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陕西精液加工中心是中国—加拿大奶牛综合育种项目的重要组成部分。该项目实施期为1993年至1998年,历时五年。项目主持单位为加拿大国际开发署和中国农业部国际合作司,项目执行单位为省农业厅,陕西精液加工中心实施单位为陕西省家畜改良站。五年中,在农业部、...  相似文献   

 奶牛是陕西畜牧业的支柱产业,也是农民增收的朝阳产业。论文在充分调研的基础上,阐述了陕西奶牛遗传改良的重要性,并通过对奶牛遗传改良的现状和存在问题进行分析,就加快陕西奶牛遗传改良的进展和良种化进程提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

随着牛人工授精技术在奶牛遗传改良中100%的应用,种公牛对奶牛品质的提升以及遗传改良步伐的加快的作用越来越明显。陕西作为奶牛饲养大省之一(居全国第七位),种公牛培育与奶牛大省的发展步伐严重失调,优秀种牛数量少、品质差,  相似文献   

目前是陕西奶牛产业转型升级和遗传改良攻坚之际,为解决奶牛改良方向不明、选种选配盲目、遗传进展缓慢、生产水平低下和抗市场风险能力弱等影响产业转型升级的瓶颈,本文通过对关中5市23个牧场2 055头奶牛体型评定结果进行研究,分析出陕西奶牛群体、区域及场际间存在的体型性状生理缺陷,并提出发展建议,以期为陕西奶牛遗传改良指明方向,防止产业发展滑坡,助推奶牛产业持续、稳定、健康发展。  相似文献   

育种、繁殖专业委员会是在四川省奶业协会领导下和中国奶业协会育种、繁殖专业委员会指导下,负责起草、制定和执行四川省奶牛品种改良方案,推广相应技术措施,促进四川奶牛群体遗传改良技术水平不断提高,提高繁殖率,防治奶牛不孕症和乳房疾病的专业机构。  相似文献   

美国:基因组技术对奶牛遗传进展意义重大 在2009年,美国政府正式将基因组技术应用到奶牛遗传评估,这对奶牛遗传进展将有重大意义。这是美国环球育种公司副总裁麦克.瑞克斯(Mike Rakes)在北京举行的美国奶牛育种及群体遗传改良论坛上的发言中指出。  相似文献   

<正>奶牛提质增效内涵就是借助现代奶牛育种技术和国外成功经验,发挥优秀公牛的遗传潜力。利用奶牛产业转型升级的有利时机,加快奶牛从数量型向质量型转变的步伐,提升牛群整体遗传水平,实现奶牛生产的"高产、优质、长寿、高效"。影响奶牛效益的主要因素中,只有遗传育种是内因(40%),其它因素几乎全是外因(60%)。奶牛提质增效的理念就是要着力解决奶牛遗传育种对奶牛养殖效益影响的内在因素。对于陕西奶牛业而言,就是试图通过多  相似文献   

奶牛作为陕西畜牧业的重要组成部分,是农民增收的朝阳产业。多年来,陕西奶牛改良方向是以追求产奶量为主,对奶牛生产能力的提升发挥了巨大作用。随着奶牛产业的不断发展,"高产、优质、长寿、高效"已成为产业追求的主要目标,本文通过奶牛线性鉴定数据结果对比,以期发现奶牛生理缺陷,为今后奶牛改良提供方向性参考,确保奶牛改良实现平衡育种,实现高产、优质、长寿、高效的目标。  相似文献   

石璞 《中国奶牛》2012,(18):31-31
9月6日,在西安市草滩农场牧二队举办的"西安市奶牛人工授精技能大比武"胜利落幕。西安市是陕西省奶牛生产集中区,奶牛存栏量在全省名列前茅,奶牛育种工作一直走在全国奶牛育种单位先进行列。为了进一步提升西安市奶牛人工授精人员理论水平和实践能力,推进西安市奶牛改良工作又好又快发展,西安市农委委托西安市奶牛育种中心、西安市畜牧技术推广中心和国家奶牛技术体  相似文献   

<正>通过这次培训考察,深深地体会到我国奶牛饲养、管理与遗传改良水平与加拿大的差距。加拿大的奶牛业发展及奶牛改良育种工作之所以处于世界领先地位,不仅仅因其拥有天然的牧场、优越的环境和健全的奶牛遗传改良体系,更重要的是其严谨踏实、认真求实、科学务实的做事理念,这是值得我国政府官员、行业专员、科技人员及每个奶牛管理者学习借鉴的。结合国内当前食品安全、奶业管理、奶牛饲养、奶牛遗传改良现状,建议应积极推进以下工作。  相似文献   

[目的]为了掌握陕西关中地区奶牛改良效果,为制定下一步发展目标提供依据.[方法]通过DHI测定,分别对不同养殖规模的奶牛场遗传改良和生产性能数据收集和统计分析.[结果]表明:陕西关中地区奶牛养殖规模日益增强,2 000头以上的养殖公司达到了72.29%,而且普通冻精使用率达到94.02%,性控冻精利用率达到了4.36%...  相似文献   

奶牛良种是产业发展的基础,也是陕西奶牛发展的短板。为破解制约良种繁育存在的问题,本研究对占全省奶牛存栏95%以上的34个规模化奶牛场进行调研,从良种的定义与现状、良种繁育的历史与现状、存在的问题及对策与建议等方面进行分析,以期为陕西省奶牛良种繁育工作提供参考借鉴,助推我省奶牛产业健康持续发展。  相似文献   

The procedure used for the genetic evaluation of dairy cattle in Japan has developed from a lactation sire–MGS model to a multiple‐lactation random regression test‐day animal model. Genetic evaluation of Holstein bulls in Japan began in 1989 with the use of field‐style progeny testing; dairy herd improvement program data from all over Japan were used, along with a sire and maternal grandsire model. In 1993, an animal model was introduced to estimate breeding values for yield and type traits. A random regression test‐day model was first applied in 2010. In the business of breeding dairy cattle, it is very important to users that estimated breeding values are reliable and stable among subsequent routine evaluations. With experience in the genetic evaluation of dairy cattle in Japan, Japanese researchers have found ways to improve the stability of estimated breeding values. These modifications involve changes in data editing, development of evaluation models, changes to the structures of unknown‐parent groups, awareness of the problems of predicting lactation yield from partial test‐day records, and adjustment for heterogeneity within herd variances. Here, I introduce developments in, and our experiences with, the genetic evaluation of yield traits of Holstein cattle in Japan.  相似文献   

Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be ≤ US$40 per straw.  相似文献   

Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be?≤?US$40 per straw.  相似文献   

西北地区养牛业进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国西北地区包括陕、甘、青、宁、新五省区,总土地面积296.6万km2,占全国的30.9%,人口占7.23%.2003年末存栏黄牛1 333.9万头,奶牛253.0万头,分别占全国相应牛数的13.4%和28.3%;总产牛肉60.8万t,牛奶270.1万t,分别占全国产量的9.6%和15.5%;奶牛平均每头年产奶1 068 kg,为同期全国平均每头产奶量(1 955 kg)的54.6%,出栏牛产肉量平均每头120.3 kg,为全国平均每头出栏牛产肉量(134.0 kg)的89.9%.新疆是西北地区的牛肉、牛奶生产大区,产量分别占西北区总产量的47.3%和41.8%.甘肃、青海、新疆是我国传统牧区,可发展与其草原改良相适应的低成本养牛业.西北区养牛科技进步对养牛业发展起到推动作用,遗传改良、胚胎移植、黄牛选育、高产奶牛培育、饲草基地建设等都取得了显著进展.  相似文献   

The import of genetic material and the use of crossbreeding to improve the dairy merit of tropical cattle has been criticized for eroding the livestock genetic resources of the tropics. An alternative is genetic improvement of the indigenous cattle through selection. The objective of the present paper is to examine the feasibility of this alternative.Constraints to genetic improvement of tropical cattle through selection are discussed. Low reproductive rates and high calf mortality reduce the intensity of selection. The generation interval, which is long in cattle, is further prolonged by the late sexual maturity and the long calving intervals in most tropical breeds. The most serious constraint is, however, that the extensive milk recording schemes which support dairy cattle breeding programmes in many temperate countries are almost non-existent in the tropics. In this situation, the most realistic approach to improvement through selection is to start with a single nucleus herd (or a group of cooperating herds).Two alternative selection programmes (with and without progeny testing) for a closed herd of 500 cows are outlined. The alternative which assumed no progeny testing, i.e. selection of bulls on pedigree information only, gave the fastest genetic improvement (predicted at 36 kg/year).By distributing breeding bulls from the herd the genetic progress can be disseminated to the outside population with a time lag of about two generations. A nucleus herd can supply about 15 selected bulls per 100 cows in the herd per year, enough for a population of several thousand cows.  相似文献   

奶牛人工授精技术加速了奶牛品种改良进程,实现了将优秀种公牛精液跨区域、超时限的利用共享,极大地促进了养牛业的发展。以奶牛人工授精应用现状为出发点,介绍了人工授精技术的优点和不足,最后结合自身工作经验,从发情鉴定、适时配种、精液解冻、精液检测、输精、精液保存和妊娠检测等技术要点进行概述,以期更好地促进奶牛人工授精技术的应用。  相似文献   

温岚 《中国乳业》2022,(7):12-16
为促进我国奶业更好更快地发展,应从根本上解决奶牛育种问题。本文以奶牛育种领域发明专利为研究对象,通过对国家知识产权局专利数据库提供的发明专利进行数据挖掘和可视化处理,完成了奶牛品种选育和遗传改良领域的专利申请趋势和专利布局概况,旨在探明国内外重要申请人的技术发展路线,同时为国内育种学家提供有价值的技术情报。  相似文献   

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