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Many parts of the Turkish coastline are important nesting grounds for sea turtles. The aim of this study was to assess the present state of sea turtle populations along the coastline of Turkey, by evaluating research conducted at various nesting grounds from 1979 to 2000. The results of the evaluation indicate that the Turkish coastline is the most important nesting area for Chelonia mydas, and the third most important nesting area for Caretta caretta after Greece and Libya (if nesting estimates for Libya are correct) in the entire Mediterranean. The most important C. caretta nesting beaches in Turkey are Dalyan (11.9%), Kumluca (11.3%), Belek (27.9%), Kizilot, (8.9%) and Anamur (8.8%), while those for C. mydas are Kazanli (24.1%) and Akyatan (54.4%). These sites are classified as “Nesting Areas of 1st Degree Importance”. Annual mean nest numbers along the coastline of Turkey are estimated to be ca. 2000 for C. caretta and 650 for C. mydas. Assuming that each adult female sea turtle nests three times per season, the annual numbers of nesting females along the beaches of Turkey range between about 500 and 800 for C. caretta and 130 and 300 for C. mydas. Annual nesting densities along the 204 km beach strip, which includes 17 important nesting grounds in Turkey, were 11.3 nests/km for C. caretta and 19.2 nests/km for C. mydas.  相似文献   

In the United States, raccoons Procyon lotor are often removed from sea turtle nesting beaches to decrease egg mortality. However, raccoons also consume ghost crabs Ocypode quadrata, another common egg predator. Reducing predator populations can benefit secondary predators, inflating total predation pressure and leading to a decline in prey species. We used track and burrow counts to compare raccoon and ghost crab abundance at four beaches in Florida, USA, that differ in management activity and determined predation rates on loggerhead Caretta caretta nests by each predator. Mean raccoon abundance (range 0.12-0.46 tracks plot−1 night−1) and ghost crab density (0.09-0.19 burrows m−2) were inversely correlated. Ghost crabs were largest at the site with the fewest raccoons. The stable nitrogen isotope ratios of ghost crabs (mean 9.8‰) were positively correlated with body mass, indicating larger ghost crabs feed at a higher trophic level and suggesting large ghost crabs may consume more loggerhead eggs. The highest rates of egg predation by both predators (31%) occurred where raccoon abundance was lowest and ghost crab abundance was highest, suggesting ghost crab burrows may facilitate predation by raccoons. Our data suggest that predation by raccoons limits ghost crabs and that removing raccoons can increase ghost crab abundance and sea turtle egg mortality. Although predator removal can be effective when nest predation rates are quite high, maintaining moderate raccoon densities may be important for controlling ghost crabs. These results highlight the importance of understanding food web connectivity in developing management strategies to achieve conservation goals, especially when the species of concern are threatened or facing extinction.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of specific mortality sources is crucial for management of species that are vulnerable to human interactions. Beachcast carcasses represent an unknown fraction of at-sea mortalities. While a variety of physical (e.g., water temperature) and biological (e.g., decomposition) factors as well as the distribution of animals and their mortality sources likely affect the probability of carcass stranding, physical oceanography plays a major role in where and when carcasses strand. Here, we evaluate the influence of nearshore physical oceanographic and wind regimes on sea turtle strandings to decipher seasonal trends and make qualitative predictions about stranding patterns along oceanfront beaches. We use results from oceanic drift-bottle experiments to check our predictions and provide an upper limit on stranding proportions. We compare predicted current regimes from a 3D physical oceanographic model to spatial and temporal locations of both sea turtle carcass strandings and drift bottle landfalls. Drift bottle return rates suggest an upper limit for the proportion of sea turtle carcasses that strand (about 20%). In the South Atlantic Bight, seasonal development of along-shelf flow coincides with increased numbers of strandings of both turtles and drift bottles in late spring and early summer. The model also predicts net offshore flow of surface waters during winter - the season with the fewest relative strandings. The drift bottle data provide a reasonable upper bound on how likely carcasses are to reach land from points offshore and bound the general timeframe for stranding post-mortem (< two weeks). Our findings suggest that marine turtle strandings follow a seasonal regime predictable from physical oceanography and mimicked by drift bottle experiments. Managers can use these findings to reevaluate incidental strandings limits and fishery takes for both nearshore and offshore mortality sources.  相似文献   

Shallow (neritic) waters close to the Italian coasts (Central Mediterranean Sea) are frequently visited by foraging loggerhead turtles, but the nesting populations which rely on this area have not been determined. To estimate the rookery origins of this feeding cohort, mitochondrial DNA control region sequences were analysed from 106 juvenile loggerhead turtles and compared to those published for key nesting populations in the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions using a Bayesian based stock analysis program. Six distinct haplotypes were detected, of which two have previously been reported from both Mediterranean and Atlantic nesting beaches and one only from Atlantic nesting populations. The remaining three haplotypes could not be assigned to a rookery of origin. Mixed stock analysis indicated that the waters along the Southern Italian coasts are utilised primarily by Mediterranean nesting populations, with approximately 68% of the individuals provided by the genetically homogeneous Greece/South eastern Mediterranean nesting aggregate and 23% by the Turkish management unit. 7% of the loggerhead turtles were assigned to Atlantic stock. Our results suggest that only a small proportion of the Atlantic juveniles which enter the Mediterranean to forage in its pelagic waters utilise also the neritic areas along the Italian coasts. This is consistent with theory of juvenile homing, according to which oceanic stage juveniles preferentially recruit to neritic developmental habitats within their natal region, and implies that the elevated human-induced mortality occurring in this area impacts almost exclusively the smaller and demographically more vulnerable Mediterranean loggerhead turtle stock.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of different well-tested conservation techniques in an effort to successfully protect sea turtle nests. From an eight-year study on the island of Zakynthos, West Greece, we have experimentally investigated the effectiveness of two different conservation techniques applied to loggerhead sea turtle nests and provided statistical measures to evaluate their conservation value. The categories of nests evaluated include: (i) nests incubated in situ, (ii) translocated into a beach hatchery, or (iii) protected by metal cages. Results of the analysis showed significant interannual variations in hatching success as obtained for each one of the three groups of nests. Significant differences were also observed when comparing hatching success data among the three groups of nests during the eight-year period. Overall, our results indicate that relocation of nests laid at highly threatened locations and the placement of protective cages on nests in situ provide adequate conservation measures that could allow an increase in hatchling production; although their choice and application should be based on the specific conditions and threats of each nest.  相似文献   

In the north Adriatic Sea on-board observations on midwater and bottom trawlers were carried out during years 1999 and 2000. Results indicate that the north Adriatic Sea, and especially the north-east part, is a very important foraging and overwintering habitat for loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Since the distribution of fishing effort in the area is not known, the total turtle catch by the Italian bottom trawl fleet was conservatively estimated from the lower catch rate observed in the south-west sub-area: 4273 turtle captures/year (95% C.I.=2186-8546). The actual total catch in the whole north Adriatic is likely to be much higher, due both to an unknown Italian trawling effort in the south-west part with multi-gear vessels and to the Italian and Croatian trawling efforts in the north-east part, where catch rate was 15 times greater than in the south-west part. In the south-west sub-area 9.4% of captured turtles were dead and potential mortality (assuming that all comatose turtles would die too) was 43.8%. Hence, trawling in the north Adriatic is likely to represent a serious threat to the populations, and possible conservation measures are discussed.  相似文献   

The coast of Gabon is one of the most important nesting sites for the endangered leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea. In this study, hatchling orientation was recorded during natural emergences at Pongara National Park, Gabon. This nesting beach is located close to both the capital of Gabon and a developing resort area, Pointe Denis. Under natural conditions most sea turtle hatchlings emerge at night and orient to the ocean by crawling away from dark, high silhouettes landward towards the bright, low seaward horizons. Artificial lights interfere with natural cues and disrupt hatchling orientation. The relative influence of artificial lights, logs and erosion were assessed on the nesting beach in Pongara National Park using a linear mixed model. We found that the attraction to artificial lights was higher than the effect of silhouette cues landward alone, but could be balanced by the simultaneous presence of the moon. Based upon these results, we recommend combining light management in the resort area to reduce the light pollution on the nesting beach and reinforcement of natural cues landward to minimize the effect of the remaining light pollution from the capital.  相似文献   

We evaluate the role of intensive beach management, meaning intense patrolling and nest reburial to a central hatchery, as a strategy for improving the success of sea turtle conservation at nesting sites in Mexico. We report the results of an experimental program at Playa Cuixmala, Jalisco, western Mexico. Sea turtle conservation efforts in Mexico have, in general, poor results because of lack of funds, which leads to insufficient beach protection and severe negative effects of nest removal on hatching success and sex ratios. Alternative strategies are needed to optimize limited resources. We predicted that intensive beach management, which included intense patrolling and careful nest reburial, could be an effective way to maximize nest survival and hatchling release under limited financial and human resources. The results of our 9-year study were very positive. Survival rate increased several fold during the study period. Hatching success and sex ratios were not significantly different between in-situ and removed nests. Survival in removed nests was, however, much higher that in-situ nests, because of predation and beach erosion. In total, the small (3 km length) Playa Cuixmala became the second most productive sea turtle nesting beach in the region because of these concentrated efforts. Intense beach management can be an important technique for sea turtle conservation, and can be properly applied to small beaches or the most productive sections of large beaches.  相似文献   

The western pond turtle Emys (formerly Clemmys) marmorata is declining throughout its range, primarily due to loss of habitat via urbanization and conversion to agriculture. Urban waterways present several important challenges to freshwater turtle populations, but they also present an opportunity to maintain declining species in a ubiquitous habitat that has high public visibility. The arboretum waterway on the University of California, Davis campus is an example of an extensively altered urban habitat that supports a relatively large E. marmorata population. Over the last 6 years, we monitored the turtle population inhabiting the arboretum waterway to determine the demographic health of the population, and the challenges and opportunities that urban environments pose for pond turtles. Since 1993, the naturally existing arboretum pond turtle population has declined by approximately 40% and has shown little natural recruitment. During this time, we also introduced 31 headstarted turtles into the arboretum. Headstarting is the process of raising juveniles in captivity until they have outgrown their period of greatest vulnerability to predators, and then releasing them into the wild. Our headstarting results demonstrate that this contentious strategy is a viable option for adding young turtles to the population, although it does not address the causes of decline. Over the course of our study, we encountered nine species of non-native turtles in the waterway, and these appear to be a serious threat to the native species. As more habitat becomes urbanized, it is increasingly important to understand how freshwater turtles, such as E. marmorata, adapt to urban waterways and the impact of non-native turtles on native turtle species. Our strong feeling is that urban waterways can provide habitat for viable populations of freshwater turtles and showcase them to the public, but both the aquatic and terrestrial habitat must be managed according to the biological requirements of individual species.  相似文献   

For many marine megavertebrate species it is challenging to derive population estimates and knowledge on habitat use needed to inform conservation planning. For marine turtles, the logistics required to undertake comprehensive ground-based censuses, across wide spatial and temporal scales, are often insurmountable. This frequently leads to an approach where a limited number of index nesting beaches are monitored in great detail by foot. In this study we use nationwide aerial surveying interfaced with ground assessments across three seasons of leatherback turtle nesting in Gabon (Equatorial West Africa), highlighting the importance of a synoptic approach to marine turtle monitoring. These surveys allow the first complete population assessment of this nesting aggregation to be made, identifying it as the world’s largest for the species (36,185-126,480 clutches, approximating to 5865-20,499 breeding females per annum and a total estimate of 15,730 to 41,373 breeding females). Our approach also serendipitously provides insights into the spatial appropriateness of Gabon’s protected areas network, for example (mean ± 1SD) 79 ± 6% (range 67-86%) of leatherback turtle activities recorded during aerial surveys (n = 8) occurred within protected areas (345 km, 58%, of surveyed coastline). We identify and discuss sources of potential error in estimating total nesting effort from aerial surveying techniques and show that interannual variation in nesting is considerable, which has implications for the detection of statistically significant changes in population size. Despite its relative costliness per day, aerial surveying can play an important role in providing estimates of relative population abundance of large vertebrates dispersed over extensive areas. Furthermore, it can provide data on habitat use and deliver real-time information on the spatial efficacy of protected area networks.  相似文献   

Mount Meiron Nature Reserve is the largest Mediterranean reserve in Israel. Since its establishment, goat grazing and woodcutting have been prohibited and dense oak maquis has developed by succession. The succession of vegetation poses the risk of losing species. The peony (Paeonia masculla) is a locally endangered species in Israel, growing only in a small population in the Mount Meiron Nature Reserve with only 5% of plants flowering. We sought a management practice that would increase the flowering percentage of the peonies and secure the future of its population. We found that flowering peonies grew mainly in locations with about 47% direct sun radiation, while most plants grew under heavy shade with only 27% direct radiation. Creation of small gaps increased the flowering to 15-20%. To ensure the future of the peonies in the Mount Meiron Nature Reserve, small gaps must be created—even if this conflicts with broader current management policies.  相似文献   

We studied habitat selection by Rhinolophus euryale in a rural area of southern Italy in 1998-2000 by radio-tracking. Two comparisons were carried out, one between habitat occurrence within individual home ranges and within the study area, the other between time spent in each foraging habitat and habitat occurrence within the home range. The first analysis showed that olive groves and conifer plantations were, respectively, the most and the least important habitats. The second analysis highlighted the importance of woodland for R. euryale, while urban sites, open areas and conifer plantations were avoided. We recommend that clearing of continuous, large areas of woodland for tree harvesting should be avoided. Conifers should not be used for reforestation. Urbanisation should be limited in the areas of greatest importance for the species, and linear landscape elements such as tree lines and hedgerows should be maintained.  相似文献   

This study investigates the dynamics and viability of a marsh fritillary butterfly Euphydryas aurinia metapopulation in a Belgian successional landscape. Based on capture-mark-recapture and winter nest census data, we first estimated demography (survival and recruitment rates, population size, density dependence) and dispersal parameters (emigration rate, effect of patch connectivity on dispersal, mortality during dispersal). Then using RAMAS/GIS platform, we parameterised a population viability analysis (PVA) model with these parameters to simulate the future of this metapopulation under different scenarios.The metapopulation does not seem viable even if natural reforestation is controlled by adequate management. In its present state, the patch system is not able to sustain enough individuals: due to the large temporal fluctuations in demographic parameters, a carrying capacity far higher than currently would be necessary to limit extinction risk to 1%, suggesting the existence of an extinction debt for the species in Belgium. The situation of E. aurinia appears much worse compared to two other fritillary species threatened in Belgium, for which similar PVA are available. It is therefore urgent to increase the carrying capacity of the patch system. How and where it is achieved are of secondary importance for the gain in viability: improvement of habitat quality through restoration, or increase of habitat quantity via enlargement of existing patches and/or creation of new habitat in the matrix. A regime of management based on regular re-opening and maintenance of habitat patches may be the only guarantee of long-term persistence for this critically endangered species in Belgium.  相似文献   

Mediterranean temporary pools represent unique species-rich habitats with many rare and endangered species. The Roque-Haute Natural Reserve is one of the few sites in France with Isoetes setacea Lam., a very rare Mediterranean quillwort, considered as a keystone species determining a priority habitat for the European Union. Land uses changes have favoured the invasion of the pools by several shrub and tree species (e.g., Ulmus minor, Fraxinus angustifolia subsp. oxycarpa). Clearing shrubs in an experimental area of one pool resulted in the increase of I. setacea as compared to control, combining a higher cover in previously occupied quadrats and more quadrats occupied. Litter accumulation had a negative effect on the population of Isoetes but this effect was detectable only in the cleared area. Light attenuation was shown experimentally to be detrimental to the vegetative and regenerative production of I. setacea. Clearing of the shrubs and removal of the litter led to an increase in the I. setacea populations and therefore appears to be an effective technique for restoring these plant communities invaded by shrubs. Long-term shrub control should be ensured by reintroducing sheep grazing in order to enhance the sustainable conservation of this oligotrophic habitat.  相似文献   

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