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The effect of solarization on the development of Callosobruchus maculatus was investigated in the Nigerian savanna during the hot season from April to May, 1999. Development of C. maculatus adult progeny was completely suppressed in seeds of bambara groundnut, Vigna subterranea bearing bruchid eggs or harbouring first and second instar larvae that were exposed to the sun in metal tins, clay pots or polypropylene sacks for 7, 14 or 28 h. Adults of C. maculatus developed only in seeds that were not exposed to sun. Solarization did not have a significant adverse effect on germinability of bambara groundnut seeds.  相似文献   

Chlorfluazuron, flufenoxuron and XRD-473 were applied to wheat grain as water emulsion at doses of 0.5,5 and 25 ppm AI. The residul bioactivity and its ability to control infestation of the rice weevil,Sitophilus oryzae (L.) was bioassayed at monthly intervals during 8 months storage period posttreatment.All IGRs at the tested doses produced moderate direct toxicity of 18–56% to parent adult weevils, exposed immediately after treatment, which decreased remarkably to 0–18% for adults exposed to IGRs residues in wheat grain at 3 months posttreatment.Data reveals also that all compounds at 0.5–25 ppm and in particular XRD-473 affected adversely the development of the subsequent F1 progeny, reducing highly their population that fed and developed in IGR-treated wheat grain. However, in wheat grain treated with 5 and 25 ppm AI of the tested IGRs and infested withS. oryzae parent adults after 8 months of posttreatment storage, the developmental of offspring was appreciably arrested, providing effective control of F1 progeny, reached 91.09 to 98.12%. The maximum control of F1 progeny was achieved within IGRs residues in wheat grain at the 5th month posttreatment, resulting in 76.54–100% reduction in population.The delayed inherent indirect activity of the tested IGRs on F2 progeny production was studied when untreated wheat grain was infested withS. oryzae adult weevils originated from F1 progeny adults. The data demonstrate that all compounds, and XRD-473 in particular possessed indirect delayed bioactivity much more higher than their direct action, where % control of F2 progeny reached 84.14–100% versus 38.51–98.12% control for F1 progeny at the 8th month bioassay interval.The viability of the wheat grain was not affected with insecticidal treatment in this test, since the wheat grain representing all bioassay testing interval in all treatments as well as in control exhibited over 95% germination.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden zur Bekämpfung vonS. oryzae den Getreidekörnern die Wirkstoffe Chlorfluazuron, Flufenoxuron sowie XRD-473 in Dosen von jeweils 0,5-5-25 ppm beigemischt. Die Wirkungen wurden 8 Monate lang monatlich kontrolliert.Die 3 Wirkstoffe verursachten eine direkte Toxizität von 18–56% bei den elterlichen adulten Käfern bei Kontamination unmittelbar nach Anwendung und von 0–18%, wenn die Käfer erst 3 Monate nach Einmischung der Wirkstoffe zugesetzt wurden.Alle 3 Wirkstoffe (insbesondere XRD-473) riefen bei 0,5–25 ppm Störungen der Entwicklung der nachfolgenden F1-Generation hervor, wenn diese in behandelten Körnern fraß und sich entwickelte, was zu starkem Populations-Rückgang führte. Jedoch auch dann, wenn adulte Elternkäfer erst 8 Monate nach Behandlung den Körnern zugesetzt wurden, wurde die Entwicklung der F1-Generation stark gehemmt, deren Mortalität 91 bis 98% erreichte. Der höchste Bekämpfungserfolg von 76,5 bis 100% wurde bei den F1 im 5. Monat nach der Behandlung der Körner erzielt.Die verzögerte indirekte Wirkung der getesteten Substanzen auf die F2 wurde dadurch untersucht, daß unbehandelte Weizenkörner mitS. oryzae-Adulten besetzt wurden, welche von überlebenden F1-Adulten stammten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß alle 3 Wirkstoffe, insbesondere XRD-473, indirekt vernichtende Wirkung aufwiesen, die höher waren (84,1–100%) als die direkten.Die Lebensfähigkeit der behandelten Weizenkörner war mit etwa 95% Keimung bei diesen Versuchen nicht eingeschränkt.

With 3 tables  相似文献   

The parasitoids of Saperda populnea (L.) (Col.: Cerambycidae) were studied in Bulgaria during the period 1997?–?2001. Galls with pest larvae were collected from young aspen trees at eight locations (Sofia, Kokaliane, Plana, Churek, Gorni Lom, Gintzi, Dolno Kamartzi and Klisura) and examined under laboratory conditions. Four species were reared from 1118 galls containing overwintering pest larvae: Iphiaulax impostor (Scop.) (Hym.: Braconidae), Dolichomitus populneus (Ratz.), Schreineria populnea (Gir.) (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) and Billaea irrorata (Meig.) (Dipt.: Tachinidae). All of the parasitoids were solitary. Schreineria populnea was found as a new parasitoid of the host in Bulgaria. B. irrorata emerged mainly from late-stage S. populnea larvae; the remaining species from both early- and mid-stage larvae. In the parasitoid complex of S. populnea, the most numerous were B. irrorata (59.8?%) and D. populneus (29.4?%). The percentage of host larval parasitism varied from 2.4 to 33.3, with an average of 9.7?%. B. irrorata was the most important in reducing the pest number. The average mortality of S. populnea caused by the tachinid was 5.8?%, and the highest mortality observed in individual study was 20.2?%.  相似文献   

Agriculture relies on ecosystem services, such as biological control of pests, for economic success and sustainability. Commercially managed lowbush blueberries are an important crop in eastern North America, but pest control by natural enemies has not been well studied. In this paper we address questions about consumption of two blueberry pests by ground beetles (Carabidae) that are common in blueberry fields. In the first experiment, a Poecilus l. lucublandus, Carabus nemoralis, or Pterostichus mutus beetle was placed with two blueberry spanworm larvae, Itame argillacearia, in a simple (cup only or cup + soil) or more complex (cup + soil + blueberry sprigs) treatment arena. In most cases, probability of spanworm consumption reached 100 % in simple arenas by the end of the experiment (48 h) but was 25–50 % lower in more complex arenas. In a second experiment, a male or female Pterostichus melanarius or Harpalus rufipes beetle was placed in a plastic container with saturated or dry soil into which mature blueberry maggots, Rhagoletis mendax, dropped from blueberries to pupate. Approximately 40–80 and 35 % fewer pupae were recovered when a P. melanarius and H. rufipes beetle was present, respectively, but soil moisture and beetle sex were not significant factors. Our results demonstrate that ground beetles can prey upon important blueberry pests, but suggest that consumption may be influenced by microhabitat structure.  相似文献   

Bruchidius andrewesi Pic. has been recorded as a serious pest of pods and seeds of Acacia tortilis in the Thar desert of India. Pest infestation on developing pods and its relationship with morphological traits is reported. Pod infestation varied from 5 to 19% with 5–29% infestation of seeds. Infestation of pods is directly related to infestation of seed (r = 0.72**), and both pod and seed infestation are also directly correlated with loss in seed biomass (r = 0.79** and R = 0.88**). The infestation of pods starts in November and increases steady until harvest. Seeds kept in the laboratory for further studies were found to be 100% infested with B. andrewesi, as the insect multiplied faster under these conditions. The heavy infestation is damaging not only to A. tortilis but also to other leguminous trees of the desert. Bruchidius andrewesi has also been found on pods and seeds of Prosopis cineraria, an important indigenous tree of the region.  相似文献   

Summary Indian tablets attacked byCoptotermes heimi (Wasmann, 1902) were covered with withish gray faeces of termites. The rosewood(Dalbergia lalitolia) was not eaten by termites, only the bone intarsia bear short tunnels. There were dead solders only, mostly corroded heads. Below intarsia living Embioptera, perhapsPseudembia flava (Ross, 1943) were found in their webs. There were many larval exuvies ofAlphitobius laevigatus (Fabricius, 1781) and some living adults.   相似文献   

In anAbies homolepis Sieb. et Zucc. forest at Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., cumulative damage byXylotrechus villioni (Villard) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) was observed on tree branches. Of the 14 major branches in one sample tree, six had cumulative damage by boring larvae, of which 3 had been bored by multiple larvae. No adult emergence holes were found on the whole tree, suggesting very low survivorship from boring larva to emerging adult. Galleries made by single larvae were often observed to be terminated by a depression apparently carved by a picid woodpecker, suggesting that they are important predators of the cerambycid. The manner of cicatrix formation with phloem tissue over the larval gallery in anAbies veitchii Lindl. branch at Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi Pref. is presented. Studies onXylotrechus villioni (Villard) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a primary borer of coniferous trees in Japan (III). This work was presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society at Morioka (April, 1993) and 20th International Congress of Entomology at Firenze (August, 1996). This work is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.02660163) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

Ectinogonia buquetti (Spin.) (Coleoptera, Buprestidae) was identified as the agent causing damage on a Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnh.) bioenergy plantation. Damage affected the principal apex and upper lateral branches and loss of lateral branches on E. camaldulensis due to complete ring-barking. E. buquetti is a coleopteron native to Chile, it preferably feeds on the wood of native species. A total of 205 individuals, all adults were found; 45% of the plants presented some type of damage.  相似文献   

Until recently, the pine sawyer Monochamus galloprovincialis (Olivier) (Coleoptera; Cerambycidae) was considered a secondary forest pest in Portugal. Its pest status changed when it was found to be the main vector of the recently introduced pine wood nematode (PWN) Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Bührer) Nickle (Nematoda; Aphelenchoididae). A survey in three locations within the PWN-affected zone was conducted in order to identify parasitoids associated with immature stages of the beetle and to evaluate their importance. No parasitoid was found associated with the insect eggs whereas 10% of the larvae were found parasitised by three Braconidae. Cyanopterus flavator Fabricius was the most numerous species; Iphiaulax impostor (Scopoli) and Coeloides sordidator Ratzeburg were the other species present. A review of the parasitoids associated with Monochamus in Europe, eastern Asia and North America was made, and the possibility of using the local species in future biological control programmes in Portugal is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

椰子大害虫-锈色棕榈象及其近缘种的鉴别(鞘翅目:象虫科)   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
锈色棕榈象Rhynchophorus ferrugineus(Oliver)隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera 象虫科Curculionidae,近年在海南省严重危害椰子,文章介绍了该虫与同属近缘种美洲棕榈象Rhynchophorus palmarum(L.)等成虫,幼虫和蛹在形态特征上的区别。  相似文献   

在内蒙古阿尔山的田间诱捕试验中,落叶松八齿小蠹引诱剂1共诱集到16头落叶松八齿小蠹和1319头天敌红胸郭公虫,而落叶松八齿小蠹引诱剂2诱集到24104头落叶松八齿小蠹和776头红胸郭公虫。室内的触角电位试验结果表明:落叶松八齿小蠹对引诱剂2的触角反应(雌虫2.139mV±0.678mV,雄虫2.169mV±0.473mV)大于引诱剂1(雌虫0.440mV±0.232mV,雄虫0.297mV±0.142mV),对引诱剂1的反应值和对照差不多;而红胸郭公虫对引诱剂1的触角反应(雌虫4.618mV±1.106mV,雄虫4.534mV±1.087mV)明显大于引诱剂2(雌虫2.209mV±0.680mV,雄虫1.953mV±0.601mV),对引诱剂2也有一定的反应值。触角电位试验与田间诱捕试验结果相符合。GC-MS分析结果表明:引诱剂1的主要成分为3.06%的cis-geraniol,1.98%的Ipsenol,80.36%的(S)-cis-verbenol和1.03%的1-verbenone;结合卖方公司提供的数据,引诱剂1的主要成分为4.78%的2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol,63.71%的Ipsenol(纯度为96.9%),1.46%的Cedrene和22.42%的Isocaryophillene。结合以上数据分析得出:不同成分引诱剂对落叶松八齿小蠹及天敌红胸郭公虫引诱能力显著不同,Ipsenol对诱集落叶松八齿小蠹起重要作用,而(S)-cis-verbenol则对诱集天敌红胸郭公虫起重要作用。  相似文献   

利用花绒寄甲防治杨树云斑天牛的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
在湖南和湖北省选取9个云斑天牛危害的杨树林作为试验林,释放云斑天牛的寄生性天敌花绒寄甲卵和成虫开展生物防治云斑天牛试验.通过调查天敌释放前后被害株数和株虫口数2个指标对花绒寄甲的防治效果进行评价.结果表明:林间释放这种寄生性天敌的卵和成虫均对云斑天牛有良好的控制效果.在释放花绒寄甲卵的3个试验林中,平均株虫口校正减退率为83.27%;平均被害株校正减退率为74.33%;在释放花绒寄甲成虫的6个试验林中,平均株虫口校正减退率为84.23%;平均被害株校正减退率为75.65%.通过对释放花绒寄甲卵和成虫后当年和第2年调查的防治结果进行比较,表明释放天敌成虫的防治效果略好于释放卵的林分,但二者差异不显著.由于人工繁殖花绒寄甲成虫的成本远高于卵,因此,在生产中大面积防治云斑天牛时,采用释放花绒寄甲卵的方法比较经济.  相似文献   

A new phoretic association between Bursaphelenchus minutus and the bark beetle Orthotomicus erosus collected on Pinus pinea is described for the first time. Nematode identification was based on morphological observation and biometric measurements of males and females. Moreover, B. minutus was characterized by ITS sequences and RFLP profile.  相似文献   

Ambrosia beetles, including Platypus cylindrus, commonly act as vectors of Ophiostomatales. In an investigation of fungi associated with P. cylindrus, several species of Ophiostomatales were identified, including two species of Ophiostoma s. str. These two species were characterized based on comparisons of DNA sequences of the internal transcribed spacer regions including the 5.8S gene of rDNA and β‐tubulin gene. Two distinct clades were discernable in the phylogenetic trees, supported by high bootstrap values. One clade included the species Ophiostoma tsotsi, reported herein for the first time in Tunisia, and the species Ophiostoma quercus.  相似文献   

利用花绒寄甲防治锈色粒肩天牛   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
室内在器皿内和半自然条件下,利用花绒寄甲对锈色粒肩天牛进行寄生性试验,最佳效果分别达80%和86.67%。林间在山东泰安、聊城等地选取5处被锈色粒肩天牛危害的国槐行道树作为试验地,释放花绒寄甲成虫、卵块对锈色粒肩天牛幼虫进行生物防治试验。以天敌释放前后被害株虫口数为依据,对花绒寄甲的防治效果进行评价。林间各处理最佳防治效果为:单纯释放花绒寄甲成虫、卵块后,株虫口减退率分别为72.23%和71.67%,同时释放花绒寄甲成虫及卵块时,其株虫口减退率为82.64%。但3者间差异不显著。林间释放花绒寄甲成虫和卵块,对锈色粒肩天牛均有良好的控制效果。  相似文献   

A survey of the xylophagous insects in the conifer forests, mainly Pinus pinaster woodlands, in Spain was carried out in order to study the phoretic vectors of nematodes of the genus Bursaphelenchus. Fifteen environmental sites were characterized on the bases of altitude, rainfall, temperature and conifer species. Specimens of Orthotomicus erosus (n = 3476) were captured of which 59% carried nematodes under their elytrous, most of them were aphelenchid fungal‐feeding nematodes, but B. fungivorus was found on the beetles from Las Cumbres, Villa Blanca, (Huelva), southern Spain, which represent the first record of O. erosus as vector of a Bursaphelenchus sp. The nematode is characterized by morphometric and biomolecular techniques and distribution and ecology of the insect is discussed.  相似文献   

To investigate the reproductive traits and diel activity ofMonochamus saltuarius, 14 pairs of the adults were reared and observed at each of 20°C and 25°C. Both sexes were more active at 25°C than at 20°C irrespective of the presence or absence of light. A diel change in behavior during 24 h was found on 33% of a total of 48 observations of three age classes of both sexes. No significant difference was found in the mean longevity between sexes or between the two temperature conditions. The time required for reproductive maturation showed no significant difference within the same sex when reared at 20°C and 25°C. The mean oviposition period was significantly longer at 25°C (28.8 days) than at 20°C (12.2 days). The mean lifetime fecundity was significantly greater at 25°C than at 20°C. There was no significant difference in the oviposition ratio (number of eggs deposited/number of oviposition wounds excavated), oviposition rate or hatchability for females between the two temperature conditions.  相似文献   

应用花绒寄甲防治松褐天牛   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取6个松褐天牛危害的马尾松林样地,释放寄生性天敌花绒寄甲的卵和成虫。通过调查天敌释放前后被害株数和单株虫口数2个指标对花绒寄甲的防治效果进行评价,同时,采用室内和林间罩网寄生试验相结合的方法分析花绒寄甲对松褐天牛幼虫的寄生情况。在释放花绒寄甲卵和成虫后对当年松褐天牛的寄生防治效果显示:在释放花绒寄甲卵的3个试验林中,平均株虫口校正减退率为48.54%,平均被害株校正减退率为63.07%;在释放花绒寄甲成虫的3个试验林中,平均株虫口校正减退率为47.00%,平均被害株校正减退率为68.00%,二者差异不显著。说明林间释放花绒寄甲卵和成虫均对松褐天牛有良好的控制效果。室内试验中,释放花绒寄甲卵和成虫后,不同胸径受害木段中松褐天牛幼虫被寄生的数量比例变化较大,5~8cm胸径的木段中寄生率最高,达72.41%,显著高于10~15cm和>18cm胸径木段的49.52%和49.06%;分别在5,7和9月释放花绒寄甲卵和成虫,寄生率分别为68.50%,21.63%和30.29%,5月份的寄生率显著高于7月和9月。利用花绒寄甲防治松褐天牛具有良好的控制效果,以5月份释放天敌效果最好,可在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

Essential oils from Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poiteau (Lamiaceae) and Hyptis spicigera Lamarck (Lamiaceae) were first analysed by gas chromatography and by gas chromatography/electron impact mass spectroscopy and then evaluated for toxicity and repellent activity against Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae), one of the most serious worldwide stored grain pests. Fifty-six compounds have been identified in the essential oil of H. suaveolens: monoterpene hydrocarbons were the most represented volatiles (64.1%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (24.0%), oxygenated monoterpenes (8.1%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (2.4%). Diterpenes and non-terpene derivatives were scarcely represented. Sixty compounds have been identified in the essential oil of H. spicigera: monoterpene hydrocarbons were the most represented class of volatiles (70.4%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (22.6%). Results from topical applications on insects showed that both essential oils had an effective insecticidal activity. The complete kill of S. granarius was observed 24 h after treatment at a minimum effective dose of 0.4 and 0.6 μl per insect with H. suaveolens and H. spicigera oil, respectively. Results from repellency tests showed that the two essential oils had a repellent activity on S. granarius adults: at the lowest dose (2 × 10−4 μl oil per cm2), H. spicigera essential oil exhibited a higher repellent effect in comparison to H. suaveolens. No significant differences were observed for the repellent effect between the two essential oils at the highest dose (2 × 10−2 μl oil per cm2).  相似文献   

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