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Habitat destruction and degradation are the major causes for the decline of the endangered grass-feeding flightless beetle Dorcadion fuliginator in Central Europe. We examined habitat characteristics at 19 localities which still support abundant D. fuliginator populations in the southern part of the Upper Rhine valley (border region of Switzerland, Germany and France) to obtain basic information for the management of deteriorating habitats with declining beetle populations. Populations of D. fuliginator were found in different types of grassland on south, south-west and south-east facing slopes and flat ground. Correspondence analysis showed that plant communities of D. fuliginator localities overlap widely with fertilized, dry hay meadows (phyto-sociologically defined as dry type of the Arrhenatheretum community) and to a minor extent with traditionally extensively cultivated dry grasslands (Xerobrometum and Teucrio-Mesobrometum communities). Average indicator scores of the plant communities characterize the habitat of D. fuliginator as fairly light-exposed and warm, but with relatively large ranges in humidity and nutrient content. The results of a 16-year study on the timing of emergence of the first beetles in a population provided further evidence for the high temperature requirements of D. fuliginator. Proposed conservation measures include traditional cultivation of the present secondary, man-made D. fuliginator habitats, introduction of beetles to suitable motorway embankments as well as large-scale measures allowing natural dynamics in the flood plain along the river Rhine, the presumably primordial habitat of this highly endangered beetle.  相似文献   

Some snakes are highly vulnerable to extinction due to several life history traits. However, the elusive behavior and secretive habits of some widespread species constrain the collection of demographic and ecological data necessary for the identification of extinction-prone species. In this scenario, the enhancement of ecological modelling techniques in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is providing researchers with robust tools to apply to such species. This study has identified the environmental factors that limit the current distribution of Vipera latastei, a species with secretive behavior, and has evaluated how human activities affect its current conservation status, identifying areas of best habitat suitability in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) indicated low marginality (0.299) and high tolerance (0.887) scores, suggesting strong tendency for the species to live in average conditions throughout the study area and to inhabit any of the environmental conditions. The analysis also revealed that this viper tends to select particular Mediterranean habitats, although topographic factors (altitude and slope) were the major environmental constraints for the Iberian distribution pattern of the species. The presence of other parapatric viper species in the north of the Iberian Peninsula (V. aspis and V. seoanei) and two human-related variables (landscape transformation and human density) also had a negative relation with the occurrence of V. latastei. All factors can explain its absence in northern Iberia and its fragmented distribution as currently is found mostly in mountains and relatively undisturbed low-altitude areas. The historical destruction and alteration of natural Mediterranean habitats and several life-history traits of the species contribute to its vulnerability to extinction. The ENFA analysis proved to be an outstanding method to evaluate the factors that limit the distribution range of secretive and widespread species such as V. latastei, updating evaluation of their conservation status.  相似文献   

The use of predictive models is continually increasing, but few models are subsequently field-checked and evaluated. This study evaluates the statistical strength and usefulness for conservation purposes of a predictive habitat use model developed for Chalinolobus tuberculatus, a threatened microchiropteran bat species found in the temperate rainforests of New Zealand. The relationship between various environmental variables and the presence/absence of the species was investigated using generalised linear modelling. The model developed was coupled with GIS data to develop maps of predicted occurrence within the West Coast region of New Zealand’s South Island. It was found that distance to forest boundary, slope, presence of Nothofagus, general land cover, variability in mean annual solar radiation, and mean ambient winter minimum temperature were significantly associated with the occurrence of the species. Evaluation of the statistical strength of the distribution model with independent data of species’ occurrence collected at 152 sites found that the C. tuberculatus model showed a moderate ability to predict both species presence and absence (τ(b) coefficient = 0.37). The field detection rate (0.45) using this model was significantly higher than that of historical surveys (0.12). The value of the species habitat model and the need to evaluate its utility in the development of conservation strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

The construction of habitat models is a repeatable technique for describing and mapping species distributions, the utility of which lies in enabling management to predict where a species is likely to occur within a landscape. Typically, habitat models have been used to establish habitat requirements for threatened species; however they have equal applicability for modelling local populations of common species. Often, few data exist on local populations of common species, and issues of abundance and habitat selection at varying scales are rarely addressed. We provide a habitat suitability model for the common wombat (Vombatus ursinus) in southern New South Wales. This species is currently perceived as abundant throughout its extensive range across temperate regions of eastern Australia, yet little factual survey data exist and populations appear under threat. We use wombat burrows to reflect habitat selection and as our basis for ecological modelling. We found that environmental variables representing proximity to cover, measures of vegetation and proximity to watercourses are important predictors of burrow presence. Extrapolation of habitat models identified an abundance of habitat suitable for burrows. However, burrows in many suitable areas were abandoned. Our estimate of the population size was similar to the total annual mortality associated with road-kill. Theoretically, given the availability of suitable habitat, common wombat populations in the region should be thriving. It seems likely that this area once supported a much higher number of wombats; however limiting factors such as road mortality and disease have reduced the populations. The persistence of wombats in the study region must be supported by migration from other populations. Our findings challenge the perception that wombats are currently common and not in need of monitoring, suggesting that perceptions of abundance are often clouded by socio-political motives rather than informed by biological and ecological factors.  相似文献   

The pale-headed brush-finch (Atlapetes pallidiceps) is threatened with extinction due to habitat loss, but very little is known about its ecological requirements. We used multiple logistic regression to study habitat selection of this species at landscape, territory, and nest site scales in order to make recommendations about effective management. Habitat selection by the sympatric stripe-headed brush-finch (Buarremon torquatus) was examined with the same methods in order to analyse interspecific resource partitioning and potential competition. The pale-headed brush-finch selected semi-open habitat types with intermediate scrub heights, and avoided forests. Nest sites depended on the presence of vines or bamboo. By contrast, the stripe-headed brush-finch chose dense habitat with low ground cover under tall vegetation and avoided semi-open habitat. The two species had overlapping territories but differed significantly in microhabitat use and the use of vegetation strata. We found no convincing evidence that the stripe-headed brush-finch displaces the pale-headed brush-finch from optimal habitat. The preservation of semi-open scrubland maintained by low-intensity grazing is suggested for future conservation of the pale-headed brush-finch.  相似文献   

The Eurasian black vulture (Aegypius monachus) is a globally endangered species, vulnerable in Europe and endangered in Greece. We modelled its nesting preferences in Dadia reserve, northeastern Greece using logistic models at multi-scale level combined by Bayesian statistics. Compared with the random sites, the vultures nested at trees with greater diameter (DBH), lower height, and lower total number of trees around the nest tree, steeper slopes and greater distance from forest roads. Our results indicate that conservation and management guidelines for black vultures must aim: (1) to preserve old, isolated mature trees in the reserve, (2) to maintain the zones of strict protection as vulture sanctuary, including most of the suitable nesting habitat, (3) to protect the apparently suitable but still unused habitat in the rest of the reserve from disturbance and logging, (4) to monitor any changes in habitats and use our models to evaluate and predict their effect on vulture nesting in the reserve.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction and degradation are the major causes for the decline of the endangered grass-feeding beetle Dorcadion fuliginator in Central Europe. In the southern part of the Upper Rhine valley (border region of Switzerland, Germany and France) the habitat suitable for this flightless beetle has been reduced to small remnants of extensively managed dry grassland, usually surrounded by intensively cultivated agricultural fields or settlements. Using a mark-release-resight technique we examined movement patterns in three D. fuliginator populations to obtain basic information on the dispersal ability and longevity of this beetle. Estimated daily survival rates ranged from 88.8% to 90.8% in the populations examined. This corresponds to a mean life span of 10.5 days. Distances moved by D. fuliginator differed among populations. The beetles walked the largest distances in the verges of a field track. Several beetles moved distances of 20-100 m along the track, with a maximum distance of 218 m (a male in 12 days). The shortest displacements were recorded in the bank of the river Rhine, a narrow habitat surrounded by tarmac roads. We also assessed the spatial arrangement of 12 patches with D. fuliginator populations in two regions and estimated the size of each population over 4 years. Data on dispersal, daily survival, population size and spatial arrangement of patches were used to simulate patch-specific migration rates. The simulations suggested that in both areas the beetles regularly moved between neighbouring patches separated by distances shorter than 100 m, whereas patches separated by distances exceeding 500 m are isolated.  相似文献   

We compared the density of golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) and their nest dispersion, productivity and diet in Alpine and pre-Alpine areas. The comparison was made at two spatial scales: (1) at the territory level within two contiguous populations, and (2) at the population level, using published data for 22 populations scattered across four countries (France, Switzerland, Germany and Italy). Availability of golden eagle's main prey species was higher in Alpine than in pre-Alpine regions. The potential foraging ranges of pairs of eagles in the pre-Alps had larger amounts of woodland and lower amounts of suitable foraging habitat than those of Alpine pairs. At both spatial scales, density and productivity were lower in the pre-Alps. Also, pre-Alpine populations were characterised by a lower percentage of main prey species in the diet, which was significantly correlated with productivity, and by a higher breadth of diet, which was negatively correlated with density. Overall, higher prey availability and habitat suitability in the Alps resulted in higher density and breeding success, in a manner compatible with theoretical metapopulation models. We suggest that priority be given to conservation of eagle populations in high quality Alpine habitat, and that conservation action be carried out by a mixture of site-protection measures and conservation of the wider environment.  相似文献   

In the last few decades, green peafowl numbers have declined drastically across their south-east Asian range, primarily, it is believed, due to human persecution and loss of habitat. They were formerly common across Vietnam, but are now restricted to a few central provinces. In this study green peafowl were surveyed in Dak Lak province, Vietnam, using a point-count methodology to assess their status and distribution, and to investigate their habitat use. Results showed that the most used habitat was dry deciduous forest with access to permanent water and free from human disturbance. Green peafowl density was lower in mixed and evergreen forest and lower when water was distant and/or human settlement was nearby. A map of predicted distribution was created which predicted that eastern and north-eastern Dak Lak are important areas containing much of the remaining habitat and populations of green peafowl. Several key river systems within this area were predicted to be of particular value. Deciduous forest < 2 km from water and > 2 km from human settlement was estimated to occupy only 3% of the province but to hold 37% of green peafowl. Conservation of green peafowl in Dak Lak, and elsewhere, should concentrate on maintaining undisturbed access to permanent water within large tracts of dry deciduous forest. The spread of human settlement presents the greatest threat; both directly due to hunting pressure and habitat loss and indirectly by preventing access to water in otherwise suitable areas.  相似文献   

The appropriateness of using carrying capacity (CC) estimates to indicate habitat utilisation for a particular species, and thus as a tool for conservation population planning, has been questioned. We argue individual fitness is driven by resource availability, and we therefore assume individuals select habitats with a higher quality, abundance, and availability of key resources. In the past such selection has been related to the CC of a habitat. We tested whether we can use CC estimates to indicate habitat selection by individuals using a selective forager, black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis, for which CC approaches underpin species conservation plans. We tested for correlation of individuals’ habitat selection with predicted CC values at three spatial scales of selection. Individual selection was not related to the value of the habitat according to our CC estimates for any of the three scales we tested at. We discuss how density-dependence, environmental variables, scale of selection, individual variation and intra- and inter-specific dynamics may have influenced these results. Following this, we question the use of a priori calculations of potential resource quality and abundance of habitats (CC estimates), which do not take into account the various factors that influence an animal’s selection of a habitat, as an indicator of species habitat selection. We raise caution regarding the use of such CC models to determine optimal population numbers for an area.  相似文献   

High African elephant stocking rates in nature reserves in southern Africa have been shown to have significant impacts on vegetation structure and diversity. However, the direct and indirect effects of elephants on fauna, particularly invertebrates, remain poorly known. The Maputaland Centre of Endemism, an area of southern Mozambique and northern KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa, is undergoing rapid rates of habitat conversion. Sand Forest, the rarest vegetation type in the Centre, is threatened by human disturbance outside of protected areas and by elephant browsing pressure in Tembe Elephant Park, one of the few protected areas for Sand Forest. Here we examine the effects of elephant- and human-induced disturbance to Sand Forest on a functionally important component of invertebrate diversity, i.e. the dung beetle fauna. The dung beetle assemblage associated with elephant-disturbed Sand Forest was transitional between undisturbed Sand Forest and Mixed Woodland, whereas that associated with human disturbance was markedly different to either habitat type. Differences are attributed to a change in habitat structure under both disturbance types, as well as to changes in the quality and distribution of dung under human disturbance. Therefore, grazing impacts by elephant not only affect plant diversity, but also implement changes in invertebrate fauna. The maintenance of the integrity of the Sand Forest–Mixed Woodland matrix is considered critical for biodiversity conservation in the Maputaland Centre of Endemism. Management of elephant populations, as well as the protection of sufficient Sand Forest inside conservation areas must, therefore, necessarily form part of the conservation strategy for the Centre.  相似文献   

Dung beetle populations, in decline, play a critical ecological role in extensive pasture ecosystems by recycling organic matter; thus the importance of their conservation status. Presence data available for Copris hispanus (L.) and Copris lunaris (L.) (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae) in Comunidad de Madrid (CM), and BIOMAPPER, a GIS-based tool, was used to model their environmental niches. The so derived potential distributions of both species were used to exemplify the utility of this kind of methodologies in conservation assessment, as well as its capacity to describe the potential sympatry between two or more species. Both species, distributed along a Dry-Mediterranean to Wet-Alpine environmental conditions gradient, overlap in areas of moderate temperatures and mean annual precipitations in the north of CM. Copris are poorly conserved in the existing protected sites network, but protection provided by new sites included in the future Natura 2000 Network will improve the general conservation status of these species in CM.  相似文献   

The identification of priority sites that ensure the achievement of conservation goals is key to direct conservation efforts. An estimation of the level of vulnerability of each priority area allows the identification of sites that need urgent conservation action. We present a systematic reserve selection for 1654 African mammals and amphibians that uses habitat suitability models as estimates of the area occupied by each species. These are based on the geographic range and habitat preferences for each species, which we collected in the framework of the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Global Amphibian Assessment and IUCN Global Mammal Assessment. Our results showed that in addition to existing protected areas, approximately 2.8 million km2 of land is irreplaceable to achieve the protection of 10% of the area occupied by all amphibians and mammals. This figure is higher than previous estimates from other studies. Most irreplaceable sites are located in the sub-Saharan region. More than half (55%) of the irreplaceable sites have high human population density; for only 17% the human population density is low. African amphibians and mammals have therefore to be conserved in densely populated areas where innovative management policies will be required to accommodate conservation successfully.  相似文献   

We developed large-scale spatially explicit models to predict the distribution of suitable habitat patches for the Greater rhea (Rhea americana), a near-threatened species, in two areas of central Argentina with different land use: a grassland area (ca. 4943 km2) mainly devoted to cattle grazing and an agro-ecosystem area (ca. 4006 km2) mostly used for crop production. The models were developed using logistic regression and were based on current records of Greater rhea occurrence coupled with remote sensing data, including land cover and human presence variables. The habitat suitability maps generated were used to predict the suitable habitat patch structure for wild rhea populations in each area. Fifty-one percent of the total grassland area was suitable for the species, being represented by a single large patch that included 62% of the individual locations. In the agro-ecosystem, only 28% of the total area was suitable, which was distributed among four patches. Seventy percent of rhea observations were in suitable habitat, with all rheas grouped in the largest patch. Conservation efforts for preserving wild rhea populations should be focused on maintaining habitats similar to grasslands, which are less profitable for landowners at present. Consequently, the protection of the pampas grasslands, a key habitat for this species as well as for others with similar habitat requirements, will demand strong conservation actions through the reconciliation of interests between producers and conservationists, since the proportion of croplands is increasing.  相似文献   

We investigated roost selection by Barbastella barbastellus in a mountainous area of central Italy. Twenty-five bats, mostly lactating females, were radio-tracked to 33 roost trees. Trees in unmanaged woodland were favoured as roost trees; woodland subject to limited logging was used in proportion to availability, and areas where open woodland and pasture occurred were avoided. Selection depended on tree condition (dead beech trees were preferred) and height (roost trees were taller than random ones). Cavity selection was based on cavity type, height and entrance direction: roost cavities were mainly beneath loose bark, at a greater height above ground and facing south more frequently than random cavities. Untouched areas of mature woodland should be preserved to provide roosting conditions for B. barbastellus. In logged areas, harvesting protocols should save dead and mature trees; frequent roost switching and small colony size imply that large numbers of roost trees are needed.  相似文献   

The fragmentation of ancient woodland has been identified as a cause of decline in biodiversity in the UK. Current policy advocates the targeting of resources to mitigate its effects. In this study a number of patch and landscape scale measures of ancient woodland distribution were derived from national data sets. These measures were translated into independent variables representing patterns of woodland cover using principal component analysis (PCA). Key species were selected according to differing sensitivities to fragmentation of ancient woodland. Logistic regression models of species distributions were constructed.A range of bird and mammal distributions were found to be correlated to landscape scale measures of fragment distribution, in contrast to butterfly and plant species, which exhibited a stronger correlation to patch-scale measures. The national distribution of a range of woodland species is predicted. New information is presented on the landscape requirements of woodland species, particularly those that enable them to persist in fragmented woodland landscapes. The different scales at which species show a sensitivity to fragment distribution are discussed. The results confirm the association between species and different aspects of the structure of the wooded landscape, and provide information of value in targeting national conservation expenditure in England.  相似文献   

Despite its size and attractiveness, many Lucanus cervus sites remain undetected in NW Europe because of its short flight period and its nocturnal activity. Therefore, present-day designated conservation areas for L. cervus are probably insufficient for a sustainable conservation of the species. We applied eight species distribution modelling techniques (artificial neural networks, classification tree analysis, generalised additive models, generalised boosting models, generalised linear models, mixture discriminant analysis, multiple adaptive regression splines and random forests) to predict the distribution of L cervus in Belgium using 10 randomly generated calibration and evaluation sets. We used AUC, sensitivity (% correctly predicted presences in the evaluation set) and specificity (% correctly predicted absences in the evaluation set) and Kappa statistics to compare model performances. To avoid the incorporation of only marginally suitable woodland sites into the Natura 2000 network, we, conservatively, considered the species as being present only in grid cells where all 10 randomly generated model sets predicted the species as such. Model performance was, on average, good allowing to predict the potential distribution of L. cervus accurately. According to the predicted distribution using the more robust prevalence threshold, only 5731 ha (11% of the potentially suitable area) is protected under the Natura 2000 scheme in Belgium. Subsequently, we categorised the potentially suitable woodlands into three conservation priority categories based on their surface area and the already designated Natura 2000 area. Including the most suitable L. cervus woodlands previously not included in the Natura 2000 sites within such network would require protecting an area of 15,260 ha. Finally, we discuss the implications of using species distribution modelling for nature policy decisions in designating conservation networks.  相似文献   

Carabid larvae and adults were collected by pitfall trapping and soil sampling for a period of 1 year from an organic potato field in western Austria. The main results and conclusions were the following. (i) Larval catches enriched the total species spectrum (n = 49) by 6 %. Recording of pre-adult stages seems to be necessary for a complete registration of a beetle coenosis. (ii) Twenty species were caught in adult as well as in larval stages, representing apparently the autochthonous Carabidae of the investigated field. (iii) The use of soil sampling enriched the larval ground beetle spectrum and provided additional data on the life cycle of certain species. Therefore additional methods to pitfall trapping are stated to be important. (iv) Epigaeic activity of winter larvae surpassed that of adults during late autumn, winter and early spring, whereas summer larvae lived mainly hemiedaphicly. (v) Third instar larvae showed the highest pitfall catches in most species, which was probably caused by their higher epigaeic activity and greater activity radius. (vi) Life cycles of Nebria brevicollis, Loricera pilicornis, Calathus fuscipes, Amara aulica, Harpalus rufipes, Bembidion lampros and B. properans are presented and discussed. Data of larvae support the concept of species which reproduce a second time or show two breeding cohorts throughout the year. (vii) Carabid larvae may possess interesting predation value in the regulation of certain pests due to a phenology and habitat that differ from that of adult beetles.


Dans un champ de pommes de terre cultivé biologiquement dans l'ouest de l'Autriche, les larves et adultes de différentes espèces de carabes ont été récoltés par piégeage Barber et échantillonnage de sol pendant 1 an. Les principaux résultats et conclusions sont les suivantes. (i) La capture de larves a enrichi tout le spectre de l'espèce (n = 49) de 6 %. L'enregistrement des étapes pré-adultes semble donc être nécessaire pour obtenir une image complète d'un peuplement de coléoptères. (ii) Les vingt espèces de larves et d'adultes récoltées semblent bien représenter la composition de carabes autochtones de la zone étudiée. (iii) L'échantillonnage du sol a enrichi le spectre larvaire carabiques et a fourni des données supplémentaires sur le cycle de vie de certaines espèces. Des méthodes complémentaires au piégeage Barber semblent donc être importantes. (iv) Tandis que les larves en été sont principalement semi-édaphiques, l'activité épigée des larves en hiver a surpassé celle des adultes pendant l'automne, l'hiver et le début de printemps. (v) En raison probablement de leur activité épigée plus élevée et de leur rayon d'action plus grand, c'est dans les pièges Barber que le plus grand nombre de larves de troisième stade de la plupart des espèces a été observé. (vi) Les cycles de développement de Nebria brevicollis, Loricera pilicornis, Calathus fuscipes, Amara aulica, Harpalus rufipes, Bembidion lampros et B. properans sont présentés et discutés. Les données larvaires confirment l'idée que ces espèces se reproduisent deux fois par an ou que deux cohortes successives peuvent se reproduire chaque année. (vii) En raison d'une phénologie et d'un habitat qui diffèrent de celui des coléoptères adultes, les larves de carabes pourraient jouer un rôle important dans la régulation de certains parasites.  相似文献   

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