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文林 《饲料广角》2002,(24):26-31
1994~1999年间,经有关人士筹组,主要在转基因技术争论最为激烈的一些欧洲国家进行了若干调查,其目的是从总体上了解公众对基因工程和生物技术所持的态度。这些调查被分成两个组类,即大规模的、在统计上具有典型性的调查,如在欧洲范围内进行的“欧洲晴雨表民意测验”;和由一些意见集中的团体如“不可辨世界”进行的研讨。迄今为止,规模最大的公开调查是1997年进行的“欧洲晴雨表民意测验”,被列为调查对象  相似文献   

今年 4月 2 2日 ,我地柑橘花期过后 ,我们准备转场到陕西 ,便到市畜牧局办理检疫手续。同时我们还向他们反映 ,以前办理过 2次有效期为 7天的蜜蜂检疫证 ,到外地都无效 ,希望他们向上级反映一下。他们说 :“用不着 ,我们是严格执行政策的”。可 4月 2 5日 ,我们的蜂车向陕西方向出发 ,运行不到 1小时 ,四川省武胜县的生猪增殖站设卡 ,要检查检疫证。我把办证的经过告诉执勤人员 ,他说 :“不行 ,每箱 1元 ,把蜜蜂搬下来检疫 ,不检疫就把车开回去 ,不准从这里过 !”面对他们这种恶劣的态度 ,我们只好交钱完事。车行至陕西勉县收费站 ,又有一动…  相似文献   

<正>林肯作为美国总统,他对政敌的态度引起了一位官员的不满。他批评林肯不应该试图跟那些人做朋友,而应该消灭他们。"当他们变成我的朋友时,"林肯十分温和地说,"难道我不是  相似文献   

在广州,人们日常交际使用的语言主要有普通话、粤语和其他方言。广州小学生对这些语言有着什么样的态度?使用不同语言的广州小学生如何看待"我是哪里人"这个问题?他们是否认同自己是广州人?通过探讨这些问题,可以揭示广州小学生的语言态度与身份认同之间的动态关系,为日后语言政策的制定提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

美国农场局联合会表示,赞成通过简单手续对转基因种子进行鉴定及批准用于动物和人类,以避免过去对转基因玉米批准鉴定程序中曾出现的大量繁琐事项。他们还要求在种子袋上设置标签,以确保种子的纯度。该联合会在其新的政策报告书中声称,他们支持制定相应的法规,对袋内种子的纯度与标签所说明的不相符者,用户有权取得相应的所有赔偿。 美国最大农场集团表示,不接受种子必须在  相似文献   

(接上期)2.4 正确行使政府的畜牧业管理职能与发挥研究机构的作用澳大利亚与新西兰政府对畜牧业的管理除去社会福利教育,社会秩序等公共管理外,政府直接的管理只有决定税收的比例高低。例如澳大利亚科工部在农业可持续发展中的作用就是利用专家们对自然和地理的研究,把农业生产和自然资源结合在一起的研究结果,对政策制定者施加影响,使政策制定者采纳其建议。国家的农业研究机构除前瞻性的研究外,一部分研究资源也用于为企业、农场和协会提供有偿的技术服务。2.5 专家型的推广人员和高素质的劳动者是澳、新畜牧业发展的基础 澳大…  相似文献   

谭俊 《山东饲料》2013,(24):237
在网络迅速发展、日趋普及的今天,人们获取信息的方式也越来越多。但是在县一级,县电视新闻节目仍然是群众获取关于本县时事政事政策等各种信息的主要方式,但县级台的新闻节目发展却长期处于一种思维僵化、形式僵化的状态,不但传播效果大打折扣,反映民意、疏导舆论等各种功能也几乎丧失殆尽。因此,了解县级电视新闻的现状,让县级电视新闻节目随着时代的发展而改革、进步,迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

目的 探讨基护实验中量化态度目标对护生操作技能成绩及护生职业态度养成的影响.方法 随机抽取本校2004级高职护理专业三年级护生2个自然班,共128人,实验班63人,对照班65人,实验班在基护实验课中应用态度目标量化表对其实验态度进行量化,其平均成绩占期末成绩的30%;对照班实验课按传统教学,期末成绩只由期末操作技能考核成绩构成.结果 实验班期末成绩明显优于对照班,差异有显著性意义(P<0.05).从学生对态度目标量化的评价调查反映,其对护生职业态度的养成有明显的促进作用.结论 基护实验中将态度目标量化,能全面反映学生综合能力,激发学生自主学习的兴趣和提高护生解决实际问题能力,促进护生职业态度的养成.  相似文献   

由于受疯牛病的影响,加拿大迅速发展的产值高达八千万加元的牧羊业正面临重大的经济损失。虽然在绵羊和山羊身上从未发现疯牛病,但羊属于反刍动物,同样遭到美国禁运的厄运。就在加拿大试图说服美国解除对加拿大羊产品出口禁令之际,牧羊业的一些人士称,他们已经失去了一年中最关键季节的销售。初春是加拿大牧羊业的重要季节,此时羊商开始购买种羊,以在秋季进行繁殖。此次美国禁止加拿大羊进口的时间恰好在这个关键时刻。羊商们反映,往年来自美国、墨西哥、智利、德国和英国的买主会排队来洽购他们的优质种羊,可自美国对加拿大所有反刍动物关…  相似文献   

美国:政府收购所有卖不出的牛奶,保证价格水平自1933年《农业调整法》出台,历经几十年,美国形成了完整的奶业政策。政府收购所有在支持价格内卖不出去的牛奶,农业部长期通过商品信贷公司收购奶制品以保证支持价格水平,并通过特殊的办法处理,包括以世界市场价格出口奶制品,根据480号法案以低于支持价格水平的价格将奶制品用于学校午餐和福利方案,用于军队、老人、医院、救灾等。美国农业对外政策的核心是加强奶产品出口,以缓解国内产品的过剩。  相似文献   

Contemporary animal agriculture is increasingly criticized on ethical grounds. Consequently, current policy and legislative discussions have become highly controversial as decision makers attempt to reconcile concerns about the impacts of animal production on animal welfare, the environment, and on the efficacy of antibiotics required to ensure human health with demands for abundant, affordable, safe food. Clearly, the broad implications for US animal agriculture of what appears to be a burgeoning movement relative to ethical food production must be understood by animal agriculture stakeholders. The potential effects of such developments on animal agricultural practices, corporate marketing strategies, and public perceptions of the ethics of animal production must also be clarified. To that end, it is essential to acknowledge that people's beliefs about which food production practices are appropriate are tied to diverse, latent value systems. Thus, relying solely on scientific information as a means to resolve current debates about animal agriculture is unlikely to be effective. The problem is compounded when scientific information is used inappropriately or strategically to advance a political agenda. Examples of the interface between science and ethics in regards to addressing currently contentious aspects of food animal production (animal welfare, antimicrobial use, and impacts of animal production practices on the environment) are reviewed. The roles of scientists and science in public debates about animal agricultural practices are also examined. It is suggested that scientists have a duty to contribute to the development of sound policy by providing clear and objectively presented information, by clarifying misinterpretations of science, and by recognizing the differences between presenting data vs. promoting their own value judgments in regard to how and which data should be used to establish policy. Finally, the role of the media in shaping public opinions on key issues pertaining to animal agriculture is also discussed.  相似文献   

Black bear populations in Alabama have been low since the early part of the 20th century, but an increase in sightings over the past decade has led researchers to believe that populations may be growing, spurring discussions on restoring the species throughout its native range in the state. The rise of a large carnivore population is likely to increase human–wildlife interactions and attract outspoken opinions in support of and against population recovery. We conducted a mail survey of Alabama residents to access public views and opinions toward growing bear populations. Multiple linear regression was used to examine the degree to which residents’ attitudes toward black bears could be predicted by demographic, cognitive, and experiential variables. Results demonstrate that the strongest predictors of attitudes toward bears included mutualist and hunting beliefs, trust in the state wildlife management agency, race, and exposure to bear education materials.  相似文献   

Public feeding of free-roaming cats subsidizes their population growth, and has consequences in highly interconnected ecosystems including predation of native wildlife and alteration of their behavior and populations. Research is needed to explain, predict, and possibly curb public feeding. We conducted a theoretically informed analysis of key beliefs underlying intentions to feed free-roaming cats in Malaysia, offering new insights as well as management suggestions. Normative beliefs had the strongest associations with behavioral intentions. Management strategies should consider social influences from families and friends of those who feed free-roaming cats, especially cat owners and their significant others. Our results also suggest key behavioral beliefs regarding disadvantages of feeding free-roaming cats could be strengthened through education and other initiatives. The findings are particularly important for Malaysia, which is biodiversity-rich but has a large free-roaming cat population and a high incidence of public feeding.  相似文献   

梦梦  谢屹 《野生动物》2013,(4):249-252
野生动物是自然生态系统的重要组成部分,也是社会经济科研文化发展的重要资源。公众已成为影响野生动物保护管理工作开展的重要因素,关注公众对野生动物保护的参与情况具有重要现实意义。首先阐述了公众参与在野生动物保护管理工作的重要作用,参与实践中已经产生的积极作用、负面影响,参与形式的多样化,以及参与不当可能导致对野生动物保护管理的危害;其次从宣传教育工作不足和公众保护管理工作参与机制缺位等两大方面探析了导致公众参与对保护管理工作构成负面影响的成因;最后提出了更新宣传教育理念,优化宣传教育工作手段,创新参与机制等对策建议,以引导和吸引公众正确参与野生动物保护管理工作,发挥更为积极和显著的作用。  相似文献   

The current 6-month quarantine system for all cats and dogs entering the UK has kept the UK rabies-free since 1922. However, pressure is mounting for a change to a system of vaccination, microchip identification and serological testing. In response to the increasing controversy surrounding the quarantine system, the UK government recently set up an independent review panel to assess the alternatives. This paper quantifies public preferences for the current policy and three alternative rabies-prevention measures. A survey was used not only to assess the overall preferences for rabies-prevention policies but also to assess the importance of policy attributes and socio-economic characteristics in determining policy preferences. We interviewed a sample of pet-owners in North Yorkshire. The results showed that the existing system was the single most-preferred policy option. However, a large proportion of the sample preferred the vaccination-based policies. A logistic-regression model and ordered probit models were used to find that safety and animal welfare were the most-important factors determining policy preferences. The respondents' awareness of the rabies-policy review, a desire to take a pet abroad, the amount of foreign travel, occupation and previous experience of quarantine were all important factors in policy choice. Socio-economic characteristics such as income, pets owned and the number of children were not significant determinants of policy preference.  相似文献   

Research on urban deer management has used bivariate analysis of public support for options. Multiple regression analyses tested predictors of support for deer reduction options (hunting; contraception; removal; no action or “letting nature take its course”) and willingness to change one's own behavior (self-protection; yard re-planting; planting native plants). Deer reduction support correlated with wanting fewer deer and opinions about hunting's and no-action's effects; behavior-change support correlated with distrust of government, general environmental attitudes, and beliefs about deer impacts. Variations occurred for specific options (e.g., belief in no action increased with beliefs that nature lacked negative effects and reduced deer numbers; seeing global extinction as a problem and political liberalism favored native-species planting). Controlling for other variables, women supported hunting more and no action less than men, reversing prior bivariate findings. Multivariate analysis thus showed hitherto unobserved differences in the basis of support for deer reduction versus behavior change.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine sheep farmers' attitudes to and beliefs about ovine footrot, and to improve their knowledge about the diagnosis, control and eradication of this disease. METHOD: Eighteen workshops, involving 291 farmers, were conducted across Victoria in the spring of 1996. The workshops were designed as small-group discussions with a maximum attendance of 20 farmers to encourage active participation. All participants completed questionnaires before each workshop and 12 to 40 weeks after the last workshop. RESULTS: Before the workshops the farmers had a poor understanding of the principles of diagnosis, control and eradication of footrot. For example, only 50% knew the footrot organism survived in soil for less than 7 days, over two-thirds did not know the reason for paring sheep's feet during an eradication program, and only 31% realised cattle were a potential source of footrot infection for sheep. After the workshops, understanding about footrot was significantly improved; 87% said Dichelobacter nodosus survived in soil less than 7 days, 71% knew the reason for paring sheep's feet and 64% realised that cattle were a potential source of footrot infection. As well as improved knowledge, change of attitude among farmers is fundamentally important if virulent footrot is to be successfully controlled and eradicated. The workshops successfully initiated this process; 40% of farmers thought the workshops changed their attitudes to footrot, while 37% said they gained an increased understanding of other people's opinions about the disease. CONCLUSION: Farmers' poor understanding of ovine footrot is a constraint to the programs aimed at controlling this disease. Small group workshops may be an effective way to influence farmers' attitudes and beliefs, and could facilitate the effectiveness of regulatory disease control programs.  相似文献   

An equine bridle tension system, with electronic force gauges in both the line of the reins and that of the cheekpiece (CP) on one side of the horse, is used to study the dynamic response of the CP tension to rein tension in the ridden horse. The objective is to quantify so-called “poll pressure.” Bits designed to give strong poll pressure using simple pulley or lever principles show a much attenuated transfer of the rein tension through the bit to the poll. The attenuation is readily understood when the equine mouth is recognized as a “floating” fulcrum degrading the otherwise required fixed pivot point of an ideal lever. Furthermore, any use of a curb chain diverts higher rein-induced CP tension to the chin rather than to the poll. Unexpectedly, however, a simple loose ring bit is found to give modest poll pressure, transferring rein tension through a pulley-like action. Finally, the curb bit of a double bridle is examined, and physical interference between the curb and bridoon mouthpieces is found. Standard, yet powerful computational signal processing of the dynamic time series tension data reveals that the poll pressure produced by the curb bit is predominantly due to tension in the bridoon reins and not the curb reins. Physical overlaying of the bridoon on the curb mouthpiece is implicated.  相似文献   

王雪萌  张涵  宋瑞  刘备  张铁军  毛培胜  贾善刚 《草地学报》2021,29(10):2115-2125
牧草种子在草原植被恢复和草牧业生产中发挥着重要作用。中美都是国土辽阔的大国,本文通过对比近十年内中美2国牧草种子生产的相关数据,分析中美草种业在牧草种子生产规模、专业化生产的地域性、新品种选育、产业化与机械化以及生产技术研究上的差异。结果表明:尽管我国在牧草种子专业化生产的地域性方面取得了长足进步,但是种植面积和单产仍然低于美国,每年仍需进口大量牧草种子来满足生态建设和草产业发展的迫切需求;与美国相比,我国牧草种子生产在育种、产业化、机械化和专业化等方面存在巨大的潜力,而且我国牧草种子产业亟需培育大型龙头企业。基于中美在牧草种子生产体系上的差异,本文比较分析了中美两国在牧草种子生产方面的差异和我国的发展潜力,并提出了当前我国牧草种子产业发展需要集中努力的方向和建议,希望能为推动我国草种业快速健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

由媒体对野生动物狩猎权拍卖批评引发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦宝艳 《野生动物》2007,28(5):44-46
中国首次对野生动物狩猎权进行拍卖引起了社会各界的强烈反响。就媒体的批评,提出一些观点,公众对狩猎权拍卖引发的争论确实体现了民众对野生动物保护意识的增强,这无疑会有利于我国今后野生动物保护事业的顺利发展。但从中也应看到,一些民众片面强调绝对保护的观点存在一定误区。事实上,合理、适度地利用野生动物资源,不仅不会破坏野生动物种群的增长,相反会有利于野生动物保护。  相似文献   

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