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Abstract The dry matter (DM) production of Trifolium repens, T. ambiguum and the backcross 1 (BC1) and backcross 2 (BC2) hybrids with T. repens as the recurrent parent were compared in mixtures with an intermediate heading variety of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) under a cutting‐only management over 3 harvest years. Plots of parental legume species and backcross hybrids were established from small plantlets and oversown with the companion grass. In the first harvest year, the DM yield of clover in T. repens plots was greater than that in the BC2 plots and both greater than in the BC1 plots, whilst in the second and third harvest years differences between the DM yield of clover in the T. repens and the BC1 and BC2 hybrid plots were small. Similar results were obtained for the DM yield of total herbage. There were also differences in seasonal growth in the first harvest year, when yield of clover in T. repens plots was greater than in the BC1 and BC2 hybrid plots at early cuts but not at later cuts. Few differences in seasonal growth were observed between parental species and hybrids in subsequent harvest years. Comparison of above‐ and below‐ground biomass showed more DM in roots and rhizome of clover in the backcrosses than in the T. repens plots in the second harvest year but differences were less evident in the third harvest year. The clover in the backcross hybrid plots also had fewer stolon growing points per quadrat than the T. repens plots, but the BC2 had more than the BC1 plots. The exploitation of these hybrids in breeding programmes as a strategy to improve the persistence and drought tolerance of white clover is discussed and implications for forage production considered.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization with the close relative Trifolium nigrescens Viv. (Ball clover) is a possible strategy to increase the seed yield potential of white clover (T. repens L.). Fertile F1 plants have been used as the basis for several generations of backcrossing using T. repens as the recurrent parent. Forage quality of the parental species and backcross hybrids when grown in mixtures with perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was compared in field plots over three harvest years. The dry‐matter digestibility (DMD) and crude protein (CP) concentration of the legume fraction was greater than that of perennial ryegrass, but the water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of the legume components was lower than that of perennial ryegrass. Differences in forage quality between T. repens and the backcross hybrids were relatively small. The WSC concentration of the backcrosses was less than T. repens but the CP concentration was greater. Significant differences in the forage quality of the companion grass were observed when grown with the parental species and the hybrids; however, these differences were attributed to the plots with T. nigrescens and the F1 plants, where the clover content was low. Few differences in the forage quality of the grass were measured when grown with T. repens and the backcross hybrids. The impact of these results on the use of these hybrids in cultivar development programmes is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Introgression of reproductive traits from ball clover (Trifolium nigrescens Viv.) into white clover (Trifolium repens L.) is one breeding strategy to improve seed yields of T. repens that must be achieved without sacrificing agronomic performance and persistency. The yield and persistency of hybrids between white clover and the annual, profuse flowering species T. nigrescens were compared under a cutting regime over three harvest years. The hybrids included the F1 and the backcross (BC) 1, 2 and 3 generations produced using T. repens as the recurrent parent. Parental species and hybrids were sown with a perennial ryegrass companion; clover and perennial ryegrass dry‐matter (DM) yield and the proportion of clover present were measured over the growing season. In the third harvest year, a portion of each plot was grazed. Differences were observed between T. nigrescens, the F1 and the backcross hybrids and T. repens. In the first and second harvest years, clover DM yield, the proportion of clover present and total DM yield of the backcross hybrids were similar to T. repens, whereas that of the T. nigrescens and the F1 hybrid were negligible. No significant difference in perennial ryegrass production was observed between the parental species and the hybrids when grown, respectively, in combination with these species and hybrids. In the third harvest year, clover DM yield and the proportion of clover present with the BC3 was lower than with T. repens. Throughout the growing season the DM production of T. repens and the backcross hybrids was similar. In the third harvest year, under cutting, DM yield of T. repens was greatest and that of the BC3 lowest, but under grazing, the yields of the BC1 and BC3 were greater than T. repens and the BC2. The implication of these results for the future development of these hybrids is discussed.  相似文献   

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