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A behaviour-based model was used to explore the effect of an extension of the port at Le Havre (Port 2000), and the effect of proposed mitigation measures, on the mortality and body condition of the three main shorebird species that overwinter in the estuary of the river Seine, France. In the model, a 20% reduction in the area of mudflats on the north side of the estuary had little effect on curlew Numenius arquata mortality and body condition but significantly increased mortality and decreased body condition in dunlin Calidris alpina and oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. Disturbance of feeding birds both day and night had a significant effect on the mortality and body condition of all three shorebird species, as did disturbance of roosting birds. Disturbance of feeding birds in the daytime only had a significant effect on dunlin mortality and body condition, but not that of curlew and oystercatchers. In the model, the creation of a buffer zone to reduce disturbance of feeding birds restored shorebird mortality and body condition to pre-disturbance levels. A new mudflat area was also effective in mitigating the effect of habitat loss on all three shorebirds and in mitigating the effect of roost disturbance on dunlin and curlew. However, a new mudflat area was not effective in mitigating the effect of roost disturbance on oystercatcher mortality and body condition. The effectiveness of the mitigating mudflat depended as much on its size as its quality. We believe that this is the first time that anyone has been able to forecast the efficacy of proposed mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Interactions between seabirds and longline fishing can cause incidental bird mortality and reduced gear efficiency. The potential for solving these problems by using a bird-scaring streamer line and a line shooter was investigated in commercial longlining in the northern Atlantic off the coast of Norway. We compared the bycatch rate of northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis, the loss rate of baits to fulmars and the catch rates of fish target species among lines set with either of these mitigation measures, a combination of both and no mitigation measure. A total of 58,420 hooks were set in each of the four treatments. No birds were caught using the bird-scaring line alone and a single fulmar was caught when the bird-scaring line was used in combination with the line shooter. In contrast, 32 fulmars were caught in sets with no mitigation device and thirteen in sets with the line shooter alone. Losses of mackerel bait were reduced when the bird-scaring line was used, but not by using the line shooter alone. Longlines set with the line shooter reached 3 m depth 15% faster then lines set without the line shooter; beyond this depth sinking rates were similar (about 15 cm s−1). Fish catch did not vary significantly among setting methods. These results should also be applicable to the bycatch of Fulmarus spp. in demersal longline fisheries worldwide.  相似文献   

通过黄土丘陵沟壑区水土流失治理典型——陕北米脂县高西沟的水土流失治理措施配置模式、治理成本和治理效益分析,认为水土流失治理措施配置模式应由治理目标所决定,不同治理目标指导下的治理模式将产生不同的生态效益和经济效益;针对水土保持效益的多重性、连动性、交叉性和互动性等特点,提出水土保持效益评价原则;依据该原则,估算以粮食自给为目标的治理模式,其投入治理成本是65.70万元/km^2,5-6年内可收回成本;此时治理流域基本达到泥不下坡,水不出沟,林草覆盖率达到40%-50%,粮食自给,年经济收入3 000元/人左右的生态和经济效益。治理区虽全面治理达标,但经济收益仍远低于全国平均水平,单纯依靠水土保持难以达到全面小康,这是值得有关部门应深思的问题。  相似文献   

结合苏里格3个气田开发工程的实际情况,对苏里格气田开发工程的组成、征占地面积、水土流失防治措施分别进行分析与评价,并通过经验总结,提出目前生产建设项目水土保持工作中存在的问题和不足。结果表明:1)气田工程项目组成较为复杂,占地以临时占地为主,占整个项目占地的75%左右;2)在水土流失防治分区中,以管网区与道路区所占比例最大,占整个项目占地的90%左右,同时也是整个项目中产生水土流失的重要部位,占整个项目水土流失量的90%左右,是水土流失防治与监测的重点部位。根据调查提出目前水土流失防治措施中存在的问题,并提出建设性意见和具体思路。  相似文献   

We used video cameras over 5 years to quantify causes of mortality at 172 nests of three species of ground-nesting birds that nest on braided riverbeds of the Upper Waitaki Basin, South Island, New Zealand. The species were banded dotterels Charadrius bicinctus (n=114), black stilts Himantopus novaezelandiae (n=23), and black-fronted terns Sterna albostriata (n=35). Of 77 recorded lethal events (excluding four desertions caused by us), 66 involved deaths of only eggs, and 11 involved deaths of adults and/or chicks, and/or eggs. The main predators were cats Felis catus, hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus, and ferrets Mustela furo, which were responsible for 43, 20, and 18% of lethal events, respectively. Cats were the only predator species to take adult birds. We recorded only two avian predations: a harrier Circus approximans took a chick and a hatching egg from one nest, and an Australian magpie Gymnorhina tibicen ate chicks at one nest. Other causes of mortality were incubating adult birds, floods, and sheep Ovis aries. Each accounted for <4% of lethal events. Ninety percent of visits (151 of 168) by predators or potential predators happened between sunset and sunrise. We found no evidence that video cameras or infra-red lighting influenced predation rates during 2 years of testing for such effects.  相似文献   

为评价北京山区多年来小流域综合治理的水土保持效果,也为以后小流域治理和植被重建提供理论支撑,以房山区蒲洼小流域为研究地,采用典型样地调查、野外抗冲性实验和室内样品处理的方法,对比分析不同水土保持措施的土壤物理性质、土壤质地和抗冲性.结果表明:随着土层加深,各类措施下土壤密度均呈现增大趋势,总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度呈现减小趋势,而非毛管孔隙度没有明显规律.不同水土保持措施下,土壤密度、总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度均有改善(侧柏林除外),改善程度由好到差依次为:辽东栎次生林>油松落叶松混交林>石坎梯田>油松林>落叶松林>灌丛;各类措施下土壤颗粒均以细、中粉粒为最多,分形维数显示各类水保措施土壤通透性均较为良好;相比荒地,各类措施下土壤冲刷量显著减小,径流时间延长,冲刷量依次为油松落叶松混交林(0.82 kg/cm3)<侧柏林(1.14 kg/cm3)<落叶松林(1.30 kg/cm3)<辽东栎次生林(3.91 kg/cm3)<油松林(5.96 kg/cm3)<荆条灌丛(10.88 kg/cm3),延缓径流冲刷时间由大到小依次为:辽东栎次生林(55.65 s/m)>油松落叶松混交林(46.82 s/m)>落叶松(28.19 s/m)>荆条灌丛(22.39s/m)>侧柏林(17.48 s/m)>油松林(16.94 s/m).土壤抗冲性与细、中粉粒体积分数(正相关)、非毛管孔隙度呈显著(负相关)关系最为密切,由此推出大根径的根系穿插形成的非毛管孔隙对土壤抗冲性是负效应.综上,油松落叶松林混交林提升土壤蓄水持水性能、土壤抗冲性均显示出很大的优势;石坎梯田效果也较好,是小流域治理应首先考虑的2类措施.  相似文献   

 在调查黄河小浪底山地植物物种多样性指数和海拔、坡度、坡向、土壤状况等环境因素的基础上,采用主成分分析的方法对生态因子进行筛选,根据影响因子的作用大小,采用聚类分析的方法对样地进行群落恢复进程的分类,利用判别分析技术建立各恢复阶段的判别公式。结果表明:1)研究区植物群落可以划分为15种类型,其中乔木群落4个,灌草群落6个,草本群落5个;2)土壤和地形等环境因子、土壤流失等生态因子对多个公共因子都有较大的载荷。多样性指数H′/sup>,D1,P,Jsw,D2等在第1主分量上、石砾含量在第2主分量上、土壤流失程度、土壤厚度以及坡向和土壤类型在第2、第3主分量上都有较大载荷,海拔在3个主分量上载荷都较小;3)黄河小浪底山地植被恢复期可以分为4个恢复阶段:恢复初期阶段,其群落占27%;进展阶段,其群落占40%;恢复中期阶段,其群落占20%;恢复稳定阶段,其群落占13%;4)所建立的判别模型是可靠的,在判识植被恢复阶段有显著效果。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a change‐detection study of the historical agricultural terraced landscape in “Costa Viola” (Calabria, South Italy). During the last century, because of the loss of economic competitiveness, it has undergone progressive abandonment, followed by landscape degradation. Taking into consideration the very steep slopes of Costa Viola and the need to analyse with high precision the historical evolution of the terraced landscape, research methods were implemented coupling advanced geomatic techniques with in situ detailed surveys. Based on historical aerial photographs, orthophotos, and numeric cartography, we analysed the land use/land cover change in the period 1955–2014 using photogrammetric and geoprocessing techniques, focusing particularly on trajectories in agricultural terraces. Area covered by active terraces decreased dramatically between 1955 and 2014, from 813.25 to 118.79 ha (−85.4%). The implemented spatial database was built in a free open‐source software taking into consideration spatial accuracies and completeness. Spatial comparison among land use/land cover maps was carried out using a postclassification comparison technique that can provide complete cross‐tabulation matrices. These data were compared with socio‐economic statistics concerning demography and trends of farms with vineyards. The evolutionary dynamics of the active agricultural terraces were also analysed trough the definition of 6 types of spatio‐temporal patterns recognised in the analysed period. These methods allowed to highlight the ongoing dynamics of abandonment of agricultural terraces in relation to their main causes and effects. Although tailored for the specific case study, they can be applied to many other terraced agricultural landscapes presenting similar characteristics and problems.  相似文献   

Two shortcomings of the non-numeric United States Soil Laboratory (USSL) water quality designation process are, first, the uncertainty involved with assigning samples to the bordering discrete classes is not considered and, secondly, it is difficult to map. One solution to these may lie in the use of a Mamdani fuzzy inference system (MFIS). The main aims of this study were (1) to compare the MFIS and USSL approach to classifying groundwater quality for irrigation and (2) to explore the spatial variability of groundwater quality for irrigation in the Marvdasht aquifer using the MFIS output. For this purpose, 49 agricultural wells were sampled and their sodium adsorption ratio and electrical conductivity were determined. In 81% of cases, the MFIS led to the same class as USSL and in 92.8% of cases agreed with USSL classification. In only 2 out of 49 samples did the MFIS and USSL strongly disagree. The comparison showed that the MFIS method is more acceptable, reliable, and logical in the classification of water quality for irrigation purposes than other methods. The output map of the MFIS scores indicates that the upper part of Marvdasht aquifer has better quality water for irrigation.  相似文献   

The activity of allelochemicals in agroecosystems is highly dependent on their soil persistence. The aim of this work was to establish a link between the soil persistence of salicylic acid (SA) and its bioactivity, to better understand the mechanisms of allelochemical-mediated soil-plant interactions. Incubation and bioassay experiments were conducted for this purpose. The addition of HgCl2 and decreasing temperature to 4 °C increased the persistence of SA in soil. Since these treatments greatly decreased the soil respiration, they probably slowed the SA dissipation by reducing the soil microbial activity. To a lesser extent, soil humidity and soil pH also influenced the SA dissipation rate. Exogenous olive-mill organic waste (ALP) increased the soil respiration, but interestingly, delayed the degradation of SA, presumably because ALP acted as an alternative source of C for soil microorganisms. The phytotoxicity of SA towards Eruca vesicaria in soil increased by the addition of ALP. Applied to soil at 0.5%, ALP reduced the SA dose for 50% Eruca vesicaria aerial biomass inhibition to 40%. Our results show how certain agronomic practices, such as the application of agri-industrial biosolids, could be used to modulate the persistence of allelochemicals in the rhizosphere and control their biological functions in soils.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a serious problem in the Loess Plateau of China, and assessment of soil erosion at large watershed scale is urgently need. This study used RUSLE and GIS to assess soil loss in the Yanhe watershed. All factors used in the RUSLE were calculated for the watershed using local data. RUSLE‐factor maps were made. The mean values of the R‐factor, K‐factor, LS‐factor, C‐factor and P‐factor were 970 209 MJ km−2 h−1 a−1, 0·0195 Mg h MJ−1 mm−1, 10·27, 0·33359 and 0·2135 respectively. The mean value of the annual average soil loss was found to be 14 458 Mg km−2 per year, and the soil loss rate in most areas was between 5000 and 20 000 Mg km−2 per year. There is more erosion in the centre and southeast than in the northwest of Yanhe watershed. Because of the limitations of the RUSLE and spatial heterogeneity, more work should be done on the RUSLE‐factor accuracy, scale effects, etc. Furthermore, it is necessary to apply some physical models in the future, to identify the transport and deposition processes of sediment at a large scale. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陇东黄土高原是中国农耕文明发祥地之一,探究其农田生态系统服务及其权衡协同关系对于维持农田生态系统多功能性,促进耕地保护、保障粮食安全具有重要价值。为了厘清其农田生态系统服务之间的权衡协同关系,该研究基于社会经济与资源环境数据,运用降水贮存量法、通用土壤流失方程、InVEST 等6种生态系统服务评估模型,测算2020年农田生态系统供给服务(食物供给)、调节服务(水源涵养、碳固存)、支持服务(土壤保持、生境维持)和文化服务(美学景观)的物理量,并采用皮尔逊相关系数、双变量莫兰指数,分别识别供给服务与其他3类服务之间的权衡协同关系、各项服务之间关系的空间异质性。结果表明:1)研究区农田生态系统食物供给、水源涵养、碳固存、土壤保持服务物质量分别为4.61×106 t、2.45×108 m3、2.94×106 t、6.61×109 t,生境质量服务均值为0.26;供给服务与文化服务均呈“东西高、中北低”的分布格局,调节服务与支持服务则呈“带状”分布格局。2)研究区农田生态系统供给服务与调节、支持、文化服务之间以及食物供给服务与水源涵养、碳固存、土壤保持、生境维持、美学景观服务之间均表现为不同程度的协同关系。3) 研究区农田生态系统4类服务之间、各项子服务之间的权衡协同关系均具有空间自相关性,空间异质性显著。各项服务之间的协同关系“组团”出现在陇东中北部地区,聚集性较明显;各项服务之间的权衡关系则零散分布,聚集性不明显。因此,应全力维持陇东黄土高原农田生态系统多功能性,实施分区管理策略,充分发挥农田生态系统各类服务的协同效应,整体提升农田生态系统服务功能(特别是食物供给服务),巩固新时代“陇东粮仓”地位。  相似文献   

Soil erosion gradation is a robust and objective quantitative indicator of soil erosion intensity. Recent applications of soil erosion gradation have focused on monitoring soil erosion with models or simulation of soil erosion through gradation trends. However, soil erosion simulation accuracy is generally being reduced due to the rare consideration of the relationship between soil erosion gradation and erosion evolution. In this study, we investigated different soil erosion intensity grades to demonstrate their sensitivity to types and rates of erosion. Specifically, the objective was to define the relationship between soil erosion gradation and soil erosion evolution in Changting, an undeveloped area in Fujian Province, China, for four time intervals (1975, 1990, 1999, and 2006). The time series of erosion gradation were developed by modeling analysis with integration of several erosion indicators, and the relationships between the erosion grades and evolution types and rates were quantified. Comparison of the collapsing forces with natural and restoring forces based on human activity demonstrated that there existed an obvious spatial uncertainty in the erosion evolution types, both positive and negative succession coexisted, and the evolution rates were mostly influenced by the force of policy orientation. The impacts of these driving forces were eventually reflected in the erosion intensity gradation and erosion evolution. The correlation between the negative succession rate and erosion intensity gradation was weak and showed a poor contribution to the average succession rate, while the negative correlation between the positive succession rate and erosion intensity gradation would be increasingly clear as time passed.  相似文献   

应用反射光谱法估测矿区附近农田土壤As, Cu污染   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Concentrations of Iron (Fe), As, and Cu in soil samples from the fields near the Baoshan Mine in Hunan Province, China, were analyzed and soil spectral reflectance was measured with an ASD FieldSpec FR spectroradiometer (Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc., USA) under laboratory condition. Partial least square regression (PLSR) models were constructed for predicting soil metal concentrations. The data pre-processing methods, first and second derivatives (FD and SD), baseline correction (BC), standard normal variate (SNV), multiplicative scatter correction (MSC), and continuum removal (CR), were used for the spectral reflectance data pretreatments. Then, the prediction results were evaluated by relative root mean square error (RRMSE) and coefficients of determination (R2). According to the criteria of minimal RRMSE and maximal R2, the PLSR models with the FD pretreatment (RRMSE = 0.24, R2 = 0.61), SNV pretreatment (RRMSE = 0.08, R2 = 0.78), and BC-pretreatment (RRMSE = 0.20, R2 = 0.41) were considered as the final models for predicting As, Fe, and Cu, respectively. Wavebands at around 460, 1 400, 1 900, and 2 200 nm were selected as important spectral variables to construct final models. In conclusion, concentrations of heavy metals in contaminated soils could be indirectly assessed by soil spectra according to the correlation between the spectrally featureless components and Fe; therefore, spectral reflectance would be an alternative tool for monitoring soil heavy metals contamination.  相似文献   

The wheatbelt of Western Australia is an area of about 140 000 km2 which has undergone massive changes since European settlement in 1827. Clearing of native vegetation for agricultural development has removed up to 93% of the original vegetation in some areas and replaced it with exotic grasses, cereal crops and frequent watering points. The remaining vegetation is made up of thousands of remnants of various sizes, shapes and degreees of isolation scattered across the landscape.

The avifauna of the wheatbelt is examined at the regional level, the district level and at the level of the individual remnant and changes over the last 80 years or so are described. Two species of bird have gone extinct in the wheatbelt out of 148 species of land birds recorded in the region over the last 80–90 years. At the district level, more species have become extinct, the numbers depending on the extent of the removal of native vegetation and length of time since clearing took place. There is demonstrable loss of bird species at the level of the individual remnant; in the example cited (81 ha) three species have gone extinct over the last 10 years.

This rapid loss of species from district avifaunas means that remnant vegetation needs to be retained intact and conservation agencies should develop assessment techniques to identify reserve networks which include the species that have declined so that management can concentrate on them. Priorities for management should then be developed and local communities involved in the management of their local conservation systems or networks.  相似文献   

Soil degradation resulting from permanent and high pressure on natural resources is a threat for the present and future of agricultural production in Ethiopia. Mono‐cropping, cultivation on steep slopes, use of cattle manure and crop residues as an energy source for cooking are common practices that have led to declining soil organic matter (SOM) contents. The objective of this research was to evaluate the current status of SOM in farmlands and exclosures (areas protected from grazing to allow their natural restoration) in Northern Ethiopia and to explore the long‐term effects of current agricultural practices and an improved scenario on SOM. At present, the SOM content of farmland soils is small, ranging from 2.1% to 2.9%, while exclosures showed a significant recovery after 20 yr of protection, with SOM contents ranging from 2.6% to 5.6%. However, the level of SOM in farmland soils is envisaged to decline given current agricultural practices, that is removal of crop residues and use of manure as an energy source for cooking. We found that applying manure alone appeared to be insufficient to revert this trend, due to limited availability and its alternative uses. Therefore, a multidisciplinary approach including improved manure and compost management needs to be supplemented with energy saving techniques, as fuel use is currently the largest competing claim for organic matter in the area.  相似文献   

为提高森林多功能经营水平和森林效益,以福建省将乐国有林场内典型的杉木及其混交林为例,以17个易测因子为自变量,分别以森林生物量积累功能、水源涵养功能、保育土壤功能以及生物多样性保护功能为因变量,建立林分结构与功能的多元线性回归模型,并利用主成分分析法得到森林综合功能模型.结果表明:1)林分年龄、平均胸径和密度对森林的各项功能均具有一定的影响,林分平均高更侧重于影响森林的水源涵养功能.2)决定森林多功能水平的林分因子主要为林分年龄和林分平均胸径.3)在55块调查标准地中,森林综合功能指数最高为453,最低为-153.将乐国有林场82%的杉木林综合功能良好,18%的杉木林木材生产能力和多样性保护能力较弱,需针对这部分林分进行结构调整以提高森林的多功能性.  相似文献   

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