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The aim of this study was to identify the group of highly polymorphic microsatellite markers for the identification of six pear cultivars (P. communis) and two individuals of wild pear (P. pyraster). From among 40 tested SSR markers, 19 were selected to profile genetic diversity in pear genotypes due to high polymorphisms. These markers showed high heterozygosity levels (0.5–1) and, on average, 6.4 alleles per marker were found. The set of microsatellite markers employed in this study demonstrated usefulness of microsatellite markers for the identification of pear genotypes. The examined wild forms were represented in this study by only two individuals of P. pyraster. It can be assumed that these forms were distinctly different from the cultivated pear cultivars.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs), highly dispersed nucleotide sequences in genomes, were used for germplasm analysis and estimation of the genetic relationship of the D-genome among 52 accessions of T. aestivum (AABBDD), Ae. tauschii (DtDt), Ae. cylindrica (CCDcDc) and Ae. crassa (MMDcr1Dcr1), collected from 13 different sites in Iran. A set of 21 microsatellite primers, from various locations on the seven D-genome chromosomes, revealed a high level of polymorphism. A total of 273 alleles were detected across all four species and the number of alleles per each microsatellite marker varied from 3 to 27. The highest genetic diversity occurred in Ae. tauschii followed by Ae. crassa, and the genetic distance was the smallest between Ae. tauschii and Ae. cylindrica. Data obtained in this study supports the view that genetic variability in the D-genome of hexaploid wheat is less than in Ae. tauschii. The highest number of unique alleles was observed within Ae. crassa accessions, indicating this species as a great potential source of novel genes for bread wheat improvement. Knowledge of genetic diversity in Aegilops species provides different levels of information which is important in the management of germplasm resources.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships within and between wild and cultivated olives were examined and clarified in an isolated and restricted area, such as the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. Wild (21 individuals) and cultivated olive trees (22 local cultivars from a germplasm collection and 35 ancient trees) were genotyped by means of 13 SSR loci. Five cases of synonymy were observed and nine distinct genotypes were identified in the collection. Five novel genotypes were also detected among the ancient trees. Differences on the allelic composition and heterozygosity levels were found between wild and cultivated trees. Model-based clustering method classified the olive trees into two major gene pools: (a) wild genotypes and (b) local cultivars from the collection and from heritage olives. Regarding the cultivated plant material, we observed that: (a) most of the Sardinian cultivars shared the same allelic profiles with the ancient cultivated trees and (b) the majority of these cultivars and all the novel genotypes were not related to any other cultivars included in this study. These findings as well as the detection of unique alleles and a certain wild genetic background at some cultivars revealed by the Bayesian analysis may indicate their autochthonous origin. The synonymy cases found between local cultivars and Italian mainland cultivars indicate interchange of genetic material among these growing areas, suggesting thus a possible allochthonous origin. The information obtained can assist in the management of an olive collection and sheds some light on the survival of true oleasters and the origin of Sardinian cultivars.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to isolate and characterize rhizobial strains from root nodules of cultivated legumes, i.e. chickpea, mungbean, pea and siratro. Preliminary characterization of these isolates was done on the basis of plant infectivity test, acetylene reduction assay, C-source utilization, phosphate solubilization, phytohormones and polysaccharide production. The plant infectivity test and acetylene reduction assay showed effective root nodule formation by all the isolates on their respective hosts, except for chickpea isolate Ca-18 that failed to infect its original host. All strains showed homology to a typical Rhizobium strain on the basis of growth pattern, C-source utilization and polysaccharide production. The strain Ca-18 was characterized by its phosphate solubilization and indole acetic acid (IAA) production. The genetic relationship of the six rhizobial strains was carried out by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) including a reference strain of Bradyrhizobium japonicum TAL-102. Analysis conducted with 60 primers discriminated between the strains of Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium in two different clusters. One of the primers, OPB-5, yielded a unique RAPD pattern for the six strains and well discriminated the non-nodulating chickpea isolate Ca-18 from all the other nodulating rhizobial strains. Isolate Ca-18 showed the least homology of 15% and 18% with Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium, respectively, and was probably not a (Brady)rhizobium strain. Partial 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis for MN-S, TAL-102 and Ca-18 strains showed 97% homology between MN-S and TAL-102 strains, supporting the view that they were strains of B. japonicum species. The non-infective isolate Ca-18 was 67% different from the other two strains and probably was an Agrobacterium strain.  相似文献   

Mustard (Brassica juncea) is an important crop in both ancient and modern world. It has a broad resource of genetic diversity that is used primarily as oilseed but as vegetables, condiment and medicines also. Its superior tolerance to adverse environments, e.g., drought, high temperature and low fertility suggests its better adaptability in future possible harsh environments. Chinese vegetable mustard displays a wide spectrum of morphotypes. A collection of 95 accessions of B. juncea representing oil and vegetable mustards from China, France, India, Pakistan, and Japan were assessed to determine diversity at the molecular level using sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP). Eight SRAP primer combinations identified a total of 326 scorable fragments of which 161 were polymorphic (49.39%). The percentage of polymorphism for each primer combination varied from 21.88 to 66.67%. Both Shannon-Weaver and Simpson genetic diversity index indicated that the level of genetic diversity within vegetable mustard is much higher than within oil mustard, and also winter oil mustards are genetically more diverse than spring oil mustards. Based on the Cluster and Principal Coordinates analysis, which were conducted on the similarity matrix of SRAP marker data, vegetable, spring oil and winter oil mustard were clearly divided into three distinct groups and among these three groups, spring and winter oil mustard are geneticlly closer than vegetable mustard. This suggests that bilateral gene exchange between oil and vegetable gene pools in the breeding program will effectively elevate the genetic potential in developing higher yields, more disease resistance, better quality and better adapted lines.  相似文献   

Developing a molecular tool kit for hybrid breeding of Osmanthus species and related genera is an important step in creating a systematic breeding program for this species. To date, molecular resources have been aimed solely at Osmanthus fragrans with little work to develop markers for other species and cultivars. The objectives of this study were to (1) determine cross-transferability of O. fragrans and Chionanthus retusus derived SSRs in diverse Osmanthus taxa, (2) quantify the influence of locus-specific factors on cross-transferability, and (3) determine the genetic relationships between accessions. We tested 70 SSR markers derived from O. fragrans and C. retusus in 24 accessions of Osmanthus. Sixty-seven markers showed transfer to at least one other Osmanthus species with an overall transfer rate of 84% of loci across taxa. Genotyping with 42 microsatellite markers yielded a total of 367 loci. Number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 17 with a mean of 8.7 ± 4.8. Mean observed and expected heterozygosities were 0.560 ± 0.225 and 0.688 ± 0.230, respectively. Percent of polymorphic loci ranged from 40% in Osmanthus delavayi to 100% in O. fragrans. Osmanthus fragrans had the highest mean number of alleles per locus (4.2) while O. delavayi had the lowest (1.1). A reduced suite of eight-markers can distinguish between accessions with non-exclusion probabilities of identity from 3.91E?04 to 2.90E?07. The SSR markers described herein will be immediately useful to characterize germplasm, identify hybrids, and aid in understanding the level of genetic diversity and relationships within the cultivated germplasm.  相似文献   

The genus Arachis is divided into nine taxonomic sections. Section Arachis is composed of annual and perennial species, while section Heteranthae has only annual species. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic relationships among 15 Brazilian annual accessions from Arachis and Heteranthae using RAPD markers. Twenty-seven primers were tested, of which nine produced unique fingerprintings for all the accessions studied. A total of 88 polymorphic fragments were scored and the number of fragments per primer varied from 6 to 17 with a mean of 9.8. Two specific markers were identified for species with 2n = 18 chromosomes. The phenogram derived from the RAPD data corroborated the morphological classification. The bootstrap analysis divided the genotypes into two significant clusters. The first cluster contained all the section Arachis species, and the accessions within it were grouped based upon the presence or absence of the ‘A’ pair and the number of chromosomes. The second cluster grouped all accessions belonging to section Heteranthae.  相似文献   

Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.) is widely cultivated in Asia, where it has been classified into Indica and Japonica Group, the latter is further classified into Tropical and Temperate Japonica Subgroup. O. rufipogon is believed to be the closest ancestor to O. sativa, but it remains unclear whether the two groups arose from a single ancestor or different ancestors. Therefore, here, we investigated the matrilineal ancestors of O. sativa using markers for organelle (chloroplast and mitochondrial) genomes, and 119 O. sativa landraces, 10 O. glaberrima Steud., 115 O. rufipogon Griff. from Asia, and 39 accessions from other wild rice species with AA genomes. We screened 18 organelle markers developed based on polymorphic loci in the organelle genomes. In addition, we used the open reading frame 100 of a chloroplast marker. The results indicated that O. rufipogon first differentiated into two lineages and then further differentiated into Indica and Japonica Group, respectively. Accessions of O. rufipogon (R-1f and R-2d types) from Myanmar appear to be the closest ancestors of Tropical Japonica Subgroup and Indica Group, respectively. Therefore, these wild strains may have made a strong contribution to the domestication of rice landraces in Myanmar.  相似文献   

Two introduced wild species Helianthus annuus L. and H. petiolaris Nutt. have become widespread in central Argentina and overlap the sunflower crop region. Intermediate off-type plants between the wild and cultivated species are often found, which is of concern because of the recent release of imidazolinone resistant varieties and the likely use of genetically modified sunflower cultivars. The progeny of 33 off-type plants obtained from 14 representative sites of the diffusion area were studied to confirm hybrid origin. Germination, survival, morphological traits and days to flowering confirmed hybridization between crop and both wild species, when compared to eight accessions of typical wild plants. Some progenies were presumably crop–wild H. annuus hybrids, some originated from the cross of cultivated plants and H. petiolaris, and two were the advanced generation of a cultivated hybrid. Hence, morphological traits are a good clue for the identification of spontaneous hybrid plants at field. The results indicate that crop–wild hybridization and introgression occur at various places in central Argentina. This fact may represent a way to herbicide resistance escape and future transgene escape if GM sunflower cultivars are released for commercial use.  相似文献   

Two hundred and eighty-seven worldwide eggplant accessions were examined for genetic diversity and population structure analysis with 45 SSR markers. The results resolved 242 alleles across all the accessions. Gene diversity ranged from 0.104 to 0.832 with an average of 0.558. Polymorphic information content ranged from 0.102 to 0.815 with an average of 0.507. The genetic diversity analysis classified all accessions into four groups, and the data showed that gene exchanges occurred in two groups during germplasm introduction, domestication, and improvement; however, the frequency was low. Population structure analysis classified 269 accessions into two subgroups, and the remaining 18 accessions were defined as admixed. The accessions from the same geographic origin tend to be clustered into same group. These results provide new insights into the exploitation of genetic diversity of germplasm for eggplant breeding program.  相似文献   

The wild Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. et Coss., systematically belonging to the genus Brassica L. in the Cruciferae family, has become a noxious weed for cropping systems nowadays. Here, simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were applied to investigate the genetic diversity, genetic structure and migration routes of the wild B. juncea populations in China. The results showed that a total of 90 alleles, with extensive allelic diversity, were observed at the 11 SSR loci of the wild B. juncea. The STRUCTURE analysis indicated that all the 25 wild populations were best described as belonging to two lineages. High Fst value (0.568), together with the partitioning, provided significant evidence for lineage differentiation in wild B. juncea. The high differentiation between the two lineages was, perhaps, due to limited gene flow (Nm?=?0.301) of this species. The analysis of molecular variance with distances among individuals corrected for the dominant nature of SSRs showed that most of the variation (59%) occurred within populations, and the remaining 41% variance was attributed to differences among populations. The distribution of diversity across China was significantly geographically dependent. NJ cluster analysis, based on genetic distance, grouped populations geographically, which further corroborated spatial pattern of two lineages. Based on these results, two routes were proposed for the migration of wild B. juncea in China after its origin from northwest China, heading east along the Yellow River or Yangtze River, respectively. We concluded that China, especially the northwest, is one of the primary origins of B. juncea.  相似文献   

Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is a subtropical domesticated fruit tree indigenous to Mesoamerica. It is a member of the Lauraceae family and is separated into three horticultural races (Guatemalan, Mexican, and West Indian) mainly corresponding to their ecological adaptation, botanical, and physiological traits. Main objectives of this study were to characterize the population structure, genetic diversity, and horticultural race of a total of 354 Persea spp. trees whose origin is as follow: 221 trees [P. americana, (218), P. nubigena (2) and P. krugii (1)] from the USDA-ARS-Subtropical Horticultural Research Station, Miami; 105 trees from the Fairchild Farm [P. americana (104) and P. schiedeana (1)], and 28 trees collected in Mexico [P. schiedeana (23) and P. americana (5)]. The complexity of their interracial admixture; as well as mislabeling frequency was also evaluated. Molecular marker analysis utilizing a set of 55 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers amplified a total of 869 alleles with a mean number of alleles per locus of 15.8 and average polymorphism information content value of 0.71, indicating a high variability in the allele frequency for the collection. Significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were identified after Bonferroni correction for a large number of loci (48; 87%) due to the presence of null alleles. The main source of variation for this population was found to be within individuals (66.84%), with 19.30% variation among populations, and 13.86% variation among individuals within populations. Moreover, population specific inbreeding indices (F IS ) were calculated for West Indian, Guatemalan, and Mexican [(0.1918; p value 0.0000), (0.1879; p-value 0.0000), (0.0925; p-value 0.0022)], respectively. Bayesian analysis divided the individual genotypes into groups associated with the Guatemalan, Mexican, West Indian races; interracial admixture; complex hybrids and P. schiedeana species. Also, results of the multivariate clustering method (PCA) and genetic distance analyses calculated among all possible individual combinations within the SSR diversity data agreed with Bayesian or Structure analyses results. The 55 SSRs provided complete resolution of all individuals and the estimated mislabeling error was approximately 0.28%.  相似文献   

Dihydrochalcones, beneficial phenolic compounds, are abundant in Malus Mill. species, particularly in vegetative tissues and seeds. Phloridzin (phloretin 2′-O-glucoside) is the primary dihydrochalcone in most Malus species including cultivated apple, Malus?×?domestica Borkh. A few species contain sieboldin (3-hydroxyphloretin 4′-O-glucoside) or trilobatin (phloretin 4′-O-glucoside) in place of phloridzin, and interspecific hybrids may contain combinations of phloridzin, sieboldin, and trilobatin. Proposed health benefits of phloridzin include anti-cancer, antioxidant, and anti-diabetic properties, suggesting the potential to breed apples for nutritional improvement. Sieboldin and trilobatin are being investigated for nutritional value and unique chemical properties. Although some of the biosynthetic steps of dihydrochalcones are known, little is known about the extent of variation within Malus germplasm. This research explores the genetic diversity of leaf dihydrochalcone content and composition in Malus germplasm. Dihydrochalcone content was measured using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) from leaf samples of 377 accessions, representing 50 species and interspecific hybrids from the USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) National Plant Germplasm System Malus collection. Within the accessions sampled, 284 accessions contained phloridzin as the primary dihydrochalcone, one had only trilobatin, two had phloridzin and trilobatin, 36 had sieboldin and trilobatin, and 54 had all three. Leaf phloridzin content ranged from 17.3 to 113.7 mg/g with a heritability of 0.76 across all accessions. Beyond the potential of dihydrochalcones for breeding purposes, dihydrochalcone composition may be indicative of hybridization or species misclassification.  相似文献   

Wild species representatives from Northwestern, Central and Southern Florida, and neighboring U.S. states were collected in multiple United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) exploration expeditions and are being preserved at the USDA, Agricultural Research Service, National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Corvallis, Oregon. Germplasm from these southeastern regions of North America is particularly vulnerable to loss in the wild due to encroachment of human development in key habitats and biotic and abiotic stresses from climate change. Fourteen simple sequence repeats (SSRs), previously developed from the highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivar ‘Bluecrop’, were used to estimate genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of 67 diploid individuals from three species, including 19 V. elliottii, 12 V. fuscatum, and 35 V. darrowii accessions collected throughout the species’ ranges. Results from our analyses indicated that the samples from each species could be reliably resolved using genetic distance measures with ordination and neighbor joining approaches. In addition, we estimated admixture among these species by using Bayesian assignment tests, and were able to identify a mis-labeled accession of V. darrowii ‘Johnblue’, two mis-classified accessions (CVAC 735.001 and CVAC 1223.001), and four accessions of previously undescribed hybrid origin (CVAC 734.001, CVAC 1721.001, CVAC 1741.001, and Florida 4B CVAC 1790). Allele composition at the 14 SSRs confirmed that Florida 4B CVAC 1790, the donor of low chilling for the southern highbush blueberry, was the critical parent of US 74. Genetic diversity assessment and identification of these wild accessions are crucial for optimal germplasm management and expand opportunities to utilize natural variation in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of 139 accessions of diploid Triticum species including Triticum urartu, Triticum boeoticum and Triticum monococcum was studied using 11 SSR (simple sequence repeats) markers. A total of 111 alleles with an average of 10 alleles per locus were detected. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of each SSR marker ranged from 0.30 to 0.90 with an average value of 0.62. Among the three Triticum species T. urartu had the highest number of total alleles (Na?=?81), private alleles (Npa?=?15) and showed higher genetic diversity (Hex?=?0.58; PIC?=?0.54). The genotypes from Turkey exhibited the highest genetic diversity (PIC?=?0.6), while the least diversity was observed among 4 Georgian accessions (PIC?=?0.11). Cluster analysis was able to distinguish 139 wheat accessions at the species level. The highest genetic similarity (GS) was noted between T. boeticum and T. monococcum (GS?=?0.84), and the lowest between T. urartu and T. monococcum (GS?=?0.46). The grouping pattern of the PCoA analysis corresponded with cluster analysis. No significant differences were found in clustering of T. urartu and T. monococcum accessions with respect to their geographic regions, while within T. boeoticum species, accessions from Iran were somewhat associated with their geographical origin and clustered as a close and separate group. The results from our study demonstrated that SSR markers were good enough for further genetic diversity analysis in einkorn wheat species.  相似文献   

AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) and SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers were utilized to assess genetic diversity and relatedness between Vigna unguiculata subspecies. Three AFLP primer combinations and 10 SSR primer sets successfully identified closely related accessions, and the presence of heterogeneity in some accessions. AFLP methodology was successful in separating different species of Vigna. However, the level of intra-subspecies variation was as great as was the interspecies variation with both marker methods. The number of markers employed was insufficient to successfully group the subspecies into distinct clades.  相似文献   

Yam bean [Pachyrhizus DC.] is a legume genus of the subtribe Glycininae with three root crop species [P. erosus (L.) Urban, P. tuberosus (Lam.) Spreng., and P. ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi]. Two of the four cultivar groups found in P. tuberosus were studied: the roots of ‘Ashipa’ cultivars with low root dry matter (DM) content similar to P. erosus and P. ahipa are traditionally consumed raw as fruits, whereas ‘Chuin’ cultivars with high root DM content are cooked and consumed like manioc roots. Interspecific hybrids between yam bean species are generally completely fertile. This study examines the genetic diversity of the three crop species, their potentials for breeding and the identification of useful traits to differentiate among yam bean genotypes and accessions. In total, 34 entries (genotypes and accessions) were grown during 2000?2001 at two locations in Benin, West Africa, and 75 morphological and agronomical traits, encompassing 50 quantitative and 25 qualitative characters were measured. Diversity between entries was analyzed using principal component analysis, cluster analysis, multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant function analysis. Furthermore, phenotypic variation within and among species was investigated. Intra- and interspecific phenotypic diversity was quantified using the Shannon–Weaver diversity index. A character discard was tested by variance component estimations and multiple regression analysis. Quantitative trait variation ranged from 0.81 (for total harvest index) to 49.35% (for no. of storage roots per plant). Interspecific phenotypic variation was higher than intraspecific for quantitative traits in contrast to qualitative characters. Phenotypic variation was higher in overall for quantitative than qualitative traits. In general, intraspecific phenotypic variation ranged from 0.00 to 82.61%, and from 0.00 to 80.03% for quantitative and qualitative traits, respectively. Interspecific phenotypic variation ranged from 0.00 to 95.02%, and 0.00?81.58% for the two trait types, respectively. The Shannon–Weaver diversity index (H′) was in general high and over 0.80 for most of the trait. Diversity within P. tuberosus was higher than within P. erosus and P. ahipa. Across the 50 quantitative and 25 qualitative traits, the Shannon–Weaver diversity index of intra- and interspecific variation was around 0.83 and 0.51, respectively and was lower for qualitative than for quantitative traits. Monomorphism was observed in eight qualitative traits and one quantitative character. The first, second and third principal components explained, respectively, 39.1, 21.3 and 8.3% of the total variation in all traits. Pachyrhizus erosus, P. ahipa, and P. tuberosus (‘Chuin’ and ‘Ashipa’) were clearly separated from each other by these analyses. Multivariate analysis of variance indicates significant differences between Pachyrhizus species for all individual or grouped traits. Discriminant function analysis revealed that the first two discriminant functions were almost significant. Biases due to unbalanced sample size used per species were small. Within each species a similar amount of diversity was observed and was determinable to 70% by only ten traits. We conclude that the cultivated yam bean species represent distinct genepools and each exhibits similarly large amounts of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Triticum timopheevii (genome symbol AAGG) comprises two subspecies, cultivated ssp. timopheevii, and wild ssp. armeniacum. These two subspecies are considered as allotetraploids of AA genome from Triticum diploid species and SS genome from Aegilops species. The difference in genome symbol (G vs. S) is due to wide genetic variations among four SS genome species, Ae. bicornis, Ae. longissima, Ae. searsii, and Ae. speltoides. In order to study the origin of T. timopheevii, we compared 19th intron (PI19) sequence of the PolA1 gene, encoding the largest subunit of RNA polymerase I. Two different sized DNA fragments containing PI19 sequences (PI19A and PI19G) were amplified both in ssp. timopheevii and ssp. armeniacum. Shorter PI19A (112 bp) sequences of both subspecies were identical to PI19 sequences of two AA species, T. monococcum and T. urartu. Interestingly, the longer PI19G (241–243 bp) sequences of ssp. armeniacum showed more similarity to PI19 sequences of Ae. speltoides whereas ssp. timopheevii showed more similarity to PI19 sequences of other three SS genome species. The results indicated that two subspecies of T. timopheevii, ssp. armeniacum or ssp. timopheevii, might have arisen independently by allotetraploidization of AA genome with Ae. speltoides or one of the remaining three Aegilops species, respectively.  相似文献   

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