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随着宠物饲养数量的增多,犬皮下气肿逐渐成为小动物临床的一种常见病.其原因复杂,常见于食道、胃或气管、肺等损伤,皮肤伤口、手术切口感染等.患处皮肤肿胀,因发病原因各异而出现不同的临床表现,轻微者无明显不适,严重者会出现饮食欲下降,精神不振,甚至致死.皮肤疏松部位的气肿如不及时治疗,易向周边扩散,甚至蔓延至全身.论文报告了...  相似文献   

对111份正常黄牛及12份天然牛黄牛的胆囊,进行了组织学光镜观察。结果发现,在正常情况下黄牛胆囊即有轻度水肿、炎细胞浸润的胆囊炎病变;牛黄胆囊均有囊壁增厚、炎细胞的显浸润、粘液浆液腺显著增生的慢性胆囊炎。同时胆汁很少,极度粘稠。此外本文对胆囊病变与成黄的关系作了分析。  相似文献   

Objectives— To describe a technique for, and outcome after, laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) for management of uncomplicated gall bladder mucocele (GBM) in dogs. Study Design— Case series. Animals— Dogs (n=6) with uncomplicated GBM. Methods— Dogs with ultrasonographic evidence of GBM but without imaging or laboratory signs of gall bladder rupture, peritonitis, or extra‐hepatic biliary tract rupture that had LC were included. A 4 portal technique was used. A fan retractor was used to retract the gall bladder to allow dissection around the cystic duct with 5 or 10 mm right‐angle dissecting forceps. The cystic duct was ligated using extracorporeally tied ligatures supplemented sometimes with hemostatic clips. A harmonic scalpel was used to dissect the gall bladder from its fossa. The gall bladder was placed into a specimen retrieval bag and after bile aspiration the bag was withdrawn through the 11 mm portal incision. Results— Five dogs had mild intermittent clinical signs including vomiting, inappetence, and lethargy. All dogs had successful LC without conversion to an open approach. All dogs with clinical signs had improvement or resolution of signs postoperatively. No important perioperative complications occurred and all dogs were alive at a median of 8 months postoperatively (range, 3–14 months). Conclusions— LC can be accomplished safely and effectively in dogs with uncomplicated GBM. Clinical Relevance— A minimally invasive approach for cholecystectomy can be used for the treatment of GBM in dogs.  相似文献   

为了找出支配鸡胆囊交感节后神经元的分布规律,选用体重1.5 kg~2.5 kg的成年母鸡6只,将CT-HRP溶液注入胆囊壁,动物存活3 d~4 d后,经左心室灌流固定,取内脏神经节、肾上腺神经节以及双侧胸、腰和荐段交感干神经节,制成50 μm的连续冰冻切片,TMB法呈色反应,置明视野显微镜下观片统计.结果发现,支配鸡胆囊的交感传出神经元胞体位于内脏神经节(占41.1%)、肾上腺神经节(占40.5%)和T2~T7交感干神经节(占18.4%),在交感干神经节中标记细胞的峰值位于T5、T6交感干神经节.所有的标记细胞以位于右侧的占优势.  相似文献   

犬膀胱结石的发病多因饮食结构和饲喂方式不合理所致[1,2].临床上以出现血尿、尿频、尿淋漓、排尿疼痛、腹部胀大等症状为特征,若不及时治疗可导致死亡.2019年1月23日,笔者接诊了1例疑似膀胱结石的病例,通过病史调查、临床检查、X光检查、B超检查,诊断为因长期采食鸡肝、火腿肠等高蛋白日粮而引起的膀胱结石;采取保守治疗无效后,通过手术治疗痊愈.现将诊治情况报道如下.1病例情况1只雌性泰迪犬,3岁,体重3 kg.2019年1月9日开始发病,主诉:病犬表现为尿频、尿淋漓、排尿疼痛,偶尔排淡红色尿液,饮食和排便正常,无既往病史.  相似文献   

Abstract— The author describes the clinical characteristics of traumatic rupture of the bladder from observations on 9 male dogs. The methods of treatment are described as well as the nature of the renal complications sometimes encountered. Eight cases out of the nine recovered in a satisfactory manner.
Résumé— L'auteur décrit les caractéres cliniques de la rupture traumatique de la vessie tels qu'il les a notés chez 9 chiens mles. Les modalités du traitement chirurgical sont envisagées ainsi que la nature des complications néphrkéiques parfois notées. Huit cas sur neuf se sont remis d'une façon satisfaisante.  相似文献   

A case of preputial glomangioma in an 8-year-old Springer Spaniel dog is reported. The dog presented a solitary nodular mass, approximately 3.5 x 5.2 cm in diameter, located on the lateral wall of the prepuce at the base of the penis. Histologically, the excised tumour mass consisted of proliferating round epithelioid cells arranged in a cordon-like structure around small blood vessels. The neoplastic cells were positive for alpha smooth muscle actin and negative for cytokeratin, desmin, S-100 protein and neurone-specific enolase. Based on these pathologic features, the tumour was diagnosed as glomangioma, a neoplasm extremely rare in dogs. To our knowledge, this is the first report of preputial glomangioma in the dog.  相似文献   

This report describes a case of macroglobulinemia in a six year old castrate male Collie cross dog with clinical signs of epistaxis, anemia, retinopathy and high serum viscosity. The highest total serum protein was 12 g/dl with approximately 60% monoclonal beta globulin. Proteinuria, Bence Jones protein and osteolytic lesions were not detected.Chemotherapy and partial removal of the plasma protein by withdrawal of whole blood and transfusion with packed red cells from a DEA negative donor resulted in transient clinical remission.  相似文献   

An 11‐year‐old male Labrador retriever dog with chronic recurrent complicated urinary tract infection due to Escherichia coli and a history of prolonged multi‐drug chemotherapeutic protocol due to lymphoma was diagnosed with emphysematous cystitis. Diagnosis was based on ultrasonographic and radiographic findings. The immunosuppressive effects of the long glucocorticoid treatment were probably the main underlying mechanism involved in the pathogenesis, however, chemotherapy and/or the presence of lymphoma might have also been involved.  相似文献   

A multi-cystic gall bladder was observed at necropsy in a 7-week-old broiler cockerel. Cystic lumina contained multiple elongated papillary epithelial projections and plicae composed of epithelium and lamina propria, abutting normal lining epithelium.  相似文献   

Abstract— A clinical report of a foreign body, its diagnosis and removal from the bronchus of a dog. The case is documented by radiographs.  相似文献   

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