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The conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content of grazing sheep and goat milk fat, throughout their lactation period, was examined. Six sheep and six goat representative farms were selected at random and milk samples were taken at monthly intervals for fatty acids profile determination. Sheep and goat nutrition was based on natural grazing and on supplementary feeding during the winter months. From April onwards, grazing native pastures was the only source of feed for sheep and goats. The University farm whose sheep are kept indoors all year round without any grazing, was also used as reference. Fifteen individual milk samples were also taken in April from a sheep and goat farm respectively, in order to see the variability of CLA inside the farm. The results showed that: a. the CLA content of grazing sheep and goat milk fat increased significantly in April–May (early growth stage of grass) and then declined while that of indoors kept sheep was more or less constant during the same period, b. the isomers cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12 of CLA were found in grazing sheep milk fat, while in indoors kept sheep and goats' milk fat only the cis-9, trans-11 isomer was found, c. the CLA content of sheep milk fat was much higher than that of goats, d. a negative correlation between sheep milk fat and CLA content was found and e. there was considerable variation in milk fat CLA content between sheep and goat farms and inside the farms.  相似文献   

牛乳脂共轭亚油酸的合成及其营养调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共轭亚油酸(CLA)是存在于动物脂肪和乳脂中的天然活性成分。本文综述了牛乳脂CLA的来源、合成机制及其营养调控。  相似文献   

A number of studies have shown that the rumenic acid (RA = cis-9 trans-11 C18:2 CLA) content of milk fat is usually higher in sheep than in goats, due partly to different dietary regimens. An experiment was conducted with 12 lactating dairy ewes and 12 goats with the objective to compare the two animal species (sheep/goats) fed diet with the same forage/concentrate (F/C) ratio, on their milk fatty acids (FA) profile with emphasis on RA and vaccenic acid (VA) production. The experiment was carried out in three consecutive phases, lasted 3 weeks each, immediately after weaning of lambs and kids. In phase I, the ewes and the goats were fed according to their maintenance and lactation requirements, with 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg wheat straw and 12 kg concentrate the 12 ewes (F/C ratio = 60/40), and with 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg straw and 24 kg concentrate the 12 goats (F/C ratio = 43/57). In phase II, 14 kg alfalfa hay, 4 kg straw and 14 kg concentrate were offered daily to each group of sheep and goats, with a F/C ratio = 56/44. In phase III, all ewes and goats were fed individually with 0.8 kg alfalfa hay, 0.2 kg wheat straw and 0.8 kg concentrate daily with a F/C ratio = 56/44. The results showed that the different F/C ratio between sheep and goats diets, in phase I, changed significantly the milk FA profile, with no significant difference in RA and VA milk fat content between sheep and goats in phase I. In phases II (group feeding) and III (individual feeding), where sheep and goats fed with the same amount of food of the same F/C ratio, the sheep milk fat had higher RA and VA content compared to goats. In conclusion, these findings support the hypothesis that there are species differences, as RA and VA production concerns, which needs further investigation.  相似文献   

改善牛乳脂中共轭亚油酸含量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于安乐  高巍 《饲料工业》2007,28(7):45-47
自从发现共轭亚油酸特殊的生理作用以来,共轭亚油酸就一直是动物营养、药物及食品等研究领域的一个热点,目前对于含有共轭亚油酸的功能性食品的研究越来越受到关注和重视。文中阐述了现阶段改善牛乳脂中共轭亚油酸含量的各种方法和手段,为以后共轭亚油酸的深入研究提供一些参考。  相似文献   

To evaluate milk production and milk fatty acid (FA) composition and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content, 75 Sicilo-Sarde ewes were used on three dietary treatments during 89 days. Two groups were conducted on rotational grazing in separate pastures of green barley grass (GB group) or perennial ryegrass (RG group) and receiving daily 300 g of concentrate/ewe. A third group was conducted in feedlot (FL group) on oat hay and silage and receiving 500 g of the same concentrate per ewe per day. Milk production did not differ among GB and RG pasture treatments (617 ml/day) but it was higher (p < 0.01) than FL one (363 ml/day). Milk fat and protein content were higher for ewes in FL than for ewes raised on both pasture treatments (88.8 and 56.7 vs. 74.5 and 54 g/kg for fat and protein, respectively). However, fat and protein yields were higher for pasture groups than FL one. The palmitic, oleic, miristic, stearic, and caprinic acids were dominant for all regimens. Short-chain FA (C4:0–C10:0) did not differ among all treatments. The medium chain FA content was significantly higher in milk fat from FL group. Conversely, the long chain ones increased for grazing groups. Milk from pasture groups had a higher C18:3 proportion than that from FL sheep (4.5 vs. 2.7 g/1000 g). The CLA content was significantly (p < 0.001) higher for grazing groups than for FL one (7.3 and 10.3 for GB and RG, respectively, vs. 2.4 g/1000 g for FL). Pasture-based diets increased the concentrations of long-chain unsaturated FA and desirable FA in milk fat.  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a collective term for a group of positional (c8, c10; c9, c11; c10, c12, and c11, c13) and geometric (cis,cis; cis,trans; trans,cis; and trans,trans) isomers of octadecadienoic acid (linoleic acid) with conjugated double bond system. Dietary CLA increased the ratio of saturated fatty acid (SFA) and decreased unsaturated fatty acid (USFA) in the egg yolk and CLA sources for fat improved the color stability possibly by inhibition of lipid oxidation and oxymyoglobin oxidation in beef patties. Also dietary CLA reduced purge loss in pork loin, it could be due not only to high intramuscular fat content but also to stability of cell membrane lipids assumed by the observed delay in lipid oxidation for CLA. Cholesterol content in egg yolk was significantly decreased by a supply of dietary CLA for 5 weeks feeding. Dietary CLA and storage of CLA eggs increased the firmness of hard-cooked egg yolk and the texture of yolks from hard-cooked CLA eggs was rubbery and elastic and yolk were more difficult to break using an Instron. The eggs produced by hens fed CLA were hard and were characterized by a reddish yolk when cooled to 4 °C for 10 weeks. Several studies have determined the antioxidant property of CLA. The oxidative reactions could influence CLA concentrations by either causing the formation of linoleic acid radicals, which in turn could be converted to CLA by hydrogen donors, or causing the oxidative destruction of the conjugated double-bond system of CLA.  相似文献   

奶牛体况与胎次、泌乳阶段和生产性能的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洁  张程  侯扶江 《草业科学》2016,33(4):771-777
奶牛体况评分是指可根据奶牛身体各部位综合得分来衡量牛的膘情,并用于管理奶牛营养和健康的一种重要方法。某代表性奶牛场泌乳期奶牛的体况评分结果表明,奶牛体况与乳蛋白率、305d估计产奶量呈极显著正相关(P0.01);第3胎次奶牛体况最好,极显著优于其它胎次(P0.01);泌乳后期奶牛体况极显著优于其它泌乳阶段(P0.01);奶牛体况与体细胞分之间显著正相关(P0.05)。根据奶牛体况评分结果可预测牛奶产量和品质。生产中应通过加强营养和改善饲养管理条件等措施使奶牛体况处于合理范围,以获得产量和品质俱佳的牛奶。  相似文献   

Milk samples of 201 ewes were examined in 6 week intervals during a complete lactation period. Those samples were analyzed for the presence of pathogenic bacteria and the somatic cell count was determined. Besides, the California Mastitis Test (CMT) was performed and the udder was clinically examined. The cell counts were found to depend on the lactation period. During 6 weeks following parturition the cell count was 63,000 cells/ml. This number decreased towards the 24th week of lactation to 32,000 cells/ml. At the end of lactation this value increased again to 425,000 cells/ml. The median value of ewes with normal udder health was 56,000 cells/ml milk. For samples from which pathogenic bacteria were isolated this value was 159,000 cells/ml. The most frequent pathogens isolated from the milk samples were coagulase-negative cocci (59.6% of bacteriologically positive samples), the median number being 88,000 somatic cells/ml in these sheep. Coagulase-positive cocci were isolated in 25.3% of the samples, the median value of the cell count was 295,000 cells/ml. In 12.1% of the samples streptococci were found. The median value was 167,000 cells/ml. From the remaining 3.0% of bacteriologically positive samples Pasteurellae, E. coli and Actinomycetae were isolated. The median value of the somatic cell count was 184,000 cells/ml. We consider coagulase-positive cocci therefore as the most pathogenic bacteria for the ovine udder.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of three sources of dried distillers' grains with solubles (DDGS) in diets of mid‐lactating dairy cows on milk production and milk composition and on digestibility in sheep. DDGS from wheat, corn and barley (DDGS1), wheat and corn (DDGS2) and wheat (DDGS3) were studied and compared with a rapeseed meal (RSM). RSM and DDGS were characterized through in situ crude protein (CP) degradability. Nutrient digestibility was determined in sheep. Twenty‐four multiparous cows were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with 28‐day periods. Treatments included total mixed rations containing as primary protein sources RSM (control), DDGS1 (D1), DDGS2 (D2) or DDGS3 (D3). RSM contained less rapidly degradable CP (fraction a), more potentially degradable CP (fraction b) and more rumen undegradable CP (UDP) than the three DDGS. In vivo digestibility of RSM organic matter was similar to DDGS. Calculated net energy for lactation (NEL) was lower for RSM (7.4 MJ/kg DM) than for DDGS, which averaged 7.7 MJ/kg DM. Cows' dry matter intake did not differ between diets (21.7 kg/day). Cows fed D1 yielded more milk than those fed D3 (31.7 vs. 30.4 kg/day); no differences were found between control and DDGS diets (31.3 vs. 31.1 kg/day). Energy‐corrected milk was similar among diets (31.2 kg/day). Diets affected neither milk fat concentration (4.0%) nor milk fat yield (1.24 kg/day). Milk protein yield of control (1.12 kg/day) was significantly higher than D3 (1.06 kg/day) but not different form D1 and D2 (1.08 kg/day each). Feeding DDGS significantly increased milk lactose concentration (4.91%) in relation to control (4.81%). DDGS can be a suitable feed in relation to RSM and can be fed up to 4 kg dry matter per day in rations of dairy cows in mid‐lactation. However, high variation of protein and energy values of DDGS should be considered when included in diets of dairy cows.  相似文献   

Lactation records (n = 86) from 60 does of four breeds (Californian, New Zealand White, Palomino and White Satin) were analyzed to assess the effects of breed, parity, day of lactation and number of kits on milk production. Breed of doe tended (P less than .07) to be important for mean milk yield according to ANOVA results. Californian does had numerically higher production than did does of the other breeds. Doe body weight, litter size born alive and weaned and litter weaning weight, likewise, were not influenced (P greater than .05) by breed of doe. Significant linear and quadratic relationships were found between milk production vs day of lactation, and milk production vs number of kits. However, breed x days and breed x number of kits interactions (P less than .05) indicated that the individual breeds responded differently to two of these effects. Peak lactation occurred at approximately 20 d after kindling. As kit number increased, milk yield also increased to a predicted maximum when 12 kits were suckling. Parity tended (P less than .10) to influence lactation yield in a curvilinear manner, increasing steadily through the seventh parity and declining thereafter. A nonsignificant residual correlation (.34) between milk production and doe body weight was observed. Corresponding correlations between milk production were high for litter size born alive and weaned (r = .62 and .87, respectively) and litter weaning weight (r = .86). Although lactation curves are unique to each particular breed, milk yield is influenced by several factors.  相似文献   

Faustini  M.  Colombani  C.  Vigo  D.  Communod  R.  Russo  V.  Chlapanidas  T.  Munari  E.  Morandotti  A.  Torre  M. L. 《Veterinary research communications》2010,34(1):29-32

To assess the differences in the granulometry of milk fat globules between swine and bovine species, milk samples from 30 lactating sows were analyzed for fat globule dimensions and compared with cow milk samples. Results showed differences between the fat globules: sow milk presents reduced globule diameters compared with cow milk (volume-weighted diameter 2.62 vs. 3.27 µm, p < 0.001) and reduced interglobular distance. A positive relationship was observed between milk fat content and globule diameter, while a slight, insignificant inverse trend was detected between the day of lactation and fat globule diameter. These complex interactions between milk lipids, globule membrane proteins, and globule dimensions provide a better understanding of digestion/absorption phenomena in the design of milk replacers.


选择健康、泌乳月份与产奶量相近的多胎荷斯坦泌乳牛20头,随机分成5组,每组4头,研究日粮中添加商业来源的瘤胃保护共轭亚油酸钙盐(Ca-CLA)同时添加自然来源亚油酸(葵花油)对奶牛生产性能的影响。试验期为52d。对照组基础日粮为60%粗饲料(苜蓿、羊草、青贮)和40%精料(以DM为基础),处理组在对照组日粮基础上分别添加Ca-CLA100g/d·头(CLA)、葵花油350g/d·头(Sunf);Ca-CLA100g/d·头 葵花油350g/d·头(CLA Sunf),Ca-CLA50g/d·头 葵花油175g/d·头(1/2CLA 1/2Sunf)。结果表明:在奶牛日粮中,单独添加自然来源亚油酸产奶量较对照组差异不显著(P>0.05),而单独添加共轭亚油酸钙盐或与自然来源亚油酸高低不同剂量添加产奶量较对照组都分别显著提高2.20%、9.95%、11.16%,无论单独添加自然来源亚油酸或Ca-CLA或二者以高低不同剂量同时添加,牛奶的乳脂率较对照组都分别显著降低15.0%,6.24%,21.74%,14.35%。总之,奶牛日粮中同时添加Ca-CLA和自然来源亚油酸能显著提高产奶量,降低乳脂率,并且,减少Ca-CLA的添加量同时添加自然来源亚油酸可以达到高剂量添加Ca-CLA相同的效果。  相似文献   

为改善牛奶脂肪酸构成,提高乳脂中CLA含量,研究瘤胃液、血浆和乳脂中脂肪酸的代谢规律,探寻提高乳品质的合适途径,本试验以3头装有永久性瘤胃瘘管的经产荷斯坦奶牛为试验动物,采用3×3拉丁方设计,研究向日粮中添加不同植物油(即葵花油、亚麻油、菜籽油,3种日粮的粗脂肪含量基本相同)对奶牛瘤胃液、血浆中脂肪酸及乳脂中CLA的影响。结果表明:(1)日粮中添加3种不同植物油,葵花油组、亚麻油组乳脂中的CLA比例均显著高于菜籽油组(P<0.05),且以葵花油组最高;乳脂中PUFA的比例则是亚麻油组显著高于菜籽油组(P<0.05);(2)3组间血浆中C14∶0、C16∶0、C18∶0的比例差异不显著(P>0.05),菜籽油组C18∶1的比例显著高于亚麻油组和葵花油组(P<0.05),而后两组差异不显著(P>0.05),亚麻油组和葵花油组t11-C18∶1的比例与菜籽油组间差异均达到显著水平(P<0.05),亚麻油组和菜籽油组中C18∶2的比例差异显著(P<0.05);(3)采食添加不同植物油日粮后,瘤胃液中各种脂肪酸动态变化的平均值差异不显著(P>0.05)。总的趋势是随着时间的延长,饱和脂肪酸含量逐渐增加,而不饱和脂肪酸含量逐渐减少。瘤胃液中CLA的比例不同时间点均较低。由本研究可知,在优化奶牛乳脂肪酸构成提高CLA含量方面,以葵花油效果最好。  相似文献   

This study had two aims. Firstly, we wanted to quantify the effects of breed and parity on lactation curves. A parametric model for describing milk yield for cows [Friggens, N., Emmans, G., Veerkamp, R., 1999. On the use of simple ratios between lactation curve coefficients to describe parity effects on milk production. Livest. Prod. Sci. 62, 1–13] was used. The data contained 155,051 daily records of milk yield from 318 cows of three different breeds; Danish Red, Danish Holstein and Jersey. There were 276, 230, and 98 lactation curves for parities 1, 2 and 3 respectively. For every cow lactation, the parameters of the model were estimated using a least squares procedure for non-linear models. The resulting parameters were analysed in a mixed linear model. Significant effects of parity were observed on the same two parameters as in Friggens et al. [Friggens, N., Emmans, G., Veerkamp, R., 1999. On the use of simple ratios between lactation curve coefficients to describe parity effects on milk production. Livest. Prod. Sci. 62, 1–13]. Breed was also found to have a significant effect on some of the parameters. However, there was no significant interaction between breed and parity. The second aim of the study was to evaluate the properties of acceleration in milk yield in the context of providing an indicator for physiological stress and subsequent health problems. Milk yield acceleration was highest around calving and also reflected trends for higher stress/risk for higher yielding cows.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed (1) to study the effects of lactation stage, season, and parity on milk cortisol concentrations in Holstein cows, and (2) to elucidate the relationships between milk yield, quality, and milk cortisol concentration. Subjects of this study were 24 dairy cows kept in a free stall barn. Milk samples were taken on test day in May, August, November, and February. Data of milk yield, quality, and cortisol concentration were collected. Random effects of animals and fixed effects of lactation stage, test day, and parity on milk yield, quality, and cortisol concentration were analyzed using mixed models. We estimated the best linear unbiased prediction of each trait (BLUP) which was an animal-specific value. Correlation among milk yield, quality, and cortisol concentration was calculated using raw data and BLUP. The effect of the lactation stage on milk cortisol concentration was significant: the value observed in early lactation was higher than in other stages. However, the correlation between milk yield and cortisol concentration was low. The beginning of lactation might be a strong stressor for every cow. Calculated with raw data, milk cortisol concentration had respectively significant negative correlation with milk protein contents and solid not-fat contents. Calculated with BLUP, milk cortisol concentration showed a significant and negative correlation with milk protein contents. The lactation stage and milk protein contents should be considered for measurement of milk cortisol concentrations.  相似文献   

The length of the antibiotic withdrawal period after intramammary treatment was influenced by the milk yield of dairy goats during this trial. Shorter withdrawal periods were seen in relatively high yielding dairy goats (production above 1.5 l per day) compared to low producers (less than 1.3 l per day). High yielding goats treated with Curaclox LC (Norbrook [Pharmacia AH]) had a withdrawal period of 42 h, while low yielding goats, treated with the same product, had a withdrawal period of 74 h. The recommended withdrawal period for Curaclox LC for use in cattle is 72 h. Relatively high yielding goats treated with Rilexine 200 LC (Logos Agvet [Virbac]) had a significantly shorter withdrawal period (37 h) than that recommended for use in cattle (96 h). Low yielding goats treated with Spectrazol Milking Cow (Schering-Plough Animal Health) had a significantly longer (95 h) withdrawal period than that recommended for use in cattle (60 h). Withdrawal periods were also influenced by stage of lactation and parity. There was a moderate positive correlation between lactation number and withdrawal period, as measured by TRIS (R2 = 0.621), and a moderate negative correlation between stage of lactation and withdrawal period (R2 = -0.669). In Trials 1, 2 and 3 combined there was a moderate negative correlation between withdrawal period and volume (R2 = -0.511) and a strong positive correlation between withdrawal period and lactation number (R2 = 0.720). The differences in percentage milk fat, protein and lactose before, during and after treatment were not statistically significant except in Trial 3 (Curaclox LC and Rilexine 200 LC) where protein and lactose differed significantly. In Trial 2 (Spectrazol Milking Cow) milk fat percentages differed significantly between treatment and control groups as did protein percentages in Trial 3. These differences are however, not biologically meaningful.  相似文献   

为研究牧草物候期对其脂肪酸组成和放牧牦牛乳中共轭亚油酸(CLA)含量的影响及其相关关系,本研究在甘肃省甘南牧区选取平均体重为(234.9±10.5)kg的10头带犊甘南牦牛作为研究对象(自然放牧),分别于牧草返青期、盛草期、枯草期采集试验牦牛采食牧草、乳和瘤胃液,分别测定瘤胃液、牧草中脂肪酸及乳脂中共轭亚油酸组成,并分...  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of dietary unprotected fish oil on milk yield, fatty acids content and serum metabolic profile in dairy cows. Forty lactating Polish Holstein-Friesian cows were assigned to two groups. The cows were fed a control basal diet (C group), or a basal diet containing 2% addition of fish oil on mineral carrier (FOM group) during a 8-week period. Supplementing FOM diet of dairy cows had no significant effect on milk fat, milk protein, milk lactose concentration and somatic cells count, but increased the milk yield (36.5 kg/d), (p < 0.05) compared with the control cows (34.28 kg/d). We observed an increase (p < 0.05) in body condition scoring between C and FOM groups. Additionally, higher levels of non-esterified fatty acids and β-hydroxybutyrate acid were noticed in FOM group after 8 weeks of the experiment; however, these serum parameters still were in the reference range. Concentration of insulin was higher (30.40 μU/ml; p < 0.01) in the FOM group compared with the control group (14.03 μU/ml). In the FOM group, significant increase (p < 0.01) in long-chain fatty acids, mainly cis-9, trans-11 CLA and n-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids) was observed. The obtained results demonstrated that addition of fish oil to cows' diet could profitably modify the fatty acids in cow's milk.  相似文献   

富含共轭亚油酸牛奶的生产原理和方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了共轭亚油酸(CLA)的理化特性,乳脂CLA的合成途径,影响乳脂CLA含量的日粮因素及其通过营养调控提高奶牛乳脂CLA的方法。  相似文献   

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