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Metapopulation theory is one of the most popular approaches to identify the factors affecting the spatial and temporal dynamics of populations in fragmented habitat networks. Habitat quality, patch area and isolation are mainly focused on when analyzing distribution patterns in fragmented landscapes. The effects of landscape heterogeneity in the non-occupied matrix, however, have been largely neglected. Here, we determined the relative importance of patch quality and landscape attributes on the occurrence, density and extinction of the Dupont’s lark (Chersophilus duponti), an endangered steppe passerine whose habitat has been extremely reduced to highly isolated and fragmented patches embedded in a mainly unsuitable landscape matrix. Habitat patch quality, measured in terms of vegetation structure, grazing pressure, arthropod availability, predator abundance, and inter-specific competition, did not affect occurrence, density or extinction. At the landscape scale, however, the species’ occurrence was principally determined by the interactions among patch size, geographic isolation and landscape matrix. Isolation had the main independent contribution to explaining the probability of occurrence, followed by landscape matrix composition and patch size. The species’ density was negatively correlated to patch size, suggesting crowding effects in small fragments, while extinction events were exclusively related to isolation. Our findings suggest that landscape rather than local population characteristics are crucial in determining the patterns of distribution and abundance of non-equilibrium populations in highly fragmented habitat networks. Consequently, conservation measures for these species should simultaneously involve patch size, isolation and landscape matrix and apply to the entire metapopulation rather than to particular patches.  相似文献   

Many specialist species are declining as a result of habitat loss and fragmentation, such that conservation actions typically aim to stem rates of decline rather than bring about genuine recovery. Here, we document the recovery of a species from former population refuges. An extensive survey of the entire British range of Hesperia comma, conducted in 2000, recorded over three times the number of tetrads (2 km × 2 km grid squares) occupied in 1982. This was accompanied by a fourfold increase in the number of populations and a 10-fold increase in the habitat area occupied. The improving status of H. comma is the product of good habitat management, recovering rabbit populations and climate warming, which have improved the quality, and increased the availability, of suitable habitat. This has enabled remnant metapopulations to expand, via distance-dependent colonisation, through large networks of habitat. Metapopulation recovery in H. comma demonstrates that landscape-scale conservation can be successful.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization between plant species often occurs in disturbed habitats and it is generally considered a threat for rare and endangered species. A different situation occurs in Mediterranean food deceptive orchids, where hybridization is a common phenomenon, as a natural consequence of their unspecific pollination system.Here, we present molecular and ecological evidence from a hybrid zone between Orchis mascula and O. pauciflora in order to address the consequences of hybridization on local orchid evolution and to assess conservation priorities for hybrids and hybrid zones in orchid conservation programs.We find that, although hybrids among the two target taxa are formed relatively frequently, hybrid zones often consist of F1 individuals, whereas backcrosses and later generation hybrids appear to be either rare or absent, presumably as a consequence of post-zygotic reproductive barriers acting in these food-deceptive orchids. Experimental evidence further indicates that hybrids are less fit than the parental species in attracting pollinators and that parental taxa exhibit higher or similar fitness in sympatry compared to allopatric populations. Since introgression is not frequent as indicated by molecular analyses, fitness and phenotypic trait differences observed among sympatric and allopatric populations of the parental taxa may be a consequence of pollinator-mediated selection.Our experimental data confirm that hybridization is a natural phenomenon in food-deceptive orchids and that it does not pose a threat to their survival. Furthermore, sympatric zones provide the stage for evolutionary processes in orchids, and this peculiarity should be taken into account when devising orchid conservation strategies.  相似文献   

The northwest of Scotland is a stronghold for two of the UK’s rarest bumblebee species, Bombus distinguendus and Bombus muscorum. The predominant form of agricultural land management in this region is crofting, a system specific to Scotland in which small agricultural units (crofts) operate rotational cropping and grazing regimes. Crofting is considered to be beneficial to a wide range of flora and fauna. However, currently there is a lack of quantitative evidence to support this view with regard to bumblebee populations. In this study we assessed the effect of land management on the abundance of foraging bumblebees and the availability of bumblebee forage plants across crofts in northwest Scotland. The results of our study show that current crofting practices do not support high densities of foraging bumblebees. Traditional crofting practice was to move livestock to uplands in the summer, but this has been largely abandoned. Summer sheep grazing of lowland pasture had a strong negative impact on bumblebee abundance and forage plant availability throughout the survey period. The use of specific ‘bird and bee’ conservation seed mixes appears to improve forage availability within the crofted landscape, although the number of bees observed remained low. Of the forage plants available, the three most frequently visited species were from the Fabaceae. We therefore conclude that the creation of agri-environment schemes which promote the use of Fabaceae-rich seed mixes and encourage the removal of sheep grazing on lowland areas throughout the summer are essential in order to conserve bumblebee populations within crofted areas.  相似文献   

Population fragmentation and extinction in the Iberian lynx   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Biological conservation》2003,109(3):321-331
We studied the relationship between extinction frequencies of Iberian lynx subpopulations (Lynx pardinus) and their size and isolation during a 35-year period of strong geographic range contraction. At the end of this period there were fewer fragmentation events, fewer lynx populations of small size, and less isolation between them, than in simulated geographic ranges derived from a random distribution of local extinctions. Only small populations occupying <500 km2 went extinct. Local extinction in large, self-sustainable populations probably resulted from the sole action of deterministic factors, e.g. widespread prey decline. As compared with large populations, small ones experienced increased contraction per unit occupied area, which may reflect demographic unstability. The consistent effect of isolation on extinction suggests that such unstability was often prompted by reduced immigration and the subsequent disruption of metapopulation equilibrium. Several practical recommendations could be derived. Provided that habitat quality was adequate, a lynx population should avoid extinction within 35 years if it occupied an area of at least 500 km2. The persistence of small populations will also be enhanced by minimizing the distances to neighbouring populations within 30 km, and by maximizing the area occupied by these neighbours. Therefore, habitat management, or any other restoration action, directed to expand the area occupied by a small lynx population should be best located at points of its boundaries oriented towards other existing nearby populations.  相似文献   

Changes to minor patch types in forested landscapes may have large consequences for forest biodiversity. The effects of forest management and environment on these secondary patch types are often poorly understood. For example, do early-to-mid successional minor patch types become more expansive as late successional forest types are fragmented or do they also become more fragmented in managed landscapes? We evaluated the dynamics of early-to-mid successional hardwood patches in a conifer-dominated landscape in relation to environment and land ownership in the central Coast Range of Oregon, USA, from the time of early logging to the present-day using scanned and georeferenced aerial photographs and a GIS. Hardwood patches declined in size, number, total area, and within-patch cover-type heterogeneity, and became more irregular in shape. Patch turnover and fragmentation was high, with most patches present at the historical date disappearing by the present-day. Land ownership was important to hardwood patch dynamics: hardwoods declined on lands owned by the USDA Forest Service, increased on non-industrial private lands, and were at similar levels at both dates on private forest industry lands. Patch locations became more restricted to near-stream, lower elevation areas where hardwoods are competitive. The relatively extensive distribution of hardwood patches at the historical date probably resulted from earlier fire, selective logging, and grazing. In recent decades, forest management that includes fire suppression and intensive management, and ecological constraints have resulted in a landscape in which early-to-mid successional hardwood patches have been reduced in size, fragmented, and restricted to particular locales.  相似文献   

Heathland area in the northwestern part of Belgium has been strongly reduced during the past 200 years, and the remaining heathland is forced back into several small and isolated relics. In this study, we investigated how the fragmentation of these heathlands affects the distribution patterns of heathland plant species. Furthermore, we tested whether differences in patch occupancy patterns could be explained in terms of life history traits related to dispersal capacity and persistence. Multivariate logistic regression models showed that the incidence of almost three quarters of the species was influenced by fragmentation. For the majority of these species, isolation was the most important factor determining their presence or absence in a heathland patch. Differences between the species in isolation-sensitivity could be attributed mainly to differences in seed bank characteristics, with species having a long living seed bank being less affected by isolation. In contrast, species having mechanisms facilitating long distance dispersal were as much affected by isolation as species lacking these mechanisms.Our results suggest that for the majority of the species extinction in a patch can be prevented by dispersal from neighbouring patches. Further isolation of the patches should therefore be prevented and connectivity between the patches needs to be assured. As almost none of the species is affected by a declining patch area, for most even small patches are important for their survival. Hence, conservation efforts should focus not only on large heathlands.  相似文献   

Surveys primarily aimed at determining dolphin encounter rates were conducted from small inflatable craft in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters between 1997 and 2004. During 633 surveys totalling 21,276 km of effort, observations of cetaceans and other marine species spotted in a study area of 480 km2 were systematically recorded. Common dolphin encounter rates declined 25-fold across the study period, steadily decreasing from 2.18 encounters/100 km in 1997 to 0.09 encounters/100 km in 2004. Encounter rates of tuna also declined significantly. Swordfish encounter rates dropped from 1.03 encounters/100 km in 1997 to 0-0.12 in 1998-2004. Encounter rates of bottlenose dolphins did not show significant trends. The decline of high-order marine predators feeding on epipelagic prey was consistent with the hypothesis of prey depletion, likely resulting from intensive exploitation of local fish stocks, particularly anchovies and sardines. The catholic feeding habits and opportunistic behaviour of bottlenose dolphins may allow them to withstand the effects of overfishing at their present low density.  相似文献   

A principal challenge of species conservation is to identify the specific habitats that are essential for long-term persistence or recovery of imperiled species. However, many commonly used approaches to identify important habitats do not provide direct insight into the contribution of those habitats to population persistence. To assess how habitats contribute to overall population viability and characterize their relative importance, a spatially-explicit population viability model was used to integrate a species occurrence model with habitat quality and demographic information to simulate the population dynamics of the Ord’s kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ordii) in Alberta, Canada. Long-term productivity (births-deaths) in each patch was simulated and iterative patch removal experiments were conducted to generate estimates of the relative contribution of habitat types to overall population viability. Our results indicated that natural dune habitats are crucial for population viability, while disturbed/human-created habitats make a minor contribution to population persistence. The results also suggest that the habitats currently available to Ord’s kangaroo rats in Alberta are unlikely to support long-term persistence. Our approach was useful for identifying habitats that did not contribute to population viability. A large proportion of habitat (39%) represented sinks and their removal increased estimated population viability. The integration of population dynamics with habitat quality and occurrence data can be invaluable when assessing critical habitat, particularly in regions with variable habitat quality. Approaches that do not incorporate population dynamics may undermine conservation efforts by under- or over-estimating the value of habitats, erroneously protecting sink habitats, or failing to prioritize key source habitats.  相似文献   

We studied habitat selection by Rhinolophus euryale in a rural area of southern Italy in 1998-2000 by radio-tracking. Two comparisons were carried out, one between habitat occurrence within individual home ranges and within the study area, the other between time spent in each foraging habitat and habitat occurrence within the home range. The first analysis showed that olive groves and conifer plantations were, respectively, the most and the least important habitats. The second analysis highlighted the importance of woodland for R. euryale, while urban sites, open areas and conifer plantations were avoided. We recommend that clearing of continuous, large areas of woodland for tree harvesting should be avoided. Conifers should not be used for reforestation. Urbanisation should be limited in the areas of greatest importance for the species, and linear landscape elements such as tree lines and hedgerows should be maintained.  相似文献   

Cellulose and lignin degradation dynamics was monitored during the leaf litter decomposition of three typical species of the Mediterranean area, Cistus incanus L., Myrtus communis L. and Quercus ilex L., using the litter bag method. Total N and its distribution among lignin, cellulose and acid-detergent-soluble fractions were measured and related to the overall decay process. The litter organic substance of Cistus and Myrtus decomposed more rapidly than that of Quercus. The decay constants were 0.47 year−1, 0.75 year−1 and 0.30 year−1 for Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, respectively. Lignin and cellulose contents were different as were their relative amounts (34 and 18%, 15 and 37%, 37 and 39% of the overall litter organic matter before exposure, for Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, respectively). Lignin began to decrease after 6 and 8 months of exposure in Cistus and Myrtus, respectively, while it did not change significantly during the entire study period in Quercus. The holocellulose, in contrast, began to decompose in Cistus after 1 year, while in Quercus and Myrtus immediately. Nitrogen was strongly immobilized in all the litters in the early period of decay. Its release began after the first year in Cistus and Myrtus and after 2 years of decomposition in Quercus. These litters still contained about 60, 20 and 90% of the initial nitrogen at the end of the experiment (3 years). Prior to litter exposure nitrogen associated with the lignin fraction was 65, 54 and 37% in Cistus, Myrtus and Quercus, while that associated with the cellulose fraction was 30, 24 and 28%. Although most of the nitrogen was not lost from litters, its distribution among the litter components changed significantly during decomposition. In Cistus and Myrtus the nitrogen associated with lignin began to decrease just 4 months after exposure. In Quercus this process was slowed and after 3 years of decomposition 8% of the nitrogen remained associated with lignin or lignin-like substances. The nitrogen associated with cellulose or cellulose-like substances, in contrast, began to decrease from the beginning of cellulose decomposition in all three species. At the end of the study period most of the nitrogen was not associated to the lignocellulose fraction but to the acid-detergent-soluble substance (87, 88 and 84% of the remaining litter nitrogen).  相似文献   

Determination of which aspects of habitat quality and habitat spatial arrangement best account for variation in a species’ distribution can guide management for organisms such as the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis), a federally endangered subspecies inhabiting savannas of Midwest and Eastern United States. We examined the extent to which three sets of predictors, (1) larval host plant (Lupinus perennis, wild lupine) availability, (2) characteristics of the matrix surrounding host plant patches, and (3) factors affecting a patch’s thermal environment, accounted for variation in lupine patch use by Karner blues at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana and Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, USA. Each predictor set accounted for 7-13% of variation in patch occupancy by Karner blues at both sites and in larval feeding activity among patches at Indiana Dunes. Patch area, an indicator of host plant availability, was an exception, accounting for 30% of variation in patch occupancy at Indiana Dunes. Spatially structured patterns of patch use across the landscape accounted for 9-16% of variation in patch use and explained more variation in larval feeding activity than did spatial autocorrelation between neighboring patches. Because of this broader spatial trend across sites, a given management action may be more effective in promoting patch use in some portions of the landscape than in others. Spatial trend, resource availability, matrix quality, and microclimate, in general, accounted for similar amounts of variation in patch use and each should be incorporated into habitat management planning for the Karner blue butterfly.  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNA polymorphisms were screened in seven populations of the largest Neotropical predator, the Black caiman Melanosuchus niger (n = 169), originating from Brazil, French Guiana and Ecuador. Eight loci were used, for a total of 62 alleles. The Ecuadorian population had the lowest number of alleles, heterozygosity and gene diversity; populations of the Guianas region exhibited intermediate diversities; highest values were recorded in the two populations of the Amazon and Rio Negro. During the last century Melanosuchus populations have been reduced to 1-10% of their initial levels because of hunting pressure, but no strong loss of genetic diversity was observed. Both the inter-locus g-test and the Pk distribution suggested no recent important recovery and/or expansion of current populations. On a global scale, the inter-population variation of alleles indicated strong differentiation (FST = 0.137).Populations were significantly isolated from each other, with rather limited gene flow; however, these gene flow levels are sufficiently high for recolonization processes to effectively act at regional scales. In French Guiana, genetic structuring is observed between populations of two geographically close but ecologically distinct habitats, an estuary and a swamp. Similar divergence is observed in Brazil between geographically proximate “black water” and “white water” populations. As a consequence, the conservation strategy of the Black caiman should include adequate ecosystem management, with strong attention to preservation of habitat integrity. Distribution of genetic diversity suggests that current populations originated from the central Amazonian region. Dispersal of the species may thus have been deeply influenced by major climatic changes during the Holocene/Pleistocene period, when the Amazonian hydrographic networks were altered. Major ecological changes such as glaciations, marine transgressions and a hypothesized presence of an Amazonian Lake could have resulted in extension of Black caiman habitats followed by isolation.  相似文献   

Effective population size (Ne) is a critical indicator of the vulnerability of a population to allele loss via genetic drift, and it can also be used to assess the evolutionary potential of a population. While some plant conservation plans have focused on outcrossing through cross-pollination as a way to increase estimated Ne, variance in reproductive output determined by ecological factors such as competition can also strongly affect estimated Ne. We examined the effects of intraspecific and interspecific competition, stressful soils, and local adaptation on estimates of Ne in an annual plant species. While ecological influences on plant growth rate variance have been predicted to influence estimates of Ne/N, we found a significant effect on the estimate of Ne/N, but no significant ecological effects on growth rate variance. Lower survivorship on stressful soil was the most important effect reducing estimates of Ne/N. If stochastic mortality is greater in environments that are abiotically stressful, then populations in these stressful environments may be slower to adapt because of lower census sizes and reduction of Ne/N. In populations of conservation concern, increasing survivorship may be of greater benefit for maximizing Ne than the reduction of variability in reproductive output among surviving adults.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, agricultural land-use practices have been intensified throughout Europe. As a consequence of the resulting loss of habitat heterogeneity, numerous species associated with traditional farmland have undergone severe population declines. To mitigate the negative effects of intensive agriculture on farmland biodiversity, agri-environment schemes (AES) have been adopted in various European countries since the early 1990s. The effects of AES have been evaluated for different taxa, but rarely for larger mammals like the brown hare (Lepus europaeus), a characteristic species of traditional open farmland.Using spotlight counts from 58 brown hare monitoring study sites over 17 years, we analysed the effects of land-use and several agri-environment scheme options on brown hare density in the Swiss lowland. We used open-population binomial mixture models to jointly model abundance and detection probability, thereby accounting for imperfect detection of hares.Mean observed counts of brown hares in Switzerland from 1992 to 2008 suggested a slight decline followed by a recovery in arable study sites, whereas a sustained decline was apparent in grassland sites. Mean detection probability ranged widely from year to year (arable: 0.33–0.70; grassland: 0.21–0.80). When accounting for imperfect detection, a population recovery was apparent in both land-use types, although hare densities remained at low levels compared to other European countries.The amount of extensively managed hay meadows seemed to have a positive effect on brown hare abundance both in arable and grassland sites. Hedgerows were also positively related to hare density, although only in arable study sites. The amount of set-asides/wildflower strips and brown hare density were related neither in arable nor in grassland sites. This result was probably caused by the fairly low percentages of this AES option in our study sites.Habitat improvements by means of AES indicate some positive effects on brown hare populations in Switzerland, but the quantity and quality of AES must still be increased. Combined with a binomial mixture model correcting for imperfect detection, spotlight counts are an effective tool for estimating population trends, especially for large-scale and long-term surveys like the Swiss brown hare monitoring.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean region, cycles of controlled burning combined with continuous grazing appear to have been an effective tool for maintaining isolated Calluna vulgaris heathlands in the form in which they occur in many places in the Atlantic region. Changes in land use and management of the mosaic of extensively exploited heathland and associated grassland over recent decades, such as bringing land into cultivation followed by its abandonment and the prohibition of fires has resulted in a process of transformation into new shrub communities with lower biodiversity. In the Mediterranean region, these changes are similar to those described in the Atlantic area, but encroachment occurs faster and could lead ultimately to afforestation by Mediterranean woodland.In a study area of 300 ha of heathland in the Spanish Mediterranean basin (specifically, in the Montseny Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve), comparison of present and former vegetation showed that shrub cover increased from 15% in 1967 to 32% in 2000. Broom (Cytisus scoparius) was the main invasive species in abandoned crop fields, whereas Mediterranean holm oak forest (Quercus ilex) increased by 18%. The surface area of fernlands doubled and C. vulgaris heathlands decreased from 35% to just 9% during the same period. Intermixed grasslands also decreased moderately and progressively from 4% to 3%.It seems probable that cycles of fires are more important in terms of shrub control and biodiversity conservation than continuous grazing alone, even at a high rate of stocking (four small ruminants per hectare per year). This encroachment process throws into relief the role that isolated habitats can play as a monitor of land use changes.  相似文献   

Current silvicultural practices in the northeastern United States create diverse vegetation patterns and microclimates that provide a mosaic of terrestrial habitats for amphibian species. We inferred patterns of habitat use by the spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, by studying colonization of four newly created breeding pools each surrounded by four different forest treatments: a control, partial cut, clearcut with coarse woody debris (CWD) removed, and clearcut with CWD retained. Created pools were rapidly colonized, indicating that breeding salamanders readily bred in new pools they encountered. This suggests that in our study area pool-specific philopatry and site fidelity may not be high and that particular pools may not define local breeding populations. In the experimental silvicultural treatments, juvenile salamanders preferred the control forest to the clearcuts, whereas adult salamanders showed no significant preferences among the treatments. Although silvicultural practices such as clearcutting may reduce juvenile movement between pools, inter-pool movement by adults that are more tolerant of habitat change may ameliorate this effect in our study area. If juveniles are the primary life-history stage dispersing between local populations (i.e., moving between more isolated groups of pools), however, there is potential for clearcutting to reduce the connectivity between local populations.  相似文献   

Accumulation of soil carbon is mainly controlled by the balance between litter production and litter decomposition. Usually In Mediterranean forests there are contrasting conditions in the distribution of faunal activity and the moss layer that may have different effects on litter decomposition. Decomposition and faunal activity were studied by exposing litter of contrasting quality (Pinus halepensis Mill. and Quercus ilex L.) for 3.5 yr in three Mediterranean pine forests of the eastern Iberian Peninsula. The effects of mosses on decomposition and on faunal activity were studied by exposing P. halepensis litter either on moss patches or directly on the forest floor. Faecal pellet production was used as an indication of faunal activity. Water availability or soil characteristics seem to limit faunal activities in the drier sites. Faecal pellets were not found during the first stages of decomposition and in all sites they appeared when about a 30% of the initial litter had decomposed. Under wet conditions faecal pellet production was very high and a mass balance suggested that soil faunal activity may result in a net flow of organic matter from the lower organic horizons to the surface Oi horizon. Mosses slightly increased mass loss of pine litter probably as a consequence of high potentially mineralizable nitrogen in the Oa horizon of moss patches and also, perhaps, as a consequence of the higher moisture content measured in the Oi horizon needles sampled among the mosses. In contrast, moss patches reduced faunal activity. The effect of litter quality on mass loss was not always significant, suggesting an interaction between litter quality and site conditions. During the first stages of decomposition there was N immobilisation in P. halepensis litter (poorer in N) and N release from Q. ilex litter (richer in N). In conclusion, in these forests soil microclimate and/or N availability appear to be more important controlling litter decomposition than the distribution of faunal activity.  相似文献   

Host trees can modify their soil abiotic conditions through their leaf fall quality which in turn may influence the ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community composition. We investigated this indirect interaction using a causal modelling approach. We identified ECM fungi on the roots of two coexisting oak species growing in two forests in southern Spain - Quercus suber (evergreen) and Quercus canariensis (winter deciduous)-using a PCR-based molecular method. We also analysed the leaf fall, litter and soil sampled beneath the tree canopies to determine the concentrations of key nutrients. The total mycorrhizal pool was comprised of 69 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Tomentella and Russula were the most species-rich, frequent and abundant genera. ECM fungi with epigeous and resupinate fruiting bodies were found in 60% and 34% of the identified mycorrhizas, respectively. The calcium content of litter, which was significantly higher beneath the winter-deciduous oak species due to differences in leaf fall quality, was the most important variable for explaining ECM species distribution. The evaluation of alternative causal models by the d-sep method revealed that only those considering indirect leaf fall-mediated host effects statistically matched the observed covariation patterns between host, environment (litter, topsoil, subsoil) and fungal community variables.  相似文献   

The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the largest feline in the Americas and third largest world-wide, smaller in size only to the tiger (P. tigris) and lion (P. leo). Yet, in comparison, relatively few studies on jaguar population densities have been conducted and baseline data for management purposes are needed. Camera trapping and capture-recapture sampling methods were used to estimate the size of a jaguar population in the Pantanal’s open wet grassland habitat, an important area for the long-term survival of the species. This study is the first jaguar population estimate conducted in co-operation with a GPS-telemetry study providing an important opportunity for comparing different methods of density estimation. An accessible area within a 460 km2 privately-owned ranch was sampled with equal effort during the dry seasons of 2003 and 2004. Thirty-one and twenty-five individual jaguars were identified in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Estimates of jaguar abundance were generated by program CAPTURE. Density estimates were produced according to different methods used to calculate the effectively sampled areas which ranged from 274 to 568 km2. For 2003, the currently-used mean maximum distance moved (MMDM) method produced a density of 10.3 jaguars/100 km2, while GPS-telemetry-based calculations produced a mean density of 6.6 jaguars/100 km2. For 2004, the MMDM method produced an estimate of 11.7 jaguars/100 km2 while GPS-telemetry calculations produced a density of 6.7 jaguars/100 km2. Our results suggest that the widely-used MMDM method used to calculate effectively sampled areas is significantly under-reflecting maximum distances moved by jaguars and their range-use and, thereby, considerably inflating cat density estimates. This overestimation could place a population in a difficult situation by lengthening the time taken to initiate protection measures because of underestimating the risk to that population.  相似文献   

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