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Systematic conservation planning has become an important tool for increasing the efficiency of conservation decisions, but many planning efforts result in static plans that may lose relevance over time. We developed a process whereby planning is integrated into the decision-making process and updated every six months in response to conservation actions. The Florida Forever program is a 10-year, $3 billion land acquisition program expected to acquire approximately 1.25 million acres (607,000 ha) for conservation in Florida through the year 2010. With limited funding and duration, the program needs to be able to efficiently protect the most natural resources for a fixed cost, a situation well suited to a systematic reserve design approach. To inform this program, we conducted an assessment of natural resource conservation needs and developed the Florida Forever Tool for Efficient Resource Acquisition and Conservation (F-TRAC), a systematic reserve design analysis based on a simulated annealing site selection algorithm using Marxan software. The analysis considered conservation needs for a variety of natural resources including species, natural communities, high quality watersheds, wetlands, and sustainable forestry. Each 6-month analysis identifies an efficient portfolio of sites for resource protection, given the amount of land area likely remaining to be acquired by the Florida Forever program. The Spring 2004 model portfolio had a cost threshold of 206,308 ha, met conservation targets for 18 of 32 resource conservation features, and identified approximately 116,000 ha outside of current land acquisition projects. This study also demonstrates the use of reserve design results to evaluate existing and proposed land acquisition projects and inform decision makers; and the evaluation of acquisition trends and program success based on potential achievements as indicated by reserve design analyses.  相似文献   

We develop reserve selection methods for maximizing either species retention in the landscape or species representation in reserve areas. These methods are developed in the context of sequential reserve selection, where site acquisition is done over a number of years, yearly budgets are limited and habitat loss may cause some sites to become unavailable during the planning period. The main methodological development of this study is what we call a site-ordering algorithm, which maximizes representation within selected sites at the end of the planning period, while accounting for habitat loss rates in optimization. Like stochastic dynamic programming, which is an approach that guarantees a globally optimal solution, the ordering algorithm generates a sequence in which sites are ideally acquired. As a distinction from stochastic dynamic programming, the ordering is generated via a relatively fast approximate process, which involves hierarchic application of the principle of maximization of marginal gain. In our comparisons, the ordering algorithm emerges a clear winner, it does well in terms of retention and is superior to simple heuristics in terms of representation within reserves. Unlike stochastic dynamic programming, the ordering algorithm is applicable to relatively large problem sizes, with reasonable computation times expected for problems involving thousands of sites.  相似文献   

Spatial reserve design concerns the planning of biological reserves for conservation. Typical reserve selection formulations operate on a large set of landscape elements, which could be grid cells or irregular sites, and selection algorithms aim to select the set of sites that achieves biodiversity target levels with minimum cost. This study presents a completely different optimization approach to reserve design. The reserve selection problem can be considerably simplified given the reasonable assumptions that: (i) maximum reserve cost is known; (ii) the approximate number of new reserves to be established is known; (iii) individual reserves need to be spatially contiguous. Further assuming the ability to construct a set of reserves in an efficient and close to optimal manner around designated reserve locations, the reserve selection problem can be turned into a search for a single interior point and area for each reserve. The utility of the proposed method is demonstrated for a data set of seven indicator species living in an conservation priority area in Southern Australia consisting of ca 73,000 selection units, with up to 10,000 cells chosen for inclusion in a reserve network. Requirements (ii) and (iii) above make interior point search computationally very efficient, allowing use with landscapes in the order of millions of elements. The method could also be used with non-linear species distribution models.  相似文献   

Several studies have compared the performances of exact algorithms (integer programming) and heuristic methods in the solution of conservation resource allocation problems, with the conclusion that exact methods are always preferable. Here, I summarize a potentially major deficiency in how the relationship between exact and heuristic methods has been presented: the above comparisons have all been done using relatively simple (linear) maximum coverage or minimum set models that are by definition solvable using integer programming. In contrast, heuristic or meta-heuristic algorithms can be applied to less simplified nonlinear and/or stochastic problems. The focus of this study is two kinds of suboptimality, first-stage suboptimality caused by model simplification and second-stage suboptimality caused by inexact solution. Evidence from comparisons between integer programming and heuristic solution methods suggests a suboptimality level of around 3%-10% for well-chosen heuristics, much depending on the problem and data. There is also largely anecdotal evidence from a few studies that have evaluated results from simplified conservation resource allocation problems using more complicated (nonlinear) models. These studies have found that dropping components such as habitat loss rates or connectivity effects from the model can lead to suboptimality from 5% to 50%. Consequently, I suggest that more attention should be given to two topics, first, how the performance of a conservation plan should be evaluated, and second, what are the consequences of simplifying the ideal conservation resource allocation model? Factors that may lead to relatively complicated problem formulations include connectivity and evaluation of long-term persistence, stochastic habitat loss and availability, species interactions, and distributions that shift due to climate change.  相似文献   

Computational methods for marine reserve design are frequently used as decision-support tools for the identification of conservation areas. Most reserve-selection algorithms minimise the cost of the reserve system whilst aiming to meet specified biodiversity objectives. Here, we extend a widely-used selection algorithm, Marxan, to incorporate several important considerations related to biodiversity processes and management. First we relax the scorched earth assumption to allow conservation features in non-reserve zones to contribute explicitly to conservation objectives. To achieve this, we generate conservation targets at landscape scales rather than focusing purely on the representation of features within reserves. Second, we develop the notion of spatial dependencies further to incorporate spatial heterogeneity in the value of individual conservation features such as habitat types. We use the example of ontogenetic migrations of fish from mangroves to coral reefs because it nicely demonstrates how spatial ecological processes generate predictable heterogeneity in habitat value that should be considered in the reserve design process. Lastly, we show how habitat value can be disaggregated into ecosystem processes and services. Using a case study for the Belize Barrier Reef we compare reserve networks generated using our new approach with the results of traditional analyses. Consideration of the contribution of different protection zones, connectivity among habitats and more complex management goals resulted in up to a 52% increase in the mean biomass of commercially and ecologically-important fish species represented in the landscape. Our approach strengthens the ecological basis of reserve-design algorithms and might facilitate the uptake of ecosystem-based management into reserve design.  相似文献   

Although data quality and weighting decisions impact the outputs of reserve selection algorithms, these factors have not been closely studied. We examine these methodological issues in the use of reserve selection algorithms by comparing: (1) quality of input data and (2) use of different weighting methods for prioritizing among species. In 2003, the government of Madagascar, a global biodiversity hotspot, committed to tripling the size of its protected area network to protect 10% of the country’s total land area. We apply the Zonation reserve selection algorithm to distribution data for 52 lemur species to identify priority areas for the expansion of Madagascar’s reserve network. We assess the similarity of the areas selected, as well as the proportions of lemur ranges protected in the resulting areas when different forms of input data were used: extent of occurrence versus refined extent of occurrence. Low overlap between the areas selected suggests that refined extent of occurrence data are highly desirable, and to best protect lemur species, we recommend refining extent of occurrence ranges using habitat and altitude limitations. Reserve areas were also selected for protection based on three different species weighting schemes, resulting in marked variation in proportional representation of species among the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species extinction risk categories. This result demonstrates that assignment of species weights influences whether a reserve network prioritizes maximizing overall species protection or maximizing protection of the most threatened species.  相似文献   

We compare several ways to model a habitat reserve site selection problem in which an upper bound on the total area of the selected sites is included. The models are cast as optimization coverage models drawn from the location science literature. Classic covering problems typically include a constraint on the number of sites that can be selected. If potential reserve sites vary in terms of area, acquisition cost or land value, then sites need to be differentiated by these characteristics in the selection process. To address this within the optimization model, the constraint on the number of selected sites can either be replaced by one limiting the total area of the selected sites or area minimization can be incorporated as a second objective. We show that for our dataset and choice of optimization solver average solution time improves considerably when an area-constrained reserve site selection problem is modeled as a two objective rather than a single objective problem with a constraint limiting the total area of the selected sites. Computational experience is reported using a large dataset from Australia.  相似文献   

Conservation needs are often in direct competition with other forms of land-use, and therefore protection of biodiversity must be cost-efficient. While common reserve selection algorithms address this problem, quantitative planning tools often suggest an optimal set of sites that is not necessarily convenient for practical conservation. Besides cost-effective solutions we require flexibility if land-use conflicts are to be effectively resolved. We introduce a novel concept for site value in quantitative reserve planning. Replacement cost refers to the loss in solution value given that the optimal cost-efficient solution cannot be protected and alternative solutions, with particular sites forcibly included or excluded, are needed. This cost can be defined either in terms of loss of biological value or in terms of extra economic cost, and it has clear mathematical definitions in the context of benefit-function-based reserve planning. A main difference with the much-used concept of irreplaceability is that the latter tells about the likelihood of needing a site for achieving a particular conservation target. Instead, replacement cost tells us at what cost (biological or economic) can we exclude (or include) a site from the reserve network. Here, we illustrate the concept with hypothetical examples and show that replacement-cost analysis should prove useful in an interactive planning process, improving our understanding of the importance of a site for cost-efficient conservation.  相似文献   

Previous studies which dealt with the conservation reserve site selection problem used either optimization methods, specifically linear integer programming (IP), or heuristic algorithms. The trade-off between computational efficiency versus optimality has been discussed in some articles and conflicting messages were signaled. Although the problem of suboptimality was acknowledged, some authors argued that heuristics may be preferable to exact optimization because IP models are computationally complex and may not be solvable when too many reserve sites are involved. On the other hand, some studies reported that fairly large problems could be solved easily. This paper shows that although the computational complexity argument can be valid for large reserve selection problems, by properly guiding the solver and exploiting the problem structure, formal optimization can deliver second-best (near-optimal) solutions that dominate the greedy heuristic solutions.  相似文献   

No-take reserves constitute one tool to improve conservation of marine ecosystems, yet criteria for their placement, size, and arrangement remain uncertain. Representation of biodiversity is necessary in reserve planning, but will ultimately fail for conservation unless factors affecting species’ persistence are also incorporated. This study presents an empirical example of the divergent relationships among multiple metrics used to quantify a site’s conservation value, including those that address representation (habitat type, species richness, species diversity), and others that address ecological processes and viability (density and reproductive capacity of a keystone species, in this case, the black chiton, Katharina tunicata). We characterized 10 rocky intertidal sites across two habitats in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada, according to these site metrics. High-richness and high-production sites for K. tunicata were present in both habitat types, but high richness and high-production sites did not overlap. Across sites, species richness ranged from 29 to 46, and adult K. tunicata varied from 6 to 22 individuals m−2. Adult density was negatively correlated with species richness, a pattern that likely occurs due to post-recruitment growth and survival because no correlation was evident with non-reproductive juveniles. Sites with high adult density also contributed disproportionately greater potential reproductive output (PRO), defined by total gonad mass. PRO varied by a factor of five across sites and was also negatively correlated with species richness. Compromise or relative weighting would be necessary to select valuable sites for conservation because of inherent contradictions among some reserve selection criteria. We suspect that this inconsistency among site metrics will occur more generally in other ecosystems and emphasize the importance of population viability of strongly interacting species.  相似文献   

Because the threat of habitat destruction can never be entirely eliminated, there is a legitimate concern that some reserve networks, especially highly complementary ones with minimal species overlap, may be predisposed to severe losses in species representation if one or more core reserve sites are destroyed. In order to address this problem in a systematic way, we propose the use of two different optimization models for designing complementary reserve networks that are also highly robust to possible site losses. Given limited budgets, the first maximizes expected species representation over all possible site loss patterns while the second maximizes a combination of representation given all sites and remaining representation following the worst-case loss of a restricted subset of reserve sites. By incorporating reserve loss in fundamentally different ways, these two models provide a range of options in terms of information requirements, assumptions about risk aversion, and structural complexity. We compare both of these methods to a more standard approach, which completely ignores the inherent risk posed by reserve site loss. Results confirm that significantly more robust solutions can be obtained for a marginal decrease in initial species representation within the reserve system.  相似文献   

Spatial prioritisations are increasingly being undertaken to allocate the investment of limited conservation resources. These techniques are highly effective at identifying where important areas for conservation are located, but of limited use for deciding how implementation of conservation action should be undertaken. Conservation planning should be a collaborative social process, and necessitates that spatial prioritisations be complemented with an implementation strategy. We undertook a conservation planning initiative in the Subtropical Thicket biome in South Africa, complementing a spatial prioritisation with an implementation strategy. Believing strongly in the importance of developing a ‘safe-fail’ culture in conservation, we detail our activities and document our successes and failures. We synthesize lessons from our experience of collaboratively developing an implementation strategy with stakeholders, so as to ensure it effectively complements a spatial prioritisation.  相似文献   

Survival probability within a certain time horizon T is a common measure of population viability. The choice of T implicitly involves a time preference, similar to economic discounting: conservation success is evaluated at the time horizon T, while all effects that occur later than T are not considered. Despite the obvious relevance of the time horizon, ecological studies seldom analyze its impact on the evaluation of conservation options. In this paper, we show that, while the choice of T does not change the ranking of conservation options for single species under stationary conditions, it may substantially change conservation decisions for multiple species. We conclude that it is of crucial importance to investigate the sensitivity of model results to the choice of the time horizon or other measures of time preference when prioritizing biodiversity conservation efforts.  相似文献   

Conservation plans are usually developed for regions that encompass only one environmental realm (terrestrial, freshwater or marine) because of logistical, institutional and political constraints. This is inadequate because these realms often interact through processes that form, utilize and maintain interfaces or connections, which are essential for the persistence of some species and ecosystem functions. We present a conceptual framework for systematic conservation prioritization that explicitly accounts for the connectivity between the terrestrial, marine, and freshwater realms. We propose a classification of this connectivity that encompasses: (1) narrow interfaces, such as riparian strips; (2) broad interfaces, such as estuaries; (3) constrained connections, such as corridors of native vegetation used by amphibians to move between natal ponds and adult habitat; and (4) diffuse connections, such as the movements of animals between breeding and feeding habitats. We use this taxonomy of inter-realm connectivity to describe existing and new spatial conservation prioritization techniques that aim to promote the persistence of processes that operate between realms.  相似文献   

A range of different biodiversity-based selection methods for nature reserves has been tested for terrestrial environments, including those based on diversity hotspots, endemicity hotspots and complementarity. In this study, we investigate the utility of these approaches for a coral reef embayment. We compare coral and fish species richness in a random accumulation of reserve sites with (a) hotspots analysis, (b) stratified selection of hotspots, and (c) complementarity. Cumulative species-site curves indicated that complementarity maximized the rate of accumulation of species of both corals and fishes in reserves, while the hotspot approach performed moderately well. An equivalent number of reserve sites supported a greater proportion of the coral biodiversity when compared to fishes, reflecting the broader distribution of corals. Our results indicate that when choosing an indicator group as a proxy for representing overall diversity in a reserve network, the group with the greatest heterogeneity will provide the best results. Our findings also show that although a modest number of protected sites (20%) will incorporate much of the local diversity (>75%), species-specific approaches must be incorporated to target rare species.  相似文献   

Systematic approaches to site selection for marine protected areas (MPAs) are often favored over opportunistic approaches as a means to meet conservation objectives efficiently. In this study, we compared analytically the conservation value of these two approaches. We locate this study in Danajon Bank, central Philippines, where many MPAs were established opportunistically based on community preference, with few if any contributions from biophysical data. We began by identifying the biophysical data that would have been available when the first MPA was created in Danajon Bank (1995). We next used these data with the reserve selection software Marxan to identify MPAs that covered the same area as is protected under the current set of MPAs (0.32% of the total study area) and that would protect the greatest number of conservation targets at the lowest cost. We finally compared the conservation value of the current MPAs to the value of those selected by Marxan. Because of the dearth of biophysical data available in 1995 and the small area currently under protection, Marxan identified multiple configurations of MPAs that would protect the same percentage of conservation targets, with little differentiation among sites. Further, we discovered that the costs of obtaining and analyzing these data to be used for conservation planning would have been large relative to resources typically available to conservation planners in developing countries. Finally, we found that the current set of MPAs protected more ecological features than would be expected by chance, although not as many as could be protected using a systematic approach. Our results suggest that an opportunistic approach can be a valuable component of conservation planning, especially when biophysical data are sparse and community acceptance is a critical factor affecting the success of an MPA.  相似文献   

Systematic approaches to efficient reserve network design often make use of one of two types of site selection algorithm; linear programs or heuristic algorithms. Unlike with linear programs, heuristic algorithms have been demonstrated to yield suboptimal networks in that more sites are selected in order to meet conservation goals than may be necessary or fewer features are captured than is possible. Although the degree of suboptimality is not known when using heuristics, some researchers have suggested that it is not significant in most cases and that heuristics are preferred since they are more flexible and can yield a solution more quickly. Using eight binary datasets, we demonstrate that suboptimality of numbers of sites selected and biodiversity features protected can occur to various degrees depending on the dataset, the model design, and the type of heuristic applied, and that processing time is not dramatically different between optimal and heuristic algorithms. In choosing an algorithm, the degree of suboptimality may not always be as important to planners as the perception that optimal solvers have feasibility issues, and therefore heuristic algorithms might continue to be a popular tool for conservation planning. We conclude that for many datasets, feasibility of optimal algorithms should not be a concern and that the value of heuristic results can be greatly improved by using optimal algorithms to determine the degree of suboptimality of the results.  相似文献   

Black kites (Milvus migrans) are vulnerable and in decline within Europe. Here, we investigate selection of foraging and breeding habitat in a high-priority population in the Italian pre-Alps. Compared to a random distribution, kites foraged preferentially near water, over extensively managed grassland and within 1 km of nest-sites. Urban areas were positively selected near lakes but otherwise avoided. Foraging performance was higher over water than over terrestrial habitats. Kites nested on cliffs and trees and preferentially near water, far from paths and villages and in rugged and steep micro-sites. Tree-nests were located in the most mature tree in the stand. Productivity was positively related to the availability of water bodies. Therefore, food availability and human disturbance/persecution limited foraging and breeding performance. Guidelines to maintain or enhance current population levels include: (1) setting up reserves covering 10% of the areas within 1 km of large lakes; (2) converting current derelict coppice-woodland to high forest; and (3) enhancing subsidies for extensively managed grassland. Our results highlight the importance of cross-scale models integrating selection of foraging and breeding habitat and reinforce the importance of the spatial configuration of key resources for more realistic conservation management in mosaic landscapes.  相似文献   

Catostomid fishes are a diverse family of 76+ freshwater species that are distributed across North America in many different habitats. This group of fish is facing a variety of impacts and conservation issues that are somewhat unique relative to more economically valuable and heavily managed fish species. Here, we present a brief series of case studies to highlight the threats such as migration barriers, flow regulation, environmental contamination, habitat degradation, exploitation and impacts from introduced (non-native) species that are facing catostomids in different regions. Collectively, the case studies reveal that individual species usually are not threatened by a single, isolated factor. Instead, species in general face numerous stressors that threaten multiple stages of their life history. Several factors have retarded sucker conservation including widespread inabilities of field workers to distinguish some species, lack of basic natural history and ecological knowledge of life history, and the misconception that suckers are tolerant of degraded conditions and are of little social or ecological value. Without a specific constituent group lobbying for conservation of non-game fishes, all such species, including members of the catostomid family, will continue to face serious risks because of neglect, ignorance, and misunderstanding. We suggest that conservation strategies should incorporate research and education/outreach components. Other conservation strategies that would be effective for protecting suckers include freshwater protected areas for critical habitat, restoration of degraded habitat, and design of catostomid-friendly fish bypass facilities. We believe that the plight of the catostomids is representative of the threats facing many other non-game freshwater fishes with diverse life-history strategies globally.  相似文献   

通过黄土丘陵沟壑区水土流失治理典型——陕北米脂县高西沟的水土流失治理措施配置模式、治理成本和治理效益分析,认为水土流失治理措施配置模式应由治理目标所决定,不同治理目标指导下的治理模式将产生不同的生态效益和经济效益;针对水土保持效益的多重性、连动性、交叉性和互动性等特点,提出水土保持效益评价原则;依据该原则,估算以粮食自给为目标的治理模式,其投入治理成本是65.70万元/km^2,5-6年内可收回成本;此时治理流域基本达到泥不下坡,水不出沟,林草覆盖率达到40%-50%,粮食自给,年经济收入3 000元/人左右的生态和经济效益。治理区虽全面治理达标,但经济收益仍远低于全国平均水平,单纯依靠水土保持难以达到全面小康,这是值得有关部门应深思的问题。  相似文献   

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