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硬膜外腔注射当归注射液治疗猫腰部损伤在临床上,笔者用当归注射液硬膜外腔注射治疗猫腰部损伤13例,治愈11例;好转1例,因其他原因在治疗中死亡一例。1症状腰荐部略有下陷,后肢麻痹、拖地,针刺反应轻者减弱、重者消失,一般食欲尚可,体温、呼吸、心跳无异常变...  相似文献   

犬脊髓造影   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
脊髓造影(Myelography)是将造影剂在小脑延髓池或腰椎间(L5-6或L4-5)处注射到蛛网膜下腔,从而使椎管显影的X线诊断方法。进行脊髓造影的诊断必须具备优良的造影剂,操作者对脊柱的解剖知识,操作者的熟练而正确的操作技术、对影像的识别技能以及其他人员对术后动物的护理。下面就以上几个方面进行介绍。  相似文献   

脊髓造影是将造影剂在小脑延髓池或腰椎间隙处注射到蛛网膜下腔,从而使椎管显影的一种特殊的X线诊断方法。它在诊断脊髓的压迫性损伤,如椎间盘突/脱出、椎管内肿瘤、髓内肿瘤、囊肿、脓肿、血肿、椎骨骨折或移位等有关脊髓损伤的疾病具有很高的诊断意义,尤其是在决定做有关脊髓的外科手术之前,能对病变进行准确定位,是必须做的一项检查。本试验将针对小型犬身体结构的特点探索脊髓造影技术的应用。  相似文献   

百会穴注药治家畜破伤风由百会穴向蛛网膜下腔注射破伤风抗毒素,每次5万IU,3次为一疗程,配合锁口穴位注射25%硫酸镁10ml,以解痉。以上四则本刊辑百会穴注药治家畜破伤风...  相似文献   

采用脊髓蛛网膜下腔穿刺将造影剂注入椎管,分别对16只不同年龄犬行欧乃派克(omnipaque,每毫升含磺300mg)脊髓造影,对11只犬行磺化油(含磺40%)脊髓造影。造影后拍摄颈段、胸段、腰荐段正、侧位脊髓造影照片并评定造影结果,研究比较水溶性造影剂欧乃派克和脂溶性造影剂磺化油用于不同年龄犬的脊髓造影技术,分析了犬正常脊髓造影影像。研究表明,每毫升含磺300mg的欧乃派克可安全地用于犬的脊髓造影  相似文献   

给山羊蛛网膜腔注射5%的利多卡因或1%的马卡因后进行了脊髓麻醉的研究。观察到腰荐区、会阴和尾的直接麻醉。在麻醉中,出现犬坐势,在恢复中看到膝、跗关节屈曲姿势。麻醉的持续时间在马卡因组几乎比利多卡因组长一倍。麻醉的前15分钟,两组的体温都很明显的降低。在注射后的前30分钟,两组的呼吸数都明显减少,随后稳定下来。而在利多卡因组,注射后20分钟,马卡因组注射后45分钟,脉数显著增加。  相似文献   

脊髓造影(Myelography)是一种将造影剂注入蛛网膜下腔后再拍摄X线片或CT扫描摄片的检查方法,用于一系列脊髓相关疾病的诊断。广义脊髓造影包括传统脊髓造影和CT(计算机体层摄影computed tomography,CT)脊髓造影。现所指脊髓造影一般为传统脊髓造影。犬脊髓造影用于临床的报道最早出现在20世纪50年代早期。  相似文献   

[目的]通过对夏南牛体温、心跳、呼吸3项生理指标的测量研究,掌握其变化规律,正确指导兽医临床实践。[方法]定时测量与随机测量相结合、固定地点测量与分散地点测量相结合的方法。[结果]夏南牛成年母牛体温、心跳、呼吸生理指标平均值分别为:38.65℃、63.13次/分和37.55次/分,与当地黄牛相比,除体温差异不显著(P0.05)外,心跳、呼吸均数差异均为极显著(P0.01);夏南牛犊牛体温、心跳、呼吸3项生理指标平均值分别为:39.03℃、70.78次/分和35.58次/分,与当地黄牛相比,体温均数差异为显著(P0.05),心跳、呼吸均数差异为极显著(P0.01)。[结论]夏南牛成年母牛体温、心跳、呼吸生理指标:夏南牛成年母牛的体温指标范围为37.5℃~40.0℃之间,心跳30次~100次/min,呼吸14次~70次/min;夏南牛犊牛体温在38.0℃~39.9℃之间,心跳33次~105次/min,呼吸17次~95次/min。当地黄牛成年母牛的体温指标范围为38.0℃~39.5℃之间,心跳40次~77次/min,呼吸11次~43次/min;当地黄牛犊牛体温在38.6℃~39.5℃之间,心跳30次~84次/min,呼吸13次~44次/min。  相似文献   

<正> 我们自1970年起,采用精破抗蛛网膜下腔(百会穴)注射方法治疗家畜破伤风65例,痊愈62例,治愈率达95%以上。同时,降低了治  相似文献   

在12只绵羊按0.3mg/kg剂量硬膜外腔注射静松灵,观测了镇静镇痛作用的效应,并对血液气体和酸碱平衡状态的变化进行了定量分析,结果表明静松灵硬膜外腔注射的镇静镇痛效果明显,显效时间短,持续时间达120min,对体温,脉搏,呼吸与吸气量有显著作用(P〈0.05),对血液中氧分压,氧含量,氧饱和度,二氧化碳分压,剩余碱及碳酸氢盐的影响明显(P〈0.05),而对血液pH值和血红蛋白含量无显著影响。  相似文献   

The contrast effects of three different contrast media preparations (iohexol 180 mgI/ml, iohexol 240 mgI/ml and iotrolan 240 mgI/ml) in conventional and CT myelography were compared. Three beagle dogs were used and the study employed a cross-over method (total of 9) for each contrast media. The result of CT myelography showed that the contrast effect of iohexol (180 mgI/ml), which had low viscosity, was highest in cranial sites, and the contrast effect of high-viscosity iotrolan (240 mgI/ml) was highest in caudal sites 5 min after injection of the contrast media preparations. This shows that the diffusion of contrast media preparations in the subarachnoid space is influenced by viscosity. The results of conventional myelography also showed that the diffusion of contrast media preparations is influenced by viscosity. Therefore, it is important to identify the location of spinal lesions in veterinary practice, and low viscosity contrast medium preparation with wide spread contrast effects is considered suitable for myelography.  相似文献   

In search of a safer myelographic technique, we performed myelography via the lumbosacral intervertebral space. Eight dogs, in which the backflow of cerebrospinal fluid was observed, received contrast media via the lumbosacral intervertebral space. The subarachnoid contrast columns were successfully observed in 6 dogs. During and after examination, no physiological changes or neurological signs were observed. We recommend that the lumbosacral intervertebral space be selected first before implementing the conventional lumbar myelography.  相似文献   

Three patients (1 dog, 2 horses) ae described where myelography was complicated, purportedly by injection of contrast medium into the meninges superficial to the subarachnoid space. Contrast medium injected in this locationin a cadaver tended ot accoumulate dorsally within the vertebarel canal, deep to the dura mate but superficial to the subarachnoid space. The ventral marginof the pooled contrast medium had a wavy or undulating margin and the dorsal margin was smooth. Pooled contrast medium was believed to be sequestered within the structurally weak dural border cell layer between the dura mater and arachnoid membrane, or so-called subdural space.  相似文献   

Myelography with iohexol (180 mg iodine/ml, 0.25 ml/kg), a new nonionic radiologic contrast medium, was performed in 100 dogs of 33 different breeds. In 96 of the dogs the iohexol mixed evenly with the cerebrospinal fluid, providing an homogeneous, continuous column of contrast medium within the subarachnoid space, and a radiologic diagnosis of a normal myelogram or disease involving the spinal cord was made. Pooling of iohexol in the dorsal part of the subarachnoid space occurred in four dogs; whether this was related to poor mixing of contrast medium with cerebrospinal fluid or disease of the spinal cord and meninges requires further study. Postmyelographic signs of central nervous system irritation (fasciculations of the temporal muscles and three episodes of seizure activity) were observed in only one dog and were controlled with diazepam. The presenting neurologic signs were aggravated after myelography in four other dogs, two of which were eventually killed. This study provided further evidence of the increased safety of iohexol compared with metrizamide, the first of the nonionic media, as a contrast medium for myelography in the dog.  相似文献   

Standing myelography in the horse has been previously described. In that study, metrizamide was used and significant complications were reported. In recent years, the introduction of less-toxic nonionic contrast media has reduced the incidence of complications. This study was undertaken to determine whether standing myelography using a nonionic contrast medium could provide a diagnostic study and be performed safely in the equine patient. Standing myelography was performed in eight horses. The contrast medium used was iohexol. In five horses a myelogram of diagnostic quality was achieved; in one horse contrast flowed only to the level of C6 and in two horses contrast medium did not reach the cervical subarachnoid space. Owing to the difficulty in achieving good flow of the contrast medium in some horses, this procedure may be of limited utility. However, if puncture of the lumbosacral subarachnoid space can be achieved easily and quickly, standing myelography may be a clinically useful procedure. It may be attempted in cases in which the economic value of the patient makes myelography under general anesthesia impractical. In patients presenting for evaluation of ataxia it may be possible to perform a standing myelogram at the time of CSF sample collection from the lumbosacral space.  相似文献   

Complications of cervical myelography arising from the puncture of the subarachnoid space to collect the cerebrospinal fluid and to inject the contrast medium have been described in humans and animals. In this study, 2 ultrasound-guided procedures were developed for puncture of the atlanto-occipital subarachnoid space, collection of cerebrospinal fluid, and injection of contrast medium. Myelography was performed on 6 ataxic horses using these procedures. The first attempt to puncture the subarachnoid space was successful in 5 horses and in one horse, a second attempt was necessary. Collection of cerebrospinal fluid and injection of contrast medium were achieved without difficulty. Ultrasound-guided myelography allowed reduction of potential complications associated with blind percutaneous puncture of the subarachnoid space. Methods described in this study should be tried-at least initially in an experimental setting--to collect cerebrospinal fluid from the atlanto-occipital site in standing horses where it may represent an alternative method when lumbosacral cerebrospinal fluid collection has been unsuccessful or contaminated with blood.  相似文献   

Abstract— A technique previously devised by the author for filling the greater part of the spinal subarachnoid space with water-soluble contrast medium (Kontrast UR) has been tested for myelographic localization, of thoracic and lumbar compression of the spinal cord in the dog. The principle for the myelographic examination has been to inject the medium in the lumbar region in a sufficient dose for it to be forced beyond the compressed part of the subarachnoid space, to permit demonstration of both the posterior and anterior limit of the compression. A single injection of 20 per cent Kontrast U into the subarachnoid space in the dose generally used (0·3 ml/kg of body weight) does not seem to have any detrimental effect on the spinal cord. On the other hand, morphologic lesions of the spinal cord, presumably to be ascribed to the preparation in question, have been observed after repeated injections of contrast medium at the same examination.  相似文献   

Intracranial subarachnoid hemorrhage is a rare but serious complication of lumbar puncture in humans. Possible sequelae include increased intracranial pressure, cerebral vasospasm, or mass effect, which can result in dysfunction or brain herniation. We describe two dogs that developed intracranial subarachnoid hemorrhage following lumbar myelography. In both dogs, myelography was performed by lumbar injection of iohexol (Omnipaque). Both the dogs underwent uneventful ventral decompressive surgery for disk herniation; however, the dogs failed to recover consciousness or spontaneous respiration following anesthesia. Neurologic assessment in both dogs postoperatively suggested loss of brain stem function, and the dogs were euthanized. There was diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage and leptomeningeal hemorrhage throughout the entire length of the spinal cord, brain stem, and ventrum of brain. No evidence of infectious or inflammatory etiology was identified. The diagnosis for cause of brain death was acute subarachnoid hemorrhage. Our findings suggest that fatal subarachnoid hemorrhage is a potential complication of lumbar myelography in dogs. The cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage is not known, but may be due to traumatic lumbar tap or idiosyncratic response to contrast medium. Subsequent brain death may be a result of mass effect and increased intracranial pressure, cerebral vasospasm, or interaction between subarachnoid hemorrhage and contrast medium.  相似文献   

Subarachnoid-pleural fistula is a rare occurrence in humans as a result of trauma or spinal surgery. Such fistulas commonly remain undiagnosed until sufficient cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the pleural space to cause respiratory distress. We describe a subarachnoid-pleural fistula in a dog that occurred subsequent to blunt trauma sustained during a fall, with concurrent acute, traumatic intervertebral disc rupture. The extruded disc material penetrated the dura mater, allowing communication between the subarachnoid space and the extrapleural thoracic cavity. Radiographic, myelographic, and computed tomographic (CT) findings are reviewed. Abnormalities noted during myelography included an intradural-extramedullary lesion at T11-T12, with epidural leakage of contrast medium from the region of T12 extending cranially. In images from myelography and CT there was extravasation of contrast medium extending from the subarachnoid and epidural space into the extrapleural thoracic cavity.  相似文献   

Radiography plays an essential part in the diagnosis of spinal disease in the dog. Careful positioning of the patient and attention to technique are important in obtaining diagnostic films and sedation or general anaesthesia is usually required, especially if the animal is in pain or muscle spasm. Additional information may be obtained by myelography, a technique in which a water-soluble iodine-containing contrast medium is injected into the subarachnoid space via the cisterna magna, under general anaesthesia. The advent of two new contrast media, iopamidol and iohexol, has rendered this a relatively safe procedure which may be carried out in practice. The radiological features of a variety of canine spinal conditions are discussed, including congenital and developmental abnormalities, infective, nutritional and degenerative conditions and trauma and neoplasia.  相似文献   

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