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当前,我国正在从计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变,保证市场经济正常发展的法律、法规严重滞后,假冒伪劣商品屡禁不止,不仅损害消费者的利益,也影响优质商品的信誉和销售,败坏了我国商品在国际上的声誉,严重干扰了社会主义市场经济秩序。解决这些问题,除靠继续改革开放大力发展生产力,增加社会商品,继续培育和完善社会主义市场经济机制,建立健全法制体系,严格执法外,还必须发展第三方的公证检验机构。公证检验机构是提高商品质量,维护消费者(用户)权益,保护公平竞争,促进市场经济健康发展的重要手段。1当前饲料市…  相似文献   

据韩国《联合新闻社》报道,韩国农林水产部8月1日称,明年韩国将引入记载所有农产品生产、流通过程的“农产品来历追踪系统”,以便保障消费者的知情权,同时迅速处理在农产品流通过程中出现的问题。  相似文献   

杨欢  章家清 《中国乳业》2009,(12):16-18
乳品安全生产本应该是乳品企业诚信经营的内在必然要求,也是保障消费者合法权益的根、本措施。然而我国市场经济不完善,法律保障体系不健全等因素不能完全保证乳品安全供给。本文通过在无法律约束力和有法律约束力2种条件下,对比分析乳品企业和监管机构的博弈,探讨了法律约束力对乳品企业生产行为的影响,并提出了完善相应的法律法规体系,保障乳品企业进行安全生产的对策建议。  相似文献   

消费者因购买、使用商品或者接受服务受到人身、财产损害的,可以依法请求赔偿,这是国家法律赋予每个消费者的权利。然而,当我们的合法消费权被侵犯想讨个“说法”时,却往往遭到销售者和生产者的扯皮,展览会上的销售者甚至已没有了踪影。其实,根据法律规定,以下人员或组织对其侵害消费者合法权益的行为都应当承担赔偿责任。  相似文献   

我国目前动物防疫法律体系不够健全,法律体系缺乏系统性、科学性、可操作性、强制性和即时性,不但不能适应动物防疫形势的需要,而且与国际的法律体系衔接性也较差。另外,我国的动物防疫法律体系和制订工作尚缺乏企业和消费者的参与,忽视企业和消费者的权益,企业执行积极性不高,法律与技术标准的技术含量也有待进一步提高。因此,建议我国必须出台一套行之有效的、与国际接轨的动物防疫体系。  相似文献   

当今消费者对所消费商品的自我维权意识日益增强,对食品的消费更是如此。作为消费者日常必需的肉食品,由于存在某些不安全因素,特别是在养殖过程中使用兴奋剂等违禁药物,严重影响了消费者的身体健康和畜牧业的健康发展。各级政府亦高度重视,相继采取了包括行政、技术、经济等一系列措施,以保障肉品安全,取得了一定成效。  相似文献   

论商标权的法律保护重庆诸敏随着商品经济的发展,商标作为商品经济发展的产物,越来越广泛地被使用。商业竞争的加剧,仿制商标的行为日益增多,商标的合法使用人无法阻止仿造者从事仿造商标的行为,消费者也无法辨其真伪,为维护社会经济制度,维护生产者、消费者及销售...  相似文献   

肉品安全监控体系建设的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄高明 《中国动物检疫》2005,22(2):16-16,22
当今消费者对所消费商品的自我维权意识日益增强,对食品的消费更是如此。作为消费者日常必需的肉食品,由于存在某些不安全因素,特别是在养殖过程中使用兴奋剂等违禁药物,而使消费者产生“恐肉”心理,影响到消费者的身体健康和畜牧业的健康发展。为此也引起了各级政府的高度重视,相继采取包括行政、技术、经济等一系列措施,以保障肉品安全,也确实收到了一定的成效。  相似文献   

政府信息公开是民主政治的前提,本文从公民知情权的角度,保障公民知情权在我国具有重要的实践意义,分析了地方政府信息公开的内生性困境、法制性困境、沟通性困境、技术性困境及生态性困境,并提出了相对应的地方政府信息公开的策略。  相似文献   

中国即将加入“世界贸易组织”(WTO)。“入世”后,一方面我国的关税肯定要继续下调,国外价廉物美的商品大量涌入我国,而且这些商品都经ISO9000认证的产品,消费者买得放心,这对我国的企业,特别是信誉差的企业冲击甚大;另一方面我国获得了140个WTO成员的永久最惠国待遇,大大有利于我国商品的出口,但是我国很少有企业通过ISO9000认证。没有“认证”的产品,消费者不敢买,当然就没有市场,怎么参与国际竞争?特别是畜牧业,近年来英国发现的疯牛病(注1)正在向全世界传播,闹得欧洲人谈牛色变,全世界人心惶惶。加之震惊世界的比利…  相似文献   

Veal calf TLC.     
Today's veal producer provides a wholesome product consumers can have confidence in and know was raised in a humane fashion.  相似文献   

随着工业的发展,空气、水和土壤中汞的含量大幅增加,加大了食品中汞污染的隐患。奶牛摄入、饮用高汞含量的饲料和水都会代谢到乳中。因此,消费者对牛奶中汞的危害要给予高度关注。作者就牛奶中汞的存在形式、来源、危害、监管等方面进行阐述,以期增加消费者对牛奶中汞的科学认识。  相似文献   

The real number of viable cells in a sample is generally unknown. In order to get a real reflection of the number of bacteria, impacting factors must be taken into consideration and must be kept comparable. Important preconditions for the assessment and comparison of quantitative microbiological data are: Samples should be taken and prepared under circumstances as identical as possible (stage of sampling and quality of the material), structure of the laboratory technique must be comparable (preparation of the first dilution, technique of plating, media and incubation circumstances), the personal factor must remain under control as far as possible (performance of the analyses in daily work, skills of all technicians).  相似文献   

This study examined Japanese consumers' valuation of a good agricultural practice (GAP) label on packaged milk and investigated the effect of detailed GAP information on valuation. A total of 624 Japanese consumers were asked to select their most preferred milk through an online survey. The milk was assumed to have three attributes: the GAP label, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points certification, and price. The results showed that consumers' valuation of GAP was significantly positive. Although providing additional GAP information to a respondent who was aware of GAP and what it means had a positive effect on the consumers' valuation of GAP, provision of this information had no effect if the respondent knew about GAP either moderately or slightly, and had a negative effect if the respondent did not know about GAP at all. To increase broad consumer awareness and valuation of GAP, it is important to provide GAP information according to the requirements of consumers.  相似文献   

The use of by-products as nutrient sources for beef cattle will continue to be driven by economics. As landfill prices continue to escalate, more by-product will become economically viable as cattle feed. These considerations will be counter-balanced by safety concerns. American consumers are becoming increasingly concerned with the production aspects of their food. The environmental concerns associated with additional landfills will have to be balanced against which by-products consumers will accept in the production of the beef that they consume. These will most assuredly heighten over the coming years.  相似文献   

The use of pharmaceutical acting substances in animals for food purposes is restricted by many regulations. The intention of these regulations is the protection of consumers. Under this circumstances a limitation of therapy options can be stated, which is described with the term "Therapeutical Emergency" and can cause animal welfare problems. It is investigated whether pharmaceutical regulations or animal welfare regulations have priority in case of emergency for health and life of an animal. It is discussed whether the various orders by competent authorities to kill an animal under food protective regulations can prove a "reasonable" cause under paragraph 17 of the German animal welfare law.  相似文献   

Ventricular dyssynchrony is a disturbance of the normal, organized electromechanical coupling of the two ventricles. This condition has many causes, such as left bundle branch block, ventricular preexcitation, right ventricular pacing and right ventricular premature ventricular complexes (PVCs). Ventricular dyssynchrony has many adverse haemodynamic effects on the left ventricle and we wanted to know whether these adverse haemodynamic effects might have any structural consequences on the left ventricles of such hearts. Six healthy Dorper wethers were subjected to numerous right ventricular PVCs to induce ventricular dyssynchrony in order to determine whether any structural consequences will occur in the left ventricles of these hearts. Myocarditis in the musculature of the left ventricles of all six these hearts was seen.  相似文献   

与牛乳相比,特色乳的营养物质含量丰富,具有多种生物活性,如抗菌活性、抗肿瘤活性和缓解疲劳作用等,但消费者对特色乳的营养价值了解较少,其产量、市场占比与消费量均较低.目前特色乳研究主要集中在对营养成分的分析及单一的功能活性,忽略了特色乳中所有功效成分的整体效果,对特色乳的功能活性成分、生理作用及作用机制缺少系统研究.本文...  相似文献   

物权法草案中之“物权性质”条款即“法律未作规定的,符合物权性质的权利,视为物权”之条款几经删改,该条款存废争议的焦点在于其是否突破和违背了传统的物权法定原则,反映了立法界与学理界对物权法定原则及该原则之缓冲所持态度的差异。虽然新通过之物权法最终并未吸纳此款,但该条款仍具有较大的理论和实践意义。实际上,只要立法对物权性质作出符合本国国情的科学合理的界定,那么符合物权性质的权利就可以通过“法定的”物权性质而得到立法承认,就不会对传统的物权法定原则造成冲突,并且该条款的出台亦为物权法定原则之缓冲提供了一种全新的思路。  相似文献   

藏东南地区三个家兔引入品种的血液生化指标测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱洪云 《家畜生态》2002,23(3):24-26
对引入西藏东南部的加里福尼亚兔、青紫兰兔和中国白兔进行了12项血液生化指标的测定,结果表明除青紫兰兔的血沉较高外(P<0.05),其它各项指标的测值均差异不显著(P>0.05)。这说明,三个引入家兔品种对高原缺氧生态环境有相似的适应能力。  相似文献   

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