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小肽是动物消化蛋白质过程中的中间产物,它能在动物胃肠内被完整的吸收。文章综述了小肽的吸收机制、吸收特点、影响小肽释放和吸收的因素及小肽在动物生产中的应用效果。  相似文献   

Abstract In the past 5 years advances in the management of wounds in dogs and cats have included the development of materials and techniques used to enhance the healing of both open and closed wounds. New topical and locally injected medications as well as new bandaging materials have been evaluated. The use of omental flaps to enhance wound healing has been found to be promising. Ultrasonography has been found useful in assessing wound tissues to guide treatment. Because tension is a major factor in dealing with wound closure, skin expanders, skin stretchers, presutures and adjustable horizontal mattress sutures have been described as means of overcoming tension. Recently completed research projects at the Scott-Ritchey Research Center studied the woundhealing effects of fibrin sealants, topical bovine collagen, omega-3 fatty acid-enriched diets and magnetic field therapy. Projects underway are evaluating the healing effects of a new biological tissue adhesive, a macrophage stimulant and a thromboxane synthestase inhibitor. Parameters for evaluating wound healing have included histopathology, tensiometry, planimetry, laser Doppler image scanning, biochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Resumen En los últimos 5 años, algunos de los avances en la curación de heridas en perros y gatos ha incluido el desarrollo de materiales y técnicas utilizados para mejorar la curación tanto de heridas cerradas como abiertas. Se han evaluado nuevas medicaciones tópicas y sistémicas asi como nuevos marteriales de vendaje. El us0 de injertos omentales para estimular la curación de heridas ha mostrado resultados prometedores. La ecografia es un método éutil en la valoración de los tejidos lesionados para guiar el tratamiento. Debido a que la tensión es un factor importante en el caso de cerramiento de heridas, se describen como métodos de evitar la tensión productos como expansores cutáneos, estiradores cutáneos, presuturas y suturas cutáneas horizontales acolchonadas ajustables. Algunos proyectos de investigación recientemente finalizados en el Centro de Investigación Scott-Ritchey estudiaron los efectos sobre la curación de heridas de selladores de fibrina, colágeno tópico bovino, dietas enriquecidas con ácido graso omega-3 y terapia de campo magnético. Otros proyectos en realización están evaluando los efectos curativos de un nuevo adhesivo tisular biológico, un estimulante de macrófagos y un inhibidor de la tromboxano-sintetasa. Los parámetros para evaluar la curación de herida han incluido la histopatología, la tensiometría, la planimetría, el scanner por imágen doppler laser, bioquímica e inmunohistoquímica. [Swaim, S.F. Advances in wound healing in small animal practice: current status and lines of development (Avances en la curcion de heridas en pequeños animales: estado actual y lineas de desarrollo). Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 249–257] Zusammenfassung In den letzten 5 Jahren wurden Fortschritte in der Wundversorgung bei Hund und Katze unter anderem durch die Entwicklung von Materialien und Techniken erzielt, die zur besseren Heilung von offenen und geschlossenen Wunden verwendet werden. Neue lokale und systemische Medikamente sowie neue Verbandsmaterialien wurden untersucht. Die Verwendung von Omentumlappen zur Verbesserung der Wundheilung scheint vielversprechend zu sein. Ultraschalluntersuchungen waren von Nutzen, um Wundgewebe zu beurteilen und die Behandlung zu lenken. Spannung ist ein wesentlicher Faktor im Wundverschluss, Hautexpander, Hautdehner, vorbereitende Nähte und regulierbare, horizontale Matratzennähte wurden zur Überwindung der Wundspannung beschrieben. Kürzlich fertiggestellte Forschungsprojekte am Scott-Ritchie Research Center erforschten die Effekte von Fibrindichtungsmitteln, lokalem bovinen Kollagen, Futtermitteln mit Omega-3 Fettsäurenzusatz und Magnetfeldtherapie. Gegenwärtige Forschungsprojekte bewerten die Heilungseffekte eines neuen, biologischen Gewebehaftmittels, eines Makrophagenstimulans und eines Thromboxansynthetasehemmers. Parameter zur Bewertung der Wundheilung waren Histopathologie, Tensiometrie, Planimetrie, Laser Doppler, physiologische Chemie und Immunhistochemie. [Swaim, S.F. Advances in wound healing in small animal practice: current status and lines of development (Fortschritte bei der Wundheilung in der Kleintierpraxis: Derzeitiger Stand und Entwicklung). Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8: 249–257] Résumé Durant les 5 dernières années, le progrés dans le traitement des plaies chez les chiens et les chats ont inclus le développement de matériaux et de techniques utilisés pour augmenter la cicatrisation des plaies ouvertes et fermées. De nouvelles médications topiques et systémiques ainsi que de nouveaux matériaux de bandages ont étéévalués. L'utilisation de lambeaux d'éplipon s'est révélée prometteuse dans l'amélioration de la cicatrisation des plaies. L'ultrasonographie s'est montrée utile dans le traitement de guidance de l'évaluation des plaies tissulaires. La tension étant un facteur major lors de la fermeture de plaies, expansseurs cutanés, étireurs cutanés et surjets de matelassier ajustables ont tous été décrits comme moyens permettant de vaincre la tension. Récemment des projets de recherche achevés au Scott-Ritchey Research Center ont étudiés les effets des joints de fibrine, du collagène bovin topique, des régimes enrichis en acides gras omega-3 et de la thérapies de champs magnétiques sur la cicatrisation des plaies. Les projets mis en route sont l'évaluation des effets sur la cicatrisation d'un nouvel adhésif tissulaire biologique, d'un stimulant de macrophages et d'un nouvel inhibiteur de la thromboxane synthase. Les paramètres intervenant dans l'évaluation de la cicatrisation des plaies ont inclus l'histopathologie, la tensiométrie, la planimétrie, le laser Doppler, l'imagerie, la biochimie et l'immunohistochimie. [Swaim, S.F. Advances in wound healing in small animal practice: current status and lines of development (Progres de la cicatrisation en pratique des petits animaux: etat actuel et lignes de developpement). Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 249–257]  相似文献   

动物布鲁氏菌病防治研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
毛开荣 《中国兽药杂志》2003,37(9):37-40,31
布鲁氏菌病至今依然是在世界范围内流行的人畜共患传染病。除牛种、羊种、猪种、绵羊副睾种、犬种布鲁氏菌病的流行外,最近又发现了海洋种布鲁氏菌病的存在。对布鲁氏菌病的病原学诊断已从传统的分离培养鉴定发展到应用PCR、基因探针等分子生物学技术,诊断的敏感性大大提高了。在血清学诊断方面,EIISA技术已经成为国际公认的成熟技术。在预防用疫苗方面,牛用RB51和羊用Mlll两种粗糙型疫苗开辟了布鲁氏菌病防治的新领域,将更有效地推动布鲁氏菌病的防治效果。  相似文献   

The first transgenic livestock were produced in 1985 by microinjection of foreign DNA into zygotic pronuclei. This was the method of choice for more than 20 years, but more efficient protocols are now available, including somatic cell nuclear transfer and lentiviral transgenesis. Typical applications include carcass composition, lactational performance and wool production, as well as enhanced disease resistance and reduced environmental impact. Transgenic farm animal production for biomedical applications has found broad acceptance. In 2006 the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved commercialization of the first recombinant pharmaceutical protein, antithrombin, produced in the mammary gland of transgenic goats. As the genome sequencing projects for various farm animal species are completed, it has become feasible to perform precise genetic modifications employing the emerging tools of lentiviral vectors, small interfering ribonucleic acids, meganucleases, zinc finger nucleases and transposons. We anticipate that genetic modification of farm animals will be instrumental in meeting global challenges in agricultural production and will open new horizons in biomedicine.  相似文献   

异黄酮在动物生产中的应用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈寒青  金征宇 《饲料工业》2004,25(12):14-19
异黄酮属于多酚类物质.具有雌激素和抗雌激素作用.改善妇女更年期综合症和骨质疏松症。预防和治疗与激素有关的疾病。如乳腺癌、前列腺癌。增强动物机体免疫力.提高动物生产性能等多种生理功能.因而引起了国内外科学家的广泛关注。现已成为近年来的研究热点。  相似文献   


Laparoscopy is described as a safe, simple, and relatively non‐invasive diagnostic technique for the visualization of abdominal organs. The instruments required, the procedure of laparoscopy, and indications and contra‐indications are described. The advantages of laparoscopy above laparotomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Laparoscopy is described as a safe, simple, and relatively non-invasive diagnostic technique for the visualization of abdominal organs. The instruments required, the procedure of laparoscopy, and indications and contra-indications are described. The advantages of laparoscopy above laparotomy are discussed.  相似文献   

Aside from food hypersensitivities, nutritional skin diseases in pets fed commercial foods appear to be very uncommon. Nutritional deficiencies all cause seborrheic skin signs and most of the clinical presentations are not pathognomonic for a specific nutrient deficiency. Careful consideration of the history and the results of skin biopsies usually suggest which nutrient is deficient. Because nutritional supplements can unbalance an animal's diet, they should not be used indiscriminately but only when indicated. Balanced nutrition should minimize the need for supplements.  相似文献   

Necropsies play an important role in investigations of diseases and deaths. Veterinary practitioners who perform necropsies regularly will find that it is an effective method of sharpening diagnostic acumen. The methodology of conducting necropsies on small animals and of submitting specimens to diagnostic laboratories is reviewed. Close collaboration between practitioner and pathologist is essential if optimum results are to be achieved.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes are important mediators of inflammatory and allergic conditions in people and are suspected to play an important role in tumorigenesis and tumor growth of several different tumor types. Based on this, researchers are making great progress in identifying novel pharmacologic targets for several human diseases. Leukotriene inhibition has resulted in therapeutic benefit in clinical trials involving people with osteoarthritis, allergic asthma, and atopic dermatitis. Despite this progress and the possibility that leukotriene inhibition may also play an important therapeutic role in veterinary patients, parallel advances have not yet been made in veterinary medicine. This article summarizes leukotriene function and synthesis. It also reviews the published literature regarding potential therapeutic applications of leukotriene inhibition in both human and veterinary medicine, focusing primarily on osteoarthritis, NSAID induced gastrointestinal mucosal damage, allergic asthma, atopic dermatitis, and cancer.  相似文献   

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