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Microphthalmia, congenital cataracts, posterior lenticonus, and retinal dysplasia were observed in members of 3 litters of Akita puppies thought to be related to a common male ancestor. The electroretinograms of 3 clinically affected puppies were normal. Histological examination of 6 microphthalmic animals revealed nuclear and cortical cataract with multiple retinal folds and rosettes predominantly overlying the tapetum lucidum. Posterior lenticonus was observed histologically in 3 of the 6 puppies.  相似文献   

Hereditary congenital heart defects in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Congenital heart defects is probably the most common class of malformations found in dogs, occurring with a frequency approaching 1 per cent in animals presented to veterinary clinics. The frequency is significantly higher among purebred dogs than in dogs of mixed breeding and specific anatomic malformations occur with highest frequency in certain breeds. Genetic studies of patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonic stenosis, subaortic stenosis, ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot and persistent aortic arch have confirmed that these are specific heritable defects, the genes for which are concentrated in a number of different breeds. Each of these defects is inherited in a complex manner consistent with a polygenic basis. This paper will describe evidence supporting the view that the common forms of congenital heart disease in the dog are polygenic threshold traits. The general criteria for recognition of polygenic traits and methods for their control will be discussed.  相似文献   

Retrospective study of congenital heart defects in 151 dogs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The case records of 151 dogs diagnosed with congenital heart disease were revlewed retrospectlvely. The most common defect Was aortic stenosls, accounting for 35 per cent of all cases, followed by pulmonic stenosls (20 per cent), ventricular septal defect (12 per cent), patent ductus arterlosus (11 per cent), mltral valve dysplasla (8 per cent), tricuspld valve dysplasla (7 per cent), endocardlal fibroelastosls (1.9 per cent) and tetralogy of Fallot (04 per cent). Fifty-one breeds were represented, with golden retrievers, German shepherd dogs and boxers predominating. No overall sex predilection was obvious. Seventy-five per cent of the dogs were asymptomatic presentation. The defects most often associated with presenting symptoms, such as dyspnoea, syncope, ascltes, fallure to grow and depression, were mltral valve dysplasla, atrial septal defect, tricuspld valve dysplasla and endocardial flbroelastosls. The latter presented with the most severe signs of heart fallure. In some cases of aortic stenosls and pulmonlc stenosls, where the defect could not be accurately visuallsed with two-dimensional echocardlography, Doppler echocardlographic examination was needed for definltive dlagnosls.  相似文献   

Membranous ventricular septal aneurysm was diagnosed by echocardiography in 17 dogs and three cats. The aneurysm appeared as a thin membrane protruding into the right ventricle from the margins of a congenital ventricular septal defect (VSD). The aneurysm was intact in nine dogs and two cats and perforated by a small VSD in eight dogs and one cat. Other congenital heart defects were present in seven dogs. In all animals, the aneurysm was an incidental finding observed during echocardiographic examination, and it did not appear to directly cause any cardiac dysfunction.  相似文献   

Arthrodesis for congenital luxation of the shoulder in a dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Congenital luxation of the shoulder in a 7-month-old Chihuahua was corrected by use of arthrodesis. A single lag-screw fixation technique was used. Arthrodesis of the shoulder provides a favorable alternative to other salvage techniques such as glenohumeral resection or amputation.  相似文献   

Abstract— —The intention of this paper is to show how simple, plain radiography of the thorax can be a useful aid to the diagnosis of heart disease in the dog. The only radiographic changes that will be discussed are those that can be demonstrated on lateral and dorso-ventral radiographs of the thorax which are easily obtainable by any veterinary surgeon with a reasonable X-ray machine. The use of intravascular and intracardiac contrast media and other of the more complex techniques which have been evolved to demonstrate cardiac structure and function in detail will not be discussed. Résumé— —Le but de ce compte-rendu est de démontrer que la simple radiographie du thorax peut être une aide utile à la diagnose de maladie de coeur chez le chien. Les seuls changements radio-graphiques qui seront discutés sont ceux qui peuvent être démontrés sur des radiographies latérales et dorso ventrales du thorax qui sont facilement obtenables par un chirurgien vétérinaire avec une machine moyenne de Rayons-X. L'emploi du moyenne de contraste intavasculaire et intracardiaque et d'autres techniques plus complexes qui sont issues pour démontrer la structure et la fonction cardiaque en détails ne sera pas discuté. Zusammenfassung— —Der Zweck dieser Abhandlung ist vorzuführen, wie einfache, unkomplizierte Röntgenphotographie des Brustkorbes einen nützlichen Beitrag zue Diagnose von Herzfehlern bei Hunden leisten kann. Es werden nur solche röntgenologischen Veränderungen besprochen, die auf seitlichen und dorsoventralen Röntgenbildern des Brustkorbes nachgewiesen werden können und deren Aufnahme ganz leicht von jedem tierärztlichen Chirurgen mit einem passablen Röntgen-apparat gemacht werden können. Die Verwendung von intravaskulären und intrakardiologischen Kontrastmitteln und anderen komplizierteren Methoden, die für eine ausführliche Demonstration der Herzstruktur und Funktion entwickelt wurden, wird nicht besprochen.  相似文献   

Examination of cardiac structure and function is greatly facilitated by echocardiography, which takes advantage of the natural ultrasonic contrast between myocardial tissue and the blood-filled chambers. In cases where further contrast is desired, peripheral injections of agitated saline, which contain highly reflective gas-filled microbubbles can reveal subtle morphologic lesions as well as characterizing the pattern and timing of blood flow through suspected cardiac shunts or lesions. Agitated saline contrast echocardiography is easily performed and well-tolerated and in this report, we demonstrate the utility of this method to diagnose a rare congenital defect in a dog.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report on the first case of congenital heart defects in pigs in Australia. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of case records from an inbred herd of "Westran" pigs at the University of Sydney, between January 2001 and December 2004. Detailed gross and histological examination of 15 hearts from pigs that had died or were euthanased in 2004. CASE DETAILS: The necropsy records from a population of 471 pigs that had died (106 pigs) or were euthanased for research purposes (365 pigs) were analysed and the incidence of heart defects recorded, together with basic demographic data. No attempts were made to diagnose the condition in live pigs. RESULTS: Congenital heart defects were diagnosed in 6.4% of pigs but this is likely to be an underestimate of the incidence of the deformity. Eighteen pigs died on the farm as a result of the defect, and 12 pigs were diagnosed with the defect as an incidental finding. The most common abnormality seen at necropsy was a sac-like dilatation on the right lateral surface of the right atrium. This was associated with secondary deformity and hypoplasia of the adjacent left ventricle, interventricular region and part of the right ventricle. All hearts showed atrial septal defects of varying size. CONCLUSION: This is the first reported case of congenital heart defects in pigs in Australia, and one of less than five reported cases of atrial septal defects in pigs in the world. The authors conclude that there may be an element of genetic predisposition to the malformation, since it has only been reported in this inbred line of pigs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the value of measuring blood levels of the myocardial protein cardiac troponin I (cTnl) in the diagnosis of congenital and acquired heart disease in the dog and in the evaluation of the severity of heart failure. METHODS: Serum samples obtained from healthy dogs (n = 26) and from dogs diagnosed with a variety of congenital and acquired heart conditions (n = 35) were assayed for cTnl concentration using an automated immunoassay method. Results were also analysed according to the degree of heart failure as assessed using the International Small Animal Cardiac Health Council's scheme. RESULTS: Healthy dogs had very low or undetectable blood cTnl levels, as did dogs with congenital heart disease. However, cTnl levels were significantly elevated in dogs with acquired mitral valve disease, dilated cardiomyopathy and pericardial effusion. Blood cTnl levels also varied with severity of heart failure. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Measurement of blood cTnl levels may be a useful aid in the diagnosis of dogs with suspected heart disease and in indicating the severity of heart failure.  相似文献   

This article describes a complex and not previously reported combination of congenital cardiac defects. Echocardiography showed dilation of right and left chambers, accompanied with patent ductus arteriosus, persistence of the left cranial vena cava, atrial septal defect (ASD), subaortic stenosis, and tricuspid dysplasia. The interatrial wall was examined and the diameter of the ASD was measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  相似文献   

The clinical findings and investigation of dogs with congenital cardiac disease is described and the role of diagnostic aids including radiography, electrocardiography and echocardiography is outlined. The physical findings, prognosis and therapy of the common defects are reviewed and their aetiology is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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