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东北地区是我国重要的粮食生产基地,饲料资源极为丰富,肉牛和奶牛养殖有良好的基础,而且牛的品种资源丰富。近些年来,黄牛改良步伐逐年加快,牛群的质量越来越好,但随之而来的问题是母牛产犊间隔延长、繁殖率降低等问题,究其原因,除饲养管理因素外,输精人员对母牛发情诊断及适时输精等环节上也存在问题。因此,提高改良牛的繁殖率,加快良种牛改良进程必须将这些问题加以解决。只有掌握好母牛发情规律及其影响母牛受胎率的因素,才能有效地提高母牛繁殖率。经对吉林省中部地区进行的母牛发情规律的调查,笔者认为应从以下几点进行改进。  相似文献   

母畜不发情直接影响母畜的繁育和饲养效益。本试验利用山西稷山康益兽药科技开发有限公司生产的中兽药“催情散”对49例不发情母牛进行处理,每头内服300克,连用5天,发情率达85.7%,情期受胎率达57.1%,结果表明:中药“催情散”对不发情母牛亦有很好的催情作用,亦适用于不发情母牛的临床治疗。  相似文献   

太康县开展黄牛冷配改良工作有近30年的历史,存栏牛质量有较大提高,逐渐形成了以夏洛来、西门塔尔牛为父本的三元杂交肉牛。近年来,肉牛养殖已初具规模,繁殖母牛与育肥牛混养较多。笔者结合生产实践,就如何提高肉牛冷配受胎率谈一点自己的建议。1推广配合饲料,实行科学养牛1.1营养方面当饲料营养成分不足,如能量、蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等缺乏时,会直接影响母牛的生殖机能。因此,应推广使用配合饲料,满足肉牛对各种营养物质的需要,以保证肉牛正常发情、妊娠,提高受胎率。  相似文献   

[目的]提高母畜的发情率,提高经济效益.[方法]应用中药"催情散"进行母牛催情试验.[结果]试验研究对24例不发情母牛用药试验,采取中药"催情散"治疗母牛不发情,经服药后配种,发情率和受配率都达到87.5%.[结论]"催情散"具有催情功效,适用于母畜不发情的病症.  相似文献   

经过20多年的改良,梨树县所饲养的基础母牛多数为由西门塔尔、夏洛来、荷斯坦、利木赞等优良品种改良的多元高代母牛,为发展优质肉牛提供了有利条件和基础保障。提高这些母牛的繁殖率是发展优质肉牛的关键。1充分利用当地饲料资源,合理配制母牛日粮母牛的日粮应包括精料、干玉米秸秆、青黄贮玉米秸、青绿饲料等。根据母牛的营养需要,生产日粮中的营养依次为粗纤维、能量、粗蛋白、常量元素、微量元素和维生素,要保证母牛的营养供给。母牛的膘情应在7~8成才能保证产犊后两个月及时发情配种,体膘在7成以下易造成母牛不发情或发情不明显。但母…  相似文献   

牛双胚胎共移植是指1次移植过程中,在子宫内同时放置2枚胚胎,使母牛1次妊娠生产2个后代,从而显著提高母牛繁殖效率的方法。笔者针对西南山区的肉牛养殖情况,探讨了在西门塔尔牛与本地黄牛杂交的F1代母牛中开展双胚胎共移植的可能性与效果。笔者共选择9头发育良好、健康无病的后备母牛作为受体牛,经过同期发情处理后,将18枚安格斯牛冷冻胚胎移植入受体牛体内(2枚胚胎/头)。移植后75d进行直肠妊娠检测,发现有7头母牛成功妊娠,其中双胎母牛5头,单胎母牛2头,妊娠率为77.8%,双胎妊娠率为71.4%,产犊率为133.3%。本研究结果表明,牛双胚胎移植技术能显著提高母牛繁殖率,值得推广利用。  相似文献   

研究了同期发情一定时输精和胚胎移植以及同期发情方法的效果和影响因素。结果表明,婆罗门牛和BMY牛同期发情率和妊娠率无显著差异(P〉0.05);同期发情后,表观发情牛和表观未发情牛的妊娠率没有显著差异(P〉0.05)。结果提示,对没有观察到发情症候的母牛实施定时输精是必要的,可以有效提高情期受胎率;体况(4.5)较肥的繁殖母牛可以获得良好受胎率,情期受胎率高达78.9%,在实际工作中,主要防止体况差影响繁殖率,而不是防止牛体过肥影响繁殖率;同期发情②法比①法能极显著提高胚胎移植受体牛可用率,移植妊娠率差异不显著(P〉0.05);埋栓时存在优势卵泡或发情,对胚胎移植受体牛可用率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

促排多胎素具有刺激成熟卵泡排卵,促进发情,调节发情周期,提高母畜受胎率的功效。本试验应用促排多胎素对农村分散饲养、产犊后久不发情或发情迟缓的母牛进行诱导同期发情效果研究。结果:在注射药物后24~72h内有91.67%(55/60)的母牛发情,经直肠检查发情母牛中排卵率为89.09%(49/55),情期冷配受胎率为63.27%(31/49)。试验表明:促排多胎素对产后久不发情或发情迟缓的母牛进行诱导同期发情处理效果明显,是一种理想的催情药物。  相似文献   

丁家科 《当代畜牧》2014,(33):23-24
为解决适配母牛不及时发情或不发情等问题,提高母牛受胎率。笔者对不发情的初产适龄母牛和经产母牛进行分组、分时、定量肌注兽用激素(组合),适时开展人工授精,定期进行妊娠检查。试验结果表明,试验母牛发情率提高至97.16%、情期受胎率提高至71.2%。激素组合疗法对不发情母牛有显著的催情、促排卵作用,能有效提高母牛受胎率。  相似文献   

选择健康、繁殖和营养状况良好的眼埃蒙特供体母牛和同样条件的南阳受体黄牛,通过同期发情、超数排卵、胚胎移植待技术处理,观测皮埃蒙特牛在发展南阳肉牛方面的实际应用效果。试验结果:冷冻胚胎移植黄牛妊娠泫为32.5%;超排处理皮埃蒙特肉牛3头获胚20枚,可用胚10枚,全部用于鲜胚移植,妊娠率为60%,同期发情处理受体黄牛41头,发情率为80.49%,72小时发情率为87.88%。  相似文献   

[目的]为探讨同期发情—定时输精技术对云南省文山州母牛繁殖性能的影响,建立适宜于南方肉牛品种改良的轻简推广实用技术程序。[方法]通过肉牛同期发情—定时输精技术程序在文山州广南、砚山、富宁三县的应用效果作比较。[结果]结果表明,使用该技术程序后三县肉牛平均同期发情率为93.24%,平均受胎率达80.94%,应用效果良好;母牛体况对发情效果影响较大,有待提高母牛饲养管理水平。[结论]同期发情—定时输精技术对提高母牛受胎率的效果明显,值得在我国南方肉牛养殖业中大力推广。  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the reproductive performance of beef cow herds in New Zealand and to develop reference ranges for assessing the reproductive performance of individual herds from in-calf rates, that take into account variation in the length of mating periods. METHODS: Veterinary practices throughout New Zealand involved in beef cattle work were asked to collect reproductive data from seasonally calving beef cow herds mated in the spring of 2001 through to the end of summer of 2002. An estimate of conception rate (termed calculated conception rate: CCR) was determined for each herd, assuming that the conception rate was constant for each 21-day interval of the mating period. The algebraic relationship between CCR and in-calf rate at pregnancy testing was defined for mating periods of different durations and, therefore, given the in-calf rate and the duration of the mating period, a CCR could be determined for each herd. Expected pregnancy rates were recalculated from CCR data for a range of mating period durations to produce a look-up table for assessing herd reproductive performance. Reproductive data describing regional differences in in-calf rates and CCRs, bull:cow ratios, breed characteristics, start dates of mating and durations of mating periods were summarised. The effect of study variables in explaining CCRs was examined using a general linear model (GLM). RESULTS: Data were collected from 1,005 beef cow herds distributed throughout New Zealand. The median in-calf rate for all herds was 91%, the lower quartile was < or =88% and the upper quartile > or =94%. The mean CCR for herds with complete reproductive data (862) was 55% (SD 11), the lower quartile was < or =48% and upper quartile > or =61%. Median in-calf rates for 2-year-old heifers (mated at approximately 15 months of age), 3-year-old heifers (mated at approximately 27 months of age), and mixed-age cows were 90%, 91% and 92%, respectively. The study variables that accounted for significant variation in breeding group CCR in a multivariate GLM were 'region' (p<0.01) and 'date mating commenced' (<0.01). The adjusted R2 for the model was 0.055. CONCLUSIONS: The reproductive reference range produced provides veterinarians and herd managers with a quantitative method for assessing reproductive performance of beef cow herds compared with industry averages, from in-calf rates at the time of pregnancy testing and durations of mating periods.  相似文献   

近年来,中国肉牛产业不断调整优化,母牛存栏量持续增长,但国内可繁殖肉用母牛数量持续减少,母牛受胎率普遍不高,犊牛成活率低,已成为制约肉牛产业发展的瓶颈环节。同期排卵-定时输精技术通过应用生殖激素处理调控母牛发情周期,促进母牛发情,从而提高母牛参配率,在提高母牛繁殖力中得到广泛应用,是当今家畜繁殖技术的一个重大突破。由于中国肉牛养殖集约化程度低,同期排卵-定时输精技术在肉牛上的应用尚未得到广泛重视。不同同期排卵-定时输精处理程序各有特点,在实际应用中影响同期排卵-定时输精程序处理母牛发情配种妊娠率的因素很多,如何对该技术实现进一步优化是当前面临的重大难题。国内外针对于同一生殖激素的不同浓度、不同激素组合及激素注射的间隔时间、激素的替换等做了大量的研究。文章综述了定时输精技术原理、主要程序及国内外肉牛同期排卵-定时输精技术研究进展,以期为建立高效的肉牛同期排卵-定时输精技术体系实现该技术在肉牛产业上的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Real-time, B-mode ultrasonography provides the opportunity to improve the methods of evaluation of ovarian function and diagnoses of pregnancy in beef cattle. Determination of the sex of a fetus early in pregnancy (d 55 to 85) and verification of embryo viability by monitoring fetal heartbeat are unique methods involving ultrasound scanning. These techniques and a method for evaluating the technique of artificial insemination can be used to improve reproductive management of cattle. The way in which ultrasound technology may have its greatest impact is as a tool for improving on the method of palpation per rectum for monitoring ovarian function and pregnancy in beef cows and heifers. Determination of fetal sex and monitoring embryo mortality are less likely to be applied regularly in herd management, but these procedures will be valuable in conducting research in reproductive physiology of beef cattle.  相似文献   

规模化母牛养殖场繁殖成活率提升的技术措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
随着母牛养殖规模化程度的提高,规模化母牛养殖场繁殖问题亟显突出。本文拟从能繁母牛体况评分、分群管理、发情鉴定、人工授精、妊娠诊断、围产期饲养管理、犊牛护理、繁殖计划以及消毒和防疫方面技术要点进行分析,提高能繁母牛繁殖成活率,提升犊牛的质量,促进国内肉牛产业的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着肉牛产业从持续火热期逐渐回落,加上饲料价格的新一轮上涨,出栏育肥牛盈利空间被极度压缩,一度出现一定比例的亏损和弃养现象。这是市场规律调节的结果,是养殖业必然要经历的市场阵痛期。所以仅仅依靠高行情去获得盈利,促进肉牛产业的发展是不可能长久的。本文阐述了从提高种牛品质、提高母牛繁殖性能、抓好犊牛培育及早期断奶、粗饲料储备等几方面着手,抓技术提质增效,抓管理降低成本,理顺养牛投资理念,使肉牛产业安全走出低谷期,以突破肉牛产业发展效益瓶颈。这是市场规律调节的结果,是养殖业必然都要经过的市场阵痛期。所以仅仅依靠高行情去获得盈利,促进肉牛产业的发展是不可能长久的。文章阐述了从提高种牛品质、提高母牛繁殖性能、抓好犊牛培育及早期断奶、粗饲料储备等几方面着手,抓技术提质增效,抓管理降低成本,理顺养牛投资理念,使肉牛产业安全走出低谷期,以突破肉牛产业养殖效益瓶颈。  相似文献   

为了对普及应用集成配套技术饲养肉牛的效果进行评价。对平凉肉牛繁殖性能进行了调查。结果表明:受配率、受胎率、犊牛成活率和繁殖成活率分别提高7%、1.44%、3.72%和11%。通过集成配套技术普及应用,平凉肉牛繁殖性能明显提高。  相似文献   

目的:为探索在奶牛日粮中添加饲料甜菜对其泌乳量的影响,提高奶牛养殖的经济效益。方法:2011年9月20日至11月20日,选择健康黑白花奶牛6头,随机分为试验组(饲料甜菜组)和对照组(普通饲料组),进行饲料甜菜对奶牛产奶量的影响试验。结果:试验组比对照组头均日产奶量增加2 kg,产奶量提高7.9%,差异极显著(P〈0.01);试验组比对照组粗饲料采食量增加14%,饲料成本增加504元,差异极显著(P〈0.01);试验组比对照组头日均收入高6.8元,增加纯收入1 124元,经济效益提高13.2%,差异极显著(P〈0.01)。结论:饲料甜菜饲喂奶牛,牛奶产量和质量明显提高,经济效益提高,在实践中应大力推广。  相似文献   

The beef cattle industry relies on the use of high-forage diets to develop replacement females, maintain the cow herd, and sustain stocker operations Forage quantity and quality fluctuate with season and environmental conditions Depending on class and physiological state of the animal, a forage diet may not always meet nutritional requirements, resulting in reduced ADG or BW loss if supplemental nutrients are not provided It is important to understand the consequences of such BW loss and the economics of providing supplementation to the beef production system Periods of limited or insufficient nutrient availability can be followed by periods of compensatory BW gain once dietary conditions improve This may have less impact on breeding animals, provided reproductive efficiency is not compromised, where actual BW is not as important as it is in animals destined for the feedlot A rapidly evolving body of literature is also demonstrating that nutritional status of cows during pregnancy can affect subsequent offspring development and production characteristics later in life The concept of fetal programming is that maternal stimuli during critical periods of fetal development have long-term implications for offspring Depending on timing, magnitude, and duration of nutrient limitation or supplementation, it is possible that early measures in life, such as calf birth BW, may be unaffected, whereas measures later in life, such as weaning BW, carcass characteristics, and reproductive traits, may be influenced This body of research provides compelling evidence of a fetal programming response to maternal nutrition in beef cattle Future competitiveness of the US beef industry will continue to be dependent on the use of high-forage diets to meet the majority of nutrient requirements Consequences of nutrient restriction or supplementation must be considered not only on individual animal performance but also the developing fetus and its subsequent performance throughout life.  相似文献   

[目的]旨在研究皖北地区肉牛能繁母牛繁殖疾病的发生情况。[方法]通过走访,并结合调查问卷,对皖北地区的22个母牛繁育场的3088头母牛的繁殖疾病发病情况及病因进行调查。[结果]结果显示:皖北地区母牛繁殖疾病以胎衣不下的发病率最高(5.99 %)、其次是子宫内膜炎(5.44 %)、难产(3.92 %)、流产(2.75 %)、子宫积脓(1.45 %)、阴道脱出(1.33 %)、卵巢囊肿分别(1.39 %)、持久黄体(1.52 %)。[结论]繁育场的饲养管理技术影响母牛繁殖疾病的发病率,针对这些因素提出了对应的改进意见,以期为安徽省的能繁母牛的扩拦增量工作提供决策参考。  相似文献   

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