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采用直线加速器产生3.60×1011、7.10×1011和3.54×1012/cm2 3种辐照注量的快中子处理肇东苜蓿干种子,对其进行种子发芽试验、幼苗生长和RAPD分子标记分析。研究表明,经3种注量快中子处理后,肇东苜蓿种子发芽势和发芽率显著高于对照;幼苗的苗高和根长小于对照,随着快中子处理注量的增加,幼苗苗高降低和...  相似文献   

《基因组学与应用生物学》是由广西大学主管和主办,公开发行的双月刊科学期刊。《基因组学与应用生物学》主要刊登现代生物技术的前沿学科和基础学科如基因组学、分子细胞遗传学、生化与分子生物学和应用生物学等相关的原始研究成果。刊登植物、动物及微生物领域的生物在组织、器官、细胞、染色体、蛋  相似文献   

徐江  梁劬 《核农学通报》1995,16(2):89-93
遗传图谱的建立,是遗传学研究中一个很重要的领域,是对基因组进行系统性研究的基础,也是遗传育种的依据。90年代发展起了一种DNA多态性分析的新方法-RAPD技术,克服了以往RFLP和PCR技术的很多缺陷,已被广泛应用于基因组研究的各个方面。文中介绍了RAPD技术的原理,研究成果,以及未来展望。  相似文献   

RAPD技术进展及其在小麦遗传育种中的应用(综述)   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

分子生物学技术在菌根研究中的应用及其进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
近几年来,菌根分子生物学得到了较忆发展;尤其是一些用于菌 真菌ITS区域的特异引物先后设计并合成成功,进一步推动了菌根学在分子水平上的研究。分子生物学技术菌真菌分类鉴定及亲缘关系研究上应用较多。  相似文献   

1刊登范围本刊主要刊登现代生物技术的前沿学科和基础学科如基因组学、分子细胞遗传学、生化与分子生物学、应用生物学等相关的原始研究成果。  相似文献   

微卫星是一类DNA标记 ,包括 1~ 5个核苷酸的不同数目串联重复。通过PCR扩增 ,可以获得不同等位基因微卫星侧翼序列之间准确的碱基长度。微卫星具有高的突变率 ,所以形成大量等位基因 ,使其特别适合于构建基因图谱或进行父权分析。作为共显性标记 ,可以用来进行群体遗传学研究  相似文献   

RAPD技术在葡萄种质鉴定上的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为建立一种简单,快捷的方法以鉴定葡萄(Vitis)种质资源,对CTAB,SDS和高盐法3种DNA提取方法进行了比较。结果表明,改良的CTAB法较为适合葡萄基因组DNA的提取。通过对TaqE,Mg^2 ,dNTP,模板DNA,Primer不同浓度的优化实验以及对PCR反应程序的筛选,建立了适合葡萄基因组RAPD分析的技术体系。运用该体系对部分葡萄品种进行RAPD分析。结果表明,采用适合的引物在该体系条件下能够达到鉴定葡萄种质资源的目的,并可应用到葡萄的遗传图谱,指纹图谱及分子标记等分子生物学的研究中。  相似文献   

湿地土壤质量退化的模糊综合评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to frequent soil Cd contamination and wide use of butachlor in China,there is a need to assess their combined toxicity to soil microorganisms.The combined effects of cadmium (Cd,10 mg kg-1 soil) and herbicide butachlor (10,50,and 100 mg kg-1 soil) on enzyme activities and microbial community structure in a paddy soil were assessed using the traditional enzyme assays and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis.The results showed that urease and phosphatase activities were significantly reduced by high butachlor concentration (100 mg kg-1 soil).When the concentrations of Cd and butachlor added were at a ratio of 1:10,urease and phosphatase activities were significantly decreased whereas enzyme activities were greatly improved at the ratio of 1:5,which indicated that the combined effects of Cd and butachlor on soil urease and phosphatase activities depended largely on their addition concentration ratios.Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis showed loss of original bands and appearance of new bands when compared with the control soil.Random amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprints suggested substantial differences between the control and treated soil samples,with apparent changes in the number and size of amplified DNA fragments.The addition of high concentration butachlor and the combined impacts of Cd and butachlor significantly affected the diversity of the microbial community.RAPD analysis in conjunction with other biomarkers such as soil enzyme parameters would prove a powerful ecotoxicological tool.Further investigations should be carried out to understand the clear link between RAPD patterns and enzyme activity.  相似文献   

To assess the genetic variation within and among accessions of Russian wildrye (Psathyrostachys juncea), 88 individuals of 11 accessions originated from geographically diverse locations were analyzed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). Under the optimized condition, 56% of the 200 tested primers produced polymorphic RAPDs among accessions. High level RAPD marker variations existed both within and among accessions. About 56% and 44% of the amplified fragments were polymorphic within and among accessions, respectively. Accessions from neighboring geographical regions are more similar than those from distant regions. These results are comparable with those obtained from studies on chromosome C-banding and isozyme electrophoresis.  相似文献   

DNA分子标记是继形态标记、细胞学标记、生化标记之后发展起来的一种新的遗传标记.它在球根花卉研究中发挥了重要的作用。文章对DNA分子标记的常见类型、原理和特点及其在球根花卉品种鉴定、遗传多样性及分类和亲缘关系等方面的研究进行综述。  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-seven accessions ofMusa including cultivated clones of 6 genomic groups (AA, AB, AAA, AAB, ABB, ABBB),M. balbisiana Colla (BB),M. acuminata Colla ssp.banksii F. Muell. (AA),M. acuminata Colla ssp.malaccensis Ridl. (AA) andM. velutina Wendl. & Drude were examined for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) genetic markers using PCR with sixty 10-mer random primers. Forty-nine of 60 tested primers gave reproducible DNA amplification patterns. The number of bands resolved per amplification was primer dependent and varied from 1 to a maximum of 24. The size range of the amplification products also differed with the selected primer sequence/genotype and ranged from 0.29 to 3.0 kb. RAPD data were used to generate Jaccard's similarity coefficients which were analyzed phenetically. Phenetic analysis separated clones into distinct groupings that were in agreement with clusterings revealed when data were subsequently analyzed by principal coordinate analysis (PCO). In both the phenetic and the PCO analyses, previously unclassified cultivars grouped with cultivars previously classified for their genomic group based on morphological keys. The implications of RAPD analysis forMusa germplasm classification, clonal identification, and management are discussed.  相似文献   

分子生态学的兴起与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综合评述了分子生态学的产生、定义及学科范畴,介绍分子生态学的主要技术方法和应用领域,指出分子生态学作为一种新的技术手段,只有将它与传统生态学、种群统计、生理学、环境学等诸多方法结合起来,将分子信息与生态的、统计的、生理的野外数据结合起来,才能最终理解种群的结构与动态、物种不同形态及生理特征的实际意义,才能理解物种或种群的进化规律。  相似文献   

禽呼肠孤病毒分子生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就十几年来有关呼肠孤病毒的特性、基因组、基因重组、病毒蛋白、诊断方法等分子生物学的研究进行了综述,并指出了禽呼肠孤病毒分子生物学研究中存在的问题,及进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Hydromedusa maximiliani is a vulnerable freshwater turtle endemic to mountainous regions of the Atlantic rainforest in southeastern Brazil. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) were surveyed with the purpose of assessing the genetic structure and determining the partitioning of molecular variation in H. maximiliani across the natural spatial hierarchical scale of its habitat. The goal of the study was to integrate ecological data with estimates of molecular genetics diversity to develop strategies for the conservation of this freshwater turtle. Specimens were sampled from rivers and streams across three drainages. Nine of the 80 primers used generated 27 scoreable bands of which 10 (37%) were polymorphic and produced 16 RAPD phenotypes. Significant heterogeneity was found in the distribution of RAPD molecular phenotypes across the three drainages. Analysis of molecular variance for molecular phenotypes showed that the heterogeneity had a spatial structure since a significant amount (22%) of the total variance was attributable to variation among rivers and streams. Since the genetic variation of this turtle seems to be structured according to the natural hierarchical system of rivers and streams within drainages, it is suggested that local populations should be considered as separate management units.  相似文献   

Dimorphotheca pluvialis is currently investigated for crop potential as a source of dimorphecolic acid. Seed yield is rather low and erratic, possibly partially as a result of an inferior seed set. The effect of the absence of insects on yield components was studied using three Dimorphotheca populations. Insect-free environments were created by covering small field plots with cages. The cages had no effect on plant and flowering development. In the absence of insects the populations flowered longer and produced fewer seeds with a lower oil content. The combined effect of low seed yield and low oil content in insect-free environments resulted in an 80% reduction of oil yield compared to insect-visited environments. Clearly, in Dimorphotheca pluvialis insects are very important with regard to seed set and oil yield.  相似文献   

杂交水稻制种气力授粉的参数试验及优化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
摘要:为研究各作用因素对杂交水稻制种气力授粉效果的影响,该文设计了气力授粉试验装置,应用二次正交旋转试验设计方法,研究气流速度、作用位置和作用角度对花粉有效分布面积比率、花粉平均分布密度以及花粉分布不均匀度的影响。通过Design-Expert8.05数据处理系统建立3个因素对各指标影响的回归方程,进一步优化,得到最佳授粉效果的参数组合为:气流速度21.98 m/s,作用位置为穗顶以下16.85 cm,作用角度为0。此时,花粉有效分布面积率为88.75%,单视野花粉平均密度为4.50粒,花粉分布不均匀度为19.53,授粉效果综合评价指数为最大值0.744。该结果为研究杂交水稻气力式授粉技术及研制气力式授粉装备提供理论依据。  相似文献   

传统单一的形态学品种鉴定方法难以有效区分或鉴别葡萄众多品种,优良品种或品系多来源于少数骨干亲本,由于在性状上表现出较高的相似性而难以区分。本研究选用11个碱基组成的随机引物对欧亚葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)品种进行随机扩增的DNA多态性(RAPD)分析,根据特异性谱带构建相应的图谱关系,通过人工绘制植物品种鉴别图(manual cultivar identification diagram,MCID)法,快速鉴别区分品种。该方法操作方便,快速准确,7次PCR就能够将191个葡萄品种在分子水平上区分开,所得的品种鉴定图比聚类树更具直观性与实用性,即根据品种鉴定图就可以找出能区分任意两个品种的引物。该方法可以实现苗木的早期鉴定,在其它物种上也具有广泛的通用性。对葡萄种质资源的鉴定及促进葡萄产业的持续发展具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

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