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衔接是语篇的显著特征之一,衔接关系是篇章性的体现,也是篇章连贯的重要条件之一。其中词汇衔接对构成篇章的文本性有决定性作用。文章探讨日语词汇联想关系如何形成衔接。我们从相同词性与不同词性两个方面进行了初步的研究。  相似文献   

衔接和连贯是语篇分析中必不可少的两个方面。本文以韩礼德和哈桑所提出的衔接理论为基础,对六篇英语指导文中的衔接机制进行分析,目的主要是讨论指导语篇中非结构型衔接手段的特点,以便我们在日常生活学习中更好地理解、构建英语指导类语篇。  相似文献   

英汉两种语言有着不同的思维方式和语言结构,因此在翻译的过程中做到衔接合理、逻辑清晰且语意连贯十分重要。通过对英汉两种语言的衔接手段进行研究和对比,不仅能使得译者更加系统地了解两种语言的语篇系统,还能使他们更容易获取语篇所表达的信息,从而对翻译起到更好的指导作用。本文将运用衔接理论和衔接手段做一个整理,通过汽车配件的产品说明书的实例剖析,使理论更加清晰明了,起到帮助和指导翻译的作用。  相似文献   

文章在介绍Halliday和Hasan的词汇衔接理论以及Hoey的词汇重复理论的基础之上,试图运用Hoey的词汇重复理论对美国消防局Topical Fire Research Series中的《孩子与火灾》的词汇衔接进行分析,从而阐述词汇衔接手段在解读语篇中的作用,以此提高消防院校学员和消防工作者阅读英文消防文献的能力。  相似文献   

语篇杂乱无章是高校学生英语写作中常见的问题之一。图式理论是互动性的理解模式,可从一个崭新的角度来解释语篇连贯。文章力图从语篇连贯角度分析并提出相应的改进策略,研究图式理论对高校英语写作教学的指导作用,提高高校学生的英语写作教学水平。  相似文献   

本文以大学英语四级考试作文评分标准为依据,通过对比129名大二学生中高低水平写作者的作文在谋篇布局上的差异,重点分析其教学对策,探讨谋篇布局对大学英语写作教学的启示,提高师生对于写作中谋篇布局和语篇连贯的重视。  相似文献   

运用语料库的方法,调查了134篇大学英语四级写作语料中的词汇错误。通过归类分析,发现词汇错误主要有词类错误、替代错误、省略型错误和冗余型错误,其原因既有母语干扰,又有对目的语规则不完整的学习。  相似文献   

语篇语义的连贯性往往需要种种衔接手段,其中指称照应是汉英语篇衔接手段中最为普遍的一种。指称照应在汉英语篇中的用法有共性,也有差异。本文以朱自清的《背影》及其英译本的指称照应用法分析为基础,试图找到这种衔接方式在汉英语篇中的不同之处,指明在汉英翻译中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

“语言即语篇”的语言观,强调语言教学以语篇为单位来组织,把语篇能力的培养作为外语教学的新目标。文章从语篇人手,以概要写作为研究视角,分析语篇意识对概要写作的影响。并结合学生概要写作实例,探讨学生在概要写作中存在的问题及其原因,旨在增强教师和学生的语篇意识,进而加强语篇教学,提高学生语言使用能力。  相似文献   

本文以评论性阅读的要素为基础,从篇章的宏观分析和微观分析入手,研究两者在泛读教学中的相互作用,指导学生运用词汇、语法等语言手段,注重语境衔接,准确把握语篇内信息,从而通过已知分析、推断出未知或隐含含义,提高学生分析、归纳、综合的推断能力。  相似文献   

Obvious distinction between English and Chinese is hypotaxis and parataxis.Emphasis is laid upon the form in English texture while in Chinese upon the meaning.This disparity that Englsih is hypotaxis-prominent while Chinese parataxis-prominent is reflected on all texture cohesive devices,including reference,substitution,conjunction,lexical cohesion etc.Therefore in translation between English and Chinese,the attention should be paid to the characteristics difference so as to properly deal the two languages.  相似文献   

Cohesion and coherence are two important characteristics of discourses.Halliday and Hasan have pointed out that cohesion is the basis of coherence and coherence is the premise of forming discourse.The commonly used cohesive devices are:preference,ellipsis,substitution,etc.Discourse coherence is mainly manifested in sentences and paragraphs.However,in real discourse analysis environment,traditional methods on cohesion and coherence are not enough.This article talks about the conception of discourse analysis at the beginning.Then,we list some of the traditional cohesive devices and its uses.Following that,we make corpus analysis.Finally,we explore and find a new device in textual analysis:discourse logical inferences.  相似文献   

Metatarsal fistulation is an uncommon cutaneous condition reported almost exclusively in German shepherd dogs and their cross‐breeds. To the best of the authors’ knowledge this is the first reported case of focal metatarsal fistulae syndrome affecting a greyhound. Remission was obtained within 6 weeks of commencing treatment using compounded 0.1% tacrolimus ointment twice daily and the dog remained stable for another 6 months with twice weekly application before treatment was discontinued. The dog remained in remission at the time of writing, which is 1 year after treatment withdrawal.  相似文献   

本文阐述了词汇教学在英语教学中的重要地位,并根据自己的教学实践介绍了几种词汇学习的有效方法,目的在于提高学生对词汇学习之重要性的认识以及对词汇自如运用的能力。  相似文献   

大豆黄酮在反刍动物生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
大豆黄酮在反刍动物生产中的应用主要体现在能够促生长、提高泌乳量、改善乳成分,提高其营养价值、增强机体免疫力及改善山羊绒毛质量等。作者综述了大豆黄酮的提取、来源、吸收、代谢及在反刍动物生产中的应用研究现状,为大豆黄酮在反刍动物生产中应用研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

1982年3月至1984年2月,在南非豪登省的克鲁格斯多普禁猎区(Krugersdorp Game Reserve),通过翼标观察对珠鸡(Numida meleagris)的社群组织进行了研究.珠鸡必须以社群的方式才能在野外存活,而集群(7-10只珠鸡)并非随机组成.地位最高的雄鸟(雄鸟A)是群体日常活动的核心,例如决定觅食方向等.地位较高的雄鸟(雄鸟A和B)密切协作以驱赶闯入者.在繁殖期,繁殖雌鸟与高地位雄鸟的结合更为紧密.尽管雄鸟中存在明显的等级差异,但群内争斗频率很低,这些争斗只是在维系群体稳定时才发生.雌性成鸟始终位于优势雄鸟和亚成体之间,以免受天敌伤害.但优势雄鸟与其配偶暂时离开群体进行繁殖时,次优势雄鸟(雄鸟B)成为集群中心,其余个体聚集在其周围以保持集群的稳定.大多数成鸟都协助抚育优势雄鸟的雏鸟.珠鸡的集群具有监视天敌的作用,以保障其在地表植被有限的环境中觅食并在冬季最大限度地获得食物.  相似文献   

从剖析现代教育技术运用于经济管理实验教学的发展历程与特点出发,分析了现代教育技术在经济管理实验教学运用中的现状、作用及成效。现代教育技术运用于经济管理实验教学可打破传统实验教学模式、有利于经济管理类实验进行分层教学等作用;同时也是经济管理实验教学发展和新型经济管理人才培养的需要。  相似文献   

Data structure designs for breeding value estimation of performance-tested boars using mixed-model methodology were compared. Computer models were based on estimates of parameters from the literature and from results of a survey of test station managers. Results were compared using accuracy (the correlation of true and estimated breeding values) and prediction error variance (PEV). The single-trait animal model included a fixed effect due to station-season, a random effect due to breeding value for ADG or backfat, and a random error term. Family size, number of families per test, and relationships among animals within and across tests were varied. Prediction error variance decreased faster for small families than for large ones as number of families increased, but increasing numbers of animals per pen was most important, especially if test size was optimized. With no other genetic ties, full-sibs were much more accurately evaluated than half-sibs. Designs that included sire ties among families within a station-season resulted in increased PEV. Increasing the number of full-sibs and(or) increasing the number of families per test would help to optimize PEV and correct this problem. Tying station-seasons with the relationship matrix improved the average accuracy of predicted breeding values. Placing full-sibs in different stations resulted in the greatest accuracy of evaluation, but a large number of half-sib (sire) ties resulted in comparable accuracies. Half-cousin ties did not improve accuracy of evaluation but could result in significant genetic progress by increasing the selection differential.  相似文献   

A bacteriophage for Corynebacterium glutamicum strain LP-6 was isolated from swine waste. It belongs to the Siphoviridae family or Bradley morphologic group B, has a narrow host range, and is sensitive to chloroform and resistant to carbon tetrachloride. The phage is unstable (96% inactivation) in swine waste stored for 4 months at 22 C. The DNA has a molecular weight of approximately 20 Md, cohesive ends, and numerous restriction endonuclease sites. The phage differs from other known C glutamicum phages.  相似文献   

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