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The research site, Wingst Compartment 123B, is a 68-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies (Karst.)) stand located in the coastal area of northern Germany. This area receives high atmospheric inputs of ammonium and also has relatively high ozone concentrations (0.061 mg m−3).Ten trees were categorized as healthy to slightly damaged (3–29% needle loss) or severely damaged (49–71% needle loss). Apparent net photosynthetic rates were measured on detached branches at light saturation (1000 μE m−2 s−1). Needles were analyzed for chlorophyll, N, C, Ca, Mg, K, Zn, Mn and Fe.When compared to the healthy-to-slightly-damaged trees, the severely damaged trees tended to have higher rates of net apparent photosynthesis in the 1 and 2-year-old needles and similar rates in the current-year needles. All three needle ages from the severely damaged trees had higher average stomatal conductances to water vapor (gs. Although the damaged trees had significantly less total chlorophyll in all needle ages sampled, there was no statistically significant difference in the chlorophyll a:b ratio between the healthy and severely damaged trees.Nitrogen contents of the current-year needles were slightly lower in the severely damaged trees. Carbon and calcium levels did not significantly differ between the damage classes, although the average Ca content of all younger needles was generally under the recommended sufficiency levels. The current-year needles of the severely damaged trees had significantly less magnesium (0.42–0.46 mg Mg g−1) than those of the healthy trees, and all trees had Mg values in the deficiency range (< 0.7 mg g−1). The severely damaged trees also had lower average potassium levels in the older needles.The annual volume increment per unit crown surface area declined with increasing crown damage. Trees with a 50% needle loss showed a 62% loss of volume increment.Soil investigations revealed conditions of high soil acidity and poor nutrient capacity. The low pH values (pH < 3.8) in 64% of all samples indicated a high risk of acid toxicity for plant roots in the investigated area.The significance of these results relative to the current ideas concerning forest decline is discussed.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in nutrient concentrations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles was studied during a three‐year period in three stands of differing stages of development. Concentrations of N, P and K varied significantly between years; this variation was related to differences in needle dry weight. Concentrations of all measured nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe, B) and Al varied between seasons; this variation was related to nutrient mobility and the annual physiological cycle. Concentrations of the mobile nutrients N, P and K decreased in spring and early summer during shoot and needle elongation and increased in late summer and autumn during needle senescence and litterfall. Concentrations of Mg, Cu, Zn and B followed somewhat similar patterns. The poorly mobile nutrients Ca, Mn and Fe accumulated gradually in needles during each growing season. Needle nutrient concentrations were stable during the nonactive period.  相似文献   

The effect of soil scarification on decomposition of green Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) needles and mineral nutrient release was investigated. The treatments studied were ploughing, disk trenching, mound on inverted humus and untreated control. The study was conducted on two clear‐felled sites with different ground moisture conditions, located in south Sweden. The needles decomposed and released their contents of N and Ca considerably faster on scarified areas than on untreated ones. For P, Mg and especially K, only minor differences between scarified and untreated areas were established. At the wet site, needle decomposition and nutrient mineralization were generally affected to the same extent by all three scarification methods studied. At the dry to fresh site, mounding and ploughing enhanced needle decomposition and nutrient mineralization more than disk trenching. The effect of different scarification methods on the long‐term production capacity of soils is discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency of needles and the proportion of needle segments infected by Lophodermium piceae were compared in symptomless and Chrysomyxa abietis‐infected, 1‐year‐old needles of Picea abies. In late spring, symptomless needles from both rust‐infected and healthy saplings were sampled. In addition, rust‐infected, totally chlorotic needles and needles with chlorosis along about half their length from the diseased trees were examined. In all three stands, the proportion of segments infected by L. piceae was larger in the rust‐infected half of the needle than in the symptomless half; but the difference was statistically significant in only one of the stands. The proportion of L. piceae‐infected segments among the nonrust‐infected needles was the same as that found for the uninfected half of rust‐infected needles (after correction for size differences). No differences in the proportion of L. piceae‐infected segments were found between the totally chlorotic, rust‐infected needles and the green needles of diseased or healthy trees.  相似文献   


Nutrient content [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)] in needles, branches and stems before (P0, not thinned) and after thinning (P20 and P30, 20% and 30% of basal area removed, respectively) was studied in 37- and 32-year-old Pinus sylvestris L. forests in the western Pyrenees: Garde and Aspurz. Thinning significantly decreased all nutrient pools in P20 and P30 relative to P0 on both sites, but no significant differences were found between P20 and P30 owing to low statistical power. Thinning increased the differences between the two forests for total above-ground content of P and Mg, and for the content of N, P and K in the 1999 needles cohort. The former result was due in part to the higher concentration of P (needles and branches) and Mg (needles) in Garde. Therefore, the importance of needles relative to the other nutrient pools increased for N and P after thinning. This may have resulted from the fact that the removal of dead trees with low needle biomass was greater in Garde than in Aspurz. Based on the percentage of basal area removed, nutrient removal in Garde for P30 was higher than expected, apparently owing to an increase in branch removal relative to P20. These results indicate that effects of thinning on nutrient pools were influenced by differences in stand structure and nutrient tissue concentrations between sites.  相似文献   

This study examined 108 15‐year‐old Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii) trees to investigate whether trees exhibiting less severe Swiss needle cast (SNC) symptoms were more resistant (had less fungal colonization) or more tolerant (maintained healthy foliage under similar infection levels). Trees were sampled from six open pollinated families that were categorized into three disease severity groups (two families for each group; mild, moderate and severe disease symptoms). The amount of retained foliage and level of discoloration were visually assessed on trees in the field. Fungal colonization (as determined by proportion of stomata occluded with pseudothecia and by amount of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii DNA in sampled needles) was measured on 1‐ and 2‐year‐old needles in the laboratory. Trees in the different disease severity groups were similar with respect to amount of fungus in their needles, yet the trees in the mild symptom group retained higher proportions of needles and maintained greener foliage. The relationship between amount of P. gaeumannii in needles and SNC symptom severity was statistically significant (p < 0.05) for amount of fungal DNA in 1‐year‐old needles and average needle retention (NR) over the last four growing seasons. Average NR decreased with increased amount of pathogen DNA in the mild disease symptom families. This relationship was reversed in the severe disease symptom group and there was no relationship in the moderate disease symptom group. Because the amount of P. gaeumannii DNA in foliage did not differ significantly among the groups, differences in symptom severity were attributed to tolerance, not resistance. Visual scoring of individual trees for average NR over the past four growing seasons could be used to effectively assess for SNC tolerance in Douglas‐fir.  相似文献   

Endophytic fungi in needles of healthy-looking and diseased Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karsten). Endophytic fungi were isolated from surface-sterilized, 5 to 6 year old needles of healthy-looking and diseased trees. Two fungal species could be isolated frequently: Lophodermium piceae and Tiarosporella parca. At any site neither L. piceae nor T. parca could be isolated more frequently from needles of diseased trees. The possible types of relationship between these two fungi and Norway spruce are discussed.  相似文献   

Influence of tree-to-tree competition on nutrient resorption is still not well understood. To contribute filling this gap, we assessed the effects of thinning (0, 20 and 30 % extraction of basal area) and canopy type (beech–pine vs. pine subplots) on needle dry weight, needle length, nutrient content and nutrient resorption (N, P and K) in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) needles of different cohorts, 8–9 years after thinning. Thinning and canopy type often concurrently affected needle morphology (e.g. lighter and shorter needles in 30 % thinning, heavier and longer needles in pine canopy on the first year of study) and nutrient content (e.g. decrease in N, P and K in 30 %; N, P and K higher in pine canopy on the first year of study). However, effects of thinning appeared only in older cohorts for N and P but were found in old and new cohorts for needle dry weight, needle length and K, indicating that some thinning effects remained after 8–9 years. Canopy effects on morphology and nutrient content were more frequent in recent cohorts, in relation to an increase in beech cover over time. While no clear effects of thinning on the nutrient resorption were observed, higher values were observed in the pine than in the mixed canopy, which could be related to a higher Scots pine stem growth in those patches. The observed differences between treatments will likely increase as the stand develops, probably leading to beech trees being dominant, and as future thinnings are carried out.  相似文献   

Nine stands ranging in age from 1 to 22 years were selected to study dry matter and nutrient contents of the above-ground portion of Pinus kesiya. Allometric correlations were established by taking three independent variables (dbh, h and (dbh)2·h) with different dependent variables (stem, live and dead branches, needles, cones, and total weight). Biomass data were used to estimate the primary productivity of the stands and also the net assimilation rates. With increasing stand age, the dry matter allocation was found to be more towards the bole portion; correspondingly, the allocation towards needle production decreased. Mean annual productivity was found to increase with the age of the stand. However, net primary productivity reached a peak in 5–7-year-old stand after which there was a decline in older plantations. Higher biomass and productivity of this species was comparable with that reported for high-productivity species like P. caribaea in Malaysia and P. radiata in New Zealand. The high productivity of P. kesiya could be accounted as due to high net assimilation rate of needles due to prolonged photosynthetic activity produced in three flushes during the year. The concentration of nutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) decreased in the following order: needles > live branches > dead branches > boles > cones. The concentration showed a decreasing trend with increase in tree age for all nutrient excepting Ca which showed a reverse trend. Stand nutrient contents were predominantly in the order of N > K > Ca > Mg > P.  相似文献   

Spring needle cast (SNC) in Tasmania is defined by the early casting of pine needles and appears in 6‐ to 7‐year‐old pine plantations after canopy closure. The severity of SNC can vary significantly among trees growing within the same plantation. Fungal communities were surveyed in a Pinus radiata family trial, using DNA extraction from needles, PCR with fungal‐specific primers and sequencing to detect the presence of fungal species. Samples were taken at the same time as the trees were scored for disease severity. Trees with contrasting levels of SNC disease severity have significantly different needle fungal communities, but family pedigree and different ages of needle are not clearly distinguished by their fungal communities. All common fungal pathogens previously implicated in causing SNC were identified from the study, but of these, only Lophodermium pinastri was correlated with high levels of disease. Several species of Teratosphaeriaceae were detected, and one of these was also strongly associated with needle cast.  相似文献   

The foliar chemistry of diseased and healthy trees was studied one growing season after severe reduction in living crown caused by Gremmeniella abietina in four young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands. Sample trees were chosen pairwise on the basis of the living crown length: a diseased tree with about 50% live crown reduction and a healthy tree in each pair. Fifteen elements were determined in the youngest healthy needles on the lateral top shoots of each sample tree. Diseased trees had higher foliar boron, manganese and sodium concentrations and lower magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, nitrogen and sulphur concentrations compared to the healthy trees. Foliar calcium, aluminium, phosphorus, carbon and hydrogen concentrations did not differ between the diseased and healthy trees, except for P and A1 in two of the stands when the stands were analysed separately. Significant correlations between the needle element concentrations and crown ratio (length of the living crown/tree height) were found especially for B (increasing B with decreasing crown ratio) and for Mg, Fe and Zn (decreasing concentrations with decreasing crown ratio). The effect of G. abietina-induced living crown reduction on tree nutrient status and the role of these mineral nutrients in the susceptibility are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of Sirococcus shoot blight on the radial and height growth of Norway spruce in a young plantation (approximately 20 years old) was investigated by examining the increment losses for four infection intensities (classes). The average diameter at breast height of trees in the lightly damaged class was 72% when compared with the average diameter of the healthy trees, whereas moderately and severely damaged tree classes were 67 and 57%, respectively. Using tree ring analysis, the development of radial growth over time due to intensity of infection was studied. Height growth of affected trees was also significantly reduced (up to 43%) compared with the healthy trees, thus indicating a dramatic impact of Sirococcus conigenus on the growth of young Norway spruce.  相似文献   

Needles of Pinus sylvestris with and without symptoms of Cyclaneusma needle cast, from the west of Poland, were examined for abundance and diversity of fungi using Illumina sequencing. Fungal communities were dominated by Ascomycota (93.6%–98.6% of OTUs). Basidiomycota and non‐culturable fungi were less frequent. Needles were colonized by 260 taxa. Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Glomeromycota were represented by 149, 39 and 1 taxa. Abundance of fungi was least in 1.5‐year‐old needles attached to twigs and greatest in fallen 2‐year‐old needles. Fungal communities had least diversity in 1.5‐year‐old needles and most diversity in 0.5‐year‐old needles of current growth. It was found that (a) the most common fungi were the needle pathogens Cyclaneusma minus, Lophodermium spp. and Sydowia polyspora; (b) less common potential pathogens were Cenangium ferruginosum, Coniothyrium complex, Desmazierella acicola, Neocatenulostroma germanicum and species in the genera Neodidymelliopsis, Pestalotiopsis, Phoma, Pleurophoma and Pyrenochaeta; (c) common primary or secondary saprotrophs included species of Alternaria, Aureobasidium, Beauveria, Cladophialophora, Cladosporium, Epicoccum, Exophiala, Lecanicillium, Penicillium, Cryptococcus and Kwoniella; (d) Lophodermium was represented mostly by Lophodermium pinastri which occurred 4–72 times more frequently than Lophodermium seditiosum; (e) frequencies of C. minus and C. ferruginosum were lower in the 0.5‐year‐old symptomless needles, increased in the symptomatic and symptomless 1.5‐year‐old needles and decreased after needle fall; (f) frequency of L. seditiosum was highest in 0.5‐year‐old needles; (g) frequency of L. pinastri increased with needle age whereas S. polyspora increased after needle fall; (h) lower frequency of L. pinastrii was associated with higher frequency of S. polyspora. It was concluded that Cyclaneusa needle cast in Poland may be caused by C. minus accompanied by C. ferruginosum, L. seditiosum, L. pinastrii and S. polyspora. Participation of Coniothyrium spp., Epicoccum nigrum, Pestalotiopsis spp. and Phoma spp. in the disease progress cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Gelbf?rbung von Fichten im Südschwarzwald betrifft vor allem die ?lteren Nadeln; der jüngste Nadeljahrgang ist jeweils grün. Wir untersuchten die zeitliche Entwicklung der Vergilbung durch Chlorophyll- und Elementanalysen. Die Vergilbung der letztj?hrigen Nadeln setzt mit dem Knospenaustrieb im Sp?tfrühjahr ein und ist mit einer starken abnahme der Gehalte an Mg und Zn gekoppelt. N, P, K, und S ver?ndern sich nur wenig. Fe und Al, weniger stark Ca und Mn, nehmen mit dem Nadelalter zu. Cu, Pb und Cd zeigen keine Korrelation mit dem Vergilbungsgrad Ein Anstieg des Chlorophyllgehaltes ist nur schwach ausgepr?gt. Aus dem zeitpunkt des Vergilbens und den Ver?nderungen der Elementgehalte schlie?en wir, da? Mobilisierung und Verlagerung von unzureichend angebotenen N?hrelementen (Mg, Zn) die Vergilbung der Nadeln ma?geblich beeinflussen.
Chronological change in chlorophyll and element contents in the needles of a yellow-chlorotic spruce stand
Summary The yellow discoloration of spruce in the southern Black Forest primarily affects the older needles; the current year's needles remain green.We investigated the chronological development of yellowing through chlorophyll and element analyses. The discoloration of last year's needles begins at bud burst in late spring and occurs along with a great decrease in the contents of Mg and Zn. N, P, K. and S are scarcely altered. Fe and Al, less so Ca and Mn, increase with needle age. Cu, Pb, and Cd show no correlation with the degree of yellowing. An increase in chlorophyll content is only weakly pronounced. From the onset of yellowing and the changes in element contents we conclude that mobilization and translocation of the deficient nutrient elements (Mg, Zn) decisively influence needle discoloration.

Tree growth and health status appear to be related to foliar nutrient contents. Foliar nutrient concentration might be the result of a complex interaction between soil nutrients and effective availability caused by climate, water and other site and treatment effects. This study examines foliar macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and organic C concentrations in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) needles (between 5 and 18 months old), as well as time course variability (nine dates, from July 1999 to November 2001). Variability was assessed depending on quality site (two sites, Yeste and Calasparra; SE Spain) and seven silvicultural treatments including thinning, scrubbing, pruning and particular combinations of them. Foliar macronutrient concentrations for Aleppo pine in South-eastern Spain were slightly lower (N, P, K,) or higher (Mg, Ca) than the considered as adequate ranges for Aleppo pine and Pinus genera. However, our results agree well with other normal ranges reported for Aleppo pine in Spain and for other North American Pinus species such as P. elliottii, P. taeda and P. palustris. Site, treatment and date (season) affected significantly the foliar macronutrient and C concentration, although the most important was the date, likely due to the two growth periods per year that Aleppo pine has in Mediterranean sites. Silvicultural treatments affected foliar nutrient concentration, so that the concentrations of N, P and K were higher when treatments included thinning than those that did not. The contrary was true for Mg and Ca. However, treatments did not affect the time course of the concentration, i.e., seasonality was not broken due to treatments. Moreover, the effect of the treatments was markedly high along the first year after they were applied but the differences were attenuate 2 years later. Site affected the time course of N, K, Mg and C in a different way: while for N, K and C, at the end of study period, they were higher in Calasparra than in Yeste, for Mg the contrary was true. Nutrient ratios had a different behaviour regarding to single nutrient: although date was significant, we did not appreciate seasonality. In addition, some nutrient ratios were not affected by treatments (N/P, N/K, Ca/Mg,) or by site (N/Ca, K/Ca). Average foliar N concentration and Ca/Mg ratio explained significantly the mean diameter and height growth, so that higher is the foliar N concentration and lower is Ca/Mg, higher is the growth.  相似文献   

Nutrient retranslocation from existing foliage of singleleaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla Torr. & Frem.) did not meet the nutrient demands of new needles on the same branch. Singleleaf pinyon pines, with an average age of 177 years, located at an elevation of 2300 m on a ridge in The Sweetwater Range in Nevada, USA retained needles for 18 or more years and increased needle number per branch by 17-18% annually. With age, needles gained weight and accumulated Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, P, and Mn. The amount of N per needle showed no consistent trend with needle age. Only Cu and K declined in concentrations and amounts with needle age and these differences were not statistically significant. Retranslocation of nutrients at needle abscission could provide only 2 to 13% of the N, P, K, Fe, Cu, and Mg required by new needles. We conclude that nutrient capital in existing foliage constitutes a long-term nutrient reserve for the tree rather than a mobile nutrient pool.  相似文献   

The needles of pine trees are indicative of the overall health of the tree, and their length is affected by many factors. This study describes the effect of high levels of pathogen infection on lengths of both needles and shoots. Dothistroma septosporum is an important foliar pathogen of pines causing necrosis and premature defoliation with successive years of high infection leading to growth reduction and in extreme cases tree death. Corsican pine trees with all foliage infected by D. septosporum had needles of primary, secondary and tertiary shoots reduced by 31.8%, 44.0% and 64.2%, respectively, compared to non‐infected trees. Needle lengths were reduced both in the upper and lower portions of the canopy, with a greater reduction lower in the canopy. Trees with high levels of infection had shorter shoots in the upper canopy with fewer, shorter needles on these shoots compared to trees with low levels of infection. The results demonstrate the substantial negative effect on needle and shoot lengths of trees with high levels of D. septosporum infection, comparable to factors such as water and nutrient availability known to have a strong influence on these parameters. The reductions in length reduce the photosynthetic capacity of the tree and compound the immediate reductions caused by necrosis and premature defoliation. These effects on needle and shoot lengths contribute to the reductions in volume growth of affected trees and, moreover, are longer lasting than the immediate effects of necrosis and premature defoliation.  相似文献   

I tested the presence of rapid and delayed induced resistance in Pinus sylvestris L. by biotests, rearing three species of diprionid sawflies on defoliated and undefoliated trees. I damaged the pines artificially by cutting mature needles with scissors at the beginning of the growing season. Four levels of defoliation were created on the basis of levels of removed needle biomass. Sawfly larval and cocoon weights were retarded and relative growth rates delayed as a result of an increase in damage level. The larval periods were prolonged at most 2–6 days. The response to the damage was partly species‐specific. The needle water content decreased in the following growing season in connection with low and moderate damage and increased at high damage levels. The nutrient contents of the foliage in the damaged and undamaged trees did not differ significantly. The Scots pine showed damage‐induced changes in food quality after extensive defoliation, which affected, via plant, species using the same host.  相似文献   

Arceuthobium sichuanense is a hemiparasitic angiosperm that infects Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia Kom.) in Qinghai province, China, and causes severe damage to spruce forests in Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau. In this study, the impact of A. sichuanense infection on mature and young trees of Qinghai spruce was evaluated by examining needle and current‐year shoot morphology, needle water and nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE) and needle nitrogen concentration. The most apparent effect of A. sichuanense infection was a significant reduction in both needle size distal to infection and current‐year shoot length in the infected branches (p < 0.001). Per cent reductions in needle and current‐year shoot length were similar between mature and young trees (58.9 vs. 56.3%; 59.7 vs. 62.9%). There was a high degree of correlation in foliar δ15N values between the dwarf mistletoe and its host trees (R2 = 0.9017, p < 0.001), while the foliar δ13C values of A. sichuanense were similar to those of infected mature and young spruce trees. The dwarf mistletoe infection also resulted in a significant decrease in host needle N concentration and δ13C values (p < 0.001). The per cent reduction in needle N concentration in young trees was nearly twice as much as that in mature trees (20.49 vs. 11.54%), while the per cent reduction in needle δ13C values was similar between young and mature trees (?0.98 vs.?1.1‰). The NUE in mature trees was not affected by A. sichuanense infection, but the NUE in young trees was increased by the infection.  相似文献   

The chemical analysis of needles and wood of roots of trees belonging to four stages of disease caused by A. mellea in fertilized (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and non-fertilized three Scotch Pine plantations were made. The attack caused gradual interruption of absorption and resulted in the exhaustion of some elements (N, P) and concentration of other ones (K, Ca) in needles and in the decrease of P and transitional growth of Mg-level in wood of roots. Considerable growth of concentration of some chemical substances in wood of roots of dead trees was observed. This referred to the fertilized and nonfertilized trees as well. The rate of these changes, however, was different after treatment: fertilization had no effect on the concentration of K in needles of trees in intermediate stages of disease, but it influenced in the lower rate the exhaustion of Mg in wood of roots. The role of K and Mg in defensive reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

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