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Kidneys and urine of cattle, swine, sheep and chickens were tested for bacterial growth inhibitors using Bacillus subtilis and Sarcina lutea as test organisms. Results were as follows: 211 beef kidneys four positive, 611 swine kidneys five positive, 27 sheep and 120 chicken kidneys all negative, 2108 beef urine 76 positive, 2409 swine urine 186 positive, 176 sheep urine 17 positive. Strongest reactions were obtained with B. subtilis on phosphate buffered pH 6.0 plates. Larger zones were produced by urine from injected animals than by tissue samples.  相似文献   

Biological methods in current use for the detection of antibiotic residues in slaughter animals are reviewed. A modified method is suggested in which the conditions for the control have been standardized. By the use of a semi-defined medium, the batch-to-batch variations are minimized. In order to facilitate the detection of sulfonamides the medium is supplemented with trimethoprim. The standardized conditions included the use of a sporulating organism, Bacillus subtilis, an inoculum size of 0.5 × 105 spores per ml medium, and 5 ml medium of pH 6.0 per plate. A preincubation-diffusion time of 1 h in room temperature is recommended before incubation.The modified method was compared with the currently prescribed Swedish method. The new method was easier to perform and showed a more uniform sensitivity to most of the antibiotics used.  相似文献   

A report is given on history and procedures of ritual slaughter from the point of view of a Moslem representative. The term sacrifice and the religious meaning of the offering feast are explained on the basis of the Abrahamian tradition. The social aspect of ritual slaughter is that two thirds of the slaughtered animal are given to the poor or served as meal to guests and relatives. One third is saved for the own family only. The Islamic religion acknowledges the responsibility of man for animals as creatures of god whose life and well-being have to be protected, nobody is allowed to subject animals to pain, suffering and damage without a sound reason. The ritual slaughter aims at complete debleeding. Blood is symbol life and soul and the breath of life. It must leave the body completely before consumption because it is not allowed to eat animals alive. Electric stunning is allowed if the animal is unconscious and not dead. The consumption of dead animals is forbidden by religion. It is recommended to introduce more veterinarian expert knowledge in the discussion.  相似文献   

Sir:- The Animal Welfare Subcommittee of the New Zealand Veterinary Association is currently examining the animal welfare implications of the export of live animals for slaughter. While this is in particular reference to the shippiing of sheep from New Zealand to the Middle East, we are also interested in the broader philosophical aspect of such trade.  相似文献   

The method used by Egmond et al. (1979) was chosen from a number of methods recommended for the determination of aflatoxins in raw materials of animal origin. This method is described in detail to facilitate its use in practice in cases of forced slaughters of animals suspected of aflatoxicosis. The sensitivity of the method for aflatoxin B1 and M1 is about 0.05 micrograms . kg-1. On the whole, 88 liver samples were examined for the presence of the aflatoxins B1 and M1. The samples had been obtained from the slaughtered pigs (52), bulls (23), cows (6), calves (5), and from deceased pigs (2). Positive findings were obtained in five of sixteen pork liver samples and in two of the tested five samples of calf liver. All of these animals were suspected of aflatoxicosis. At current slaughter, only one case of 36 examined pigs was found to be positive. Aflatoxin M1 was found more frequently than aflatoxin B1. However, the findings never exceeded the concentration of 100 ng . kg-1; this is less by 1.5 orders than the proposed tolerated concentration for adult animals (5 micrograms . kg-1).  相似文献   

Seventy-seven samples of liver (from pigs, bulls, cows, broiler chickens, layers), twenty-eight samples of white muscle (from pigs, broilers, layers), and twenty-four samples of red muscle (from pigs, broilers, layers) were examined by the modified Jacobson method (Jacobson et al. 1971) for the contingent presence of aflatoxin B1. The samples came from healthy animals, part of them from animals fed non-traditional feed containing pig excrements. Positive findings were only obtained in two samples of pork liver, out of the total number of 30 samples. One sample came from pigs fed a ration containing 5% of pig excrements, the other from a traditionally fed pig. The amounts of aflatoxin B1 found in these two samples can be treated as trace quantities, since the concentration did not exceed 0.1 microgram per kg. In the samples of muscle and liver of the other farm animals, the chromatogram did not show the presence of spots which might resemble, in colour and position, the spots of aflatoxin B1.  相似文献   

Lead poisoning in small animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The literature dealing with lead poisoning in small animals is reviewed, and the mechanism, symptoms, laboratory findings and treatment of the condition discussed. Résumé. Les publications traitant de l'intoxication par le plomb chcz de jeuncs animaux, sont sous révision et on y discute du mécanisme, des symptômes, des réultats de laboratoire et du traitement de la condition. Zusammenfassung. Literatur über Bleivergiftung in kleinen Tieren wurde überprüft und der Mechanismus, Symptome, Laboratoriumsbefund und Behandlung dieses Zustandes wird diskutiert.  相似文献   

Drug residues in food animals   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A total of 292 field investigative reports of drug residues in food animals for 1983 to 1988 were analyzed. The investigations had been conducted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Virginia State Veterinarian's Office, in cooperation with the Center for Veterinary Medicine of the FDA, to trace residues reported by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service to the source of the animal and the administration of the drug. The analysis disclosed the following. (1) Antibiotic residues were most often associated with streptomycin, penicillin, oxytetracycline, and neomycin. Sulfamethazine was, by far, the most frequently cited sulfonamide. (2) Residues are being found predominantly in cows, veal calves, and market hogs (barrows and gilts). (3) The cause of drug residue most frequently cited by the field investigators was failure to observe the withholding time for the drug. Almost half of these investigations revealed that the individual responsible for the sale of the animal did not know the proper withholding time for the drug. Failure to maintain adequate records was also a contributing factor. (4) The producer was considered to be the responsible party in over 80% of the cases for which responsibility was determined. (5) Residues associated with injectable drugs were investigated most frequently. Long-acting and sustained-release products were most often associated with penicillin and oxytetracycline residues. (6) The 2 most common sources of purchase for the drugs involved in the investigations were the feed/farm supply store and the veterinarian. (7) Unapproved drug use was not a major cause of residues.  相似文献   

This article describes the assessment of consumer risks of residues of tetracyclines in slaughter pigs in the Netherlands. The assessed risks were toxic and allergic reactions, and the disturbance of the consumers' intestinal flora. Toxic and allergic reactions in humans and animals have only been observed at therapeutic doses, affecting between an estimated 1 in 5,000 and one 1 in 140,000 individuals exposed. Residues of tetracyclines in pigs are closely associated with treatment with injectable formulations. Established Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) do not reflect actual consumer risks in case a limit is violated incidentally. For example, when the established MRLs for tetracyclines in meat are exceeded with a factor 400, 40,000, and 200,000, respectively, the actual risk of an adverse drug reaction for the consumer following a single consumption of this meat is maximally 1 in 3 million, 1 in 300,000, and 1 in 8,000, respectively. At the current estimated low levels of incidental exposure via pork, the annual risk of negative health effects for a random consumer is estimated at maximally 1 in 33 million. The annual risk that a temporary disturbance of the intestinal flora may also result in a facilitated infection with certain enteropathogens, such as Salmonella spp., is estimated at 1 in 45 million. It is concluded that the current microbiological risks of pork are greater than the risks of residues of tetracyclines as such, and that the control of the microbiological risks of pork should therefore be given first priority.  相似文献   

Animal epidemics are part of everyday life in animal husbandry, as are the psychosocial effects of the killing/slaughter of animals on the animal keeper. So here we are talking about everyday life observations of concerned people and veterinarians. But now, after the mass slaughter of contaminated animals in conjunction with BSE and MKS, society and the church have taught us to take a much closer look and we now realise that pathological traumatic states are to be considered almost universal concomitant phenomena. Rural families as well as the veterinarians and slaughtering teams involved (Keulungsteams) have to bear the emotional consequences of the circumstances of the loss of these animal for a long time. For the sake of people and the vitalization of the human-animal-relationship the pastoral service ("Kirchlicher Dienst") has initiated an oecumenically organised and specially trained pastoral care task force in Lower Saxony. Its intention is to support the initiation of trauma coverage regarding psycho-religious ways of connectivity at the entrance point of the crisis.  相似文献   

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