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花椰菜对环境条件的要求较严格,生产上常因温度异常、品种选用不当、播种或定植期不当、肥水管理不到位等出现结球不良、毛花球、夹叶花球、瞎花芽等现象。徐州地区菜农应根据栽培季节选择不同生态型的花椰菜品种,按品种特性及当地气候特点适期播种及定植、合理密植、科学供水、平衡施肥、及时遮盖花球、适时采收等预防花球发育异常,提高花椰菜的产量和品质,获得良好收益。  相似文献   

简要介绍了徐州地区花椰菜在生长过程中经常出现的"结球不良(先期现球、不结球或结球晚、花球小或花球松散、腋花球)、毛花球、夹叶花球和瞎花芽"等花球发育异常现象,从"环境温度、品种选用、播种(定植)时间、肥水管理"4个方面分析了异常花球形成的原因,从"选择优良品种、适期播种(定植)、合理密植、科学供水、平衡施肥、及时遮盖花球、适时收获"等方面提出了预防花椰菜花球发育异常的7项技术措施,对生产具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

温州花椰菜亩产过万斤的高产典型很多,夺取高产的主要技术措施是: (一)适时播种花椰菜适宜的生长温度为13±7℃。冬季温度在0℃以下时,花球容易受冻;每月平均温度在21℃以上时,植株生长不良:在夏季气温23~30℃以上时,不仅花球细小,多为畸形,而且有小苞片。花椰菜没有甘蓝那样耐热,也没有甘蓝那样耐寒。它对栽培区域没有甘蓝那样普遍,因此,选择适宜的播种期,是夺取高产的第一个关键,现将几个主要品种的播种期,定植期列表如下:  相似文献   

从品种选择、培育壮苗、整地定植、田间管理及病虫害防治、花球采收等方面介绍了青白花椰菜的栽培技术,为闽南地区青白花椰菜新品种种植农户提供技术参考。  相似文献   

该品种叶片绿色,蜡质较多,叶柄短宽,叶片直立,株型紧凑强壮,矮脚。内叶紧抱花球,花球重叠、硕大、雪白,单球质量1.75kg。抗病、抗逆性特别强。植株生长整齐一致,结球期适宜温度18-25℃,定植后80天可采收,是优良的中熟花椰菜品种,适宜全国各地作秋花椰菜栽培。  相似文献   

花椰菜的晚熟品种可以直接在大田生产中收获花球时,选择优良植株留种;但早、中熟品种由于冬季的寒冷和春季的多雨,易使花球冻坏或腐烂,所以留种技术比较复杂。一、掌握播种期播种过早,年前形成花球,易受冻害;播种太迟,开花碰上雨季,不能正常受精,很难结籽。因此,应使它在次年天气变暖后形成花球,赶在雨季到来之前结实。湖北省一般在10月上、中旬播种。二、保温防寒12月上、中旬,将秧苗按33厘米的行株距定植到塑膜小拱棚内。夜间加盖草帘防霜,晴天揭膜、帘;阴、雨、雪天,白天迟揭早盖(帘)。最低棚温应保持在O℃以上。2月上旬,天气变暖,白天揭帘并注意塑膜开口通风。3月初,揭除塑膜,但晚上仍需盖草帘防霜。三、施肥浇水定植地亩施腐熟农家肥1500~  相似文献   

正西兰花介于甘蓝、花椰菜之间,主茎顶端形成绿色或紫色的肥大花球,表面小花蕾明显,较松散,而不密集成球,以采集花蕾的嫩茎供食用,营养丰富,含蛋白质、糖、脂肪、维生素和胡萝卜素,营养成份位居同类蔬菜之首,被誉为"蔬菜皇冠"。1品种选择西兰花品种按定植到采收时间长短可分为早熟品种、中早熟、中熟品种、中晚熟品种和晚熟品种。2播种西兰花喜温和冷凉气候,不耐高温,种子发芽适宜温度15~30℃,生长发育适宜温度8~24℃,花球形成期适宜  相似文献   

大棚春花椰菜一般在11月中旬至12月上旬播种育苗,12月下旬至翌年1月上旬定植到大棚中,集中在4月下旬至5月中旬采收,此期正值花椰菜供应淡季,花球价格较高,经济效益好。  相似文献   

白雪公主花椰菜是由9346和9347两个自交不亲和系杂交育成的春秋两用型 一代杂种。9346和9347分别来自日本雪山和温州80天。该品种植株生长势强,花球高圆形, 洁白,紧实,品质好。春栽,从定植到收获约60d(天),花球产量200 0kg·(667m2)~(-1)左右;秋栽,从定植到收获约85d(天) ,花球产量3000kg·(667m2)~(-1)左右。  相似文献   

上海崇明地区冬季气温较低,松花菜制种生产中容易出现开花不结籽或结籽少等问题,为此作者筛选出6个符合育种目标的松花菜品种,并以其作为试验材料开展了再生植株培育及留种技术研究,以解决松花菜制种难的问题。该文分别研究了松花菜的定植期、割球时间、割球后管理对松花菜植株再生率的影响,并对比再生植株和小株作父本的制种效果。试验结果表明,再生植株主要适合早中熟松花菜品种(生育期小于80 d)的提纯和杂交制种;播种期应适当提早,建议生育期70~80 d的中熟品种宜在7月15日前播种、生育期50~60 d的早熟品种宜在7月25日前播种;花球采收后要及时清理根茎基部的老叶和病叶,早熟品种保留8张健壮叶片、中熟品种保留4~5张健壮叶片,留存的叶片长度以30 cm左右为宜;花球采收后,浇水施肥间隔时间为7~10 d;适时盖棚保温,最低气温在0℃以上时夜间不闭棚。  相似文献   

青花菜新品种‘浙青95’为晚熟一代杂种,从定植至收获的生育期约95 d。植株健壮整齐,生长势强,侧枝少。株形较直立,株高约70 cm,开展度约85 cm。叶片长椭圆形,颜色深绿,蜡粉中等。花球紧实高圆,蕾色深绿,蕾粒中细,球径15 cm左右,单球质量约500 g。综合抗性优良,商品性好,耐密植。适宜浙江省秋季种植。  相似文献   

以4个韭菜品种为试材,采用日光温室有机基质盘栽的方法研究了移栽时间对韭菜生长和产量的影响。结果表明,适当提早或延迟移栽时间有利于促进日光温室有机基质盘栽韭菜株高、茎粗和产量的增加,11月24日移栽的韭菜生长最好,产量最高;随着移栽时间的延迟,韭菜新根数和新根长度均下降,韭菜叶宽逐渐增加,而叶片数变化较小。4个韭菜品种对不同移栽时间的响应关系与韭菜品种的休眠特性和根株贮藏养分的多少有关。与791、紫根红和新独根红相比,平韭2号生根较快、生长势较强、产量较高。  相似文献   

Stands of summer cauliflower were grown within polyethylene-covered tunnels along which a temperature gradient was imposed. Two tunnels were maintained at either normal or elevated CO2 concentrations. At the last harvest (88 days from transplanting) no interaction between CO2 and temperature on total biomass was detected. The total dry weight of plants grown at 531 μmol mol−1 CO2 was 34% greater than those grown at 328 μmol mol−1 CO2, whereas a 1 °C rise reduced dry weight by 6%. From serial harvests the radiation conversion coefficient was 2.01 g MJ−1 and 1.42 g MJ−1 at 531 μmol mol−1 CO2and 328 μmol mol−1 CO2, respectively, but was not greatly affected by differences in temperature. No effect of either CO2 or temperature on the canopy light extinction coefficient was detected. The rate of progress towards curd initiation increased to a maximum at 15.5 °C, and declined thereafter. Provided the effect of temperature was accounted for, CO2 enrichment did not affect the time of curd initiation. From serial harvests after curd initiation, the logarithm of curd weight or diameter were negative linear functions of mean temperature from initiation. Increases in curd weight and diameter at 531 compared with 328 μmol mol−1 CO2 were greater at warmer temperatures (27% at 13 °C compared with 47% at 15 °C, 57 days after initiation). Effects of CO2 on curd diameter were less than those on curd dry weight because the curd dry matter content was greater at 531 compared with 328 μmol mol−1 CO2. Thus, the effects of elevated CO2 concentrations on fresh weight based yield parameters of cauliflower were less than the increase in total dry matter production.  相似文献   

The growth of a number of onion cultivars sown on different dates during late summer in several years was assessed by regular sampling. The growth during the winter of five different winter-hardy cultivars was very similar, whereas that of Rijnsburger Bola, a cultivar normally sown in spring, was clearly slower. Sowing date was shown to affect final yield through its effect on overwintering size, which in turn influenced bulb size at harvest, the proportion of plants which bolted and the extent of winter losses. During the winter months the rate of leaf initiation appeared to be decreased to a lesser extent than the growth in dry weight, which itself was decreased less than growth in leaf area. The growth of the winter-hardy cultivars from all sowing dates and seasons was well summarized by a single linear relationship between the logarithm of plant dry weight and the accumulated day-degrees between 6° and 20°C from the day of seedling emergence. Using this relationship together with temperature records from past years it was possible to estimate the best average sowing date and the year-to-year variation in optimum sowing date. This approach may prove useful in predicting optimum sowing dates for other localities from past weather records.  相似文献   


Similar experiments in 1984 and 1985 examined the effects of cauliflower transplant age and ‘high’ or ‘low’ nutrient feeding regimes during plant.raising on the numbers of leaves formed, the timing of curd initiation, maturity and other maturity characters. ‘High’ nutrient feed contained 104 mgl?1N and 290 mgl?1K whereas ‘low’ nutrient feed contained 52 mg l?1 N and 145 mg l?1 K. In addition, in 1985 the growth of other ‘low-feed’ plants was boosted by giving them ‘high feed’ during the last four days before transplanting. The raising treatments produced transplants which differed in dry weight, in the numbers of leaves formed and especially in dry-matter percentage. In both years the oldest ‘low-feed’ plants had the highest dry-matter percentage at transplanting (mean 22.2%) whereas the youngest ‘high-feed’ plants had the lowest dry-matter percentage (mean 12.9%). After transplanting, differences between treatments rapidly disappeared and there were few significant effects of treatments on the time of curd initiation, the final number of leaves formed, the time of 50% curd maturity and marketable curd yield. It is concluded that when planning cauliflower continuity schedules the time of transplanting is important but the precise age of plants at transplanting and the feeding regime prior to this need not be taken into account provided plant size is kept within normal limits.  相似文献   

‘圣雪4号’是利用温敏雄性不育系配制而成的中熟花椰菜杂交一代新品种。植株生长势中强,株高和开展度分别为67.3 cm和78.3 cm,叶色深绿。花球紧实,圆形或高圆形,洁白,球面平整,品质优良。春茬从定植至采收75 d左右,单球质量1.17 kg,产量43 500 kg·hm-2。秋茬从播种至采收113 d,单球质量1.24 kg,产量48 000 kg·hm-2。适宜甘肃及西北相同气候区域推广种植。  相似文献   

青花菜浙青80是利用萝卜质(ogura)雄性不育系技术选育的杂交品种,适合夏种秋冬收,从移栽至收获80 d左右。株型中等,较直立,株高约70 cm,开展度约70 cm;叶色深绿,侧枝少;花球紧实、颜色绿,遇低温不发紫,花蕾匀细,花球表面不易满天星,球茎不易空心,商品性好,球径15 cm左右,单球质量570 g左右。于2018年通过浙江省农作物品种认定委员会认定。  相似文献   

 ‘浙017’是花球松散型花椰菜杂交一代,其亲本均来自小孢子培养DH 再生植株。植株直立,株形紧凑,叶色深绿,叶面蜡粉多。花球偏平圆形,乳白色,松大,花层薄,球径约23 cm,单球质量1.2 kg 以上,花梗淡绿色。花球含粗蛋白1.0%,维生素C 604 mg · kg-1,可溶性糖2.6%,可用于鲜食及脱水加工。移栽至定植约65 d,适宜华东地区种植。  相似文献   

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