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The two principal mechanisms available to conserve breeding wading birds on lowland wet grassland in England are nature reserves and agri-environment schemes, particularly the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme. ESAs offer payments to landowners in return for maintaining (‘low tiers’) or enhancing (‘high tiers’) the landscape, biodiversity and historic value of the land. Lowland wet grassland nature reserves managed by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) have been successful at conserving breeding lapwings and redshank but habitat management usually only results in short-term increases in numbers of breeding snipe. Within ESAs, populations of breeding wading birds fare better on land managed under high tiers than on land managed under low tiers. Land managed under high tiers also supports more pairs of breeding wading birds per £ of ESA grant received than land managed under low tiers. Means of increasing the cost-effectiveness of the ESA scheme in conserving breeding wading birds are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

In order to face the large and worrying biodiversity decline in agricultural landscapes, important policy instruments like agri-environmental schemes (AES) have been implemented. Studies that have examined the ecological effects of AES are now numerous and generally use indicators of biodiversity such as species richness and diversity as well as species abundance. Yet, it has been shown that simple metrics such as species richness or abundance may give misleading messages about biodiversity status and fate. Moreover, those indicators cannot detect another important source of biodiversity loss, biotic homogenisation. In this context, taking into account to a wider extent ecological difference among species would be more relevant, as well as focusing on the species specialisation which is known to be linked to higher species vulnerability. A bibliographic review investigating the criteria generally used to assess the success of AES showed that 55% of studies used species richness and/or abundance exclusively without any consideration of specialisation or other ecological traits in their evaluation of AES effectiveness. Based on data from the French breeding bird survey and studies at regional scale in France on farmland birds, we show that: (i) species richness and specialisation are generally negatively correlated in agricultural areas, (ii) habitat heterogeneity does not benefit specialist species, and (iii) monitoring of species diversity should be coupled with the monitoring of specialist species to improve conservation strategies in farming systems. Overall, this study emphasizes the need to account for both community richness and composition when assessing AES or similar conservation planning.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, agricultural land-use practices have been intensified throughout Europe. As a consequence of the resulting loss of habitat heterogeneity, numerous species associated with traditional farmland have undergone severe population declines. To mitigate the negative effects of intensive agriculture on farmland biodiversity, agri-environment schemes (AES) have been adopted in various European countries since the early 1990s. The effects of AES have been evaluated for different taxa, but rarely for larger mammals like the brown hare (Lepus europaeus), a characteristic species of traditional open farmland.Using spotlight counts from 58 brown hare monitoring study sites over 17 years, we analysed the effects of land-use and several agri-environment scheme options on brown hare density in the Swiss lowland. We used open-population binomial mixture models to jointly model abundance and detection probability, thereby accounting for imperfect detection of hares.Mean observed counts of brown hares in Switzerland from 1992 to 2008 suggested a slight decline followed by a recovery in arable study sites, whereas a sustained decline was apparent in grassland sites. Mean detection probability ranged widely from year to year (arable: 0.33–0.70; grassland: 0.21–0.80). When accounting for imperfect detection, a population recovery was apparent in both land-use types, although hare densities remained at low levels compared to other European countries.The amount of extensively managed hay meadows seemed to have a positive effect on brown hare abundance both in arable and grassland sites. Hedgerows were also positively related to hare density, although only in arable study sites. The amount of set-asides/wildflower strips and brown hare density were related neither in arable nor in grassland sites. This result was probably caused by the fairly low percentages of this AES option in our study sites.Habitat improvements by means of AES indicate some positive effects on brown hare populations in Switzerland, but the quantity and quality of AES must still be increased. Combined with a binomial mixture model correcting for imperfect detection, spotlight counts are an effective tool for estimating population trends, especially for large-scale and long-term surveys like the Swiss brown hare monitoring.  相似文献   

Teasing out how species respond to human-induced environmental changes has become a priority for addressing the challenges posed by the need to conserve biodiversity. Although land abandonment is widespread, the threat it can represent to biodiversity remains poorly understood. To address this issue, we used data from eight long-term studies in a region with widespread land abandonment that has been identified as a biodiversity hotspot, the north-west Mediterranean Basin. We conducted a multi-site analysis of how changes in species occurrence were affected by species’ attributes (habitat preference, habitat breadth, migration strategy and latitudinal distribution). The analysis revealed a nested pattern in the effect of species attributes. Woodland and shrubland species showed the strongest increase, whereas no change in overall occurrence patterns was detected in farmland species. Residents increased significantly, especially those with a northern distribution, whereas migrants decreased significantly, especially farmland species with a narrow habitat breadth. Changes in species occurrence were also related to initial landscape composition, with larger increases in initially woodland or mixed landscapes. Woodland species increased in all landscape types, shrubland species increased only in mixed landscapes, and farmland species decreased more, although not significantly, in farmland landscapes. Our results strongly support the hypothesis that large-scale habitat changes associated mainly with land abandonment are impacting bird community patterns in the Mediterranean region. Negative effects seem to be recorded mostly for migrants in farmland landscapes, suggesting that declines in these species are likely to be caused by a variety of mechanisms interacting with habitat change in the breeding region.  相似文献   

A significant policy objective is the need for protection of biodiversity not just within designated Natura 2000 sites, but also in areas that occur outside of these sites. However there is a lack of information on existing semi-natural habitat cover on EU farms, making it difficult to assess whether targets for halting the loss of agricultural biodiversity are being met. To achieve these targets, reliable yet easy-to-use methods are needed for accurately identifying priority areas for conservation actions and monitoring biodiversity on a large spatial scale.Remote sensing, farmland statistics and species data have been used in some EU countries to create maps to estimate the extent of semi-natural habitat cover but these are acknowledged as being too broad scale. In this study, we examined a method of fine-scale prediction of the spatial coverage of semi-natural habitats in lowland farms. A generalized additive model (GAM) was used to investigate the relationships between landscape and farm management variables and the lowland farmland habitat biodiversity on 32 farms outside of conservation designations, in a region of western Ireland. Semi-natural habitat cover on lowland farms could be predicted with a model using stocking density, soil diversity and river and stream length. It is proposed that this model could be used to predict the coverage of semi-natural habitats on farms in other regions of Ireland with similar land-use and landscape. A similar modelling approach could be adapted for application in other regions of Ireland and across Europe with different landscapes to predict semi-natural habitat coverage.  相似文献   

Agri-environment (AE) schemes aim to arrest declines in arable biodiversity through cereal field margin management options. We evaluated the effectiveness of uncropped cultivated margins (UCM), spring fallow (SF) and cropped conservation headlands with (CH) or without fertiliser inputs (CH(NF)) in sustaining plant species diversity and rare species, in England, UK. Sampling was stratified at 1 m, 3 m and 5 m from the edge of the margin and in eight regions to assess environmental influences on species composition. Species diversity, including rare species, was highest on UCM, followed by SF and CH(NF) margins. Diversity was generally lower on cropped margins due to competition from the crop. Fertilised CH margins were the least diverse option and were similar to cereal crop controls. Species diversity was greatest at the edge of all except UCM margins and there was a strong latitudinal decline in overall diversity and rare species. AE management accounted for more variation in species composition than habitat context, physical/climatic variables, soil properties or region. At cropped sites, there was overlap between margin type and other variables but soil properties explained less variation. At uncropped sites, management and physical/climate variables explained most variation but soil properties were more important than at cropped sites. These findings confirm that AE schemes are effective in conserving arable plants, including rare species, across a variety of landscape types. More precise geographical targeting, improved control of competitive species and research on the habitat requirements of rare species will improve the overall efficacy of schemes in the future.  相似文献   

The issue of what conservation strategies to apply in agricultural landscape for the most effective protection of biodiversity has been debated for some years. The creation and maintenance of nature reserves is often hampered by both ecological and economic factors, while the ecological effectiveness of agri-environment schemes (AES) is still being queried. Our study examined how the spatial pattern of nature reserves and AES affects the diversity of 25 target species of conservation interest in ditch banks and how this information might be used to develop a strategy resulting in synergy between protected areas and enhanced matrix quality. We studied target species plant diversity on 92 ditch banks under AES and on 102 banks not under such a regime; all of them running parallel to nature reserves. We compared the results with those obtained from a previous study which focused on ditch banks running transverse. On non-AES ditch banks running parallel to nature reserves, there was a significant decline in species richness with increasing distance from the nature reserve while this was not the case for AES ditch banks. The effect of AES differed between the two directions, with a significant effect beyond 200 m in the parallel direction and within 200 m in the transverse direction. Our results indicate that synergy between nature reserves and AES can enhance plant diversity and, since the AES effect was different in different direction due to wind direction and nitrogen input to adjacent fields, location of AES should be chosen carefully.  相似文献   

Population declines are now evident across many taxa, but within each assemblage there is often considerable variation in constituent population trends. We used bird population trends produced from the BTO/JNCC Common Birds Census (CBC) and the RSPB/BTO/JNCC Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), to test five main hypotheses to explain population changes of 59 breeding species in England (1967-2006): (1) breeding habitat, (2) predation risk to nest sites, (3) species climatic niche, (4) migration strategy, and (5) over-wintering bioclimatic zones of migrants, accounting for additional demographic and ecological traits. In absence of phylogenetic inter-relatedness, farmland species declined more than woodland species, most pronounced prior to 1986, probably reflecting agricultural intensification (1). We found limited support that ground nesters have declined more than above-ground or cavity nesters (2), and there was some indication that species with more northerly European distributions showed larger declines than more southerly-distributed species (3). Larger population declines were recorded for Afro-tropical migrants than species wintering in Europe or in the UK, most notable prior to 1986 (4). However, declines were not uniform across all migrants (5) - species over-wintering in the arid savannah bioclimatic zone of Africa decreased in population between 1967 and 1976, whereas species wintering in humid West African forest and savannah declined more after 1987. These results suggest both breeding and over-wintering factors influenced population trends. European countries signed to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals are required to protect and conserve populations of migrants. Understanding connectivity between breeding and over-wintering populations, and similar environmental pressures experienced within over-wintering areas may be a useful step towards mitigating against further declines in migrants.  相似文献   

The lesser kestrel is a Globally Threatened Species which large decline has been related to recent agricultural changes in European pseudo-steppes. Irrigation is considered as one of the major threats for this and other steppe birds, but the actual effects of irrigation on foraging habitat selection have been scarcely examined. We studied the selection of traditional dry cereal farming and irrigated habitats by foraging lesser kestrels during the breeding cycle, paying especial attention to possible differences among crop types. Field margins were the scarcest but the most positively selected habitat, and different stages of cereals cultivated following traditional practices were selected depending on the breeding and agriculture cycles. Effects of irrigation were dual. While irrigated maize and other crop types were avoided, alfalfa was used in proportion to its availability and later highly selected after harvesting. Moreover, field margins in irrigated land were selected in a similar way than in traditional dry farmland. Therefore, although maintaining low-intensity farming is still the main recommendation for this species, new management options arise when social pressure makes irrigation unavoidable. Further agri-environmental schemes in these circumstances should thus promote cultivation of alfalfa with a low input of biocides while avoiding maize, together with increasing field margins, to make compatible irrigation with lesser kestrel conservation.  相似文献   

The switch from spring-sown to autumn-sown cereals and the loss of habitat heterogeneity are often suggested to be key drivers of breeding bird decline on arable farmland. Yet, both factors are interlinked and it remains uncertain whether autumn-sown cereals reduce breeding bird numbers also in the structurally complex arable farmland of northern Europe. We tested whether autumn-sowing of cereals at both local and landscape scales affected the breeding bird community in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape of south-central Sweden. Rotation between sowing types was used as a semi-experiment based on 34 spring- vs. 41 autumn-sown cereal plots centred on infield non-crop islands of similar structure, size and surroundings. Species richness and territory abundance of ground-foraging species were significantly lower in autumn- than in spring-sown cereal plots both in the crop fields and the infield non-crop islands during the breeding season. No such effect was observed among foliage gleaning birds. Species richness in spring-sown cereal plots was less the more autumn-sown crops in the surrounding landscape within a 500 m radius. Average skylark densities did not differ between autumn- and spring-sown cereal plots because habitat preferences changed; densities declined in autumn-sown cereals during the growing season whereas they increased on spring-sown fields which had shorter swards throughout the breeding season. Our results indicate that negative effects of autumn-sown crops on breeding bird numbers spill over into both neighbouring non-crop and crop habitats. We conclude that agri-environmental schemes should place more emphasis on facilitating the value of the cropped area of fields as a foraging and nesting habitat. The retention of various non-crop habitats alone may not provide sufficient food close to nest sites for farmland birds that rely on crop fields for foraging.  相似文献   

A survey of butterfly numbers on two plots of arable farmland in southern England in 1984 was carried out using the transect method of Pollard et al. (1975). On one plot the field edges were left unsprayed with pesticides (herbicides, fungicides and insecticides) from 1 January and on the other all fields were fully sprayed in accordance with normal farming practice. Sprayed and unsprayed transect sections were paired up according to adjacent field boundary habitat type.A total of 868 butterflies were recorded on the unsprayed plot compared to 297 on the sprayed plot. Of the 17 species recorded on more than one survey section, 13 were significantly more abundant on the unsprayed treatment. Butterfly species whose larval host plants occurred in unsprayed field edges showed slightly larger differences in number between treatments than species less able to breed in weedy cereal crops.The results suggest that pesticide use on cereal crops may reduce butterfly numbers and that arable farmland is a habitat in need of further study for butterfly conservation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that an increase in the area of low-intensity land-use on arable land (e.g. set-aside fields and short-rotation coppice), and high or increased farmland habitat heterogeneity, may halt or reverse the observed population decline of farmland birds. We tested these hypotheses by undertaking farmland bird censuses during two contrasting periods of agricultural policies and land-use (i.e. 1994 and 2004) in a farmland region covering a gradient of forest- to farmland-dominated landscapes in Sweden. Local species richness (i.e. at 3 hectare sites) declined significantly between 1994 and 2004. Local species richness was positively related to habitat heterogeneity in both years of study whereas temporal change in species richness was not. Local change in species richness was positively associated with a change in the proportion of non-rotational set aside and short-rotation coppice (i.e. low-intensity land-use forms), but also to changes in the amount of spring-sown crops. However, the effect of low-intensity land-use was significantly dependent on the amount of forest in the surrounding landscape. An increase in low-intensity land-use was linked to an increase (or less marked decrease) in species richness at sites located in open farmland surroundings but to a decrease in richness at sites located in forest surroundings. This interaction between amount of forest and low-intensity land-use could be interpreted as a “rare habitat effect”, where an increase in a farmland habitat only positively affects biodiversity when it was originally uncommon (i.e. open farmland areas). Our results suggest that conservation measures of farmland biodiversity have to be put in a landscape context.  相似文献   

The Western Peat District of The Netherlands has a characteristic Dutch landscape. It consists mainly of meadows for dairy farming, crisscrossed by a dense network of ditches. Its biodiversity is regarded as of high national and international importance, but is declining as a result of intensive farming. Besides the establishment of reserves, measures to conserve and restore biological diversity have been implemented in the form of agri-environment schemes (AES). The aim of this research is to investigate, first, whether the reserves, assuming these provide source populations, affect the distribution of amphibians and, second, whether AES in the form of nature-friendly ditch bank management benefits amphibian diversity and abundance and enhances distribution across the agricultural landscape. In total, 42 ditches (24 control ditches and 18 AES ditches) were studied. Each ditch was perpendicular to the boundary of one of the reserves and was divided into five ditch sections of 100 m spread over 800 m, starting in the reserve and proceeding into the farmland. Generalized Linear Modelling was used to quantify the effect of nature-friendly ditch bank management (AES) and distance to the nature reserve on amphibian diversity and abundance. Species richness was high in AES ditches as compared to control ditches. The number of observed green frog (Rana esculenta synkl.) seemed to decline in the control ditches at large distances from the reserve. The other species, although their abundances were higher in the reserves, did not show a declining trend across the farmland. However, all adult amphibians except green frogs together had significantly higher abundances in the AES ditches compared to the control ditches. These results illustrate the potential role of agricultural ditches, combined with reserves and nature-friendly ditch bank management, in the conservation of amphibian populations.  相似文献   

Winter cutting of Common Reed Phragmites australis (Poaceae) is increasing in Camargue, southern France, potentially affecting wetlands of high conservation value. We studied its impact on arthropods by comparing four cut and uncut sites with special respect to avian prey availability in the breeding season. The two most important prey groups for breeding passerines, spiders (Araneida) and beetles (Coleoptera), were identified to species in trap catches and diet samples. The arthropod assemblages differed significantly between cut and uncut sites. Phytophagous and saprophagous species showed contrasting responses. Numbers of homopterans increased in cut reed beds, where green Phragmites stem density was higher. Saprophagous woodlice decreased, presumably due to the reduced amount of litter. Densities of some vegetation-dwelling spider and beetle species were lower at cut sites, including two of the most preferred prey species for passerine birds. Consequently, large-scale mechanically harvested reed beds host altered arthropod communities, missing major food components used by vulnerable passerines. However, reed cutting on a small scale may increase habitat heterogeneity and species richness on a landscape level. To contribute to reed bed conservation, EU schemes should reward management that leaves uncut reed patches in the proximity of cut areas to permit their recolonization by arthropods.  相似文献   

Changes in breeding bird diversity in the Netherlands between 1973-1977 and 1998-2000 were evaluated by testing three hypotheses related to the loss of biodiversity: (1) species diversity is declining, (2) biotic homogenization is increasing and (3) rare species are declining more severely than abundant species. Using data collected for two successive national breeding bird atlases, changes in diversity were assessed at different spatial scales (local, regional and national) and among species characteristic for different landscapes (farmland, woodland, heathland, wetland, coastal habitats and urban habitats). National species richness, diversity and equitability had increased between the two atlas periods, with more species increasing than decreasing in range and abundance. Most species in the large groups of woodland and wetland birds showed positive trends, whereas most in the smaller groups of heathland, reed-breeding and meadow birds showed negative trends. However, findings varied between regions and localities. Increases in species richness occurred mainly in regions in the low-lying, western part of the country which were previously relatively poor in species. By contrast, species richness decreased in some previously species-rich regions in the eastern part of the country. This has resulted in a homogenization of breeding bird communities between regions. We advocate the conservation and restoration of regional identity as a priority for landscape planning in the Netherlands. We did not find a clear relation between species abundance and trends, although both rare and very abundant species tended to decrease on average.  相似文献   

Increasing habitats diversity in agricultural landscapes has been proposed as a key measure for reversing the decline of farmland biodiversity in Europe. However, indicators used for assessing such a potential compensation effect usually only rely on species diversity and abundance while ignoring variations in species-specific vulnerability. The extent to which habitat diversity may reverse the decline of specialist species in Europe to farming systems is thus still unclear. In this study, we investigate whether the effect of non-cropped habitat diversity on farmland birds’ occurrences was dependent on species’ specialization for habitats. In particular, we focused on the relative effects of non-cropped habitat diversity on species’ abilities to persist or to colonize new vacant areas. We used a capture-recapture statistical framework to study the spatial dynamics of 20 farmland bird species in France monitored from 2001 to 2007. We found that non-cropped landscape diversity reduces both the probabilities that a species becomes extinct locally and that a species colonizes new vacant areas, and the occupancy rate. Although this suggests a possible stabilizing effect of the surrounding habitat diversity on species occurrence in farming systems, the occupancy was only weakly affected. Moreover, we found that the most specialist species were the more negatively affected by this landscape diversity in terms of colonization abilities. We argue that accounting for the differences in habitat specialization among farmland species can improve conservation policies dedicated to the management of landscape diversity.  相似文献   

Major changes to the extent and quality of farmland habitats, brought by the intensification of agricultural practice, are thought to be the main factors driving declines in a suite of farmland bird species in Europe. Recent changes in agricultural techniques have also contributed to widespread soil degradation, arising from increased soil exposure to erosion forces, declining soil organic content and increasing soil compaction. Although soils have a fundamental influence on ecosystem properties, the implications of soil degradation for farmland biodiversity have received little attention. In this study, we measure the influence of soil conditions on the distribution of a declining insectivorous farmland bird, the yellow wagtail Motacilla flava, relative to other habitat features in arable fields. Soil penetrability was found to have a significant influence on the abundance of territorial yellow wagtails at the field scale, together with crop type. Other measured habitat features had little effect on territory abundance, including soil organic content, crop height (within preferred crop types), field boundary habitats and availability of bare ground. Monitoring of invertebrate abundance across 20 cereal fields revealed a significant influence of both soil penetrability and soil organic content on aerial invertebrate capture rates. This relationship was strongest during the latter part of the breeding season, implying that settling yellow wagtails could use soil penetrability as a predictive indicator of prey abundance during the chick-rearing period. The strong relationship between yellow wagtails and soil penetrability suggests a potential causative link between soil degradation and population decline. The role of soils in determining abundance patterns and population declines of other farmland species may have been overlooked in previous studies.  相似文献   

Two-hectare unsown, tilled fallow plots put in place under agri-environment schemes for stone curlews Burhinus oedicnemus in England were surveyed for other bird species, brown hares Lepus europaeus, carabid beetles, vascular plants, butterflies and bumblebees. The results were compared with those from surveys within the crop in the same field and in neighbouring fields. This was done to test whether agri-environment management targeted at a single species also provided benefits to wider biodiversity. All groups except carabid beetles were more abundant, more likely to be recorded, or more species rich on plots than within the crop. Carabid beetle activity–density and species richness did not differ between the plot and the crop; activity–density of one functional group (predators) was lower on plots than in the crop. Six rare arable plant species were recorded, predominantly from plots, and the plots are considered to perform comparably to other agri-environment options available in England designed specifically for arable plants. One red-listed bird species of conservation concern (skylark Alauda arvensis) was more abundant on plots than in the crop, and three other red-listed species (linnet Carduelis cannabina, yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, corn bunting E. calandra) were more likely to be recorded on plots than in the crop. A fifth (lapwing Vanellus vanellus) was almost exclusively recorded from plots, and was more likely to be recorded on plots categorised as in good condition for stone curlews. These results demonstrate that fallow plots that have been put in place for the recovery of stone curlews have considerable value for a range of other farmland biodiversity, although management for stone curlews may be detrimental to some taxa, such as carabid beetles, that are sensitive to the relatively frequent spring tillage that these plots receive.  相似文献   

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