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Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is an exotic species native to the USA, damaging cotton and other plant families. The feeding potential of different development stages of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri Mulsant, a biological control agent against mealybugs, was investigated on different development stages of P. solenopsis. Fourth instar grubs and adults of C. montrouzieri were the most voracious feeders on different instars of mealybug. The number of 1st instar nymphs of mealybug consumed by 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar larvae and adult beetles of C. montrouzieri was 15.56, 41.01, 125.38, 162.69 and 1613.81, respectively. The respective numbers of 2nd and 3rd instar nymphs of mealybug consumed were 11.15 and 1.80, 26.35 and 6.36, 73.66 and 13.32, 76.04 and 21.16, 787.95 and 114.66. The corresponding figures for adult female mealybugs were 0.94, 3.23, 8.47, 12.71 and 73.40, respectively. The results indicate that C. montrouzieri has the potential to be exploited as a biocontrol agent in North India; inoculative releases of 4th instar larvae and adults may provide instant control of P. solenopsis. Field experiments should be conducted to determine the efficiency of the ladybird on this mealybug.  相似文献   

The predatory insect Anthocoris minki Dohrn (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) is an indigenous Anthocoris species for the biological control of pests in pistachio orchards. The pistachio psylla Agonoscena pistaciae Burckhardt and Lauterer (Homoptera: Psyllidae) is an important insect pest in pistachio trees in Turkey. Similarly, Brachycaudus (Thuleaphis) amygdalinus (Schouteden) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a pest of almond trees that is considered as alternative prey for A. minki when pistachio psylla are not available in early spring on pistachio trees. The development time, survival percentage of immature stages, longevity, fecundity, prey consumption, and life table parameters of A. minki fed on A. pistaciae and B. amygdalinus nymphs were determined at 25 ± 1°C, 70 ± 5% r.h., and a 16 h:8 h (L:D) photoperiod under laboratory conditions. The nymphal survival rate was significantly higher when nymphs were fed on A. pistaciae (an average of 96.7%) than on B. amygdalinus (an average of 71.4%). The development time of A. minki was significantly shorter when nymphs were fed on B. amygdalinus (10.3 days) as opposed to A. pistaciae (11.0 days). No significant differences among prey species were found for longevity and fecundity. The total female longevity and fecundity of A. minki was 38.0 days and 247.2 eggs, respectively, when nymphs were fed on A. pistaciae; and 35.4 days and 233.0 eggs, respectively, when nymphs were fed on B. amygdalinus. On average, 104.4 A. pistaciae and 77.7 B. amygdalinus nymphs were consumed during the nymphal development time for A. minki. Adults of A. minki consumed significantly more psyllids than aphids throughout their life span. The greater difference did not significantly inpact the longevity and fecundity of A. minki. Females of A. minki consumed an average of 631.0 A. pistaciae and an average of 273.3 B. amygdalinus nymphs, while female predators consumed significantly more prey than males. The intrinsic rate of increase (r m ) of A. minki fed on A. pistaciae (0.174) was significantly greater than those fed on B. amygdalinus (0.148). The successful development and reproduction of both A. pistaciae and B. amygdalinus indicates that they are suitable prey for A. minki.  相似文献   

Virus-like symptoms—red ringspots on stems and leaves, circular blotches or pale spots on fruit—were found on commercial highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivars Blueray, Weymouth, Duke and Sierra in Japan. In PCR testing, single DNA fragments were amplified from total nucleic acid samples of the diseased blueberry bushes using primers specific to Blueberry red ringspot virus (BRRV). Sequencing analysis of the amplified products revealed 95.7–97.7% nucleotide sequence identity with the BRRV genome. This paper is the first report of blueberry red ringspot disease caused by BRRV in Japan. The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper are available in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ database as accessions AB469884 to AB469893 for BRRV isolates from Japan.  相似文献   

In 2003–2004, anthracnoses of Enkianthus campanulatus and Rhynchosia acuminatifolia were found for the first time in Kanagawa Prefecture and Tokyo in Japan. These pathogens were identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides based on their pathogenicity, morphology and ribosomal DNA spacer sequences. Results were presented at the annual meeting of The Phytopathological Society of Japan in 2004.  相似文献   

Severe rot of leaves, peduncles and flowers caused by Gibberella zeae (anamorph: Fusarium graminearum) was found on potted plants of hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis), a liliaceous ornamental, in greenhouses in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in January 2001. This disease was named “Fusarium rot of hyacinth” as a new disease because only the anamorph, F. graminearum, was identified on the diseased host plant. The authors contributed equally to this work. The fungal isolate and its nucleotide sequence data obtained in this study were deposited in the Genebank, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences and the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession numbers MAFF239499 and AB366161, respectively.  相似文献   

The functional response types and parameters of 3rd and 4th instar larvae, and adult females and males of a coccinellid predator, Adalia fasciatopunctata revelierei (Mulsant) (Col.: Coccinellidae), were evaluated at five different densities of Callaphis juglandis (Goeze) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in order to understand their role for the aphid’s biological control. Experiments were carried out in petri dishes at 25 ± 1°C, 60 ± 10% r.h. and 16L:8D photoperiod in a controlled temperature room. All tested stages exhibited a Type II response determined by a logistic regression model. The attack rate (α) and handling time (T h ) coefficients of a Type II response were estimated by fitting a “random-predator” equation to the data. Although the estimates of α for all stages of A. fasciatopunctata revelierei tested were similar, the longest T h was obtained for 3rd instar larva because of the lower consumption rate at densities above 40 prey/day. Results indicated that the adult female has the highest predation of C. juglandis followed by 4th instar larvae, adult males and 3rd instar larvae. However, further field-based studies are needed to draw firm conclusions.  相似文献   

From the genome of a Japanese field isolate of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, we newly identified Inago1 and Inago2 LTR retrotransposons. Both elements were found to be Ty3/gypsy-like elements whose copies were dispersed within the genome of Magnaporthe spp. isolates infecting rice and other monocot plants. Southern hybridization patterns of nine re-isolates derived from conidia of the strain Ina168 produced after a methyl viologen treatment were not changed, indicating that the insertion pattern of Inago elements is relatively stable.  相似文献   

The greater wax moth Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is occasionally found in beehives and is a major pest of stored wax. Entomopathogenic fungi have recently received attention as possible biocontrol elements for certain insect pests. In this study, 90 isolates of Beauveria bassiana and 15 isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae were screened for proteases and lipases production. The results showed significant variations in the enzymatic action between the isolates. In the bioassay, the selected isolates evinced high virulence against the 4th instar of the G. mellonella larvae. The isolates BbaAUMC3076, BbaAUMC3263 and ManAUMC3085 realized 100% mortality at concentrations of 5.5 × 106 conidia ml−1, 5.86 × 105 conidia ml−1, and 4.8 × 106 conidia ml−1, respectively. Strong enzymatic activities in vitro did not necessarily indicate high virulence against the tested insect pest. The cuticle of the infected larvae became dark and black-spotted, indicating direct attack of fungus on the defense system of the insects. The LC50 values were 1.43 × 103, 1.04 × 105 and 5.06 × 104 for Bba3263AUMC, Bba3076AUMC and Man3085AUMC, respectively, and their slopes were determined by computerized probit analysis program as 0.738 ± 0.008, 0.635 ± 0.007 and 1.120 ± 0.024, respectively.  相似文献   

The tomato pathotype of Alternaria alternata (A. arborescens) produces the dark brown to black pigment melanin, which accumulates in the cell walls of hyphae and conidia. Melanin has been implicated as a pathogenicity factor in some phytopathogenic fungi. Here, two genes of the tomato pathotype for melanin biosynthesis, ALM1 and BRM2-1, which encode a polyketide synthetase and a 1,3,8-trihydroxynaphthalene (THN) reductase, respectively, have been cloned and disrupted in the pathogen. The gene-disrupted mutants, alm1 and brm2-1, had albino and brown phenotypes, respectively. The wild-type and the mutants caused the same necrotic lesions on the leaves after inoculation with spores. These results suggest that melanin is unlikely to play a direct role in pathogenicity in the tomato pathotype A. alternata. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the conidia of both mutants have much smoother surfaces in comparison to the wild-type. The conidia of those mutants were more sensitive to UV light than those of the wild-type, demonstrating that melanin confers UV tolerance.  相似文献   

Forty-one strains of Rhizobium vitis, either tumorigenic (Ti) or nonpathogenic, were characterized using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of the partial nucleotide sequences of pyrG, recA, and rpoD. The strains separated into seven clades. Rhizobium vitis (Ti) strains isolated from Japan were divided into five genetic groups (A to E), and nonpathogenic R. vitis strains were divided into two genetic groups (F and G). This result suggests that there are new genetic groups of R. vitis in Japan. Among these groups, members of A and B groups are widely distributed throughout Japan.  相似文献   

Yeast-like fungi were isolated from lesions on azuki bean (cv. Shin-Kyotodainagon) seeds that had been sucked by bean bugs in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. On the basis of morphological and physiological characteristics and sequence data of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions including the 5.8S rDNA, these yeasts were identified as Eremothecium coryli and E. ashbyi. Pathogenicity of those yeasts was confirmed by a reinoculation test. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of yeast spot in azuki bean in Japan. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the GeneBank/EMBL/DDBJ database as accessions AB478291–AB478309 for E. coryli AZC1–19 and AB478310–AB478317 for E. ashbyi AZA1–8.  相似文献   

Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) are sap-sucking insects which infest a broad range of crops worldwide. They represent an important threat to viticulture as they are vectors of viruses associated with leafroll and rugose wood complex diseases. In this study, we surveyed the presence of mealybugs and their associated viruses in vineyards of the Piemonte and Liguria regions, northwestern Italy. In order to determine the collected specimens correctly, we added a species-specific marker for Heliococcus bohemicus to an existing molecular identification key. The only species collected in Piemonte was H. bohemicus, whereas in Liguria, H. bohemicus, Planococcus ficus and Pseudococcus longispinus were found; Ps. longispinus has never before been reported in Italian vineyards. Several specimens of all three species were infected by the ampeloviruses GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3 and the vitivirus GVA. Both nymphs and adult females tested positive for the viruses and mixed infections were commonly found within the same insect. Population levels and virus incidence were higher in Liguria than in Piemonte, suggesting a greater risk of disease spread. We conclude that the mild, Mediterranean climate of Liguria favors the development of a diverse mealybug fauna while only H. bohemicus, known to be tolerant to the severe continental winter temperatures, colonize grapevines in colder viticultural areas.  相似文献   

Infection by Pyrenophora teres f. teres (Ptt) or P. teres f. maculata (Ptm), the causal agents of the net and spot forms of net blotch of barley, respectively, can result in significant yield losses. The genetic structure of a collection of 128 Ptt and 92 Ptm isolates from the western Canadian provinces of Alberta (55 Ptt, 27 Ptm), Saskatchewan (58 Ptt, 46 Ptm) and Manitoba (15 Ptt, 19 Ptm) were analyzed by simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker analysis. Thirteen SSR loci were examined and found to be polymorphic within both Ptt and Ptm populations. In total, 110 distinct alleles were identified, with 19 of these shared between Ptt and Ptm, 75 specific to Ptt, and 16 specific to Ptm. Genotypic diversity was relatively high, with a clonal fraction of approximately 10 % within Ptt and Ptm populations. Significant genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.230, P = 0.001) was found among all populations; 77 % of genetic variation occurred within populations and 23 % between populations. Lower, but still significant genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.038, P = 0.001) was detected in Ptt, with 96 % of genetic variation occurring within populations. No significant genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.010, P = 0.177) was observed among Ptm populations. Isolates clustered in two distinct groups conforming to Ptt or Ptm, with no intermediate cluster. The high number of haplotypes observed, combined with an equal mating type ratio for both forms of the fungus, suggests that P. teres goes through regular cycles of sexual recombination in western Canada.  相似文献   

The clustered hrp genes encoding the type III secretion system in the Japanese strains MAFF301237 and MAFF311018 of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae were sequenced and compared. The strains differ in their pathogenicity, location, and year of isolation. A 30-kbp sequence comprising 29 open reading frames (ORFs) was identical in its structural arrangement in both strains but differed from X. campestris pv. campestris, X. axonopodis pv. citri, and X. axonopodis pv. glycines in certain genes located between the hpaB-hrpF interspace region. The DNA sequence and the putative amino acid sequence in each ORF was also identical in both X. oryzae pv. oryzae strains as were the PIP boxes and the relative sequences. These facts clearly showed that the structure of the hrp gene cluster in X. oryzae pv. oryzae is unique.  相似文献   

The genomic fragments of two open reading frames (ORFs) 1 and 2 of German and Canadian PAV isolates of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV) were sequenced. Sequences only slightly differed from previously published sequences of this virus. Two polyclonal antisera against proteins encoded by ORFs 1 and 2 of a German ASL-1 isolate were developed using recombinant antigens expressed in E. coli as a fusion either to His6− or thioredoxin-tags. In Western blot analysis with total protein extracts from BYDV infected plants, antisera efficiently recognized the 99 kDa fusion protein expressed from ORF1 and ORF2 (P1–P2 protein). Later in infection the P1–P2 protein disappeared and two smaller proteins, revealing sizes of 39 and 60 kDa, could be detected.  相似文献   

Severe spotting, blight and drop of leaves caused by Colletotrichum dematium were found on potted plants of Polygonatum falcatum, a liliaceous ornamental, in open fields in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, in May 2001. This new disease was named anthracnose of P. falcatum. Keisuke Tomioka, Jouji Moriwaki, Toyozo Sato contributed equally to this work. The fungal isolate and its nucleotide sequence data obtained in this study were deposited in Genebank, National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences and the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under accessions MAFF239500 and AB334523, respectively.  相似文献   

In July 2006, black rot was observed on the leaves of 4-leaf-stage seedlings of salt-wort (Salsola komarovii) in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan. We isolated two single-conidial isolates from the diseased leaves. Although colony appearance of the isolates was different from that of each other, both isolates were identified as Colletotrichum truncatum by morphology and molecular similarity. After inoculation of healthy salt-wort plants with the isolates, the isolates were reisolated from symptomatic plants. We thus propose a new disease, anthracnose of salt-wort.  相似文献   

A smut-like disease was found on the leaves of Sagittaria latifolia in Japan. Spore balls collected from the leaves of S. latifolia and S. trifolia var. edulis were used to cross-inoculate leaves of pathogen-free plants of the two species to identify the pathogen. Spots and swellings formed on leaves of the two species 10 days after inoculation. These symptoms were quite similar to those of the leaf smut disease of S. trifolia var. edulis caused by Doassansia horiana, and the spore balls were characteristic of the fungus. Therefore, the authors conclude that D. horiana caused leaf smut disease on S. latifolia. Received 18 January 2000/ Accepted in revised form 14 May 2000  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes (RKNs) are one of the most important biotic factors limiting crop productivity in many crop plants. The major RKN control strategies include development of resistant cultivars, application of nematicides and crop rotation, but each has its own limitations. In recent years, RNA interference (RNAi) has become a powerful approach for developing nematode resistance. The two housekeeping genes, splicing factor and integrase, of Meloidogyne incognita were targeted for engineering nematode resistance using a host-delivered RNAi (HD-RNAi) approach. Splicing factor and integrase genes are essential for nematode development as they are involved in RNA metabolism. Stable homozygous transgenic Arabidopsis lines expressing dsRNA for both genes were generated. In RNAi lines of splicing factor gene, the number of galls, females and egg masses was reduced by 71.4, 74.5 and 86.6%, respectively, as compared with the empty vector controls. Similarly, in RNAi lines of the integrase gene, the number of galls, females and egg masses was reduced up to 59.5, 66.8 and 63.4%, respectively, compared with the empty vector controls. Expression analysis revealed a reduction in mRNA abundance of both targeted genes in female nematodes feeding on transgenic plants expressing dsRNA constructs. The silencing of housekeeping genes in the nematodes through HD-RNAi significantly reduced root-knot nematode infectivity and suggests that they will be useful in developing RKN resistance in crop plants.  相似文献   

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