单花盛开期"90342"仅为2 d, 其他3个品种桃为4~5 d。不同品种花药开裂起始时间、持续时间及高峰期不同; 单花花粉数量在不同品种间差异显著, "90342"最高, 为100 360±8 017, 其次为"大久保"91 485±8 002和"瑞光5号"73 245±5 034, "早露蟠"花粉量最少, 为59 609±5 048; "大久保"、"瑞光5号"和"90342"的花粉活力在花朵全开当天最强, 分别为44.8%±3.1%、52.4%±4.2%、32.8%±4.5%, "早露蟠"在花后第1 d花粉活力达到最高值63.3%±3.7%; "瑞光5号"与"90342"的花粉寿命仅为3 d, 而"大久保"与"早露蟠"的花粉寿命达6~7 d; "大久保"、"早露蟠"和"瑞光5号"的柱头可授性在花后3~4 d最强, 可授期为6~7 d, "90342"柱头可授性在花后第2 d最强, 可授期仅为3 d。本研究为设施条件下4个桃品种的传粉生态学研究及设施桃花期管理提供了科学依据, 也为进一步探索授粉作用机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

施氮水平对不同花生品种产量与品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
为了探讨氮对不同花生品种产量和品质的影响,采用盆栽法开展了不同氮用量对3个不同花生品种产量和品质影响的研究。结果表明,不同花生品种达到最高产量的施氮量不同,白沙1016和鲁花12施氮 112.5 kg/hm2时荚果产量最高,远杂9102施氮 75 kg/hm2时荚果产量最高。相对于不施氮,施氮后花生子仁蛋白质和氨基酸平均含量分别增加了4.9%和15.0%; 施氮375N1125 kg/hm2比不施氮粗脂肪平均含量提高3.7%; 施氮可有效增加子仁苏氨酸、蛋氨酸、异亮氨酸、苯丙氨酸、赖氨酸等必需氨基酸含量; 除脯氨酸外,其它非必需氨基酸含量均显著提高; 与不施氮相比,施氮后子仁硬脂酸、花生酸和山嵛酸平均含量分别提高了13.6%、6.9%和5.5%。3个品种相比,子仁蛋白质、氨基酸和粗脂肪含量差异显著; 氨基酸组分除苏氨酸、色氨酸、甘氨酸含量外,其它差异显著,而脂肪酸组分除十七酸、硬脂酸外,其它差异不显著。总之,供试不同品种花生达到最高产量的施氮量存在明显差异; 施氮可显著提高花生子仁营养品质。  相似文献   

For dicots, bicarbonate (HCO3‐) is regarded as a main factor in the induction of iron (Fe) chlorosis in calcareous soils, and sand and solution culture. In sand culture experiments, peach [Prunus persica (Batsch) L.] rootstock developed chlorosis only when HCO3‐ levels were equal to or higher than 6 mM. Above this level, chlorosis increaeed as HCO3‐ level was increased. In spite of the lack of chlorosis at to or below 6 mM of HCO3‐, large growth reductions (40–60% reduction in fresh shoot weight) were seen in all rootstocks, although the tolerant rootstock had less reduction than the more susceptible rootstocks. Shoot growth was affected by HCO3‐ more than was root growth.  相似文献   

An almond X peach seed line, ‘Titan’ X Nemaguard (T X NG), which is tolerant to lime‐induced chlorosis, was compared to a susceptible seedling rootstock, Nemared, under alkaline conditions. The tolerant rootstock's growth was not affected by Fe stress, whereas the susceptible rootstock showed chlorosis which corresponded to approximately a 20% chlorophyll loss in the new foliage during the 18‐week stress period, a 62% decrease in shoot dry weight and a 22% decrease in plant height.  相似文献   


Recent trends in peach orchards have focused on intensification and high density plantings using different Prunus rootstock species with different vigor traits. This investigation aims to study the physiological behavior of different Prunus rootstocks in order to identify the most suitable rootstock under warm Mediterranean conditions. Field agronomic performance and foliar nutrient content of the flat peach cultivar ‘Subirana’ grafted on ten different Prunus rootstocks were studied on calcareous soil typical of the Mediterranean area. Ten rootstocks: ‘ADAGAF 04-03’, ‘AGAF 0301-04’, ‘Garnem’, ‘Krymsk® 1’, ‘Krymsk® 86’, ‘PAC 847’, ‘PADAC 04-01’, ‘PADAC 150’, ‘PM 105 AD’, and ‘Rootpac® 70’, were considered. Vegetative growth, chlorophyll SPAD index, leaf mineral status and deviation from the optimum percentage (DOP) index were determined. Leaf chlorophyll content varied depending on the rootstock. ‘PADAC 04-01’ and ‘ADAGAF 04-03’ showed higher chlorophyll index. The lowest SPAD values were observed for the most dwarfing rootstock ‘Krymsk® 1’, which showed visual chlorosis symptoms, and lower leaf mineral contents compared to the other rootstocks. Peach trees on Prunus rootstocks showed differences in leaf macronutrient and micronutrient content. ‘Rootpac® 70’, ‘ADAGAF 04-03’ and ‘PADAC 04-01’ had better adaptation under warm Tunisian conditions but high ΣDOP index. The most invigorating ‘Garnem’ had the highest imbalanced nutritional status, but continues to perform well under warm conditions. Interesting results were obtained with ‘Rootpac® 70’ showing one of the best balanced nutritional values (average ΣDOP index). However, the most dwarfing rootstock ‘Krymsk® 1’ presented the worst adaptation to the studied warm Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

不同品种大豆加工豆浆的品质分析及评价模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
东北是中国大豆的主产区,也是传统豆制品的重要原料生产基地。为明确该产区大豆原料与其加工制得豆浆的品质、特点,该研究选取47个东北大豆品种为原料,分析其大豆粗脂肪、粗蛋白、钙、磷含量等理化指标,比较其加工豆浆的蛋白浓度、总固形物含量、感官评价、风味物质含量等品质差异。结果得到豆浆质量得率、动力粘度、总固形物、非豆腥味活性与豆腥味活性比值最高的品种分别是吉育102、吉92、吉育70、吉小8号、吉青3号。大豆籽粒理化指标分析结果显示,粗蛋白、粗脂肪、钙、磷含量最高的品种分别为垦丰17、GY07Y16、吉82、杂交豆3号。豆浆的豆腥味与脂肪氧化酶活性、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸含量呈显著正相关,脂肪含量与风味活性比呈负相关。利用因子分析法提取出4个因子方程,确定豆浆各项指标在综合品质中所占比重,进一步建立了豆浆品质评价模型,模型系数可以根据加工目的进行相应调整。综合得分最高的5个品种为吉45(9.52)、吉育70(9.43)、吉青1号(9.28)、吉育66(9.27)、吉育102(9.21)。结合对应的大豆理化指标排序发现,豆浆品质是大豆理化成分综合作用的结果,并非蛋白含量越高所得产品越好,脂肪含量高的品种并不适宜加工豆浆。该研究为用于加工豆浆的东北大豆品种分级提供了参考,实现了豆浆品质的综合判别及大豆加工基础数据的分析、整合。  相似文献   

应用意大利蜜蜂和小峰熊蜂在北京平谷区果树试验站为设施桃传粉, 以研究2 种蜂的传粉行为对设施桃果实生长发育及其品质的影响。结果表明,应用小峰熊蜂授粉, 设施桃果实在整个发育过程中的果径增长速度显著高于意大利蜜蜂授粉的果实(P<0.05)。2 种蜂授粉的设施桃果实发育历期不同,小峰熊蜂授粉区的桃果实比意大利蜜蜂授粉区的果实提前7 d 左右成熟。桃的生理落果高峰在小峰熊蜂授粉区出现2 次,而在意大利蜜蜂授粉区出现3 次。在小峰熊蜂授粉区, 距离蜂箱不同距离之间的桃座果率基本一致; 而在意大利蜜蜂授粉区, 座果率随着与蜂箱距离的增大而明显降低。小峰熊蜂授粉区桃树的平均座果率略高于意大利蜜蜂授粉区, 但二者之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。经2 种蜂传粉的设施桃果实营养品质差异不显著(P>0.05), 但二者均明显优于人工授粉组(对照)。和意大利蜜蜂授粉的桃果实相比, 经小峰熊蜂传粉后的桃果实, 单果重高, 畸形果率低(P<0.05)。本研究认为中国本土小峰熊蜂为设施桃的传粉效率优于意大利蜜蜂。  相似文献   

It has been reported that various cultivars of fruits and vegetables may present a different pattern for the contained allergens. Here, we report on the different content in allergenic proteins for different peach (Prunus persica) cultivars, sampled during two consecutive harvest seasons. Fruits from six cultivars of peaches were harvested fully ripe, and the proteins extracted from whole or chemically peeled fruits were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting. All the protein extracts from whole fruit contained a 9 kDa protein. This protein proved to be absent in the extracts taken from chemically peeled fruit. In four cultivars, this protein corresponds to the allergen Pru p3, a lipid transfer protein that causes the oral allergy syndrome (OAS) in sensitized people. In the following year, fruits from four of the six cultivars of peaches studied previously were harvested at different times, at one and two weeks before the commercial ripening time and when fully ripe, to ascertain whether the presence of the 9 kDa allergen might be related to the ripening process. Two cultivars out of four produced an intense allergenic band corresponding to a 9 kDa protein already two weeks before the commercial ripening date, while the others showed a progressive increment of the 9 kDa allergen during ripening.  相似文献   

施加外源乙烯时机对MA贮藏桃果实品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
为了改善桃果实低温贮藏期间品质降低情况,探讨了大久保桃果实在低温条件下自发气调(MA)贮藏期间,不同时间(0、15和30 d)加入外源乙烯处理(50~80 μL/L)的效果,测定在贮藏期间及20℃下回温3 d后果实的硬度、可溶性固形物含量(SSC)、腐烂指数、可滴定酸(TA)、总糖、维生素C(Vc)的含量。结果表明,在0℃下MA贮藏15、30 d加入外源乙烯处理能较好地保持果实的质地、可溶性固形物含量,降低桃果实的腐烂率。同时15 d时加入外源乙烯处理还能较好地保持总糖和Vc含量,但对可滴定酸的影响与其他MA处理差异不显著。研究表明,MA贮藏大久保桃果实在第15天进行外源乙烯处理效果最好。  相似文献   

不同品种小麦粉的粉质特性对速冻熟制面条品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为研究不同品种小麦粉与速冻熟制面条质构特性之间的关系,选取30种小麦制粉,用FOSS定氮仪、快速黏度仪、粉质仪和拉伸仪等测定面粉品质指标,制作速冻熟制面条,用质构仪测定质构特性。采用描述性统计、主成分和聚类分析方法对30种小麦面粉和速冻熟制面条的质构关系进行了分析。结果表明:不同品种小麦粉的湿面筋、糊化温度、弱化度、粉质质量指数与硬度呈极显著相关(P0.01);蛋白质、湿面筋、总淀粉含量、最终黏度、回生值、糊化温度、粉质吸水率、粉质曲线稳定时间、面团形成时间、弱化度、粉质质量指数、拉伸曲线面积、拉伸阻力、最大拉伸阻力与剪切力呈极显著相关(P0.01);小麦粉的粉质特性,除衰减值、峰值时间和延伸度外,均与拉伸力呈极显著相关(P0.01)。根据方差贡献率提取出可以反映原变量84.023%信息的5个因子,因子1主要反映面粉的粉质拉伸特性,因子2反映小麦粉糊化特性,因子3反映蛋白质特性,因子4和因子5共同反映小麦粉的淀粉特性。这些性状在小麦粉的评价方面起着重要作用,在加工中要注重对它们的选择。聚类分析将30种小麦粉分为4类,结果表明,不能仅凭小麦粉的指标数据和质构数据来选择制作速冻熟制面条的原料,还需考虑到感官评价的影响。该结论可为小麦粉在速冻熟制面条加工应用方面提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

研究二月兰间作及其翻压对北方桃园生长环境及果实品质的影响。结果表明:二月兰翻压或自然生长处理能够维持土壤温度、保持土壤水分,显著防除艾蒿等杂草,降低土壤容重,提高了土壤有机氮、有机碳、有效氮含量及微生物数量,为桃树生长发育提供适宜的土壤环境;增加果桃Vc、可溶性糖和可溶性固形物含量。  相似文献   

砧木对京玉葡萄结实性及果实品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
试验以京玉嫁接在7种砧木上的结实性、果实可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量、穗粒质量与自根砧的差异比较结果表明砧木可显著提高京玉葡萄的结实力,不同砧木对京玉葡萄结实性的影响程度不同;砧木对果穗、果粒质量及果实品质的影响与自根砧差异不显著,但在果穗质量、果实可滴定酸含量上砧木间存在显著甚至极显著的差异.该文认为在试验条件下188-08、5C与101-14为京玉的适合砧木,同时对砧木影响的复杂性及砧木化栽培的意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   


The performances of the plum rootstocks Marianna GF 8-1, Pixy, and Wangenheim, compared with St. Julien A as a standard, for the cultivars ‘Avalon’, ‘Edda’, ‘Excalibur’, ‘Jubileum’, ‘Reeves’, and ‘Victoria’ were assessed in a field trial in western Norway at 60° North. Trees were planted in spring 1999; the plant material was one-year-old whips, spaced 2.0×4.5 m and formed with a central leader as free spindles. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size, fruit quality, and yield efficiency were evaluated for the seven subsequent years. Tree size was significantly affected by the rootstocks after seven years' growth. Wangenheim produced the smallest and St. Julien A and Pixy the largest trees as measured by trunk cross-sectional area, on average for the different cultivars. However, Pixy produced significant larger yields per tree for the cultivar ‘Reeves’ than did St. Julien A. ‘Edda’ gave the smallest yield and ‘Avalon the largest. Trees on Pixy were the most yield efficient for all cultivars with the exception of ‘Victoria’. The fruit sizes became little affected by the different rootstocks. ‘Edda’ and ‘Victoria’ produced the smallest fruits and ‘Excalibur’ and ‘Reeves’ the largest. Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was on average 16.1% and did not differ between trees on the various rootstocks. The cultivar ‘Avalon’ had the highest contents of soluble solids and ‘Reeves’ the lowest. The nutrient levels in the leaves were within the optimum range by the end of the seventh season. Trees on Marianna GF 8-1 had the highest nitrogen and magnesium leaf uptake. In conclusion, St. Julien A and Pixy were the most reliable semi-vigorous rootstocks which induced high yield efficiency and with favourable influences on fruit quality to the six European plum cultivars. Pixy is a good alternative to St. Julien A, with a lower vigour in trees, more precocity, and higher yield efficiency.  相似文献   

'Early Rich', 'Royal Glory', 'Sweet Dream(cov)', and 'Elegant Lady' peaches were stored at -0.5 °C for up to 40 days and then subjected to ripening at 20 °C for up to 3 days. Firmness, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), color, consumer acceptance, and volatile compounds were then determined. The observed physicochemical changes included a significant decrease in firmness during both storage and commercialization periods. In contrast, the SSC, TA, and color remained constant during storage. Ten days of cold storage produced the highest total volatile emissions and the greatest consumer acceptance for 'Elegant Lady' and 'Sweet Dream(cov)', whereas similar results were obtained after 40 and 20 days for 'Royal Glory' and 'Early Rich', respectively. Volatile compounds that most consistently exhibited a positive correlation with consumer acceptance were dependent on the cultivar.  相似文献   

不同砧木对富士苹果矿质元素含量和品质指标的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
砧木作为果树的重要组成部分,不仅影响树体对矿质营养元素的吸收、 运转和利用,而且对地上部树体的生长发育和果实品质形成具有重要的调控作用。本文以富士苹果为试材,研究了不同砧木与苹果叶营养元素、 果实矿质营养和品质指标间的关系。结果表明, 砧木类型影响苹果叶片对矿质元素的吸收,矮化砧苹果叶片的P、 K、 Ca和Cu含量均高于乔化砧,分别比乔化砧高20.00%、 13.50%、 9.09% 和 32.72%;但其他矿质元素含量均低于乔化砧。除Ca和B元素外,矮化砧苹果果实的N、 P、 K、 Mg、 Fe、 Mn和Cu含量均高于乔化砧,分别比乔化砧高39.46%、 46.30%、 19.13%、 9.68%、 32.41%、 18.96% 和 68.31%。与乔化砧相比,矮化砧富士苹果具有较高的单果重、 可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量,分别比乔化砧高5.53%、 5.25% 和 6.82%。相关分析表明,苹果叶片大量元素 N、 P、 K和Ca与果实部分营养元素间存在显著的相关性,其中叶片K和果实N的相关系数高达0.9001;而叶片微量元素Fe、 Mn、 Zn和B与果实矿质元素间均不存在显著的相关性。另外,富士苹果果实的Ca含量仅为叶片Ca含量的1.58%,是所测矿质元素中相对含量最低的,这可能是套袋苹果易发生苦痘病的原因所在。  相似文献   

依据小麦子粒含硫量和N/S比值的差异,用聚类分析的方法,将供试的12个小麦品种分为3 组:高N/S比组、中N/S比组和低N/S比组。研究不同类型小麦氮硫积累特性及其与子粒品质的关系,结果表明,小麦植株的氮素积累量与硫素积累量呈极显著正相关,氮素收获指数与硫素收获指数之间无显著线性相关关系。高N/S比组品种具有较高的氮素积累量或氮素收获指数,但硫素收获指数或硫素积累量相应较低;中N/S比组品种氮素收获指数高,硫素收获指数亦高;低N/S比组品种硫素积累量和硫素收获指数均较高,但氮素收获指数较低,植株体积累的氮素和硫素在子粒中分配比例的不同是品种间子粒N/S比值差异的重要原因。不同N/S比组品种比较,子粒谷蛋白含量、谷蛋白含量与醇溶蛋白含量比值、面团形成时间和稳定时间存在显著差异,且与子粒N/S比值呈极显著二次曲线关系,适宜的N/S比有利于子粒谷蛋白的积累及子粒品质的形成。  相似文献   

Potassium (K) is a major nutrient element that has effects on growth, yield, and quality production of agricultural crops. In the present study, the effects of various K concentrations in a nutrient solution including 150, 235, 300, 400, or 500 mg K L?1 were evaluated on two pepper cultivars; chili pepper (Capsicum annuum Avicolare) and bell pepper (California Wonder) under greenhouse conditions. Hoagland's formula was used for preparation of nutrient solutions. The vegetative growth parameters including plant height, leaf area, SPAD value, and shoot fresh weight were significantly increased by 300 mg L?1 K in both cultivars. The highest yield and fruit quality parameters including fruit length/diameter ratio, fruit dry matter percentage, fruit vitamin C, total soluble solids, and titratable acidity in chili pepper and bell pepper were obtained under application of 300 and 400 mg K L?1 in nutrient solution, respectively. In either cultivar there was increase in leaf K, nitrogen, and zinc concentrations, while in bell pepper calcium was reduced by higher K levels in the nutrient solution. The results indicate that for better growth and quality production of pepper, higher levels of K in nutrient solutions can be beneficial.  相似文献   

Heavy metal uptake, translocation and partitioning differ greatly among plant cultivars and plant parts. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effect of cadmium (Cd) levels (0, 45 and 90 mg kg?1 soil) on dry matter yield, and concentration, uptake and translocation of Cd, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu in seven rice cultivars. Application of 45 mg Cd kg?1 soil decreased root and shoot dry weight. On average, shoot and root Cd concentrations and uptake increased in all cultivars, but micronutrients uptake decreased following the application of 45 mg Cd kg?1. No significant differences were observed between 45 and 90 mg kg?1 Cd levels. On average, Cd treatments resulted in a decrease in Zn, Fe and Mn concentrations in shoots and Zn, Cu and Mn concentrations in roots. Differences were observed in Cd and micronutrient concentrations and uptake among rice cultivars. Translocation factor, defined as the shoot/root concentration ratio indicated that Cu and Fe contents in roots were higher than in shoots. The Mn concentration was much higher in shoots. Zinc concentrations were almost similar in the two organs of rice at 0 and 45 mg Cd kg?1. A higher Cd level, however, led to a decrease in the Zn concentration in shoots.  相似文献   

热空气处理对中华寿桃贮藏品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
为了抑制桃子在低温冷藏中由于冷害导致的品质下降,以中华寿桃为试材,研究了热空气处理对桃子采后贮藏品质的影响。结果表明,适宜的热空气处理可以抑制中华寿桃因冷害导致的果肉褐变以及酸度、食用脆度的降低,有利于保持桃子风味和防止果肉变绵,对保持果实品质,具有较好的效果。该处理延缓了褐变相关酶——多酚氧化酶的上升,推迟了酶活性峰值的出现,但对桃子香味的保持无明显效果。热空气处理中华寿桃的较好条件为:48℃,4 h。  相似文献   

不同氮效率油菜品种产量和品质对供氮水平的反应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为探明不同氮效率油菜产量和品质对供氮水平的反应动态,揭示油菜氮效率与品质的关系,本文采用砂培试验,研究了两种氮效率油菜品种在06、3、6、12、15 mmol/L 5种不同氮水平下(用N1N5表示)的氮效率、子粒产量和品质的变化。结果表明, 随着供氮水平的提高,油菜子粒产量、油分产量和蛋白质含量增加,氮效率和油分含量下降; 而子粒脂肪酸组成变化较小,所测定的7种脂肪酸中,芥酸和花生烯酸含量随着氮水平的增加略有下降,棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸含量则没有明显的变化; 与氮低效品种相比,氮高效品种的子粒产量、芥酸和花生烯酸含量随供氮水平的变化幅度更大,油分含量下降幅度更小。所有氮水平下,氮高效品种的子粒产量、油分含量和油分产量均高于氮低效品种,亚油酸含量略高于而亚麻酸含量略低于氮低效品种,子粒蛋白质、棕榈酸、硬脂酸、油酸含量两品种没有差异。总之,提高氮水平有利于增加油分产量,氮高效品种的增加幅度大于氮低效品种,但对脂肪酸组成的影响较小。因此,氮高效品种不会因高效吸收利用氮素而降低油分含量或使油菜品质变劣。  相似文献   

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