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Understanding the causes that determine the spread and subsequent population trends of invasive species is important as it can help predict and manage their impact, as well as advance the theory of invasion. The American mink Mustela vison is a riparian mustelid and an invasive species in several countries. Mink have been introduced to England in the early decades of the last century and have been expanding their range until the mid-eighties. Since then, however, the number of sites occupied by mink has been declining. We investigated three possible causes of such a decline: (1) A downtrend of the fur farming industry; (2) An increase of European polecats Mustela putorius; (3) An increase of Eurasian otters Lutra lutra. Mink trends were derived from data collected by the National Otter Survey, a large-scale long-term survey of the whole of England from 1977 to 2002. We discuss how the observed decline in the number of sites occupied by mink may be due to a combination of an actual decrease in the distribution and density of mink and to a change in the focus of mink activities away from water, rather than to a change in their marking behaviour. Taken together, our results suggest that the decline of mink is related to an increase in the native otter population through interspecific competition, although at a local level also other factors may be important. As the otter population is still increasing, it is likely that the number of sites occupied by mink will continue to decline, a process that may be beneficial to aquatic and semi-aquatic species suffering from mink predation.  相似文献   

Little is known about how socio-economic factors quantitatively contribute to shaping introductions of exotic species in space and time. Here, we discover that socio-economic, historical and political factors are largely responsible for shaping exotic bird introductions into Europe. We find that the Cold War and its resulting commercial alliances in Eastern vs. Western Europe led to contrasting patterns in the numbers, composition and origin of birds introduced into each of the two European blocs. The isolation of the Eastern European bloc from the west during the Cold War led to a decline in the number of birds introduced, the number of introduction events and the number of bird species established. Birds introduced during the Cold War originated largely from economically allied countries of each of the two blocs. The Cold War provided a hitherto unexpected benefit to the Eastern European bloc by limiting exotic species introductions, and subsequent population establishment, due to its restrictions on international trade. We suggest that work on the factors shaping invasive species establishment, spread and impacts should incorporate a socio-economic context. Given the ongoing increase in human movement and trade in Europe and the integration of most former Eastern European countries to the European Union, clear policies should be urgently established to prevent inflow of exotic species into formerly more isolated regions and reduce the risk of future biotic invasions.  相似文献   

乡土野花组合是筛选以乡土野花为主体的,并通过混合播种建立群落的一种景观植被建植模式,是欧美国家近年来较为流行的一种农业景观恢复与建设的技术措施。已有的研究发现乡土野花组合能够改善景观结构与生境质量,吸引传粉生物和自然天敌,从而起到增强农业景观的传粉及害虫控制功能,并改善农作物品质、提高农作物产量;与此同时,乡土野花组合也具有较好的文化功能。乡土野花组合的设计对建植效果具有重要作用,其物种筛选、配比、播种方式及布局是设计中需要主要解决的问题。本文在总结欧美国家乡土野花组合设计模式与生态监测结果的基础上,提出乡土野花组合物种筛选的3原则:乡土性、功能多样性与包含特定关键物种;并对其生长周期、物种数、播量、播种面积与空间布局等技术细节进行了讨论,以促进乡土野花组合的本土化、区域化发展。欧美国家提出了一系列推动产业发展及农户补贴的有关政策,其中美国主要以推动基础研究与产业发展政策为主,注重限制植物材料本土化;欧洲国家通过多项立法及农业环境管护政策为农户提供多样化的生态补贴,以促进农户充分参与乡土野花组合栽植过程。在我国,尚缺乏成熟的乡土野花组合应用案例。中国的乡土野花组合需充分发掘种质资源并进行生态、栽培与景观特性评估,以实现本土化的乡土野花组合。本文最后提出,通过多学科合作实现乡土野花组合的设计与推广,政府、产业、科研机构与农民共同参与乡土野花组合的设计过程,并提出市场化的生态补贴政策,以推动乡土野花组合在我国农业景观的应用,为改善我国农业生态环境做出应有贡献。  相似文献   

Introduced alien species are the second most important threat to global biodiversity after habitat loss. The American mink Mustela vison has been introduced to several countries and is threatening a number of native species worldwide. We developed a spatially explicit and individual based model as a planning tool to identify key criteria for the implementation of trapping campaigns as a way to control open American mink populations. We first predicted the minimum effort required to reduce populations of mink below a certain threshold and the best time of year in which to trap mink to minimise their numbers. We then employed this methodology to predict the best trapping strategy to ensure the long-term survival of the water vole Arvicola terrestris, one of the species most endangered by the spread of the mink in the UK. We also applied the mink and water vole population models to rationalise a set of observed data in an area of 50 × 30 km in the Upper Thames (UK). The model predicted that it is necessary to remove mink for at least 3 months every year and that a mixed strategy of trapping during the mating, late dispersal and winter seasons is best for keeping mink at low densities. Concentrating trapping during the late dispersal and winter seasons is instead best for ensuring the long-term survival of water voles. Targeting immigrating juvenile mink as well as reproductive adults is important. The model also showed that trapping efficiency might be an important factor to consider when choosing periods in which to trap.  相似文献   

Biological invasions constitute one of the most important threats to biodiversity. This is especially true for “naïve” birds that have evolved in the absence of terrestrial predators in island ecosystems. The American mink (Mustela vison) has recently established a feral population on Navarino Island (55°S), southern Chile, where it represents a new guild of terrestrial mammal predators. We investigated the impact of mink on ground-nesting coastal waterbirds with the aim of deriving a vulnerability profile for birds as a function of different breeding strategies, habitat, and nest characteristics. We compared rates of nest survival and mink predation on 102 nests of solitary nesting species (Chloephaga picta, Tachyeres pteneres), on 361 nests of colonial birds (Larus dominicanus, Larus scoresbii, Sterna hirundinacea), and on 558 artificial nests. We calculated relative mink and bird densities at all nest sites. Nests of colonial species showed the highest nest survival probabilities (67-84%) and no predation by mink. Nest survival rates for solitary nesting species were lower (5-20%) and mink predation rates higher (10-44%). Discriminant analyses revealed that mink preyed upon artificial nests mainly at shores with rocky outcroppings where mink were abundant. High nest concealment increased the probability for predation by mink. Conservation planning should consider that invasive mink might severely affect the reproduction success of bird species with the following characteristics: solitary nesting, nesting habitat at rocky outcrop shores, and concealed nests. We recommend that work starts immediately to control the mink population with a priority in the nesting habitats of vulnerable endemic waterbirds.  相似文献   

Successful eradications of harmful invasive species have been mostly confined to islands while control programs in mainland areas remain small, uncoordinated and vulnerable to recolonisation. To allow the recovery of threatened native species, innovative management strategies are required to remove invasives from large areas. We took an adaptive approach to achieve large scale eradication of invasive American mink in North East Scotland. The project was centred on the Cairngorms National Park (Scotland), with the primary aim of protecting endangered water vole populations. The project was initiated by scientists and supported and implemented through a partnership comprising a government agency, national park authority and local fisheries boards. Capitalising on the convergent interests of a diverse range of local stakeholders, we created a coordinated coalition of trained volunteers to detect and trap mink. Starting in montane headwaters, we systematically moved down river catchments, deploying mink rafts, an effective detection and trapping platform. Volunteers took increasing responsibility for raft monitoring and mink trapping as the project progressed. Within 3 years, the project removed 376 mink from 10570 km2 with the involvement of 186 volunteers. Capture rate within sub-catchments increased with greater connectivity to mink in other sub-catchments and with proximity to the coast where there is more productive habitat. The main factor underpinning the success of this project was functional volunteer participation. The project is a reason for optimism that the tide of invasion can be rolled back on a large scale where the convergent interest of local communities can be harnessed.  相似文献   

Invasive species are an important driver of global biodiversity loss. Under international legislation, the UK has an obligation to eradicate or to control the alien, invasive American mink. Using a large-scale field experiment, we tested the effectiveness of a specified mink removal strategy, identified through earlier modelling work, in reducing the relative abundance of mink. We found that mink removal could be effective in reducing mink populations with four months or less of trapping per year, over only 2-3 years, but that for small sites (c. 20 km) a flexible, reactive approach, coupled with continual monitoring for mink presence is necessary. Survival of reintroduced water voles at four sub-sites within our mink removal sites suggest that the reactive mink removal strategy adopted in this study was sufficient for water vole protection. We discuss the use of an adaptive management approach in local mink management, and consider the wider implications of our results for invasive species control on mainlands.  相似文献   

The European mink (Mustela lutreola) is one of the most threatened carnivores in Europe, with fragmented populations in Belarus, Russia and Romania, as well in south-western France and northern Spain. Many populations have become extinct recently, or are declining. We investigated mitochondrial DNA variation, using the complete D-loop region, and concentrating on the west European population. The aim was two-fold: to use the genetic information to advise on the conservation of European mink, and to begin to understand their history through the Pleistocene. Captive breeding and re-introduction programmes are underway, so it is particularly vital to know whether the West European population should be treated separately. We find that European mink probably colonised from a single refugium after the last glaciation. West European populations may be fixed for a single haplotype, also suggesting a common origin. Despite this evidence for gene flow, following the precautionary principle we suggest that mink from the three geographically separate populations (Romania, Eastern and Western Europe) should be managed separately, for the moment.  相似文献   

Temperate Australia’s wheat/sheep zone and much of Western Europe have both experienced dramatic declines in native bird populations associated with agricultural landscapes. We compare recent conservation strategies on private land in the context of each region’s historical agricultural development and the ecology of its bird fauna. Specifically, we consider which aspects of the conservation instruments and practices employed in European agricultural landscapes might be used to augment and inform approaches to private-land biodiversity conservation in Australia. Australian biodiversity conservation activities have focussed predominantly on remnant native vegetation and rarely target the agricultural matrix (i.e. land that is primarily used for agricultural production). However, declining species include those that not only primarily inhabit woodland, but also species for which components of the agricultural matrix are important, or even their main, habitat. In contrast, in Europe a range of conservation activities undertaken through agri-environment schemes focus explicitly on the management of the agricultural matrix. Whilst the different approaches to conservation on private land in Australia and Europe reflect the two continents’ different ecologies, land-use histories and political economies of agriculture, there are a number of parallels between bird population declines in the two regions, and an opportunity may exist to incorporate some of the successful aspects of the European agri-environment approach into emerging stewardship schemes in Australia. We suggest that the long-term nature of European agri-environment agreements, the principle of landholder payments more commensurate with reduced production opportunity and management actions specifically targeted at the agricultural matrix, are features of the European scheme that could benefit both woodland- and matrix-inhabiting bird species in Australian agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

A behavioral response is usually the first adaptation of animals to environmental changes such as the introduction of an alien invasive species, and it seems to be the most important factor in reducing the negative impact of new predators on naive prey. This study examined changes in the abundance and behavior of breeding coots (Fulica atra) and great crested grebes (Podiceps cristatus) in response to invasion of the Mazurian Lakeland (NE Poland) by American mink (Neovison vison), first recorded here in 1984. Feral mink densities varied from 1.0 to 14.6 individuals per 10 km of shoreline. Mink were responsible for the losses of 17–58% of experimental clutches (artificial nests containing chicken eggs) that were deployed. Mink destroyed more experimental clutches than other predators; the effects of mink predation were similar in reeds and on the bank. Radio-tracking showed that mink avoided lake banks near human settlements. Mink have markedly affected the breeding distribution of both species and caused a greater than 20-fold decline in coot numbers. For coots and grebes breeding distribution and nesting success were positively associated with built-up areas along lake shores and also with whether the birds were breeding in colonies. Increased brood survival of coots and grebes near human settlements is a paradox in the sense that a man-made habitat change has provided refuge from an alien predator.  相似文献   

The widespread invasive rodents Rattus norvegicus, R. rattus, R. exulans and Mus musculus have been implicated in the decline and extinction of hundreds of island endemic vertebrates, but their effects on island invertebrates are less well-known. Here I present the first global review of the subject, which confirms that large-bodied invertebrates are most at risk from these rodents, and that although a disproportionate number of studies (69%) are from New Zealand, rodent-invertebrate impacts are geographically widespread. Mechanisms of impact are both direct (mediated by predation) and indirect (involving intermediary species). Some studies also suggest knock-on effects on ecosystem properties, and given the diverse ecological functions of invertebrates (as detritivores, primary consumers, predators, prey and pollinators), I suggest that an understanding of the interactions between invasive rodents and invertebrates in island ecosystems is essential for effective conservation management. Currently many reported impacts are unquantified, come from uncontrolled and unreplicated designs, or rely on time-series with inadequate baseline data. In addition to basic improvements in study design, this review highlights a need for studies which investigate mechanisms of impact, or impacts across trophic levels.  相似文献   

Invasive species can be a major threat to biodiversity and economy. Given the large number of introduced invasive species and the limited resources available, a rigorous assessment of the potential impact of these species is of vital importance for prioritizing management programs. Often, general scoring systems in which certain criteria are used to assess the impact of an invader along several impact categories are applied to obtain a ranking of troublesome invaders. Likewise, Kumschick and Nentwig (2010) provided a first categorization of invasive bird impacts in Europe, and argued that several invasive birds should be eradicated because of the threat they pose to biodiversity.This is surprising, as recent reviews suggest that there is little evidence that invasive birds strongly impact biodiversity. We therefore re-evaluated this risk assessment. We found that in the majority of cases, the evidence presented to support impact claims is weak, as they are generally not based on direct scientific research but on often anecdotal observations relating to small areas only. Moreover, even if all claims would materialize, this does not necessarily justify a call for eradication. Previous experiences with eradications have learnt that a feasibility study, encompassing all aspects of biological invasions (including public opinion and possible benefits of the invader) is critical for the achievement of any strategy against invasive species. This is essential, as ill-conceived calls for eradication could result in a public backlash, causing funding agencies and managers to shy away from the problems posed by invasive species.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1986,38(4):293-304
A survey of the huillin or southern river otter Lutra provocax distribution was made in Lanin, Puelo and Los Alerces National Parks. Signs of otters were found at only 4 of 175 sites visited and all of these were in the south of Lanin. According to local people the species occurred in all three National Parks until 25–40 years ago.The main reason for the loss of huillines seems to be intensive hunting in the past.The geography and structure of the hydrological basins may help explain the lack of recolonisation by huillines from remnant populations. Signs of mink Mustela vison were found in both Puelo and Los Alerces and, while mink could not have been responsible for the decline of the otter, they may hinder re-establishment of otter populations. Human disturbance and tourism are not thought to have a significant impact on huillin distribution although remote refuges should be maintained, and our results show the importance of good coastal vegetation cover for permanent populations of the species.It is clear that the only important and permanent population of huillines in Argentina, between 39°S and 43°S, occurs at Nahuel Huapi National Park, which was surveyed in 1982–1983. This population is now of critical importance for the conservation of the species, which should retain its ‘endangered’ status in Argentina. Measures to implement huillin conservation are proposed.  相似文献   

The influence of invasive plant species on native community composition is well-documented, but less is known about underlying mechanisms. Especially scarce is knowledge about effects on biotic interactions such as relationships between native plants and their pollinators. In this study we investigate if pollen transfer from the invasive and highly pollen productive Carpobrotus spp. affects seed production and/or seed quality in three native species. We monitored pollinator movements and pollen loads on pollinators and native stigmas, and in a field pollination experiment we investigated the effect of invasive pollen on reproduction. Invasive pollen adhered to pollinators, pollinators switched from Carpobrotus spp. to natives, invasive pollen was transferred to native stigmas, and it affected seed production in one species. Although all possible steps for interference with seed production were found to be qualitatively taken, invasive pollen has probably little impact on the native community because the frequency of invasive pollen transfer to natives was low. However, pollination interactions may change with plant abundance and our study provides evidence that pollen transfer from Carpobrotus spp. to natives does occur and have the potential to affect seed production. We found the species identity of shared pollinators to be of importance, higher flower constancy and lower capacity of pollen adherence are likely to result in less invasive pollen transfer.  相似文献   

The introduction of the American eastern grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) in Europe is causing a dramatic decline of the native European red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), due to competition. We used spatially explicit population dynamics models to illustrate the potential expansion of the grey squirrel from Italy, the only continental country with the species, into neighbouring countries. Simulations started with the known grey squirrel distributions in 1996 and modelled the spread for the next 100 years in two different scenarios. One “best case” in which a random seed crop pattern of poor, good and mast seed crops was simulated with concomitant effects on squirrel fecundity and mortality and one “worst case” scenario in which poor years were not included. In the best case scenario, it will take 30-40 years for grey squirrels to start invading the Alps and about 70-75 years to cross the border between Italy and France. First populations in Switzerland are predicted in 2051-2066. In the worst case scenario, the spread will be significantly faster: the species is predicted to reach France in 2026-2031 and Switzerland in 2031-2041. Removing two of the three populations of grey squirrel will likely postpone the invasion of Switzerland but not of France. Large areas of Europe contain potentially good habitat for grey squirrels, and expansion from Italy, to France, Switzerland and belong to most of Eurasia is simply a matter of time. This will represent a serious risk for the conservation of the native red squirrel and will have implications for national forest operations. However, a European policy towards introduced species is still lacking. There is therefore a need for a co-ordinated European approach to the management of the grey squirrel and other introduced species.  相似文献   

The spread of invasive plant species and their impacts on plant communities have received international attention as global trade and global environmental change enhance the colonization and establishment of introduced species and threaten the integrity of native ecosystems. Because introduced species vary in their impact, studying the relationship between invasion and native communities is necessary to guide allocation of finite management resources. By studying adjacent pairs of invaded and uninvaded plots across an eastern United States forested landscape, we demonstrate Microstegium vimineum was associated with local declines in species richness and cover of native species. Negative impacts of M. vimineum on species richness did not emerge until August when M. vimineum cover and height were greatest, highlighting the value of following study subjects through the growing season. In contrast, native species cover was already lower in invaded plots early in the growing season. M. vimineum invasion was not the only important driver of species richness and community composition within the study region; abiotic environmental gradients, such as soil nitrate concentration and pH, across the six study sites were also important in affecting species richness and cover, but lessened in explanatory power through the growing season. We conclude that M. vimineum has effects on community structure that may have long-term consequences for biodiversity. Studies which track sites through time and consider multiple scales are required as invaders impact multiple biotic and abiotic factors operating at different spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Alien plant invaders significantly threaten native community diversity, although it is poorly understood whether invasion initiates a linear or non-linear loss of resident species. Where low abundances of an invader have little impact on native species diversity, then a threshold level may exist, above which native communities rapidly decline. Our aim was to assess the broadscale effects of an alien thicket-forming shrub, lantana (Lantana camara L.), on wet sclerophyll forest in southeastern Australia. Vascular plant species richness, abundance and composition were measured and compared along a gradient of lantana invasion. There was a strong negative non-linear relationship between native species richness and lantana cover, indicative of an impact threshold. Native species richness remained stable below 75% lantana cover, but declined rapidly above this threshold level, leading to compositional change. Thus, sparse lantana infestations had evidently little effect on the resident community, with impacts elicited at an advanced stage of invasion. The impact of lantana was pervasive, with all major structural groups (i.e. ferns, herbs, shrubs, trees and vines) exhibiting significant species losses; however, the rate of species loss was relatively greater for tree and shrub species, signalling a shift in vegetation structure from tall open forest to low, dense lantana-dominated shrubland. Potentially, broadscale conservation of species diversity could be achieved by maintaining lantana infestations below the 75% cover impact threshold at sites containing regionally common species that are also widely represented in non-invaded vegetation. This would enable targeted invader eradication at sites of high conservation value (i.e. those containing regionally rare species or endangered ecological communities).  相似文献   

Invertebrates play important roles in ecosystem functioning, but with the decline in biodiversity worldwide, it has become increasingly evident that our knowledge of invertebrate diversity distributions and of how to adequately integrate many invertebrates into conservation strategies is insufficient. We analyzed congruence between patterns of total as well as of endemic species richness of twelve invertebrate taxa across Europe and compared these patterns to those of so far predominantly studied vertebrates and plants. Coarse-scale centers of high collective diversity were identified, all in southern European regions. However, the strength of covariation between diversity patterns strongly depended on the respective taxa, with ground beetles emerging as one of the invertebrate taxa significantly reflecting endemism and total species richness distributions of many invertebrates, vertebrates and plants. Plants and ants showed similarly strong cross-taxon correlations. In contrast, correlations of vertebrates with invertebrates were in part less strong, questioning whether conservation strategies based on the former adequately account for diversity of invertebrates as a whole. Moreover, as the potential impact of environmental factors on diversity distributions varies among taxa, future climate change might affect relationships between richness patterns of different taxa. Our findings draw attention to the necessity of incorporating invertebrates, represented for instance by the highly diverse ground beetles, into national and international conservation decisions. They also highlight the importance of individual countries in maintaining European biodiversity and the responsibility of these countries for specific invertebrate taxa within international conservation frameworks, emphasizing the need for adequate consideration of invertebrates in the implementation of conservation actions.  相似文献   

Selected aspects of the biology of the European bitterling Rhodeus sericeus in southern New York were investigated as a preliminary determination of the impact of this species on the native ecosystem. There are about 900 bitterlings in the only extant North American population. The oldest specimen was in its fourth summer (III +) and all were mature in their first year. Fecundity is low, less than 60 eggs per female. Bitterlings feed primarily on diatoms and the digestive system is typical of a surface-scraping herbivore. Impact of this exotic species on the ecosystem appears minimal. It is unlikely that the species would cause appreciable negative impact on any habitat in the northeastern United States.  相似文献   

The impacts of nonindigenous species on native ecosystems can be severe, sometimes leading to the extinction of native taxa. Interspecific competition is a potential mechanism of negative impact of invasive species, but few studies have conclusively demonstrated competition between native and nonindigenous taxa. In this study I used experimental manipulations to examine the competitive effects of the larvae of two widely introduced anurans, the cane toad, Bufo marinus, and the Cuban treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis, on the growth and development of the larvae of two native anurans (the southern toad, Bufo terrestris, and the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea). The presence of O. septentrionalis larvae consistently impacted growth and development of native larvae, resulting in reduced growth rates and delayed metamorphosis of both native species and smaller mass at metamorphosis of B. terrestris. Hyla cinerea larvae transformed at greater body masses when reared with the rapidly transforming nonindigenous species as a result of competitive release. The negative effects of O. septentrionalis on native larvae were generally significant whether native tadpoles were exposed to O. septentrionalis alone or in combination with B. marinus. In contrast, B. marinus tadpoles did not significantly impact the growth or development of either native species. Neither nonindigenous species significantly decreased the survivorship of native larvae, although a trend toward decreased survivorship was evident for H. cinerea. These results suggest that nonindigenous larval anurans may adversely impact native tadpole communities as a result of interspecific competition.  相似文献   

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