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AIM: To assess the effect of combining an internal teat sealant (ITS) and a long-acting cephalonium-based dry cow therapy (DCT) on the prevalence of cows with a somatic cell count (SCC) >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving, and the incidence of clinical mastitis diagnosed by farm staff in the first 100 days after calving.

METHODS: Cows from a spring-calving, pasture-based, dairy farm in the South Canterbury region of New Zealand were randomly allocated to receive cephalonium DCT (n=289) or cephalonium and internal teat sealant (n=304) at the end of lactation. Cows were inspected twice daily by farm staff during the dry period and following calving for signs of mastitis. Individual SCC were determined from herd tests conducted in the previous lactation and following calving. Logistic regression models were used to determine relationships with the prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL after calving, and survival analysis was used to model time to the first case of clinical mastitis following calving at the cow and quarter level.

RESULTS: The OR for a cow with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL after calving, including age and individual SCC in the preceding lactation in the model, was 0.53 (95% CI=0.32–0.89) for cows treated with combination therapy compared to cows receiving cephalonium (p=0.017). At the cow level, including age and preceding SCC in the model, the hazard ratio for diagnosis of clinical mastitis by farm staff in the first 100 days of lactation was 0.60 (95% CI=0.39–0.98) for cows treated with combination therapy compared to cows receiving cephalonium (p=0.04). At the quarter level, the hazard ratio for diagnosis of clinical mastitis, with age included in the model, was 0.41 (95% CI=0.23–0.74) for the combination therapy compared to cephalonium alone (p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: The combination of internal teat sealant and cephalonium DCT was more effective than cephalonium alone at reducing clinical mastitis diagnosed by farm staff in the 100 days after calving, and the prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study adds to the evidence that the prevention of intra mammary infections throughout the dry period and up to calving by using combination therapy is important in reducing the incidence of farmer-diagnosed clinical mastitis and prevalence of cows with a SCC >150,000 cells/mL 60–80 days after calving.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare, in cows treated with an internal teat sealant, the effect of short-acting and long-acting cloxacillin-based dry-cow therapy on somatic cell counts (SCC) after calving.

METHODS: Cows from a spring-calving, pasture-based dairy farm in the Manawatu-Whanganui region of New Zealand were randomly allocated to receive either a short-acting cloxacillin and ampicillin dry-cow therapy and internal teat sealant (n=291) or a long-acting cloxacillin and ampicillin dry-cow therapy and internal teat sealant (n=288) at the end of lactation. Cows were managed on-farm with routine husbandry procedures through the dry period and following calving. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to determine the association between length of action of dry-cow therapy and the proportion of cows with a SCC >150,000?cells/mL at the first herd test after calving.

RESULTS: Age of cow, mean SCC for the preceding season and interval from calving to the first post-calving herd test were all associated with the proportion of cows with an individual SCC >150,000?cells/mL at the first herd test (p<0.001) Treatment with the short-acting dry-cow therapy was not associated with decreased odds of cows having a SCC >150,000?cells/mL at the first herd test compared with treatment with long-acting dry-cow therapy (OR=0.724; 95% CI=0.40–1.30).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In this herd, which routinely used internal teat sealants, the use of short-acting cloxacillin-based dry-cow therapy did not result in an increased proportion of cows with elevated SSC post-calving. This was a single farm, single year study but indicates that in this herd, changing from a long-acting to a short-acting antimicrobial may have no impact on the prevalence of subclinical mastitis.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the benefit of blanket treatment of all milking cows at drying-off and all replacement heifers one month prior to the planned start of mating with an internal teat sealant on the incidence of mastitis, and somatic cell counts (SCC), postpartum in a 650-cow herd with a mastitis incidence in early lactation of 15% in cows and 26% in heifers. METHODS: Prior to drying-off, lactating cattle were divided on the basis of SCC and mastitis history. Cattle with records of individual SCC >150,000 cells/ml or mastitis in the previous lactation were treated with a cloxacillin-based dry-cow therapy (DCT), while the remaining cattle received no antibiotics. Cattle in each of the two groups were then randomly assigned to receive either an internal teat sealant or no further treatment. Additionally, one month prior to the planned start of calving the rising 2-year-old heifers were also randomly assigned to receive either an internal teat sealant or no treatment. All clinical mastitis cases were recorded for the first 10 weeks after the start of calving, while SCC were measured on three occasions during the subsequent lactation. RESULTS: Data were available from 466 cows and 206 heifers; treatment with the internal teat sealant significantly reduced the incidence of mastitis in both groups. For cows, the reduced risk of mastitis due to treatment with the teat sealant was not significantly different between cows, which, based on their mastitis history, required dry-cow antibiotics and those which did not. There was no effect of teat sealant on the mean SCC of any group at any time-point. CONCLUSIONS: On this farm, treatment of all cows and heifers prior to parturition with an internal teat sealant significantly reduced the risk of clinical mastitis. The benefits of an internal teat sealant were the same when used in combination with antibiotics in cows with a history of mastitis as when used alone in cows with no such history. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: These data support the proposition that blanket treatment with an internal teat sealant of all cows due to enter the milking herd can be a useful method of mastitis control. They also suggest that combined therapy with dry-cow antibiotics and internal teat sealants can be beneficial under New Zealand conditions. More detailed research on more farms in more areas of New Zealand is required to confirm these suggestions.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the impact of treatment with internal teat sealant (ITS) compared to no treatment at drying-off on the incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) during the dry period and 84 days after calving, and the prevalence of cows with somatic cell counts (SCC) ≥200,000?cells/mL at the first lactation herd test, for cows wintered on forage crops.

METHODS: In four dairy herds in the South Island of New Zealand, cows with no history of CM or individual SCC >100,000?cells/mL during the 2015–16 season were randomly assigned to treatment with ITS in each quarter (ITS group) at drying-off or no treatment (Control group). Cows were otherwise treated similarly, wintered on forage crops and transferred to pasture for calving and lactation. Cows were monitored over the dry period and for 84 days after calving, and any case of CM recorded. Individual SCC were recorded at the first herd test after calving.

RESULTS: Between drying-off and 84 days after calving 36/470 (7.7%) cows in the ITS groups and 73/442 (16.5%) cows in the Control group were diagnosed with CM (RR=0.46; 95% CI=0.26–0.73). The final multivariable logistic regression model included an interaction between treatment group and length of dry period. For a Friesian/Jersey cow, aged 4–8 years, with a dry period of 30–80 days, dried off without ITS, the probability of CM in the study period was 0.12 (95% CI=0.09–0.16), and for such a cow treated with ITS the probability was 0.07 (95% CI=0.05–0.10). For an equivalent cow, with a dry period of 81–140 days, which was untreated, the probability was 0.21 (95% CI=0.14–0.29), and for such a cow treated with ITS it was 0.05 (95% CI=0.02–0.11). At the first herd test after calving 77/383 (20.1%) cows in the Control group and 57/425 (13.4%) cows in the ITS group had SCC ≥200,000?cells/mL (RR=1.51; 95% CI=1.10–2.06).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For these farms, treatment of cows with no history of elevated SCC or CM with ITS at drying-off halved the incidence of CM between drying-off and 84 days after calving, and reduced by 33% the proportion of cows with SCC≥200,000 at the first herd test after calving, compared with untreated cows. Treatment with ITS reduced the risk of CM proportionally more for cows with a dry period of 81–140 days than for cows with a shorter dry period.  相似文献   

A longitudinal observational 2 year field study including 178 dairy herds was conducted in Norway. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of iodine post milking teat dipping (PMTD) and an external teat sealant (ETS) in first calvers (heifers) on bacterial isolation from milk culture post-calving. Every heifer was either sampled in connection with a clinical mastitis (CM) event at calving or otherwise approximately 6 days post-calving. Milk culture results were available from 3218 individual heifers and 12,872 quarter milk samples. Separate multivariable logistic regression models were used for each bacterium. Neither use of PMTD nor ETS did decrease the risk of bacterial isolation post-calving. However, if iodine PMTD had been used, there was an increased risk of clinical mastitis (Odd ratio (OR) = 1.6 (0.9–2.7)) and an increased risk of isolation of coagulase negative staphylococci OR = 1.5 (1.0–2.1). If ETS had been used, there was an increased risk of isolation of coliform bacteria (coliform and Escherichia coli) (OR = 2.9 (1.2–7.3)). There was significantly less Streptococcus dysgalactiae during the summer and autumn compared to the winter and spring. There was a significant herd effect for Streptococcus uberis and for coliforms with an OR = 5.1 (2.1–12) and 4.5 (2.7–7.6) respectively.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the impact of treatment with internal teat sealant (ITS) compared to no treatment at drying-off on culling during the dry period and 90 days after calving, for cows wintered on forage crops.

METHODS: In four dairy herds in the South Island of New Zealand, cows with no history of clinical mastitis or somatic cell counts >100,000 cells/mL during the 2015–16 season were randomly assigned to treatment with ITS in each quarter (ITS group) or no treatment (Control group). Cows were otherwise treated similarly, wintered on forage crops and transferred to pasture for calving and lactation. Culling was defined as an unplanned exit from the herd, including cows sold for slaughter, cows slaughtered for salvage value and cows that died on farm. Culls and cull dates were recorded between drying-off and 90 days after calving.

RESULTS: Between drying-off and 90 days after calving 24/491 (4.9%) cows in the ITS group and 45/473 (9.5%) cows in the Control group were culled (RR=0.51; 95% CI=0.75–0.83), and between 30 days before calving and 90 days after calving 20/491 (4.1%) cows in the ITS group and 40/473 (8.5%) cows in the Control group were culled (RR=0.48; 95% CI=0.29–0.81). In the final multivariable logistic regression model, adjusting for dry-period length, cow age, breed and farm, the OR for culling in the study period was 0.43 (95% CI=0.23–0.81) for cows in the ITS compared with the Control group. For a Friesian/Jersey cow, aged 4–8 years, with a dry period of 30–80 days, dried-off without ITS, the probability of culling in the study period was 0.10 (95% CI=0.06–0.16), and for such a cow treated with ITS the probability was 0.05 (95% CI=0.03–0.08).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In these four herds, the use of ITS at drying-off reduced the incidence of culling between drying-off and 90 days after calving. The use of ITS at drying-off in cows prior to wintering on forage crops may provide additional benefit to farmers through reduced incidence of culling and should be considered in any cost–benefit analysis of its use.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the association between the interval from internal teat sealant (ITS) administration to calving and the incidence of farmer-recorded clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation in pasture-based dairy heifers.

METHODS: Heifers that were administered an ITS by a single veterinary business in the South Island of New Zealand over the winter of 2014 were enrolled in a cross-sectional observational study. ITS was administered to all heifers on each participating farm on a single calendar day. The dates of calving and farmer-diagnosed clinical mastitis were recorded by farm staff. The interval from ITS administration to calving was categorised into four approximately evenly sized groups: <35, 35–48, 49–69 and >69 days. The quartile of the farm’s calving period in which each heifer calved was also investigated as a potential confounding variable. A hierarchical logistic regression model was constructed to determine the association between the interval from ITS administration to calving with the odds of clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation.

RESULTS: Analysis was performed on 7,126 eligible heifers from 31 farms, with ITS administered between 9 May and 11 July 2014. The mean interval from ITS administration to calving was 52.9 (SD 24.4, min 1, max 137) days. Clinical mastitis was diagnosed in 420/7,126 (5.9 (95% CI=5.4–6.5)%) heifers between calving and day 30 of lactation. In the final multivariable model, which included calving period quartile, interval from ITS administration to calving was not associated with the odds of clinical mastitis (p=0.516). Compared to an interval from ITS administration to calving of <35 days, the adjusted OR of clinical mastitis for intervals of 35–48, 49–69 and >69 days were 0.83 (95% CI=0.59–1.17), 0.71 (95% CI=0.45–1.11) and 0.68 (95% CI=0.36–1.29), respectively.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Within the range of intervals from ITS administration to calving observed in this study, there was no association with the odds of clinical mastitis in the first 30 days of lactation in dairy heifers. This study suggests that veterinary clinics may be able to extend their ITS administration service and treat dairy heifers earlier than the current recommendation of approximately 4 weeks before the planned start of calving.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic effects of 1.5 minimal alveolar concentration of halothane alone (1.6% end-tidal) and 1.5 minimal alveolar concentration of halothane (1.1% end-tidal concentration) combined with epidurally administered morphine were compared during controlled ventilation in 10 dogs used on 2 occasions and randomly allocated to 2 groups. Arterial blood pressure, cardiac index, stroke volume, left ventricular work, and pulmonary arterial pressure were significantly (P less than 0.05) higher in dogs of the morphine-treated group before administration of morphine. After epidural administration of morphine (0.1 mg/kg of body weight diluted in 0.26 ml of saline solution/kg), hemodynamic changes were not observed, and the aforementioned variables remained significantly (P less than 0.05) higher than values in dogs of the halothane only group. Compared with halothane (1.6%) alone, the reduction in halothane end-tidal concentration (1.1%) associated with epidurally administered morphine is beneficial in maintaining hemodynamic function.  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate, under farm conditions, the use of a teat sealant in addition to whole herd dry cow antibiotic therapy on the risk of clinical mastitis in dairy cattle at pasture, and to evaluate the impact of dry period length on that risk and the impact of the teat sealant on that risk.

METHODS: Dairy cows in three herds which used routine whole herd antibiotic therapy were randomly assigned to receive either treatment with an internal teat sealant (n=322) or no additional treatment (n=313) at drying-off between March and May 2010. All clinical mastitis cases during the dry period and to the end of the subsequent lactation were recorded by farm staff; factors affecting risk of clinical mastitis were then analysed using a Cox proportional hazards model.

RESULTS: Median duration of the dry period was 112 days with >25% of cows having a dry period >130 days. The incidence risk of mastitis during lactation for cows treated with teat sealant was 9.9 (95% CI=6.9–13.7) cases per 100 cows compared with 17.9 (95% CI=13.8–22.6) cases per 100 cows for cows treated with antibiotic alone. The addition of a teat sealant to dry cow antibiotic therapy decreased the risk of clinical mastitis only in the first 33 days after calving (Hazard risk 0.24 (95% CI=0.12–0.48)). Length of dry period did not significantly affect the risk of clinical mastitis, or the effect of adding teat sealant to dry cow antibiotic therapy on the risk of clinical mastitis.

CONCLUSIONS: In these herds where, based on the mastitis history, whole herd antibiotic therapy had been recommended, the use of a teat sealant significantly reduced the risk of clinical mastitis. This effect was limited to the first 33 days after calving; subsequently there was no significant effect of treatment. There was no effect of dry period length on risk of clinical mastitis, nor any significant interaction with treatment.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Combination therapy with teat sealant and antibiotic was effective under New Zealand conditions in herds using whole herd antibiotic treatment at drying off. Teat sealant reduced risk of clinical mastitis in cattle with dry periods substantially longer than 100 days, and there was no evidence that this effect changed as dry period length increased.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether insertion of an internal teat sealer (ITS) at the end of lactation would prevent development of new intramammary infections (IMIs) during the nonlactating period. DESIGN: Controlled clinical trial. ANIMALS: 939 Holstein-Friesian dairy cows from 16 herds. PROCEDURES: Results of bacteriologic culture of milk samples collected 14 days prior to the end of lactation were used to assign cows to groups (group 1 = negative results for all quarters; group 2 = positive results for > or = 1 quarter). Quarters of cows in group 1 were treated with an ITS or a single intramammary dose of cloxacillin; quarters of cows in group 2 were treated with cloxacillin in conjunction with an ITS or with cloxacillin alone. Milk samples were collected at the end of lactation and within 8 days after calving. RESULTS: Regardless of whether the outcome of interest was new IMIs caused by any pathogens, major pathogens, environmental pathogens, or streptococci other than Streptococcus agalactiae, quarters in group 2 treated with both cloxacillin and an ITS were less likely to develop a new IMI than were quarters treated with cloxacillin alone. For cows in group 1, no significant difference in risk of new IMIs was found between treatments. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that for dairy cattle with an IMI late in the lactation period, intramammary administration of cloxacillin at the end of lactation followed by insertion of an ITS enhanced protection against development of new IMIs, compared with use of cloxacillin alone.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the effect of applying an external teat sealant or a slow-release intraruminal monensin capsule pre-calving on the prevalence and incidence of subclinical or clinical mastitis in dairy heifers post-calving. METHODS: The studies were undertaken in 13 herds. In two herds application of an external teat sealant was compared with a negative control; in nine herds treatment with monensin was compared with controls, and in two herds treatments were applied in a 2 x 2 factorial design. Heifers were randomly assigned within herd to be treated with a slow-release intraruminal device containing 32 g monensin (n=383), or left as untreated controls (n=389), approximately 30 days before the start of the spring calving period; or to be treated with a latex external teat sealant (n=206) when calving was impending, or be left as untreated controls (n=205). Milk samples were collected from each gland between 0 and 5 days after calving and from any gland diagnosed with clinical mastitis. The effect of the treatments on the prevalence of intramammary infection (IMI), i.e. subclinical mastitis, and clinical mastitis were initially analysed at the univariate level, with associated variables (p<0.2) being used in construction of multivariable models. RESULTS: The prevalence of IMI was 18.4% at the gland level, and coagulase-negative staphylococci followed by Streptococcus uberis were the most common isolates. Treatment with an external teat sealant reduced the prevalence, compared with controls, of any IMI (12.1 (SE 1.7)% vs 16.5 (SE 2.1)%, respectively; p=0.05) or IMI caused by a major pathogen (3.8 (SE 0.8)% vs 6.0 (SE 1.1)%, respectively; p=0.05). Monensin treatment did not affect the prevalence of any IMI (p=0.68) or IMI due to a major pathogen (p=0.11). The cumulative incidence of clinical mastitis was 14.2%. Neither monensin treatment (p=0.47) nor application of an external teat sealant (p=0.71) altered the risk of clinical mastitis. There was no interaction between the monensin and external teat sealant in the two herds where the treatments were applied in a 2 x 2 factorial design. CONCLUSIONS: Application of an external teat sealant resulted in a lower prevalence of any IMI and of an IMI caused by a major pathogen. Despite monensin reducing the mobilisation of body tissue and the risk of subclinical ketosis, it had no effect on the prevalence or incidence of IMI or clinical mastitis. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Application of an external teat sealant is an option for reducing the prevalence of IMI in pasture fed dairy heifers.  相似文献   

We evaluated stereotactic volume modulated arc radiotherapy (VMAT) for canine gliomas, alone (radiotherapy [RT]) and in combination with temozolomide (RT + TMZ), compared with palliation. Overall and disease‐specific survival times were estimated. Thirty dogs were palliated, 22 dogs were treated with RT and 20 with RT + TMZ. Complete and partial responses were observed in 63.2% and 90.9% of patients in the RT and RT + TMZ arms, respectively, that were alive at 1 year. Median survival in the palliation arm was 94 days (95% conformity index [CI] 87÷101). Median survivals of the RT arm (383 days, 95% CI 276÷490) and RT+TMZ arm (420 days, 95% CI 280÷560) were not significantly different (P = .61). Positive correlation with survival was found both for the ratio between target and brain (relative) volume of the tumour of <5% (P = .013) and for a clinical presentation with normal mentation (P = .032). VMAT is feasible and effective for canine brain gliomas. Combining this therapy with TMZ did not elicit any additional improvement in survival time.  相似文献   

An examination of teat canal swabs established that 51 teat canals out of 68 quarters of machine-milked cows were colonized by Staphylococcus aureus. Only 31 of these quarters yielded milk from which S. aureus could be cultured, and 6 out of the 31 produced milk containing somatic cell counts in excess of 500 000/ml. No inhibitory substances could be detected in milk samples 12 h after 10 mg of sodium cloxacillin had been deposited in the test canal on 1-4 successive occasions. Teat canal swabs and milk sample cultures of the same quarters became and remained bacteriologically negative for at least a week after the last treatment. Six quarters, which according to the International Dairy Federation criteria were suffering from subclinical mastitis, became negative after local teat canal therapy. Scanning electron micrographs of one infected teat canal revealed the presence of cocci in depressions and crevices on the epithelial surface, suggesting that such cocci are not always flushed out into milk samples. Teat canal therapy should make a marked contribution to the control of bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

A within herd comparison of teat dipping and dry cow therapy (full treatment) with only selective dry cow therapy (partial treatment) was carried out in six commercial dairy herds for a two year period. In four herds, the incidence of clinical mastitis was 2 to 12 per cent higher in the partial treatment group. In another herd, in which the pattern of clinical mastitis isolates was unusual in that minor pathogens were isolated from 30 per cent of mastitis cases, the incidence was 43 per cent higher in the partial treatment group. In the remaining herd the incidence was 10 percent higher in the full treatment group. Streptococcus uberis mastitis was more common in the partial treatment groups of five herds; coliform mastitis was more common in the full treatment groups of two herds and similar in both groups in the other herds. High rates of coliform mastitis were associated with poor herd environmental conditions but this was not true for Strep uberis mastitis. Rates of staphylococcus aureus and Strep dysgalactiae mastitis were low in all herds. The level of major pathogen infection in cows completing the trial in all herds increased in the partial treatment group from 5 per cent of quarters at the start to 12 per cent at the finish of the trial. In the full treatment group, however, there was only a small increase in this level. In contrast, levels of Corynebacterium bovis infection increased by 17 per cent in both treatment groups. Continued use of teat dipping and dry cow therapy was associated with a higher rate of coliform mastitis in two of the three herds where there were poor standards of hygiene and husbandry.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate and compare the therapeutic efficacy of dry cow agents containing either cephalonium or cloxacillin within Australian dairy herds. DESIGN: A treatment-control trial. METHODS: Milk from infected quarters of cows with high somatic cell counts in milk on eight Australian dairy farms was cultured to identify bacterial pathogens. Cows were randomly assigned to treatment groups and one group was treated with cephalonium at drying off and the other group was treated with cloxacillin at drying off. Milk samples from infected quarters were collected immediately after calving and were cultured for pathogens. The effect of treatment on bacteriological cure was examined and somatic cell counts from infected cows from the first two herd tests after calving were examined for a treatment effect. On four farms, milk samples were collected for culture from all cases of clinical mastitis identified within the first 7 days after calving. The effect of treatment upon incidence of clinical mastitis after calving was examined. RESULTS: There was no significant difference between treatments on quarter cure rates for new infections, for chronic infections and for infections with Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus uberis. Infected quarters treated with cephalonium had a significantly higher cure rate than quarters treated with cloxacillin when Corynebacterium bovis and Staphylococcus epidermids were included as pathogens combined (80.3% versus 70.7%). There was no significant difference between the treatments on somatic cell counts of infected cows at the first two herd tests after calving. There was no difference between treatments on the incidence of clinical mastitis in the first 7 days after calving.  相似文献   

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