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Thibault P Dierolf M Menzel A Bunk O David C Pfeiffer F 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,321(5887):379-382
Coherent diffractive imaging (CDI) and scanning transmission x-ray microscopy (STXM) are two popular microscopy techniques that have evolved quite independently. CDI promises to reach resolutions below 10 nanometers, but the reconstruction procedures put stringent requirements on data quality and sample preparation. In contrast, STXM features straightforward data analysis, but its resolution is limited by the spot size on the specimen. We demonstrate a ptychographic imaging method that bridges the gap between CDI and STXM by measuring complete diffraction patterns at each point of a STXM scan. The high penetration power of x-rays in combination with the high spatial resolution will allow investigation of a wide range of complex mesoscopic life and material science specimens, such as embedded semiconductor devices or cellular networks. 相似文献
Chapman HN 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,321(5887):352-353
Ihee H Lorenc M Kim TK Kong QY Cammarata M Lee JH Bratos S Wulff M 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2005,309(5738):1223-1227
We report direct structural evidence of the bridged radical (CH2ICH2.) in a polar solution, obtained using time-resolved liquid-phase x-ray diffraction. This transient intermediate has long been hypothesized to explain stereo-chemical control in many association and/or dissociation reactions involving haloalkanes. Ultrashort optical pulses were used to dissociate an iodine atom from the haloethane molecule (C2H4I2) dissolved in methanol, and the diffraction of picosecond x-ray pulses from a synchrotron supports the following structural dynamics, with approximately 0.01 angstrom spatial resolution and approximately 100 picosecond time resolution: The loss of one iodine atom from C2H4I2 leads to the C-I-C triangular geometry of CH2ICH2.. This transient C2H4I then binds to an iodine atom to form a new species, the C2H4I-I isomer, which eventually decays into C2H4 + I2. Solvent dynamics were also extracted from the data, revealing a change in the solvent cage geometry, heating, and thermal expansion. 相似文献
Electron diffraction of wet biological membranes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Electron diffraction patterns were obtained for the first time from single wet phospholipid bilayers and from wet human erythrocyte membranes by using a temperature-controlled electron microscope hydration stage. Selective area diffraction showed the existence of semicrystalline domains. A structural transition was observed at the transition temperature of the wet dipalmitoyl lecithin bilayer. 相似文献
A method for solving structures from powder diffraction data was developed, and its validity was demonstrated on three complex structures. The method uses a textured sample and exploits the high intensity and parallel nature of synchrotron radiation. In principle, crystal structures as complex as those routinely solved by single-crystal methods can be determined with this approach. For example, the as-synthesized form of the zeolite UTD-1, with 69 nonhydrogen atoms in the asymmetric unit, could be solved directly. With this method, a larger range of structural complexity becomes accessible to scientists interested in the structures of polycrystalline materials that cannot be grown as single crystals. 相似文献
Liu Q Dahmane T Zhang Z Assur Z Brasch J Shapiro L Mancia F Hendrickson WA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2012,336(6084):1033-1037
Crystal structure analyses for biological macromolecules without known structural relatives entail solving the crystallographic phase problem. Typical de novo phase evaluations depend on incorporating heavier atoms than those found natively; most commonly, multi- or single-wavelength anomalous diffraction (MAD or SAD) experiments exploit selenomethionyl proteins. Here, we realize routine structure determination using intrinsic anomalous scattering from native macromolecules. We devised robust procedures for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio in the slight anomalous scattering from generic native structures by combining data measured from multiple crystals at lower-than-usual x-ray energy. Using this multicrystal SAD method (5 to 13 equivalent crystals), we determined structures at modest resolution (2.8 to 2.3 angstroms) for native proteins varying in size (127 to 1148 unique residues) and number of sulfur sites (3 to 28). With no requirement for heavy-atom incorporation, such experiments provide an attractive alternative to selenomethionyl SAD experiments. 相似文献
The crystal structure of thiamine pyrophosphate has been determined by a three-dimensional x-ray analysis. The conformation of the molecule in the crystalline state is determined by the formal charge distribution within the molecule which exists as a zwitterion with the negative pyrophosphate chain folded back over the positive, ring portion of the molecule. The oxygen atoms in the pyrophosphate group are in the staggered conformation when viewed along the phosphorus-phosphorus axis. Even though the pyrophosphate is present in this compound as the monoionized monoester, the configuration is the same as that present in the inorganic pyrophosphate ion. From a comparison of three different crystal structures containing the thiamine moiety and from studies with atomic models, it seems plausible that the basic molecular conformation observed in this crystal is maintained in the catalytically active molecule. Knowledge of the detailed crystal structure provides new insight into the biochemical mechanism of reactions catalyzed by thiamine pyrophosphate. 相似文献
Laser-stimulated luminescence used to measure x-ray diffraction of a contracting striated muscle 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
An integrating x-ray area detector that operates on the basis of laser-stimulated luminescence was used in a diffraction study of muscle contraction. The area detector has a dynamic range of 1 to 10(5), a sensitivity about 60 times greater with approximately 1/300 as much fog background as x-ray film. It is erasable and reusable but, like film, can integrate at a practically unlimited counting rate. The high sensitivity and wide dynamic range of the detector resulted in a sufficient reduction in the exposure time to make possible the recording of a clear x-ray diffraction pattern, with up to 2.0-nanometer axial spacing, from a contracting frog skeletal muscle in as little as 10 seconds with synchrotron radiation. During the isometric contraction of the muscle, most of the actin diffraction lines increased in intensity without noticeable changes in their peak positions. Changes also occurred in diffraction intensities from the myosin heads. The results indicate that during contraction the structure of the actin filaments differs from that in the rigor state, suggesting a possible structural change in the actin subunits themselves; the myosin heads during contraction retain the axial periodicity of the myosin filament and become aligned in a more perpendicular manner to the actin filaments. 相似文献
Huismans Y Rouzée A Gijsbertsen A Jungmann JH Smolkowska AS Logman PS Lépine F Cauchy C Zamith S Marchenko T Bakker JM Berden G Redlich B van der Meer AF Muller HG Vermin W Schafer KJ Spanner M Ivanov MY Smirnova O Bauer D Popruzhenko SV Vrakking MJ 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2011,331(6013):61-64
Ionization is the dominant response of atoms and molecules to intense laser fields and is at the basis of several important techniques, such as the generation of attosecond pulses that allow the measurement of electron motion in real time. We present experiments in which metastable xenon atoms were ionized with intense 7-micrometer laser pulses from a free-electron laser. Holographic structures were observed that record underlying electron dynamics on a sublaser-cycle time scale, enabling photoelectron spectroscopy with a time resolution of almost two orders of magnitude higher than the duration of the ionizing pulse. 相似文献
[目的]采用时间分辨荧光技术建立氯霉素(CAP)直接竞争免疫检测法(CAPTRFIA)。[方法]以羊抗鼠IgG二抗为固定相,游离CAP与生物素化的CAP人工抗原(CAP—BSA)共同竞争限量的CAP抗体;用铕标记的链霉亲和素示踪。[结果]该方法的灵敏度为0.016ng/ml。用于牛奶样品检测的添加回收率为89.6%,批内和批间变异系数分别为5.5%和10.1%,与甲砜霉素的交叉反应率〈0.01%。[结论]CAPTRFIA直接竞争法灵敏度高、特异性好、性能稳定,适于高通量筛查,有良好的应用前景。 相似文献
采用基于生物素(Biotin)-链霉亲和素(Strepavidin)的时间分辨荧光免疫分析(TRFIA)技术建立了快速灵敏的玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)检测方法.以strepavidin包被板条,加入生物素化的ZEN-BSA,结合在板条上的ZEN-BSA与标准/样本中的游离ZEN共同竞争限量的抗ZEN单克隆抗体,用稀土离子Eu3+标记的羊抗鼠IgG进行示踪,建立了间接竞争的ZEN-TRFIA.该方法的检测灵敏度为0.2 ng/ml,测量范围是0.2~200.0 ng/ml,批内、批间变异系数分别为5.7%和8.3%,平均回收率为91.1%.与玉米赤霉醇的平均交叉反应是12.3%,与赭曲霉素A、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇、黄曲霉素B1无交叉反应,说明该方法的特异性较好.相关试剂在4 ℃放6个月后各检测参数基本无变化,说明该方法稳定.样品同时用ZEN-TRFIA和商品ELISA试剂盒测定样品ZEN含量,两者的相关系数为 0.966 4,说明该方法测量准确.ZEN-TRFIA具有测量准确、检测灵敏度高、检测范围宽、操作简便、标记物稳定等优点,适合于ZEN大量筛查的应用. 相似文献
We determined the dissipation-induced decoherence time (DIDT) of a superconducting Josephson tunnel junction by time-resolved measurements of its escape dynamics. Double-exponential behavior of the time-dependent escape probability was observed, suggesting the occurrence of a two-level decay-tunneling process in which energy relaxation from the excited to the ground level significantly affects the escape dynamics of the system. The observation of temporal double-exponential dependence enables direct measurements of the DIDT, a property critical to the study of quantum dynamics and the realization of macroscopic quantum coherence and quantum computing. We found that the DIDT was tau(d) > 11 micros at T = 0.55 K, demonstrating good prospects for implementing quantum computing with Josephson devices. 相似文献
沙丁胺醇时间分辨荧光免疫分析检测技术的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用包被二抗间接竞争法,以抗SAL二抗体包被96微孔板作为固相二抗,与游离SAL间接竞争限量的以Eu^3+标记的SAL-OVA抗原,建立解离增强模式的荧光免疫分析体系检测沙丁胺醇(SAL),以利用时间分辨荧光免疫分析(TRFIA)技术建立快速、高灵敏度的沙丁胺醇(SAL)全自动检测方法。结果表明该法的灵敏度为0.04ng/mL,批内和批间变异系数分别为2.2%和8.7%,平均回收率为106.5%,与盐酸克伦、莱克多巴胺的交叉反应率分别为0.93%和0.73%。由此可见,用TRFIA法检测SAL,灵敏度高、特异性强、稳定性好,具有良好的应用前景。 相似文献
Robinson AL 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1986,231(4742):1070
At least 30 discrete cosmic x-ray sources have been detected thus far. The distribution is concentrated toward the galactic plane, and most of the sources are believed to lie within 2 kiloparsecs of the sun. It is estimated that the average luminosity of the observed sources is about 5 x 10(36) ergs per second and that the entire galaxy contains about 1250 such sources. Comparisons of fluxes observed over the course of the past 2 years reveal that many sources are highly variable. 相似文献
Kritcher AL Neumayer P Castor J Döppner T Falcone RW Landen OL Lee HJ Lee RW Morse EC Ng A Pollaine S Price D Glenzer SH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2008,322(5898):69-71
Spectrally resolved scattering of ultrafast K-alpha x-rays has provided experimental validation of the modeling of the compression and heating of shocked matter. The elastic scattering component has characterized the evolution and coalescence of two shocks launched by a nanosecond laser pulse into lithium hydride with an unprecedented temporal resolution of 10 picoseconds. At shock coalescence, we observed rapid heating to temperatures of 25,000 kelvin when the scattering spectra show the collective plasmon oscillations that indicate the transition to the dense metallic plasma state. The plasmon frequency determines the material compression, which is found to be a factor of 3, thereby reaching conditions in the laboratory relevant for studying the physics of planetary formation. 相似文献
硅藻土、膨胀珍珠岩、膨胀石墨和高岭土等多孔材料能通过毛细管和表面张力的作用将相变材料定型,并为相变材料提供机械强度以阻止其在相变过程中发生泄漏.文章对多孔基定型相变材料的发展现状及其在建筑节能上的应用进行了综述,并对其今后在建筑节能上的应用研究及发展趋势进行了展望. 相似文献
LESSLER MA 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1959,129(3362):1551-1553
In vitro x-irradiation of frog and Amphiuma erythrocytes caused cytophysiological damage to part of the cell population. There was a significant decrease in the percentage of normal cells and some hemolysis. Changes were also observed in the electrical capacitance and potassium-42 uptake of irradiated erythrocytes. 相似文献